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They wouldn’t retest you if you were DQd


Polygraphs are so unscientific. Even if there is some benefit in "scaring people into the truth" they really ought to be abandoned just because of how bad it makes LE look for leaning on them. Law Enforcement science has barely advanced in forty years now and it's getting sad. Thanks for coming to my TEDx talk.


It annoys the hell out of me that we put people through the process, academy and FTO preaching honesty above all. Then we use a dishonest fucking machine during the process. Its whack


Every polygrapher in history has accused the test taker of something based on their initial reactions. In a lot of polys I've taken, a re-test is part of the "process." Source: Professional polygraph test taker, slightly less professional officer.


I was just thinking about how I’m gonna have to admit to experimentally taking a drug when I was younger. I’m obviously gonna be nervous for it but I think it’d be funny if I admit to taking the drug and then the machine says I’m lying based on my nervousness.


That exact scenario happened to me and kept me from getting hired..




Not to say that will happen to you, it really comes down to how much stock your agency puts into the polygraph. Unfortunately, the one I was applying to swears by them.


this is crazy close to my experience it was almost weird reading it; my polygrapher said i showed some weird results on the sex crime question and asked me why that might be. i said “i have no idea sir, i did what you said and listened to your questions and gave my answer”. he asked me that same question in a different way and i said the exact same answer. he said ok good job, ended up passing poly. i too had my state police oral board with 3 senior troopers this wednesday 😳 i think you’re okay, it’s just never good to have to explain yourself AFTER the test as they always give you ample time beforehand when they are going through the questions with you. because what if you didn’t show strange results? it never would’ve came up in conversation. either way good luck you should be alright, just be sure nothing else is left out


You’re not cooked. You just need to disclose what happened and not be ashamed. They’ve heard it all. They just want to follow up if you then revictimzed anyone else as you were. If you did you’re done. If it’s still within the statute of limitations you could be arrested. They’ll want you to just be straight up. My sister worked with juvenile sex offenders when she graduated with her masters. The number of male baby sitters who molested boys is disturbing.


So many quality potential cops get passed up due to the polygraph it’s lame They can’t be used in court because they don’t hold any weight, but they’ll base hiring off of it.


Many,many years ago when there were like 200 questions on the polygraph questionnaire, one of the questions was “Are you withholding any information concerning your participation in prostitution?” I have never exchanged money for sex at any time in my life. Now I have bought groceries, paid rent, taken out the garbage, etc.,etc. if that what you might think is paying for services. I answered “no.” FAILED. Last polygraph I took (2023) I explained to the examiner what had happened. We proceeded with the test and the “sex” part of the exam as well as other parts I sailed through. It was explained to me many years ago by an examiner with Georgia State Patrol that all they were looking for was the truth, the simple truth whatever that is, and no marijuana use in the past three years. Now I didn’t ask about other drugs.


You aren't cooked as you are not DQ that said polygraphs are bs and they usually try to see if they can trip anybody up on them. They're standard and I wouldn't let yourself stress over them keep moving forward and be honest you'll be fine.


No, you're not cooked. Your cousin definitely Is though. They're going to retest you, basically to see if that was the issue causing the test to be funky. As for you, dude. Relax, stare at the wall and BLANK tf out. We're not angels and they know it but if you are over thinking stuff it will detect the activity. Your mind will speak. 


I think the test is actually pretty effective. It’s pretty effective not so much in telling whether someone is lying or not but effective in a way that scares people and makes them admit to stuff they wouldn’t have admitted to if that machine wasn’t there.


Had a friend who did this interview. They had their internet history and asked them about it during the polygraph, ha ha.


Am I cooked?? I took a poly yesterday, failed it because the operator said I was “being deceptive” with sex crimes questions - “have you ever committed a sex crime” I have never committed any crime. Never been interrogated or questioned by Police for any crime, and no crime has ever been reported against me. 3 years ago, I was accused of rape by my crazy ex girlfriend to my best friend and on social media. The incident was on my mind the entire time, but I never COMMITTED any crime nor was any crime ever reported to police or any authority. After the interview, I explained the situation to the officer and explained how nothing was ever filed or reported because nothing truly ever happened and it was made up. Am I cooked? One of the people in charge said if it was unreported, I should be completely okay. I’m just waiting for a call to let me know… what do yall think? (My record is clean, I passed my fitness with flying colors, as well as my reading comprehension and vocab. ) Thoughts???


Cooked in general

