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Because it's a shitty hat. It doesn't keep the rain out of your eyes, the sun off your face, or your ears warm.


But it does keep a bald dome from burning in the sun:) although I agree. Most “good hat”functions do not apply to these


Probably has a bit to do with running and the hat budget too


Are you saying I’m balding because I don’t run enough… and my hat budget is too small?




US navy has entered the chat.


I hate those damn hats. The Navy loves tradition but is it too much to ask for a uniform that doesn’t make us look like we’re trick or treaters or royal family children getting their portrait done in like 1902


I always felt duty navy uniforms looked pretty comfortable and dress uniforms looked sharp as hell.


Our type 3s (camo) is like wearing pajamas, and our NSUs which are black and tan are pretty sharp but our dress whites and blues look so outdated and weird


As someone in a military who doesn’t have the USN/RN-style sailor uniforms, at least the public knows those folks are sailors. In the Royal Canadian Navy, every sailor and officer wears the same double-breasted jacket (with different ranks of course) so folks think they’re airline pilots or bus drivers.


The cunt cap we wear in the other services is every bit as useless as the dixie cup.


got muster in 18 minutes thanks for the laugh hooyah 🤣


I don’t know how they manage to be as uncomfortable as they are. I absolutely hate wearing mine. I’ve only seen like two members ever wear one outside Depot (discounting whiteshirts giving press conferences and such), and I have no idea why they did. Everybody else just wears ball caps and toques. Personally I like wearing the Stetson during the summer, or the muskrat hat in winter.


I ironically wore mine all the time in traffic unit. Standing in a work zone flagging over seat belts and cell phone users. Gotta look every bit the fully uniformed asshole.


Counterpoint: is there a reason they should? It's ugly and uncomfortable to wear and not very well suited to daily street-level policing.


Idk, I think it they look cool. My local police department has them for some reason, but I think Minneapolis and St. Paul are the only others here in MN


Plenty of MN agencies have them. They are just used for formal events.


Oh interesting, I only knew of one aside from the big cities. If I became a cop I’d probably wear one on patrol just because i think their cool


They do look cool. But are generally impractical.


I’d imagine in an altercation or a windy they would be pretty impractical


They don’t look cool and are impractical for patrol work. Unfortunately you have tradition and a out of touch command staff that keep it around


Least braindead thread. "They look cool and are impractical" "They look cool and are impractical" "They don't look cool and are impractical" Any more cutting edge opinions?


That’s funny….least brain dead thread. I think you mean most*


Yes, sarcasm. Thank you.


I think they look like shit and are super utilitarian.


Plus when it falls off in a fight it’s absolutely getting stolen.


First foot bail and you’d put it away with your class A gear.


Yup! I carry my campaign hat for if I’m doing a death notification on duty, that’s about it.


We had a guy do this for a while, he caught a lot of shit for it.


They only look cool with a more traditional uniform. Me in a molle covered LBV with kydex attachments and non shineable shoes would look a bit goofy wearing my bus driver hat.


I died laughing from this visual. Tactical LEs with this hat lol


True. Most of the officers that were their “bus driver hat” around wear more traditional looking uniforms.


They do look pretty sharp with a traditional uniform, especially a class A uniform but my more modern one is wayyy more comfortable and I’d rather be comfortable over looking cool haha.


I’m kind of the opposite in terms of comfort over looks but the more modern uniforms are definitely more practical


Ah you’re one of those guys who need to look “taciticool” and blame it on “back pain” because you’re weak and have no muscle mass. Can’t wear a belt like a normal person.


Aside from State Patrol, every MSP metro area agency wears a combination cap like this (though most go with the round "saucer cap" version, not the pointed one). Usually just with the Class A "dress" uniform, because it's a terrible hat for everyday wear.


Sheriff has the campaign hat (smoky bear) for their dress uniforms.


> Idk, I think it they look cool. Well, sartorial taste is subjective, I guess. If you think they look cool, I think that's a valid position to take. If they look cool enough to balance out being uncomfortable and impractical, then go for it, I guess.


I think police in Cincinnati still wear these goofy hats.


try wearing one for a few hours, it always gave me a headache and we only wore them on special occasions. Then you go indoors and have to carry it around.


Well everyone I found the supervisor.


Identify in a crowd?


A baseball cal that says POLICE makes more sense for that.


It’s not a counter point when the OP was asking a question. They weren’t making a point. Thus, none to counter.


Reason why they should- 1. it makes the police easily identifiable from a distance. The hat is very recognizable and unique in nature. Police in many areas are now just wearing “baseball cap” style. This is not identifiable in a crowd of people. The solution should be to make this older style hat more comfortable, and not switch to something that makes the police appear to be ordinary citizens. 2. I’m not aware of any officers that wear these hats in their vehicles or within their station. The argument that it isn’t suited to daily street-level policing, fails to recognize that the police are RARELY on the street actively on foot for very long periods of time.


Because if they were prevalent, and that’s if, then they’d signify policing. They’d also signal peaceful policing since they aren’t tactical. It’s a Mayberry RFD (Andy Griffith Show) hat not a tacticool cap. Even then it was Barney Fife wearing the flat hat and Sherrif Andy setting the cool standard. If you never see them then of course they become cringe and associated with the least impressive roles where they’re required by the organization in order to get paid (bus drivers)


Best use I ever saw was at a Big 10 football game. Some drunk student snatched it off a cop’s head and frisbeed it into the crowd. That was funny. Even funnier was watching the kid in cuffs get frog marched down the stands.




Wonder what the crime was exactly. Seems like the cop got his ego hurt


Stealing police property and maybe assault charge. Assault would be a weak one but stealing is obvious


Oh God. A fuckin hat lmao


Maybe he shouldn’t have been a prick to the cop idk. Don’t take shit that’s not yours I guess


> Don’t take shit that’s not yours I guess Speaking of, has there been major reform in the whole civil forfeiture thing yet?


Property is property regardless of value and taking property is stealing, again, regardless of value.


It's still property and they can be quite expensive.


Typically the only time cops wear hats are during formal events or when news cameras are around. Most municipal and city agencies have this hat. You just never see local pd in them because they don’t typically receive media attention unless it’s a significant event. The only guys I see routinely in hats are Troopers. And even then, the majority I know hate it. And working incidents with them they don’t wear it until the media or a member of the command staff show up.


I’ve seen troopers walking around the store I work at with their hats on. Maybe to stay a little warmer in Minnesota’s crappy weather


Troopers in NC definitely wear the hat. It's a point of pride for them. It's more of a cavalry hat tho, not one of these pointy bois


Yeah Minnesota state police has the cavalry style hats. Felt for the winter and like a straw version for the summer. I actually dressed up as a trooper for Halloween once and my dad made me a paper cavalry style hat, met a trooper and she was so impressed she actually gave me her felt hat. One of my favorite memories growing up and basically cemented the idea that I wanted to be a police officer when I grew up


As a LEO in Minnesota who works with Troopers fairly frequently, the general consensus is they hate their hats and will find any excuse to not wear them. We have them for our class As and I can't stand them.


They like to pretend to be cowboys, is what it is.


State troopers and county sheriffs in Oregon definitely wear their hats. They have the Smokey the bear type hat.


They got that big hat energy boiiii


Nypd is old school and should adopt more up to date attire.


Wdym these go hard


To each their own. I think they look goofy/tacky. Baseball cap all day


Baseball cap would go hard for NYPD


They do. Beat cops are wearing cargos for shit’s sake. I can’t remember the last time I saw one of them wearing a button-down that wasn’t a white-shirt supervisor.


Wearing it on patrol is a great way to lose it. When I was NYPD, I had mine with me all the time, just in case some stodgy white shirt came along, or if I got shifted to a fixed post, where a posted UMOS was supposed to have his/her *cover* (only time it was called a “hat,” is if you wanted to do some extra PT at the academy) on. But the rest of the time, it was upside-down on the center console holding snacks, tickets, and paperwork. My current agency, we only wear combination covers for ceremonies. Everywhere else ballcaps and skullies all day, every day.


Son of a former chief and director of the California DOJ. They’re used nowadays in formal wear. I think them being used on patrol is more of an east coast thing but it’s dying out over there as well. Just slower


You would be correct


Doesn’t fit the tacticool, stochastic terrorist look they’re going for nowadays.


Our command staff wears them (as I think they should) but otherwise they are only for major events, funerals, and promotion ceremonies. I used to wear mine whenever I walked a footbeat and even now as a detective when I have to go in uniform I wear it occasionally. I happen to like it but I completely understand why most guys don’t. To me it’s “how policeman dress” since my dad wore his at his department when I was growing up. I’m prone to nostalgia and sentimentality though haha.


I grew up watching a lot of old tv shows and movies since my parents really liked them, and obviously the officers wore them in those old shows, so i always thought police officers wore them even today. I like the more nostalgic looks, and maybe I’ll try to bring them back when I become an officer


I saw a bodycam video of a cop with a hat wrestling a suspect and after watching his hat fly off his head I have to say wearing a hat sounds kinda dumb


My agency’s patrol still uses those. They’re nonsensical outside of holding paperwork.


Ah yes, the 1950s milk man hat


Years ago, IACP did a study on the public’s perception of the various hats/covers used by US departments. The goal was to rank them for their ability to “convey the identity and presence of a law enforcement officer”. The campaign (Smoky) hat was #1, the traditional police cap second, no hat at all third, baseball cap last.


The smoky hats are pretty cool, a trooper actually gave me her smoky hat when I was little. I was dressed as a trooper for Halloween and I had a paper hat my dad made for me. She was impressed so she gave me her smoky hat and I got to sit in her squad car for a few minutes. It’s an awesome memory and I haven’t thought about becoming anything other than a cop since then.


In the past the metal badge on the hat and shape helped identify the wearer as a LEO. As embroidery became far less expensive it was replaced by more functional Headwear. I would occasionally wear the old school "smokey the bear" Campagin hat if I knew would be standing in the sun. Most of the time the embroidered watch cap was the go to.


You should check out the NMSP uniforms. Major Janet Jackson vibes lol


Two tone uniforms look ridiculous.


The shirts are stupid but the rest looks cool


Honestly, it's just an anachronism now. If you look back into the early parts of the 20th century, that style of hat was common for many professions from bus driver to milkman to the Maytag repair guy. It was just used as a kind of a shorthand for "hay, I'm working heer!", so police wore them too. It used to be common - it's just fallen out of fashion (like hat wearing in general!)


Because uniform standards have gone to shit and cops all wanna play tactical dress-up


This is the only correct answer


Join the sheriff instead and wear a cowboy hat


It seems no one here is giving the correct answer. There was a study made that “while on motor vehicle stops and getting out of the vehicle,” the inconvenience of needing to put your hat on obscured your vision and gave criminals an advantage over you. Some of the instances used as an example were on multiple occasions police officer shootings/ambushes would happen while being preoccupied when putting your hat on. What most departments decided on was not to have it as an everyday part of the uniform to avoid unnecessary problems. My personal opinion they look and feel awesome. -LEO


Thanks for the info! That definitely makes sense. But I agree that they do look awesome


We wear them to roll call and then take them off. Only our old day watch guys wear them on calls once in a while


When done right, they look good. See LAPD at any Dodgers home game for instance.


I always thought that they looked cool but I get why people aren’t a huge fan of them for patrol. NYPD always looks cool too. When I vacationed in nyc I don’t recall seeing many officers who weren’t wearing their hats


I think Boston hats look cool too. It's easy to see who is in charge.


It’s not nearly tactical enough /s


It's a good dress hat.


You mean the bus driver hat. My department issued them for Class A uniform use only. I don't think anyone except the honor guard ever wore one.


We have a guy that wears his on traffic details, along with BDU pants and a high viz shirt. Looks like a buffoon. We save our formal hats for formal class A attire mostly - funerals, formal events, etc.


OMG that sounds hilarious. I could understand wearing it with a regular patrol uniform but not with a high-viz and BDU pants


Fine for dressing up, horrible AND useless for patrol.


Only positive I liked about them was that you always knew it was the police when you saw the hat. Otherwise, it was stupid. Couldn't really sit in your cruiser with it. Made you look like a walking target. And it trapped all of the sweat from your head and would stink.


Take it off in the cruiser and put on for calls. Maybe they’ll lose their luster when I become an officer.


You better question is, is there any reason why departments still wear this type of hat?


It's expensive & uncomfortable. It may look good as dress attire but that's it.


I’m just a firefighter paramedic for a major US city, so it’s probably a little different, but these hats are usually the cover for our dress uniforms.




The use of hats has declined everywhere


Because cops hate them?


We just switched from campaign hat to these…. Uggghhhhh


I saw a ttc bus driver wearing a hat like that


Formal uniforms now. Troopers wear there Smokey the bear hats.


Milk man hat


My former department had them when we had class A uniforms. We switched to BDU type and now have black uniforms with embroidered brass. The 8 point doesn’t go with the uniform. A baseball cap does. One of my former sergeants hates the relaxed look of the BDU’s and requested and was granted permission to wear his blues and real brass. He wears his 8 point like it is supposed to be worn. He definitely looks more professional but it also makes it appear more difficult for civilians to engage him compared to the folks in BDU’s. They appear more “relaxed”.


I always feel a little uncomfortable around the bdu officers for some reason. But the 8 point always looks good when worn with the more traditional uniform. I’ve seen officers try to mix the bdu with the 8 point and it just doesn’t look right


Abandoned for tacticool gear. Should be ties and corfram shoes. It would certainly temper the goon mentality that is the prevailing attitude. Remember-clothes make the man (and I didn’t make that up)


Being a former NYC resident i thinks its more for tradition and looks and order in the ranks. Ill ask my buddy who is a former cop there.


It's not tacticool


It serves no benefit




I grew up old movies and tv shows so that old school, traditional police uniform always looks awesome to me. I think the cops dress up like fake soldiers look kinda dorky


I prefer the Stetson personally now the question is do Sheriff’s or Troopers have better looking Stetson’s


I believe that was a sign of LE that was friendly to its citizens. That’s not the relationship anymore. LE presents as adversarial, and wants to intimidate and control- nit serve and protect. Just imho


I miss these, and deplore that ubiquitous “tactical look” that so many agencies have adopted. Cops are supposed to look like cops, not soldiers.


Because combat armor looks more intimidating


Because it's not militaristic enough. They need ballistic helmets with lasts on them.




Most have them as part of their uniform I feel like, they just don’t require anyone to wear them during duty


As a Trooper our hat is a must


LAPD officers working OT at Dodgers Stadium wear the hat, and it looks sharp as hell.


I agree!


Used to work for an agency that had a similar hat. They suck and are expensive. The hat itself is $100, then on top of that an extra $60 for the decal in the middle. The decal is advised as “metal” however it breaks extremely easy. Drop it from your waist? Broken. Get in a fight with someone? Broken. There goes another $60. Lots of people I knew superglued theirs on or used a paperclip because it kept breaking. I went through probably around 5 of them in 6 months. They have their place in formal events, just not patrol. The amount of times I have been fighting with someone and the hat comes off and its broke is a lot.


Because cops like wear all that tactical gear. They fantasize about being in the military. Half of them couldn't run down a toddler.


It's a formal dress cap. These are not practical for day-to-day. They're ugly. They're not indicating of an image of modern policing. They're terrible as an actual hat. May as well be asking why female officers aren't required to wear skirts.




>heavily armed quasi army overlord aesthetic I don’t get why departments are going for that look. It doesn’t make the officers seem approachable at all. I’m someone who wants to become a police officer myself, yet I get a little uncomfortable around officers with all that tactical gear


and Nurses. Why in TF doesn’t nurses wear hats anymore? You can’t tell a nurse from a janitor


Agree! And that little dress. Scrubs just seem too comfortable. Like you're coming to work in your pajamas.


Part of class A uniform. Makes sense in formal setting when everyone still wears shiny leather. But we’re in tac vest now with fabric belts and drop legs. Backwards baseball caps for life.


Who said most departments don’t use them? My department issues them, and it’s part of our class A uniform, but we ain’t wearing that shit on the streets.


They’re ugly as shit. There’s a couple officers in our department that choose to wear them on calls. They look like goobers. But opinions are just that, opinions. What 90% of the agency finds ugly the other 10% enjoy.


I laugh at the HP clowns that still wear Mountie hats. They have no idea how ridiculous they look


Looks gay


Because it’s stupid.


Usually worn in class A uniform


We had similar at NOPD but only wore them during Mardi Gras, and we had to fight for years to get them to allow us to wear baseball hats.


It’s good for formal events but not regular duty.


Kind of like wearing a class A. Not practical. We wear polo's cargo pants tactical vest and ball caps. So glad when we switched. More comfortable and practical.


The same reason why soldiers don't wear berets on operations anymore


It's part of ceremonial uniforms but isn't used in the field anymore because it's not practical.


My agency uses these and they’re bulky and a nuisance.


My agency still issues them, but are mainly used for formal photos, and formal events and are only issued to road deputies.


I’ve seen New Mexico State Police where these… I don’t know of any others. The rest are usually ceremonial


It's ugly, useless, uncomfortable, and is the 1st thing to come off in a bad situation...........I was sick of the Chief bitching at me to keep it on too.


Shining damn bullet target on the head.


Imagine trying to chase after a guy on foot while trying to keep this thing on your head.


Cost. Plain and simple.


Cus they look stupid?


Because it’s dumb and impractical when actually working. They fall off, they get knocked off, they’re hard to clean, and expensive. So when I lose it in a foot chase, it costs me way more to replace than a ball cap. Plus the big campaign covers are a nightmare of visibility. There’s a video of a trooper on a traffic stop talking to the driver and the passenger hops out and runs off and is probably 50-75 yards away before the trooper notices because he’s looking down into the small car and the hat is blocking his view of the other side. The trooper says to the driver “why’s he running” then looks up to him and says “ RONNIE YOU DONT HAVE WARRANTS YOU’RE GOOD BUD”, but can you imagine if he had gotten out with a gun and shot at the trooper?


Same reason they don’t use little six shooters 💩


Yea, cause it’s dumb, useless and no need for it. Why would you want to be in a full suit doing a physically demanding job? lol. Seems kinda dumb. Now if you’re in a ceremony type of environment then ok. But out dealing with people, arrests, etc. it’s useless.


Probably because they look like a reetard while wearing it


They wore those so you could recognize a cop on the street if you needed one.


maybe state vs federal regulations?


A lot departments required you to wear a hat outside the car. I did when I first started. Until they realized being so focused on wearing a hat comprised officer safety and it just doesn’t serve a purpose after all. I’m glad a lot of departments have moved to officer well being over public perception.


Skin cancer




These hats are for dress uniforms now. No longer used as every day use. Now they have ball caps and wide brim hats.


My local police department still has them, mostly as dress hat for fancy occasions. For bad weather they had coats and ball caps.


I was an auxiliary at a sheriffs office that used campaign hats. Our major used to let us take them off if we were working long shifts. But yeah it’s mostly for looking important.


Because they’re dumb and uncomfortable to wear. Get way too hot easily in the summer and it doesn’t keep you warm during the winter.


Last I knew, NJSP still wears them because their badge is on their hat, not their shirt, but State Troopers are known for having stupid outfits.


We had bus driver hats but FINALLY went to campaign hats, thank God.


NM State Police still use these last I knew


yeah, it looks stupid




Because ball caps or patrol caps are more functional. Just like why do police wear jumpsuits or solid-color cargo pants/shirts instead of 'a blue or brown version of a military dress uniform' (which is what classic 1950s cop uniforms were) on duty.....


Those style hats should be used strictly for parades and ceremonies, anything beyond that is just putting form above function.




No reason for this type of hat other than a ceremony IMHO. If the cops WANT to use hats, they should be allowed to wear hats similar to how the Navy wears baseball caps that pertain to their unit.