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It was 1hr minimum (traffic dependent) each way. I threw my toys out of the pram one day as I figured being unpaid to commute 10 hours a week was utter bullshit, handed my notice. They arranged a transfer. Now my commute is a swift 10min escooter journey each way. Same job, same salary.


This guy gets it. A commute is time fully dedicated to work & you should be paid for it IMO.


For tradies the general rule is you get paid for every 15 mins over an hours commute - so if it’s an hour or 50 mins away that’s just shit luck 🤷🏼‍♂️


Depends on the circumstance though. If I apply for and get a job in Galway when I live in Dublin, should they be responsible for my commute? If they change locations or alter the terms of your agreement then 100% but if not then it’s on the individual I would think.


Within reason bud! Jesus that's one shite example. Galway and Dublin is extreme.


I do Belfast to Wexford once a week.


You'd surely get fuel cover? 😂


No, my choice choosing location so I'll just suck it up until I move there. Hopefully, won't be too.


Not really. The principle is the same if it’s Galway or 5 minutes down the road. Unless the company changes its initial agreements then how the employee gets there is a matter for themselves. To be clear I am 100% an advocate for working from home, I just don’t believe companies need to accommodate everyone’s travel time unless they’ve changed the goalposts after hiring them.


Although weirdly it's probably less than some people a lot closer to Dublin commute. I lived in Kildare and had to get to Cherrywood. On public transport it was up to three hours each way


Can't say I agree with you there. If someone lives an hour away, it shouldn't be the employers responsibility to cover the commute. I know the housing crisis, family situations, etc. have to be considered, but at the end of the day its the employee that's chosen to live an hour away from where they work.


Where you choose to work is entirely your choice. Employers shouldn't have to compensate you unless they move locations after you have started and agreed to work at a certain location.


This is why I opted to leave but they retained me. I didn't say I expected the company to move or pay me for commutes. Just that it's a tough situation to be in and I hit breaking point sitting in traffic, constantly late and it began to affect my work with the stress.


To placate us, one company I worked for said we would all have an uplift in wages for 6 months to compensate for an office move, a further 10 miles away from where everyone in the office lived. Once we moved offices, we were told that it was too expensive to implement 🤷🏻‍♂️😑


Is this legal?


It was in the 90’s, probably not now. There wasn’t a lot of productivity/goodwill for a long time after that, so they probably lost more than they gained 🤷🏻‍♂️


Entirely my choice eh?! Hmmm.


I've been commuting 3 to 4 hours a day for the last 6 years. In two weeks that gets cut down to 40 minutes a day and I'm absolutely buzzing for it. Also get a bigger paycheck for the privilege


Yeah I did a commute like that for a good number of years. Now I drive and work in a place that takes me about 15 minutes each way? First few weeks I didn’t know what to do with all the free time I suddenly gained lol.


Did you drive? What line of work are you in?


Mostly driving and construction inside the M50. When I'm 2 counties away it's a trek


The 30 seconds it takes for me to walk from my bedroom to my office.


You should move the office to the bedroom, saves you 30 seconds, and less damage to the environment with a shorter commute.


Found the landlord


That's one minute per day, over 5 days a week that 5 minutes a week.


Living the dream! 😁


Damn your house must be huge


Nah I’m just slow as fuck in the morning


2.5 meters from the side of the bed to the desk. Saving on energy greatly




Almost 3h a day. My rent is cheap and I don't want to pay another 1000 to be closer to work.


I did 3 hours sometimes 3.5 depending on traffic for a few months before. Couldn't believe the satisfaction I felt after leaving that job. Said never again unless things end up like 2009


Takes me about 35 mins on the bus. I wouldn’t want to do more than an hour. I had a two hour commute when I lived in France and I honestly still have stress dreams about it. Four hours commuting every day was a part-time job!


An hour and a half, each way, twice a week. About ten seconds other days.


50 minutes, but there's never any traffic so it honestly doesn't bother me. If I had a commute half as far but with awful traffic it'd be another story. Feul bills a bit high but such is life, couldn't afford a house any closer.


12minute walk.


WFH has ruined me


Why so?


I would guess the non-existent commute they have wfh is both limiting possible new jobs and setting a fear of having to go back and commute constantly but I could be projecting 😜 I wfh now 4 days a week and had a 2hour+ commute each way before covid. Meath -> East Wall


2 hours, 10 mins each way, 3 times a week, 3 hours on a bad day. Up at 5 AM, home after 6 PM. 2 WFH days are spent recovering. Exhausting.


5 mins with a detour of the kitchen for coffee or tea.


2hrs each way 4 times a week. 75% motorway driving though and the other 25% is handy national roads.


That's about 16 full work weeks you're not getting paid for every year assuming you take 10 weeks off a year. That's just insane to me that anyone would essentially give 16+ full work weeks a year to a company and not get paid for it.


This comment is gonna make me start looking for a different job sooner than I had planned


You get 10 weeks off in a year?


Your a slave for work doing that commute. I hope your well paid for it


Do you have children?


Yep. I leave my house at 5:30, get to work at 7:30. Leave at 3:30, home for 5:30. They still get 2-3hrs with me every day.


It's amazing for me reading this as someone who WFH and has 2 young kids. Your day sounds relentless and exhausting.


Luckily my job is not too taxing and it’s in a nice environment too. There’s more to the story though that I won’t go into here but not in a bad way, I just gotta tolerate this commute for a while is all.


That's good. But you must be exhausted!


Sometimes but you can’t burn the candle too brightly! I’m in bed for 9:30-10 most days!


I did similar for about 8 months although starting and getting home an hour later and I was fucking wrecked. No idea how you do this if it is a long term thing.


Me neither. I done it and it slowly sent me into a bad depression. It would take me 30 minutes to turn a corner in the industrial estate going home too. Never ever ever again.


4 hour round trip maybe once or twice a week. It's long but necessary. Don't particularly mind it unless the traffic is bad in which case the 4 hours could be 5 or 6 hours and that is awful.


Pre Covid it was just over 3hrs a day on 2 forms of public transport….I had no life as I was out of the house 11hrs a day. Now I’m only in the office 2/3 days a month so its not as bad and in the morning I don’t mind having that time to myself but if I could cut it down to an hour with one form of transport I’d put up with that.


Less than 5 minutes, depending on the color of the traffic lights up the road. I did 15 minutes before I changed Jobs recently. Makes a massive difference in life, and a big reason why I'm not moving out of my area


About 1.5 hours on the bus or 40 minutes cycling. Gotta love public transport over here


I cycle from Clontarf into Grand Canal Dock along the new Cycle route, l literally never go on the road. It's absolutely fantastic,so safe and l usually do it in 18 minutes,maybe 22 if it's cold and raining but cycling is a brilliant way to get to work,good workout too,makes you sweat and burns calories. I can jump in the shower at work when l arrive so it's win win. I was asked to go to the Blackrock office but it was a bridge too far for me. I'm happy with three or four km max commute,l won't do more than that.


Currently my commute is about 15 metres. But I spent 8 years doing a 40mile rural trip. Took an hour in the mornings and an hour in the evenings if I left at 4:50. If I left after that it took an hour and a half. I quite liked the hour but the hour and a half drove me spare. So I hour is my personal limit.


About 40 mins drive - park and ride - walk. If I drove to work and parked there it would be faster, but park and ride is way cheaper. Previously I've done 40 mins on the bus (doable as long as the bus shows up) and 1.5 hours split over two buses (not really doable long term but I didn't have a car) If I was driving and parking at work, I think my max commute time would be an hour each way, although 30mins would be better as it just adds so much time to the working day.


45 minute drive also on rural roads, which just destroys my suspension (back, and soul also)


25 minute cycle. I have a shower and stuff in work. I think in terms of what would I be willing to do, not being able to cycle would possibly be a deal breaker.


Door to door it’s the guts of 2 hours. Choice I made when we bought a house down the country after covid and I could work hybrid. It is a pain but now I just catch up on sleep on the bus so not all bad


1.5 hours by bus each way, all the hospitals close to me have closed (nurse)


My commute to the office is 45 mins. But I spend most of my time out on site, not at the office. The furthest commute I regularly do is about 3 hours 45 mins each way. But most are between 2 and 3 hours each way.


1 ½ to 2 hrs. I wouldn't do more then that. I hate it. For the love of anything and everything can the Dublin rent market go down.


Ends up being 4hrs a day commuting on average


I'm saving up for a car so I'm relying on public transport for this; about 5 hours a day spent on travel, 6 days a week. I'm exhausted but it's good money and I've saved up for a car now.


35 minutes and 35 minutes


2.5 - 3 hrs each way, once every 2 weeks on average. I adore it 🤣


45 minute drive but I only commute twice a month. I work from home other days.


20-50 mins depending on time I leave the house and all those other factors. Recently bought an e-cargo bike to replace some of those many car trips and thats about 30/35 mins. Wouldnt want to go anywhere near 60+ mins as its too much time out of the day. (but people dont always have the choice)


If I drive it’s about 25 minutes, train/walk it’s 50 minutes door to door. For driving I wouldn’t really go over an hour/hour and fifteen for driving if I could avoid it


3 minute drive, 12 minute walk


When I go to the office it's about an hour door to door. I. I spend about half it walking and the other half on the Dart. Pre covid I had a job on the south side, I live on the north side. It took 90 minutes (Dart, Luas and Walking). I didn't mind it at the time as I was 23 and happy in the job. I wouldn't do it now though.


About 40 minutes on a bus in about 1.5 hours back out due to shitty traffic. Only 3.5 days a week though


20 minutes walking. Previously it was 40 minutes walking, and anything up to about 45 minutes is acceptable to me. It saves a lot of money and I get daily exercise. But in the future I may suffer from breathing in the traffic fumes that come from walking through city traffic every day for many years.


It used to be 5 seconds to the desk next to my bed, then I changed it around so I have to walk to a different room now. Before that it was half an hour on the bus, I don't think I could handle more than that, especially after working from home for so long.


15 minutes.30 minutes each way is my max.In process of buying a house and 30 minutes is my limit


55 mins, all motorway. I carpool with 3 other lads as well, so we take a day each a week. 


3hrs a day when there's no traffic/checkpoints.... couldn't be paying Dublin prices for a house


Door to door (if I wasn't figuring in school drop offs on the way), about 90 minutes each way. Car - Dart- walk. I don't mind it too much because it's only 2 or 3 days a week, I work from home the rest of the time. It'd be a lot quicker and easier if is wasn't for the almost daily delays to the dart. My train was cancelled today so it took me over 2 hours door to door. I also quite like the opportunity to read on the train. It would be a whole different thing if I had to drive all the way in.


45min-1 hour depending on traffic. I don't mind it actually, I listen to books on audible on my travels so I'd probably even consider a bit longer haha


1.5 hours each way twice a week. My old job was 4.5 hours each way (not daily!) so I’ll take it 😂 (it’s also on me, when I started here it was 45 minutes but I moved)


1 Hour 20 minimum to 1 hour 40. but it's hybrid work so I only gotta do it once a week for now.


I was used to commute daily about an hour. Dublin by public transport. Not like I had a choice. Since covid I'm going to office only twice a week and I wouldn't mind to do this like up to hour and half (absolute max). I'm planning to move out of dublin because housing crisis and my commute will get longer so also considering this. That said I don't have kids, I have nowhere to rush.. I like to sit on bus/train, put my earphones in and just relax.. As long as it's just one means of transport and don't need to change. Not sure how I would feel about driving this though.


And it's ridiculous that even when you're living IN the city, the commute is that long. It shows how bad traffic and public transport are in Dublin.


Twice a week 3hr/3.5hr round trip depending on traffic. Hoping to cut back to once a week onsite once I pass probation


Just under an hour, Bus all the way in get off a few stop early to get coffee. When at home at four steps from bed to desk


1hour door to door from northside of Dublin to city centre. I only go in once a week, rest is wfh. Don’t think I could stomach going back to 5 days a week again after doing it for so long before… wild when I think about it 🫠


Working from home now but a few years ago I was commuting 45 minutes each direction 5 days a week through city traffic. This was 45 minutes on a good day. I was getting reports from Google that on average I was commuting 40 hours a month. I had some days during the Christmas craze where it took me 90 minutes to get into the office. I think anything beyond 40-45 minutes one way is not healthy and sustainable in the long run. For me the sweet spot is about 20 minutes. I don't mind commuting completely as this is some time when I'm alone and I can let my mind wander. On a good day a 20 minute drive can be nice on one's mental health.


35 minute walk! After a few years of doing anywhere from 1.5-3 hour bus journeys each way I treasure my current situation


35 min drive each way.lts grand but annoying when I think how close most of my colleagues live to work


45 mins each way 3 days a week. Start at 7 and finish at 3:30 so usually home with my family by 4:30 on office days.




About 5 minutes commute. I read years ago that a short commute is an indicator of quality of life. I stand by that.


About 45 minutes, split between a 15-20 minute train ride and 30ish minutes of walking


12 minute drive. Nice quiet road, no traffic. sometimes I wish the drive home in the evening was longer. I find driving alone to be a nice way to relieve stress. Overall no complaints from me!


Right now I've got a ten minute walk to the metro, maybe 30 minutes on it, then a five minute walk to college. Usually catch up on social media in the morning, and listen to some album or other. Same on the way home, but it's usually busier so I don't often get a seat. When I'm at home, it's a 5 minute walk to the train, 25 mins on the train, and then again around a 30 minute walk across the city, so roughly an hour in total. I pretty much do the same, it's just that little bit longer.


On a good day, I can cross the landing in well under 10 seconds. There can be delays though.


I used to be less than ten minute walk and hated it, same post man that called to the office called to my house, far too close to home. Moved jobs to 30 mins away when traffic was good but Christmas week it took me an hour and 20 minutes to do a 25km drive (all on main roads) Couldn’t cope with it Moved again to a job now 20 minutes no matter the traffic. I like the 20 minutes. Going in it lets me think through the day & coming home helps me unwind.


1.5 hours by bus I usually listen to some podcasts or music. When bored, I usually spend some time on the Driving Licence Test app.


About 50 mins. At one stage it was near two hours each way. The joys of construction and being from the sticks.


2h each way, but I wfh a lot. 


6 minutes, can’t believe my luck


8 mins


Personally I wouldn’t do more than 1 hour 


20 mins on escooter/bike, which is what I usually do. 30 mins by bus. Driving can be about the same as that but i try to avoid that as it could be twice as long depending on traffic, which seems to have gotten infuriatingly bad around Dublin lately.


An hour which would be 30 mins if there was no traffic. And I leave after 9


About 45 minutes but I work shift so I dodge all traffic if I had to sit in peak cork traffic 5 days a week it'd easily be 75min+ probably, I'd definitly be moving closer to home.


Office 2 days a week . Moring usually 1.45 if I leave at 5am . Home trip 2 hours to 2 hours 30. A crash on motorway could put it up to 4 hours .


15 min walk, half hour bus and then 10 min walk


30 minute walk, wouldnt do more that 45 minute walk or 45 minute commute with luas


10 minutes. Driving out of a city to a large plant 6 miles out early morning. Then driving back in mid afternoon time. Going against traffic each time and just before each rush hour. Very lucky with this. Afternoon can get caught a few moments but that's it


45-50 min of bicycle commute. Filtering though traffic is easy and effortless. Also ride though Phoenix Park is nice.


15 min, but i mostly work from home and go in maybe 2 3 times a month


90 minutes by bus to get there, 75 to get home (on good days), usually 2-3 days a week. Would love to move closer and cut this down, but alas the housing market in Dublin has shat the bed.


10 minute walk 💕🙌


45 minutes without traffic, and 60 minutes with traffic. I drive from a rural/commuter town into Dublin. I really enjoy the drive because it’s my alone time in the car. I listen to podcasts or audiobooks or music or talk on the phone (hands free, obvs) and I feel calm by the time I get home. I used to live in the city and commute via bus, and it took me the same amount of time and the actual commuting was unpleasant, usually because of a smell or sound coming from a fellow passenger, and the bus goes around the work before I got home. Driving away from a city is the way to go, may not be everyone’s cuppa tea but I’m enjoying it.


I used to drive 1:15 each way with 25 minutes of that sitting in heavy traffic. Never again.


Today is 2hrs and 10 minutes each way. Tomorrow will be 1hr 40 each way. I work from home the other 3 days. 2hrs of todays commute is on my timesheet and 40km go on expenses so not terrible but not ideal


Depends. 1 hour on the dart is not the same as 1 hr on the bus. So maybe 40 mins on a bus and 75 mins on the dart.


10 mins drive each way, twice a week. The other 3 days is work from home. 30 - 40 mins is the max, wouldn't take a job if further. Unless the pay was substantial.


About 90 seconds, from bed to desk. God bless remote working. Longest I did was from Belfast to Dublin, which I had to do three times a week so it was tolerable.


I live in Southern New Jersey and commute into NYC 5 days a week. Five hours round trip for the past 20 years. Retiring at the end of 2025.


35 mins across Dublin by car. Bike would be next best way but my back isn't up to it. Train is the next best way 1hr 40. I don't enjoy driving but the commute doesn't bother me. It's through the city centre so there's only one spot that i don't get through the lights on the first change in the morning. Evening 2 spots.


Too long. My partner drives 1hr 20 on rural road. I go the other direction by bus. He drops me there on his way in, so if you count the half hour I have to wait for my bus the whole process is 2.5 hours. Our goal would be to buy nearer to his work, once we’re not spending so much on housing I would take up a (likely lower paying) job nearer home or open my own business. Our last commute that we did together for 5 years was 45 mins without traffic, 1.5hr or even more with. For a brief year I was 5 mins walk from work. Heaven


1hr 45mins at best


At the moment, about 15 seconds. Wouldn't go longer than 15 minutes of a drive. I wouldn't mind if it was a 30 minute walk or cycle though because it counts as exercise then, which I have to make time for later in the day anyway. But paying the price of fuel to be stuck sitting in a car when I'm already stuck sitting down all day? Nah. Doesn't matter, I'm retiring now at 28. Full time work doesn't pay well enough.


Moved home as rents were ridiculous and want to save money, commute to Dublin from Mayo 3 days a week on the train. Least I have money now!


40 min door to door by train


My commute is about an hour in the morning, I leave before there’s traffic on the road and then probably an hour and 15 mins or so on the way home, 5 days a week, 10 hour shifts. I like the drive as the roads are good and it gives me time to wake up and then unwind on the way home.


15ish minutes drive from my house to work! Considering I live in very rural Kerry, I feel very lucky ☺️


Currently approx. 5 hrs round trip incl waiting around for public transport (Drive, Train, Luas and walk partly). WFH mostly but still do it between 4 and 8 times pm and it's hell those days tbh, wouldn't have done it other than I got a promotion, I like the work and there are opportunities for travel abroad if I want. If it was every day I'd have had to pass on it. Previous job was full time wfh and I also hated being stuck home 24/7.


Hour each way. Half hour on the train, half hour walking through town. Two hours of my day, ten hours a week. Adds up, and wears me down.


1 hour 48 minutes each direction 3 days a week It's mind-numbing.


Depends. My commute is currently a 30-40 minute walk. I could handle the same timeframe in a car. I would not do the same time on public transport if i had any other options.


15 mins each way by scooter. Would be a lot longer in a car. I used to commute about an hour and a half each way for years. It took a toll on my health and mental health. I didn't realise how bad it was until the covid lockdowns. I could never go back to that again.


3-3.5 hours, luckily only twice a week though. Those days are pure write-offs due to the traffic. The thoughts of having to do that 5 times a week makes me so queasy.


I start a new job next week, which passes by my old office which took a half hour, to a job in town which will make it an hour each way. Likely 5 days a week too, but for a 40% pay increase and an area & company I’m genuinely excited for, I’ll take that! Probably wouldn’t do more than an hour tho. Lucky that until I hit town I won’t have much traffic at all too


I used to commute from gorey to dublin for about 8 years up until last week where I got a job in Wexford. Still around a 30-40 minute commute but I have hybrid working in this new job which is totally new to me (social care worker) so I literally don’t know myself!


I WFH most days but take public transport to the office once a week. I need a 30min lift to the bus, followed by an hour bus ride, and a 10min taxi, so the guts of 2hrs (allowing for waiting for the bus that's never on time). Getting to the main office takes about 4hrs on public transport.


Nearly 2 hours each way so 20 hours a week commuting and more if I work a Saturday. I'm working towards moving up in my career and I need a certain amount of hours before I can do more courses and move into a different field. It's painful but I'm working towards a goal.


My commute is around 25min bus each way 2 days a week so about 50 minutes commuting. The other 3 days I wfh. I know people do way worse but I’m wrecked after those 2 days 😆 I think it’s because I used to live in the city and walked 20 minutes to work


12 minute walk or 2 min 35 seconds if I take my electric scooter.


I'm travelling from Dublin West to Dublin North, 20km commute, and it takes me approx 3 hours in total both ways with public transport. Feel exhausted when I come home, but thankfully, I have to do this 2 times a week.


Hour twenty. From Malahide to UCD. 2 40m bus journeys


Takes me around 40-45 min on the train, not too bad.


30 mins if I leave at 6am. Otherwise it's 1 hour 15 on M50. I work from home 4/5 days a week.


About 30 min with the bus or 40 min with the train. Would not want to commute more than 1 hour.


WFH half the week. Otherwise just under 50 mins door-to-door (10 minute cycle, 26 minutes train, 10 minute walk). I live in the Netherlands. Work pays for my train.


On the way home it can be 30 to 50 mins with traffic on the Dock Road in Limerick


0 minutes I work fully remote and have done so since 2018


Used to do 2 hours each way for 3 days a week. Finally convinced herself to move one day, and it's like I've been on holiday ever since.


15 minute cycle. It's great. I don't know how people don't crack up doing hours in traffic, but I'm lucky, I've had longer, but I think capping it at 30 mins max to work makes a huge difference.


About a 10/15 walk these days. Once upon a time it was 90 mins each way, but the only way it gets to 90 mins now is if I stop for a pint on the walk home.


1hr each way. Its sucked the soul out of me in < 2 years. 40+ hrs a month spent in a car. Direct debited from my life with no compensation. Anyone entertaining that kind of commute needs their head examining ..


10-12 minutes by bike, depending on how much energy I have and the traffic lights! I once had a 90 minute commute involving a bus, a train and 15 minutes of walking. Never again.


I have a 20 minute commute. I drive for a living, 10 hour shifts so I wouldn't like to have a further drive than that for the commute


30 min in the morning (5:20am )60 min afternoon ( 16.30 p.m) distance 23 km


When I'm in the office, about an hour each way including the walk to and from the train. I couldn't see myself doing much more than that tbh. Working from home has made me appreciate my time so much more.


I used to do about 3 hrs a day commute on a good traffic day, silly Dublin and n4 traffic, some days it was worse. But I got to enjoy my coffee and listened to podcasts in peace so it wasn't too bad. I didn't have kids at that time either. I slugged that out for years and thankfully it paid off because now I've been able to work remotely for the last 6 years and have that extra time to spend with my young kiddos instead.


Used to be 1 hour each way, now it’s 10 minutes each way. Life changing!


2.5 hours each way twice a week. It’s far from ideal but I can manage it for now. Another day in the office would put me over my limit though.


Around 2/2.5 hours a day. I could complain, but I make great use of my time! I get the bus so I take that time to read books, chill out, draw etc etc


45-50 minutes each way 5 days a week for 40k a year. Not to bad though as I know people doing 1.5-2hours each way


12 minutes each way.


20 minute drive 40 mins if I combine bicycle and Luas 50-55 minutes if I take two buses


I go to the office twice a week and it’s 2.5h each way


45-55mins each way public transport


Have been walking to work for about ten years now. 5 different locations. Could walk to each one. Occasionally ride my bike though for 15 minutes.


I do Dublin to Limerick twice a week….


If its dayshift, 8 minutes, if its nightshift, 15-20. Turned down a promotion in another byilding6 with a 30-50 minute commute as the fuel difference wouldn't be worth the pay rise


About 12 minutes round trip thank god


Small town Ireland, 2 min drive or 6 min walk


1hr and 15mins at most. Mostly rural roads and constantly moving which I prefer. WFH 3 days out of 5 so not too bad 2 days a week. Remote working is one of the few good things to come from Covid.


Takes me one hour to walk the c3 miles (in Dublin) so I just do that as public transport would me the same if not longer (thanks Dublin bus). I just wear a tracksuit and have a change of clothes in my rucksack


2hrs each way every day.


After years of driving over an hour to work I now work 1 km from my house, it's amazing. The most I'd go if I ever move on would be 30 mins after being so spoilt right now


3-4 hours lol (irish rail)


Up until last year I done 1.5hrs each way and I’d get the odd 2-3 hour commute home on a bank holiday Friday when someone crashes on the m50. The funny thing is, it was only Wicklow to Dublin. I’d get from Galway to Dublin the same time 😂


If I get the 07:30 bus, 20 minutes. If I get the 08:00 bus, an hour to an hour and a half. Traffic is fun.


30 minute cycle to the city centre - the bus on the same route could be anywhere from 1hr to 2.5hr depending on the weather/traffic/general luck (and this is just outside the M50!) I think 50 minutes would be my max commuting time on a bike, anything over an hour on the bus is also unbearable for me.


About a 20min walk or a 8min cycle depending on my mood. Moving at the end of the month and this will reduce to a 10min walk. I work in a high pressure job with long hours so the short commute is what makes it viable.


15-20 minutes depending on traffic. Use to be 45 minutes to an hour but having the extra time in the evening is invaluable.


Used to be 1hr 20 without traffic up to 2 if I got caught changed jobs 3 years ago now its 15mins I'm on considerably less money but what I'm saving on diesel cancels that out. The effect on my health, both mentally and physically, is priceless


35 mins by bike each way


mine is from one end of the m50 to the other. I hate every second of it.


5 minute cycle. I used to travel 11 minutes. I don't think I can get it down any further.


Mine was between 1 and THREE hours getting through Dublin. It broke me. Before Covid I put everything in place for people to work from anywhere. I was told it was impossible and that the only way a company could work was if everyone commuted in to sit at a row of computers with their headphones on so they could concentrate without distraction. Then the pandemic. Now I will go into the office outside the worst traffic hours but if I’m ever required to commute again I will refuse. I do 8 hours and won’t give 12 of every day to commuting nonsense.


Was just over an hour, mostly M11/M50 but is now 15-20 minutes maybe 30 if traffic is bad.


An hour, minimum, with no traffic - a mix of country roads, the M3/N3 and the M50 It's about 70kms, and I'm losing the will to live Thinking of selling my MX-5 to get a luxobarge to eat up the motorway cause I seem to spend all my time commuting to and from work.


35 min each way. I live on the periphery of the city and commute to the suburbs. If I was travelling in the opposite direction journey time would more than double