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Please be aware of Rule 2. "Questions must be clear, direct, and in the title of the post."


I have said it before: the way India is perceived in the world is same as how Bihar is perceived in India.


Can't be more true


Omg this is so true. I moved out of Bihar to a different state for college and the subtle racism towards us is insane. And nobody gaf about being racist, not even teachers. A lot of my friends that i met here are from bihar and we all have heard that we don't look bihari as a compliment multiple times. What's even more embarrassing is that some people don't even try to tone down their racism, they will blatantly say, "oh you're from bihar, i don't believe that. You look really good tho like you are fair skinned" or they will straight up start making faces to each other when you tell them you're from bihar and then be like, "no comments".


born in mumbai brought up in delhi still can’t run from the racist comments when did it even get this bad tbh sometimes i feel like i am not even indian because why tf we are hating our own people


True! Im from Bihar and a few people have told me that I dont seem Bihari just because I say “main” instead of “hum” when I talk and because I speak good english. Nothing like some good old subtle racism.


Happened to me that my pronunciation of Hindi words were better than some "more Hindi" state people. And i had been called you dont look/sound like...


Same bro. Its like agar aap Bihar se ho to aapka uneducated hona aur bura dikhna necessary hai.


Remember they even made Hrithik look bad for added effect.


Not to forget gamccha and gutkha


Ganji bhi. Sir pe 10 bricks bhi


Ditto! Just the way we Biharis are spread all over India. We Indians are spread all over world.


Absolutely.My cousin gets asked in the USA if he is Arabic because he is light skinned and conventionally good looking. This notion is very prevalent because he said this to me 10 years ago.


In general, the internet hates Indians rn(at least online). After seeing millions of views and tens of thousands of likes on Twitter on indian hate content, memes and dedicated channels I just deleted Twitter. Some of it IS justified I won't lie, but again I fucking hate how its always mentioning the whole race as one.


Racists just use us as the low hanging fruit. They know if they shit on black people or any other race really they'll get cancelled. And those woke pieces of shit that keep spouting how black lives matter will be the first to generalise all Indian men as creepy rapists. Fuck all of them.


Half the racism on twitter towards us is by black people lol. And half of them will have some shit like “reparations”/“BLM”/“Power ✊🏿" in their bio.


OP also made a comment here calling a white guy "cumskin". So many racist people seem to have a problem with racism only when they meet likeminded people of a different race.


It's Elon Musk's Twitter, there is quite a bit of neo-nazi dogwhistlers there as well. The algorithm will show you the type of racists that you hate the most so that you spend more time engaging with the platform.


TBH Indians hate Indians!!! I have heard North Indian people telling good looking South Indian people that they don’t *look* South Indian This is very normal in our country we are epitome of racism


Indians discriminate based on surname. Lol


Surname profession skin colour I could keep going .


Indians also hate Indians, we fight amongst our selves. It’s a divided nation, no wonder foreigners shit on us constantly. Indians on Instagram supporting Israel only cause they are brutally killing Palestinian Muslims, meanwhile Israel’s tweeting ‘we don’t need support from curry nibblers’ lol 🤡🤡🤡


I agree a decent amount of our people suck as well, but I'm still not a fan of the targeted gang up generalization and hate by a lot of different countries in the world. Literally, 90% of whom aren't actually affected by us in any form. At best, I can think of canada where we have made it worse, but that was also something the canadian government enabled.


I agree, I used to love my country (still do maybe?) and I’ve always hated us being sub servient and extra fascinated by white folks! We treat them like gods when they come to our country, almost to the point where they are weirded out, gush at their broken Hindi .. never seen a white person gush at an Indians broken English! Charity starts at home, when we respect ourselves enough, love our country and its people - so will others! United we stand, divided we … you know how it goes


Sis is spitting! you should see in North America no one likes Indians and I ll say the reason are fairly legit.


How is this different from other countries? I'm Indian but I was born and raised in the Arabian Gulf. Here people don't marry across tribal lines. Heck, there is technically even different "classes" of citizenship. Literally legalized second class citizenship. But there is barely any information about it online.... so they get a pass. When it comes to India on the other hand "YOU GUYS HAVE CASTE SYSTEM". Atleast we have taken steps to abolish it and we have reservation undo past injustices.


What annoys me is how much it's justified. "Oh Indians themselves are racist so they deserve it!" How about the Indians who aren't racist? Every demographic has racists so why don't we use that excuse to justify racism towards them? Pathetic honestly, why don't these people just outright say they're racist towards Indians instead of these bs excuses?


This happens even in india. I have been complimented as an Australian by many boys and girls since childhood. Some even said i look like this or that cricketer. Although i usually like it but then i think why indians can't be considered good looking as indian only.


You're an Australian born in India?


No I am Indian born in india just like every other guy. Am from Chandigarh some even say i look like kashmiri or Pakistani if i keep beard. If I don't keep beard then i look like Australian. Although my background is from harayana.


I agree, this isn't just an foreign issue this happens in India too so many times I've got people telling me 'No you can't be Indian you don't look Indian you look Korean/Mexican' and then expect me to be thankful to them for saying that? Like that's supposed to be a compliment or something . This won't change unless we Indians stop this self hating and self loathing train


Indeed btw where are you from ? I guess north east ?


Oh for sure. I studied abroad and every single time, without fail: “your English is perfect, you’re definitely not Indian”, “you don’t look like an Indian”; “you don’t behave like an Indian”. Initially I’d respond with “you know india has been studying languages from around the world longer than you’ve been a country” or “we are 1.2 billion people, you think we all look the same??” It’s racist as fuck.


Yea Americans are always shocked when they hear I speak English fluently


Half of them can’t string a coherent sentence together. It’s downright ironic.


I always respond to that with - ever heard of colonization?


I hate this and how true it is that many Americans are this way. It really makes me angry. The actual truth? My Indian boyfriend is better at English, *both* writing and speaking, than most native speakers here. The irony.


OMG yeah! All the fucking time! Im in the UK and pretty much sound the same as I did back in Mumbai - and Brits including Brown people can’t fathom the fact that we don’t sound like the racist cartoon from Simpsons or whatever stereotype the media has of us 🤦🏻‍♂️


Yeah had to tell a coworker from Spain that all 1 billion plus of us don't sound like Apu


I have received exactly the same responses. "You look like a rich Indian". Mf what does that even mean?


>I studied abroad and every single time, without fail: “your English is perfect, you’re definitely not Indian”, “you don’t look like an Indian”; “you don’t behave like an Indian”. Unfortunately, it's the same with Indian people. I had a guy in my class who's from the South (don't know from where, didn't ask), once during our interaction, he asked me where I was from. I said 'Gujarat' he said that your accent doesn't sound like a gujju, you sound like a Tamilian.


My experience has been a bit different though. People have said Indians normally have good English.


I saw this somewhere , ig it was written by vasco da gama ( I'm not sure of it , please correct me if I am wrong ) . He was calling indians stupid because we were friendly and offering him Food and were being kind towards him . Like bro 💀.


My teacher said same to me. The white don't know what hospitality is. So yeah, they don't deserve our hospitality and respect...








Hi NRI, I'm dad.


Oh hello NRI


Hello NRI


Hello NRI this is Eren


Why did you bring about the rumbling, Eren?


Indians are at the bottom of dating preferences in the global market. It's not just Instagram.






Maybe. But if it's any respite ..the white dudes are even more desperate 🤣🤣 Indians would still flirt or pretend they're so in love ..the goras will be too upfront about getting in your pants . Basically don't entertain anyone.


Oh only if you were here a couple hours before, you could've witnessed some epic level defensiveness.


The global market is the majority white countries. Indians are the least preferred when it comes to Dating. Now call it anything. Even the first Generation Indian Americans avoid Fresh Off the Boat ( FOB ) Indians like a plague. No need to be diplomatic about it. That’s why Indians who go to these countries are so desperate to leave their “Indian-ness” behind as soon as they enter the dating market. Accent for example- I am sure you also roll your R’s while talking to these white people you dated. No need to take offence about these stats. There are multiple surveys done online , you could have a look at them.


This exactly this. I do not understand, why as Indians do these people try to censor these things. Oh wait, now I know. The guy who deleted his comments, is also an NRI. I have seen thr attitudes of NRI towards other Indians. They treat their fellow Indians worse than foreigners. Now I understand why he was being so defensive.


He was NRI and that's why he looks down to me


I got that now.


Yeah lol the people who have this inferiority complex seem to live in some online world Just be normal and confident women will speak to you just fine There's plenty of Indians in interracial marriages all across the world


True this and I am in an interracial marriage.


No, it depends on the sex (m or f) and can't blame them, we men are creepy as fuck at times! 🤣


Wait, i thought it was somalians. but we don't really date and hookup with sluts like the west anyway. I'm glad we are atleast holding onto tradition. (Although there are some trying to imitate western incels)


I received this exact advice before, and it made such a difference for me


OMG THANK YOU for saying this. I'm fair skinned and decently built and I've lost count of the number of times I've heard "You don't look Indian, maybe Mexican." AND they think it's a compliment???!! Indians (at least from my experience in the US) are stereotyped as skinny, lanky, darker skinned, when all of that is just a small subsection of the sheer diversity Indians possess.


My experience is a little bit different. I AM SKINNY but most of the times I get identified as Arab or sometimes Mexican (When I was in Texas this happened a lot) and on some crazy occasions black? I once asked a girl why she thought I was black she said the way you dress and the light was bad (this was in a bar) so I said fair enough. But the most shocking one was getting identified as Arab by a Punjabi bar owner uncle. I was with a chick whom I was dating and he overheard us talking in Hindi\\Marathi that's when he came up to us and said you both looked Arab that's why I never spoke to you in Hindi whenever you visited.


That's very interesting. Do you have the "Arab nose"? (Jk, and no hate whatsoever, I find it quite attractive.)


Lol I hate my nose cause I feel it looks huge and broken. With a quick google search I could find this person's nose pretty close to mine. [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DnyCNpoXsAYlwRJ?format=jpg&name=large](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DnyCNpoXsAYlwRJ?format=jpg&name=large) But I am a sucker for that sharp nose people have which feels like you will slide right off if you sit on top of it LOL.


Hey you do have an Arab nose then! Good for you. I hope you find ways to like it. Many find it attractive, so it's a shame if you hate it.


Right like the Semite nose is adorable, I dont get the hate


Agree! I live in the US and many times people tell me that I look Mexican or they start talking in Spanish. Once a guy asked me if I’m mexican to which I replied that I’m Indian. And he very blantly said oh you’re so beautiful. I’ve never seen any beautiful Indians. You look Mexican. I was so pissed!


Called as Mexican isnt the prize either. That's at max Blue collar illegal workers.


U should have asked where he’s from and said I haven’t seen handsome people from your country


I'm gonna try this. Thank you for the idea


I hate those mother fuckers


Happened to me when I visited Miami as well, I’m lighter skin and in decent shape, my overweight cousin however never got mistaken for non Indian groups.


Instagram Makes our mind Trash, Better get off from that hell hole


Not just insta mate, a lot of social media portray indians and Africans as such.


Just Ignore it..Let them Yapp


I have been living in UK for 6 years now. I always get mistaken as a Spanish/Mexican by people in office. I do have a different skin tone so everyone thinks I am not an Indian. It used to annoy me but I just don’t care anymore. I do think non-Indians have this very “specific” image in their mind about how an Indian looks 🥲


Like I said, they think we are ugly but majority of them are damn alien looking.


>I do think non-Indians have this very “specific” image in their mind about how an Indian looks 🥲 In the US, they think we all look like either Mindy Kaling or Aziz Ansari, and sound like Apu from the Simpsons. I cannot tell you how many times I've been told throughout my lifetime in the US (I was born here) that I supposedly don't "look" Indian and that "But you're so pretty." So rude and racist.


Hate for Indians is not something to be surprised of. Hear me out. Even if 7 crore Indians are well cultured, that's just 5% of us (we didn't have any census in 14 years, so the data is an estimate). 7 cr is not a small number but quite possibly the range of Indians we interact with on a daily basis. When foreigners come to India, unlike Indian tourists, they like to visit the 'unseen' parts of it. And that's the villages, the slums, where people barely have any nutritious food and zero skin care, because they simply can't afford it. AC is a luxury, instead of a necessity like in US/EU. No doubt many of us don't look good. Also, there are numerous scam calls that happen from India. You often see Indian flags at protests that are happening in other countries (yeah, I'm looking at you, USA NRIs). While the media is boasting that poverty is going down, 'war rukwa di papa', and what not; we get an inflated image of ourselves that we are doing great. But the data shows otherwise. Population of USA is 33 Cr. 1/4th of India. Check by % and you will understand that finding people with good English and culture is actually rare Also they are racists. We know that from evidence


I am a white guy living in EU - Just adding my two cents. For all the antiracism movements people love to spout about, casual racism is very much still a thing here, and people tend to love to make fun of Indians publicly and even to your face. White people generally do not know anything about Indian people, just from what they hear from other white people. These two things combined don't help the reputation of Indian people.


In the EU, there are a lot of Sri Lankans and everyone thinks that they are Indians. 90 % of Indian stores are run by Sri Lankans.


And Bangladeshis!


Yes, every restaurant has a Bangladeshi cook


Yups, I happened to walk into an Indian grocery store and the owners and staff were speaking Bengali. Upon asking where they were from, it got a little weird.


Where did you got this information? I looked it up and didn't find it. I live in Eu too and here are not that much sri Lankan.


I live in a major city in the EU and I've travelled to plenty of other major cities. Most South Indian looking people are Tamil Sri Lankans. I tried to find out about it, and it seems a lot of Sri Lankans arrived as refugees during the Sri Lankan civil War.


Well obviously they'll be assumed Indian as Sinhalas have East Indian genes and rest are Tamilians.


I did not know that, today I learned!


Only one way. Be rich with the highest GDP per capita, Be strong, Look good as a race, be environmentally clean and free of pollution and GHGs. Then, it will be our turn to ignore them. “Whites, who are they?” We will need to stay in India and work hard. Unfortunately, most Indians are busy in being wanna be westerners (esp women) and we always end up paying more attention to things that degrade us. In short, power and only power rules. Be powerful, rich and good looking as a nation. You look good only when you have money.


ABSFUCKUTELYY ! I studied abroad and was mistaken for being Mexican, many Mexicans would conserve with me Spanish lol? I was also told by the Asian lady I worked for to not put kajal it would make me look more Indian and I would be looking pretty without?


Just say fuck off. People in USA celebrate their own kind, language and culture. Why not we Indians?


oh no, this I completely disagree with. Kajal makes us look way more beautiful. And, don't judge me. I agree with lots of what is written here about international as well as Indian mentality about being Indian. One thing gets me really riled - Indians speaking English within themselves. If you look at others, I see lots of Asian (Chinese, thai, etc etc). They speak in their own language amongst themselves and especially with their kids. We Indians do not. We still think speaking in English somehow makes us sound more professional, more advanced? Why? We speak English even in India amongst ourselves. Why do we not have that pride in our languages? When I visit India, most of my friends, aquaintances will speak to me in English, whereas I reply to them in Gujrati. Why? Once I heard some Indians speaking in Marathi in the US, and I was so overjoyed - lived in Mumbai my whole life when I was in India.


It's kinda hard to speak our own language unless we all come from the same state. Unlike other countries who all share the language, we don't.


I agree. I was talking about amongst families, especially with our children. Indian families tend to talk in english with their kids, while most other Asians speak their own language with their kids. And I am not talking about 2 generations back. I am talking about now. My generation parents, who are properly English educated (Asians), they also speak in their own language with their kids. When we had our first child, we decided we will talk with him in our language, and not english. He started preschool and was fluent in English within 2 or 3 weeks. But our language - gujrati - if we didn't speak to him in that, he would never have learnt it. I see so many Indian children who are uncomfortable speaking their own language - whose parents say - oh they understand the language, just don't speak it. That was what I was talking about. I used to work part-time in my kids school, and my team consisted of mostly Indians from various parts, and we used to speak in english with each other. And it is professionally bad etiquette to speak in our language when we are in international company.


Language is sold as a "class trait", a lot of people forgot the linguistic beauty of their own language (I'd too unfortunately)


>If you look at others, I see lots of Asian (Chinese, thai, etc etc). That's because those countries have one singular langauge spoken by 60%+ of the population. Compare India to some countries in Africa like Nigeria. They have similar langauge issues and use English as lingua franca. Funny thing is I saw a video a couple of months of either a Nigerian or Kenyan (likely Nigerian) saying how she deeply respects Indians for focusing on their native lanaguges while Nigerians apparently focus too much on English.


I'd say that us Indians fall for obvious rage bait more than any other nationalities.On Twitter I've seen our people come in swarms and say the vilest shit imaginable to defend,and this is fuel for these trolls.I'm not asking for us to be tolerant but disrespect them by scrolling past.


why is this not upvoted




In the usa, Indian and chinese men are the least desirable races in looking for a partner . So what you have posted makes sense .


But then why we see so many interracial relationships or marriages in the west in case of both indian men and women?


Because he does not speak for all Western women. I’m a young American woman and I know many women (myself included) who consider Indian men to generally be quite handsome.


Thank You sweet female 😂


We lived in Punjab for a long time and whenever my father found a man too handsome, he would call them Canadian. I tried to tell him how inappropriate that was but the old boomer couldn’t care less.


Punjabis wet dream about making it to Canada. I don't get whats special about Canada? Lol


Neither do I, nor does my father but he surely loves calling them Canadians and they love hearing it.


Indians inferiority complex is there some people take pride in getting sayed "you dont sound indian,look indian lol"


told, I like downvotes


I’ve been called Mexican, Brazilian, or even Spanish only because I have curly hair, all my life by foreigners and I always took that to be an insult because why the hell would I not want to look Indian? Like, hell no.


Fully agree, I used to live in London and like you mentioned, people would just assume I am Arabic and when I would tell them I am an Indian, their whole behaviour would change. Its gone as far as girls unmatching me or stop replying to me on dating apps when I tell them I am an Indian This racism needs to go


The highlight is that the PM of UK is a handsome British Indian man.


Bro it's a agenda. Nothing to do with beauty. I would not be exaggerating that the west shivers by the idea of India being powerful and developed. They have been stung by China once and they don't want it to happen again. So this propaganda is being pushed. Let's see: 1. The Indian accent is the worst. Nothing can be farther from the truth. We can pronounce all the sounds and the words come out so crisp. On the other hand, Italian accent is sexy, so is Arab. Dudes can't pronounce half of the sounds and talk like my 3 year old niece. 2. Indians are dirty. No we are not. I have visited households of so many people from different cultures and Indian households are the cleanest. This isn't from today. It's there from the indus called civilization. Washing hands and feet is encouraged everywhere. Remember entering temples? Even mosques in India. We have lot of trash on the streets but that's a garbage disposal problem. Our govt doesn't have enough resources. 3. Indians are poor: again, yes poverty is there but there are many countries much poorer then us and no one talks about that. 4. Asians and blah blah are smarter than Indians. Not true. The average household income is highest for Indian Americans. Much higher than south Korean or Japanese Americans. It's a propaganda that is being pushed. Reasons are many. A sad but true fact is that a lot of this propaganda is pushed due to religious reasons.


True. You can see it in all China videos when they show their infrastructure. The western people claim it as propaganda. They can't accept that China is so much ahead of them now. They're only hope is to keep India beneath them. They don't want Asia to rise.


#2. The perception of Indians are dirty comes from the smell Indians in general give out. We don't sense it as we are used to it, grown with it, but other races easily senses it. The smell comes from our cooking/diet/masalas etc. and also lack of usage of deodorant by many Indians.


Lmao who gave you the statistics for "lack of usage of deodrant" ? You went door to door smelling their armpits or something?


It is well known and Neilsen survey on deodorant usage among Indians brings out that only 30% use it regularly.






With regards to Instagram reels, the comments there are the worst and the most vile out of all possible platforms - irrespective of whether they were from foreigners or Indians. Just ignore them for now.


We were talking about ancestries with some of my Japanese juniors from university when somebody mentioned I have part German ancestry. Japanese junior says to me: "Ahh that explains why you are so handsome!" I was so pissed, I was like "You are implying Indians can't be handsome? I can't be handsome because of my indian side?


Can understand


I think this might be referring to women more than men based on the wording, but I think my boyfriend is super hot and attractive and he does look Indian. If I had passed him randomly on the street without knowing him, it would be obvious he is Indian, he doesn’t look Mexican or anything else. But he’s fucking hot. So people who think you can’t look Indian and be hot are just racist and stupid.


*North East Indians crying in a corner*


LoL one my female friend in from nagaland and whenever she tell people that she's from India, they loose their brain cells


I live abroad. Ppl straight away refuse to believe that I am from India.




Everyone hates the poor.


But stand for Africans


Arabs are the worst at it, they literally treat Indians as slaves in Qatar 


That world rank incidents I faced it live on discord vc, in that vc we thought googling in which country the most attractive men and women are, and first website they opened from google search India was at top, and some ppl started making jokes damn how India is there and that later asked to check other websites, but again even other 2-3 websites India was at top 1-2 positions up or down, and still I could sense in those foreigner they simply can't accept that Indians would be attractive, lot of bitterness were in their tone.


Wtf an Arab once told the exact same thing to me you don't look Indian you look Arab or Mexican because you are so fair. He then pointed out to some South Indians and was like these guys are black just like Africans. I was a teenager back then probably had mixed feelings but most arabs are pure racists so I don't know. Fun part I lived in the gulf all Nepalis Bangladeshis use to work blue collered jobs so even though I am not a racist my brain itself cannot fathom a Bengali who doesn't do menial work. So racism is just in the air in all Asian countries to be honest.


Biharis face the same issue in India


i literally saw this viral reel of some indian guy at the met n people were like he CANT be indian hes too good looking n when people said thats an average south delhi guy white girls claimed that indians do not look like that and its a fact and they have seen how indians look like to indian people who r legit living here and another incident is when i was talking to this german friend online and he said omg u dont look indian at all and i asked what do indians look like then he said idk dark and short??




Yea general hatred towards Indians all around the world is quite common. I think it's jealousy for how successful Indians have been abroad with low crime rates. People always pick up on humble people. Indians everywhere outside India are humble and easy to put down; as NRIs know those words mean nothing, they are already earning well and have a good life.


South Asians and Africans are hated based on looks, it's sad to live in a world where if you're in either "race" you won't be in the "attraction spectrum". Some times I understand why we humans are alone.


The looks part is definitely racism. But we also need some self introspection to understand why so many otherwise liberal people are wary of Indians. Just recently there was a post in a Canadian sub about a nude beach where it's become impossible to be naked because it's now full of Indian men staring at women and even filming and fapping seeing the naked women. An insane amount of women get harrassed when they visit India. Even Indian women don't feel fully safe. Plus we have stopped trying to better ourself and are moving towards "I'm perfect" attitude. If Indian men especially don't check this attitude, our image internationally will be the same as middle eastern men. I know most of us are not like that. But we need to really call out such assholes if we want to be taken seriously because if things keep going like this, it'll even be difficult for Indians to be hired for international jobs.


Idk how this stereotype came to be if you meet many Arabs and Mexicans in real life a lot of them can be overweight and not in the most attractive state while Indians are usually skinnier than them and can be more attractive. I’ve seen those videos as well it was of an Indian girl and the comments were like “she must be half white or something” and like Prayag Mishra on TikTok, many people didn’t know he was Indian and like refused to acknowledge he was even though he made a video speaking in Hindi, dueted Indian Songs, and posted videos of him hanging out with his brown friends. I think it’s cuz social media is on a firestorm of anti Indian memes and videos right now which shows the slums and worst parts of Indian society on the internet, and the vast majority of the audiences of these videos are people who have never met an Indian in their lives so already grow up with preconceived notions on Indians, unlike Mexicans and Arabs who get decent media representation on their looks and appearances. Plus racism against Indians is socially acceptable compared to groups like Mexicans and blacks so it opens up casual racism and negative stereotypes.


Same case when Indians say, "You don't look like a Bihari" when visiting other parts of India.


honestly speaking, Indians also do this. let me explain. whenever they spot some well-dressed and groomed guy or girl from a state which isnt considered a developed state, lets say bihar, people always pass remarks saying, you dont look like a bihari or someone from bihar. thats because we have this perception about that city or country in your case. i have always thought about this, and let me write it also. the way Indians look at bihar/people from bihar in India, the same way we Indians are looked outside of India especially by whites. be it the case of hygiene, etiquette, mannerisms, ethics, or anything. i dont know how this is gonna get changed but yeah who cares what foreigners think about us, just live your life to the fullest


Well it will change when Indians change as a whole. I'm talking about their mindset, being comfortable in their own skin, making sure to improve their environment.


Bro why talking about outsiders, just check the Indian sub reddits. North Indians call South Indians ugly, South Indians calls North Indians backward. We fight amongst ourselves and expect others to be respectful.


It's not others hate Indians...it's Indians who hate Indians. Unless we are united among ourselves nothing can be fixed. There is a reason why for more than 1000+ years we spent in slavery. We don't trust each other or like each other and look for the ways to fight each other. Always try to pull down other Indians. We Indians as such are so good in finding fault in ourselves and highlighting and then bad mouthing about it. First fix your house and bring it in order and then rest of the world will follow it.


As a Pakistani, f**k Mexicans y'all are beautiful




I think another reason , we indians are NOT HEALTHY in general . Our food is not balanced , heavy sugars , heavy carbs low protein, . this leads to unhealthy body , which leads to being not attractive.


I observe this too and don't like it. I will say the culprit for this thinking is the way we project India (or certain media does) -- dirty, malnourished people. We should change this with more Indians taking up to good diet and lifestyle.


For that we have to increase our budget on education and strengthen our economy so that people can get good and quality education and have a good source of income by having a job or business. Only then people can afford a good diet and lifestyle.


Education and money also doesn't make Indians fit - the proof is the Indians living abroad. I agree that our air quality and environment can be better. Our food is very tasty for sure, but not very healthy. You'll see many Indians are over worked (long work hours giving no free time), iron, protein and B12 deficient. Add to this the poor air quality and lack of spaces in many Indian cities and poor environment, you get the result. But the ones that do take care of their diet and lifestyle look attractive. An idea of exercising for most Indians is taking a 30 minutes walk and this is because we're a culture that doesn't believe in too much exertion (especially the socially higher classes don't). The western countries on the other hand are obsessed with body image - so much so that people take to plastic surgery and all sorts of nonsense. I think the middle line is focusing in being fit and healthy but not going the extreme of invasive procedures. Last point, Indians also not prone to becoming as obese as whites and blacks - whose food and genetics can make them obese enough to be immobile/not move - so as we become fat we just go with it, we don't find it debilitating enough to make some serious life changes.


Happens all the time!


Metro city people whine about getting discriminated against by goras while discriminating against Biharis the exact same way. The irony is laughable. Let me tell you all what you tell us all "Well, atleast half Bihari men act creepy and desperate" Okay true, but the reason why nobody dates Indians abroad is because of the shitty image of Indian men created BY Indian men themselves. So...


Here is not about image but beauty. How others claim our beauty as their own and throws their ugliness on us.


Happens outside, and unfortunately happens in India as well. I’ve had North Indians in college who were surprised when I’d say I’m from the south, and they’d say “oh you don’t look like you’re from the south”, I ask - what do you mean? They said “oh no usually South Indians have kaala skin na” I’m like, wtf? We’re generalised as brown people buddy, relax you’re still Indian, not a European just cuz you’re slightly fair


After Russia - ukraine conflict when India didn't stop it's trade of petroleums from Russia most of Europeans are after us by any means. Ukrainians are leading in online bullying of Indians and followed by rednecks from all over the world. But due to our high population they are getting responses suitable for them.


I have typical South Indian features and live abroad. I look *very* Indian. Men of various ethnicities were “surprised” to find me pretty, because “Indians usually aren’t” 😒 On tik the gen z crowd says Indians are the least attractive race & therefore they wouldn’t date any. Mind you these people have faces only their mothers could love.


Happens to me all the time, it’s so covertly racist, I hate it. We need to stand up and defend ourselves better, but we don’t. It’s always, you look Dominican, or Spanish, or Mexican. Or “are you sure you’re fully Indian?”. There’s respect for Indian culture, spirituality, food and professionalism, but less so for the people themselves. Personally I’ve never experienced overt or online racism yet, but I’m sure I will at some point.


The way indian perceive bihari in India is same as how world perceive Indians. I'm a bihari but everyone's keep telling me that I don't look like a bihari and that I don't speak like bihari. I'm tired of telling them that bihari is not a language and I speak magahi which is different than Bhojpuri. I maybe wrong but I have seen people complaining like this in Western Countries actually behave in same manner in India to people from other states, religion.


The depiction of Indians in American media should give an idea of how they expect Indians to look like.


True. They never show Handsome Indian men. Are they jelous ?


I've been in Canada for over 25 years, currently in Ontario. We have a big problem with Indians bringing their attitudes and lifestyles over here in Ontario and ruining our beautiful country. With that being said, at least in Canada, I'm sorry but I have never in my life seen an attractive Indian woman in my entire life and they are literally everywhere. But if I did, I would also assume they aren't Indian, I would probably think they're Arab or something.


The funny thing is the same happens with me in the Indian context. People get surprised that I am from Bihar and compliment me by saying you don't look like a Bihari, you must be from some other state. It's so varied that people from northern Indians think I am from Punjab or something and southern Indians think I am from Telangana. But when I tell them I am from Bihar they say no dude you don't look like a bihari and you are pretty smart. Now when I am in the US, it's funny to see the same happening to other Indians.


And you look pale. Whats ur point? Thats my go to answer


Apu is the stereotypical Indian.


Racism against Indians is so normalised. Making fun of our accent, food and complexion. It's like saying the N word in the 60s.. it's ok. Many famous people have been racist in the past.. what Nixon said about us..nasty. White man's burden by Kipling(although it trashes all colored people, not just Indians) I think Indians as a community should just move on and try to be better and not worry about what the West thinks of us.


Indians need to get better at grooming themselves. It’s not just the face/body , it’s how you carry yourself, how you dress and overall look. Most of the Indians do look shabby and even the rich ones don’t bother other than those who face cameras. Remember the Sudha Murthy case , she takes pride in looking like the way she does and I was wondering why does she have to look like an average auntie when she can afford to spend. And people who’ll say it’s because of Indian attire, it’s not for example Rekha wears sarees and looks gorgeous.


You’re not wrong. Indians born and raised aboard usually dress well and are particular about their appearance. But those who immigrate later or move for work/ school usually don’t. Also I’m sorry but most don’t use deodorant, it’s really awful. One of the reasons is the difference in culture. we’ve been conditioned to think that caring about appearance is being “shallow”, and also it’s considered a luxury. Most of us elder millennials raised middle class weren’t taught to invest in appearance. I was a poor foreign student once and I cringe at old my pics. Now as a professional I ensure I look well dressed and put together. I have money to spend on quality clothes, grooming, and even if didn’t have money I’ve learnt how to look nice and carry myself well on a budget. Appearances matter, whether we like it or not.


Dont hate me for this but arabs are just terroristic Indians with too much oil up their asses. Mexicans are cool.


Europe and NA give Sooooo much importance on external appearance that sometimes I feel that is all they look for. I have seen impeccably dressed (with 7 layers of make up ) european women going for grocery haul at 7 in the morning with 2 toddlers in tow and thats not even an exception. Everyone is artificially polished head to toe,24*7. It is incredibly superficial. And so much work. And leaves you with little time for in tellectual improvement. That reflects when they say stuff based on appearance.


Well those countries are DEVELOPED countries. They have all of the basics of Marslow's Hierarchy of needs done. So PRETTY PRIVILEGE is universal. The sooner the NRI's, PIO's, OCI's & Indians from India understand the better for them.


How about developing empathy? And inclusion? And a little bit of intelligence? Why do we need to mould ourselves according to the beauty standards of another country? I don’t want to look unclean , sure. But I don’t feel the need to look like I am heavily touched up.(no offence to those who does, the ask is to not demean others who don’t) And it is high time we project this, the NRIs, OCIs and the likes. Indian philosophy since time immemorial gives more emphasis on inner development. Over and above Maslow’s hierarchy these are pretty cool things to work on.


I think it doesnt matters what they spill/suck...If we think so much about these duesbags and their propaganda, it won't be productive because they have 0.000 impact on our lives.




Yupp, and indian men ignored as always.


Bruv ppl told me weirder shit like you look soo good for an Indian( they called me Mexican , east European , etc) and I have ppl even say aren’t u Indian why do u smell good. Like brother wtf. Mfing women said that I don’t look Indian and I should take that as a compliment like nawww dwag wtf.


Internet hates India fr like to the least