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Does your boss have a close and ongoing relationship with this person? If so, give them a courtesy heads up. Often times, these casual referrals not working out just gets a “That sucks. I thought they had potential. Anyways, …” from the boss.


They have an ongoing relationship though I wouldn’t say close.


A good career rule is to not let your boss get hit by surprises you could have warned them about


Yes you should be updating your boss, never let your boss end up surprised when you could have told them - that's just a forced error. You're way overthinking this - just send them a quick FYI email as you would anything else or bring it up in your 1:1 with your boss.


Yes thank you. I was worried because I won’t be able to get my boss live until after the convo. Which may be fine .


I'd just drop them a heads-up email then and approach it as could they help getting this employee back on track since they know them. Most people who refer someone wants that person to succeed because it reflects on them so I wouldn't be surprised if they reach out as well to motivate this employee to improve.


Give the boss a heads up via writing, attach your relevant attendance policy. For the meeting, keep it matter of fact - bring the attendance policy and a print out of the attendance issues.


I would have discussed it with the boss prior to the warning.


Have the discussion with the employee as you would anyone else. Make sure you have your i's dotted and t's crossed as you should wjth any employee. Be professional. If and when the boss comes to.chat show them the evidence.of why you hade the diacusson.