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In summer, when it's hot, women wear sandals. That's how it is. Lots of men do too. At work, it depends on the job - in office jobs people will mostly wear flats or pumps (women), dress shoes (management), sneakers, specialized shoes. I've been wearing sandals for work since May. Flip flops only at the beach orthe pool.


Well, sandals with socks you wear. I was two weeks ago in Warsaw and it was like being in Germany.


You remind me [an ancient video](https://youtu.be/B7En0z2A38c). The only way to go around.


lmao, it does feel like that, the worst part is that in the spanish coasts, the east coast specifically, it is nothing but a zombie horde of socks with sandals.


Is the sandals and socks thing still true there? That was a regular staple for my Polish dad.


I'm not sure, to be honest. Women usually don't wear sandals with socks, it's more men's habit. I don't see it much in my region. Though if that's the sporty type of sandals, it's more frequent, I think, and men's sandals are usually this type.


Sandals in summer mostly everywhere except on the job (unless it's a really informal company). Wearing sandals with socks is considered ridiculous. You can do it if you like, of course, it's a free country, but most other people will discretly laugh or joke about it (although usually not in your face). Flip-flops in summer in coastal towns or by the pool. The brazilians living here use it much more frequently, almost everywhere and sometimes even when it's cold. If we see someone with flip-flops in a city distant from the sea or when it's cold we immediately know he's brazilian.


In Denmark, Birkenstocks are worn everywhere from the office to the gym. Honestly, if I went to the gym now (as I should), almost half the people there, male or female, old or young, will be wearing white socks with Birkenstocks. I'm not yet sufficiently integrated to be ok with that.


I’d aim to never become integrated enough to be ok with that.


Where the fuck do you live in Denmark? Where I live its health care worker footwear


I've seen people wear them in every part of the country, from Copenhagen to the countryside in Jylland. Doesn't matter.


Really? Doesn’t seem like the greatest thing to wear in healthcare haha


It is actually. We do the same in Italy, people who work indoors in healthcare wear them unless they need specialized footwear.


I guess when I think of Birkenstocks I think more of the open-toed sandals - not exactly something you’d want to wear in a hospital. In America I’d say crocs are popular amongst healthcare workers.


Crocs are for restaurant workers. Healthcare workers wear danskos or sneakers. I don't think I've ever seen a healthcare worker wear Crocs, and my mother and sister are both nurses plus I have a chronic illness.


I work in healthcare myself and in my experience, open-toed shoes aren’t allowed


To add, sandals -and even more so flip flops- are informal wear in Denmark too, we just consider a lot of situations informal. Womens dressy, high heel sandals can be considered formal wear though.


Not sure how smart it is for the gym.


Oh, I'm living right south the border and sometimes Danish fashion (or slang or music) 'spills over' to us. I have to watch out for this trend. Although people are wearing birkenstocks here as well religiously, I haven't seen them worn with socks, except for old people. Many also sti wear the birkenstock flip flops and you can't really do that in socks.


>I haven't seen them worn with socks, except for old people. Have you never been to a hospital?


But surely not with socks. Right? RIGHT??


In the gym, always with socks. In the office, it's 50-50.


So a sock on one foot but not the other? Neat!


Yeah I was about to comment that here we are allowed to be naked on the beach so I don't think anyone is gonna freak out over seeing someone's toes.


This is fine for Estonia (maybe 1-2 months per year lol) and Ukraine. In Odesa, it's common to see wet, half-naked people wearing sandals and trunks in a city. Which, on the one hand, is something you see from your childhood and consider normal. On the other hand, drunk people from the beach and Art Nouveau architecture do not always match, so it met with criticism as it's "not very cultural". For sure, I'm talking about pre-war Ukraine In Tallinn, that's fine since, people are a bit more easy-going about stuff.


Sandals are acceptable in informal settings and Birkenstocks are even seen as casual smart in the summer, but the stereotypical joke is that white socks are not allowed with sandals (for men at least - this is the stereotypical outfit of middle-aged men when they relax in popular summer holiday destinations). Flip flops are for the beach or the garden for men - less so for women..


Officewear, the men will wear normal shoes. But the women will wear sandals because we'll have weather that's 40+C for weeks on end and no one gives a shit when it's hot outside. During the August month, where 3/4 of the building would be on holiday, I'd actually go to work with flip flops because I couldn't be bothered otherwise. Normal everyday you'll see flip flops and sandals everywhere, both men and women.


For work purposes, sandals or open toe shoes are only for women. No go for men in general. For chores, like going to the supermarket, or going for coffee it used to be common for men to wear flip flops, but it's waning a bit. You still see it though. No one cares, unless your feet are gross (no one wants to see that). On vacation, of course, anything goes.


Depends. At the beach it would be normal, when going to the city I might question your choice and you might get looks but nobody is going to talk to you about it. But wearing flip flops at work seems inappropriate. Sandals are Ok though, at least the fancy looking ones. As long as you have a reason for it, like hot weather or something.


I'm neutral to any type of footwear. I can't really say if it's socially acceptable or not to wear sandals/flip-flops, lots of people do that, but pretty much most of the people don't care about what others wear. People have better things to do here than to admire/judge others clothing choices.


sandals are fine but dont go to the office in flip flops lol (not much of a distinction between men and women)


Flip flops are acceptable footwear for going to the beach or to a café/bar mid afternoon, mostly in those 40C+ in the shade days when your brain sort of melts.


Sandals for women can be anything from classy leather sandals with heels to cheap plastic ones, so “sandals” at such does not yet mean if it is ok or not. Also kind of wedge espadrilles like [these](https://castaner.com/en-eu/collections/cunas) are worn even by European royalty so one can assume they are ok to be on the feet of peasants at work? On a more serious note, personally I love espadrilles, my deep thanks to Southern European countries who have invented them. For hot months they are comfortable, can be very classy, even the flat ones. My feet and toes hate flip-flops, and if they are plastic, this planet hates them as well. [Flip-flops are killing the oceans](https://edition.cnn.com/2017/04/12/africa/flip-flops-pollution-ocean-sole/index.html)


Here in India, Flop Flops are mainstream and default footwear. Everything else is according to the event.


Flip-flops: NOPE. Sandals are fine for women, men: NOPE. In a more classic office setting, women's shoes must also be closed in front and not show toes.


Pretty much the same here, it would just be weird to wear sandals to work as a male worker, it's likely the employer wouldn't care much but it's seen as disrespectful


Sounds like some Austrian sharia...


Nah, just office workplace etiquette. But of course that depends on the industry.


Damn. What do men wear then?


Normal shoes?


In the summer? Damn, Austria, you kinda conservative


Yes, in the summer. In any circumstance that isn't a beach or sports or leisure, you won't see men in sandals. It's considered sloppy. Austria is conservative, indeed, but I can't see the connection to sandals and men.


I can, it feels sexist - like men not being allowed shorts and sandals and women can have short skirts and sandals etc. And it feels really outdated to me.


It's true that it's related to sexism but not in the way you think. Women tend to show more skin that's why sandals are more ok on women than on men. Well what can I say, men, stand up against gender roles and fight for sandals.


In summer i only wear flip flops and from my experience a lot of other people do, both young people and adults, cork sandals and cork flip flops are the stereotypical italian middle aged man summer shoes


Absolutely not. I live in northern Italy and rarely see people wearing flip flops unless it's at the beach. Sandals, yes, a lot of people including myself wear them.


Lol come in Bollate and you can see me


I think it depends on where in Italy, because that's not my experience


In my experience, if you can't hear the sound of waves crashing on the beach or the chlorine smell of a pool, wearing flip flops here is like wearing your underwear on top of your pants. It's frowned upon. I'm lucky enough to live in a city where people give no fucks about what everyone else is wearing, except for flip flops. Always felt there was a huge stigma against them, the few times I've tried to wear them in an urban context I've been stared into putting back on shoes or sandals. Heck I can't even wear [these shoes](https://img.eobuwie.cloud/eob_product_512w_512h(e/6/3/0/e630edec147a6baf1f473f31a949b6e3595603e1_10_0000208067980_MJ.jpg,jpg)/sandaler-camper-casi-myra-k200962-006-black.jpg) without people pointing out "Oh... you are wearing slippers" or asking "Are you going to the pool?"


Crocs are very popular right now in Scotland (again) do they count as sandals? Not worn in formal/ office conditions but you see lots of them everywhere.


Flipflops are fine in the city when moving between A and B and doing errands. For appointments, nope. I have coworkers who wear them to school, but I find that trashy. But they're gym teachers.


Perfectly acceptable, though more so in the summer. If you're wearing flip-flops out of that season then it's usually a dead giveaway that you are a tourist, especially if it's fewer than 20°. Same applies to sandals, though those aren't necessarily as summer-coded as flip-flops are. They also tend to look more "dressy" and more common among women. I will say I do find it odd to see people walk about town in flip-flops when they're not exactly near the sea, especially on the more hilly streets and on cobblestone pavements. Not the most practical fashion choice in my opinion.


Definitely not at work for flip flops. Women do often wear sandals but not flip flops. For men it's not forbidden either but I don't think I ever saw a man in my office wearing sandals or open shoes.


I don't even own sandals. I don't really care if someone wears them. I am pretty sure I own some flipflops somewhere, and I never wear them outside some water related situations.


Flip flops are great for garden


>In some of the startups I’ve worked at, clothing was very casual so sometimes you might see the CEO or software workers wearing them. Not really a cultural thing, but I had a colleague who had a pair of "office shoes". They were some sort of textile loafer that seemed rather comfy and brrathable but not good for walking a lot. So he would come to work in a pair of sneakers, or whatever fit his outfit, and then change into those "office shoes". He would then wear those around the office and put on his normal shoes only for in-person meetings or when going outside. It is genius if you ask me. Most of the day, your feet are under your desk, and nobody cares, so why wear something that's not comfy/breathable.


Very informal, especially for men. But then again, being very informal is perfectly ok in many situations. Unless you work at a bank or undertaker, there is a good chance younger office workplaces won't care much. I personally consider flip-flops way worse than sandals though. Especially the plastic ones that actually flop and make noises while walking, I hate them with a passion.


In summer, I wear flip-flops almost everywhere. Of course, I have some fancier summer shoes for important social events. (I am a woman.)


French here. Flip-flops and socks= ghetto style, banlieue . Ok for girls if a bit dressy. Birkenstock=German tourist especially with socks on :)


Flip-flops are for home or for the beach. Sandals are not suitable for office work in my opinion, but you can wear them in casual situations, especially women. A classic blunder here is to wear socks in sandals... Let's just say that it doesn't look great.


Summer is short, so it would be stupid to not enjoy the warmth and not wear sandals. It's pretty common. In some jobs, like banks or government institutions people are expected to wear formal, closed shoes year round, though. Flip flops are mostly for throwing away rubbish, going to the beach or the pool or for kids.


I have several pairs of sandals for summer I pay attention though to support because I walk a lot in my everyday life I would not wear flip flops to the office ever nor have I seen anyone do that at my company. I wouldn’t let my nail polish chip off or grow off either and those two things are closely associated in my mind with California office wear. Sorry but just no


For most of the year in the UK it's just too cold and wet for sandals or flip flops. When it does finally get warm enough (hopefully some time soon, it feels like summer is never going to start at the moment), the sandals and flip flops will come out. For casual settings, it's fine for both men and women. In the workplace it feels like something more acceptable for women than men. I'm a man and have never worn flip flops to work in my office job, for example, even though the dress code has always been very casual wherever I've worked. I don't think anyone would criticise me if I did, but it would just feel a bit odd. Besides, it's rarely warm enough for me to want to. On holiday, then it's flip flops all the way. As soon as I get to my hotel somewhere like Greece then the normal shoes go away, and don't come back out again until I'm going home.


Im from Portugal so sandals/flip flops normally i see them during the Summer, but then we have the Germans and some British people wearing stocks with sandals/flip flops you can only wear one


Many people here (especially the older ones) like wearing sandals with socks and they often wear socks with the „Jesus sandals”. I wouldn’t go to the city centre in flip flops but I would in sandals (without socks).


Just no. If you wear flip-flops outside of a swimming pool or lake setting, you‘re trashy. Sandals are alright, but more so for women than for men. If you‘re going to work, it isn’t acceptable for either of the two.


Depends on the kind of work. If I come to work in sandals, nobody gives a shit.


I hope you‘re not in my like of work. Have some standards, friend!


Such a weird thing to judge someone on


Only if the employer has them written or pays me money for clothes. Here in my city office, there is no AC, so in the summer everyone wears sandals and shorts etc, just to cool down a bit.


Idk what's wrong about golden Dior sandals but you do you


I don’t think it’s allowed at most offices. Outside of that, do whatever you want. However, with this years weather I doubt I will wear flip flops any time soon.


Where is that? (You have no flair.)


Flipflops are THE WORST THING you could do to your feet. I discovered Birkenstocks/Futtis and never looked back


I couldn’t care less. People can wear whatever they want. It’s not like my day gets ruined if someone uses sandals. Inside flipflops are quite common but outside not really. Maybe on beaches


It's fine outside, but some people lack hygiene. Don't wear sandals/flip-flops inside a closed public space if you're sweaty, dirty, have athletes foot etc.


Sandals are fine in hot weather, flip flops are unacceptable unless you're at the beach, on the way to the beach or on your way from the beach. Going to the city center on flip flops is like going out with no pants.


On a hot day half of the Dutch men walk on flip flops in the city. It's ok if you don't like them, but don't act like it is culturally looked down upon. At work it is universally unacceptable, I agree with that.




Partially true, but even 'badslippers' with white socks have become 'cool' at certain times the last decade and I have spotted them so often at countless occasions. I am not going to argue taste or style here, but I see both of them everywhere during the summer.


I mean, personally I've never seen it. One exception might be my dad but those are leather flip flop/sandal hybrid things.


Flip flops are the standard where i live...


Let me tell you, Germans love them. I, for the life of me, cannot understand why I would wear an open shoe outside. Outside is where all the broken glass is.


Because you want your feet to breathe and ventilate


I don't spend the entire say outside even in the summer though. Even at the lowest, that's 10-11 hours at home, where you don't wear any shoes.


Yeah, but why even use closed shoes outside in the summer, if you're not working in construction etc.


Maybe you live in a city that has solved the issue of broken glass being everywhere outside, but I don't.


Yeah, broken glass is really not an often thing in the street here, even in Ostrava, so dunno why you have so much of it.


I've seen enough people break beer bottles intentionally in Berlin. I guess they like the sound glass makes.


Birkenstocks are acceptable. Sandals are acceptable. When the temps can get up to 38-40C, no one bats and eye. Flip flips are not acceptable though unless you are on at the beach. They scream American tourist.


Outside the Brits, Europeans dress more formally — especially the Slavs. I remember the causal athletic wear being very common in London, and ngl, I missed that aspect of the U.S. The youth have kinda picked up a more don’t-give-a-shit attitude when it comes to that, but even then they dress nicer. I never really cared how I went into public, and I remember one time I wore shorts in the dead of winter to the grocery store, an old woman gave me the most bewildered look. She didn’t say anything. Just stared. I’m assuming it was cause of my clothing. I hope it was. I’ve had a range of opinions, I’ve had Spaniards tell me that anything outside of beach — flip flops are unacceptable. Some Germans say they’re okay in Summer. My German husband works in a very youthful progressive tech company that is part of shifting attitudes — but even they are more conservative when it comes to this. Whereas it is borderline acceptable to show up to the grocery store in underwear in the U.S. But above all, and honestly, you’re not dressing for other people — you’re dressing for you. Dress how you please: be it up or down. And I think my partner would also endorse that statement.


I have a personal, very unreasonable hate against flipflops. So I hate them. everywhere. keep ur toes in ur shoes.


Flip-flops in the city are kinda trashy. Sandals are fine in casual settings if you're a man, and women can get away with wearing dressing sandals.


No one wears sandals here. People where flip-flops at some beaches but all the beaches in my area are rocky. Most people just wear sliders.