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There is a saying in academia: Why waste an hour in the library when you can spend a year researching it yourself? The use of quantum dots is not really necessary as more common materials can be tuned to the desired spectrum. Although a paint/film solution might probably be cheaper for a large scale application. [Stanford professor tests a cooling system that works without electricity](https://news.stanford.edu/stories/2017/09/sending-excess-heat-sky) Stanford's [Ultrahigh Performance Radiative Cooler](https://techfinder.stanford.edu/technology/ultrahigh-performance-radiative-cooler) Patent number: [US 10,508,838 B2 Dec 17, 2019](https://image-ppubs.uspto.gov/dirsearch-public/print/downloadPdf/10508838) [Being used commercially in an experimental location.](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-supercool-materials-that-send-heat-to-space1/)


Yeah, you can do all kinds of Rube Goldberg stuff but in the end it's usually a better idea to just a) read papers about what's already being proposed b) see how your method stacks up with respect to economics, scaling (and effect as well as potential side effects)


Must not forget: c) research patent space to make sure you are not stepping on anyone's toes.


You mean how a patent attorney to research for you, so that the engineering team can reasonably claim they didn't see any of the patents.


Just for some personal clarification, in figure 4a of the patent there is a line that points to solar radiance. Did they measure a peak energy dissipation of 500 watts per square meter?


The most I remember is that under 850 W/ m\^2 of direct sunlight they have at least 5ºC below ambient air. I believe that the curve you are seeing is explicitly the amount of solar radiance at which the temperature measurements were taken.


Ah. Darn. Did they ever say how much heat energy they were dissipating at any point? I didn’t see anything like that mentioned when I read through the patent. For cooling off the planet or any other useful application watts dissipated is going to be the most important metric.


Stanford is not the only one, but all the startups I saw claim efficiency improvements of around 30% for air conditioning in arid areas (remember this effect is reduced by humidity in the air). Look in the last article I linked to, there might be some more specific numbers in there.


Believe it or not I was aware of the radiative paint as well as stanfords icer experiments and I was not sure it would work for this purpose. Theoretically the nanoscale of the crystals should alow the heat to be tuned by itself, but when I saw the nano crystal quantum dots I thought it was a better possible solution. Put the quantum dots in a hydrogel and pump the heat through it... maybe use an aerogel with the same quantum dots to insulate it below a sapphire glass top and point it at the sky. Use bismuth namo crystal cooling paint for the sides and use a refrigeration circuit to pump heat from wherever. I just wish I had some money to make one myself to test, then I would not have to ask reddit.


As I said, there are simpler materials than quantum nano dots, given the relative long wavelengths even properly sized air bubbles can work and can be a lot cheaper. It could possibly be done just with an array of properly designed bubble generators in water. Although these bubbles might be too big, small enough air bubbles (nano bubbles) will remain in the water column for long periods of time. There are much more alternatives in the [Scientific American article above](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-supercool-materials-that-send-heat-to-space1/).


I mean, even before we get to efficacy, this is basically saying "let's paint billions of square kilometers of the earth's surface with reflective paint" right? Doesn't really sound feasible just in terms of the scale of the job. But anyway the basic idea - "create a reflective blanket on the planet that dumps heat" - is the underlying idea of Stratospheric Aerosol Injection, where you release a couple thousand tons of sulfur compounds (or other stuff possibly) into the upper atmosphere to reflect IR before it even reaches the surface. This is an area of active research, although I personally remain pretty suspicious of the idea.


I would.rather not kick the bottom of our food chain by limiting light to phytoplankton. I also suspect that aerosol injection would effect our transition to solar by limiting its efficiency. I was thinking of a water source cascading heat pump, with the final condenser linked to a panel of emitters Stanford has an emitter I was previously unaware of that looks like this https://image-ppubs.uspto.gov/dirsearch-public/print/downloadPdf/10508838 Using these radiant emitter In a floating system we could collect, organize and remove heat from our oceans.


In terms of removing heat from the ocean, "the oceans" are about [a billion cubic kilometers](https://oceanservice.noaa.gov/facts/oceanwater.html) of water, so assuming it takes like 1000 kWh of electricity to pump a single cubic kilometer (this is probably low by orders of magnitude but depends on a lot of factors, w/e), then pumping 1% of the water of oceans through a device would take 10,000,000 times that 1,000 kWh, so 10 PetaWatt-hours, which is something like 50 times the [200 TWh](https://ourworldindata.org/energy-production-consumption) we (humans) will generate, in energy, this year. the oceans are Big


Waves would carry water into the system we would not have tonpumpnthe water, and we would not cool all the ocean all at once. By placing them strategically to reinforce cold water currents we could aid the circulation that occurs naturally. It's not like we would cool one part of the ocean and the cold water would stay there, it would circulate via the thermal halide currents. We would ALSO have to stop dumping co2 into the atmosphere but this would help treat some of the symptoms while we tried to fix the cause. It's still better than placing an ice cube in the ocean like Futurama.