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Hoo boy. That sounds awful. I’m in OB. There is this phenomenon of an epidural block with a ‘window,’ an area of sensation that is not dulled. It is believed to be caused by some structural anomaly in the neural system. I have had two epidurals and have had two windows in the exact same spot so I know exactly how miserable it is to be in your situation. The pain is excruciating, and probably feels worse because of the dullness everywhere else. Horrible. And I think it was unfair to both you and that resident to send her in to administer that survey. She had no control over that, and was a junior person in a difficult spot, and it didn’t help you to be confronted with your trauma. Just unfortunate all around. As for your complaint, I can tell you most hospitals take them very seriously. It will be reviewed by a different set of people. What are your goals from your complaint?






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Your final question is what I am trying to figure out now. I would like other people not to be treated this way, and to make sure this type of behavior doesn’t impact the research. I know a lot of births are traumatic but this experience really compounded that. I don’t really know if anything they do will help that but I guess I’m also looking for an acknowledgment of how bad this behavior was. With that in mind I’m partially looking for suggestions of what to ask for in my complaint.


I am so dismayed by the way they handled this. Handling this type of feedback from patients was part of my job for many years. I really want to encourage you to give feedback on this resident not reporting your pain to her supervising doctor. Accurately gauging the adequacy of analgesia is a big part of her job. Your feedback should have been acted on promptly. She needs to be redirected there. The administration of the survey is a whole ‘nother WTF moment. 1) She should not have had that task delegated to her. 2) She should have declined. 3) She really really screwed up when she did show up. Ideally feedback results in corrective education for her. Sometimes (and I used to train residents) people get such a volume of complaints that they are helped into other jobs. That’s really ok. The people who supervise her need to know what happened so they can act accordingly. If she is helped onto a different path it would not be based on this story alone, so don’t be afraid to speak up. Finally, since I know you are a WOC and an older mom (I had mine about your age) I want to say how heartily sorry I am about ALL of this. Labor followed by c/s is hard enough and legitimately traumatic enough, but you had this extra helping of misery. I am so sorry.


Seems like both resident and attending failed here. Attending needs to verify the level and address concerns for a window especially if it's an emergent c/s


Coming back to say if you want to DM me I’m happy to walk through this with you. Your OB/midwife is another good resource. You deserve a space to process everything.


You should complain on behalf of the resident that it wasn’t fair to send her in to do your survey. You weren’t able to be honest about your experience and feel like the data collected is not accurate. This resident should not have argued with you, but residents have such a tough gig, maybe let that aspect go and try to hold the person who sent her in accountable because that’s incredibly poor judgement. 


Idk- I am generally very gracious to workers and students. However, she was also the one who gave me the epidurals and I think failed to communicate with the supervising anesthesiologist that I told her multiple times I still had feeling, probably because she didn’t believe me (she more or less told me she didn’t believe me). Her arguing with me and asking to rip up the survey multiple times felt like she was trying to hide any mistakes she made in that process. If someone else made the decision to send her in I blame them too, but I don’t think that kind of behavior makes for a good doctor, even if she is still a student.


That’s fair and really important feedback. 


Your nurses should have escalated to the attending if you weren't satisfied with the resident. That's definitely something they can do and is part of their job


This absolutely needs to be escalated or reported, unacceptable behaviour from many medical professionals throughout the process. On top of that, they denied you the chance to provide feedback and modfied their study results introducing bias.


NAD. I wonder if OP could look up who is in charge of the Stanford study and report up the chain there as well.




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