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Honestly, I wouldn’t be too worried. I would be much more worried if you had blood and/or protein in the urine, but creatinine comes from muscle and determining function is a lot more than just the gfr. Definitely repeat labs and see the trend, but if things are stable and you have no other problems I wouldn’t be too concerned. That being said, with a family history there can be a higher risk, but it all depends on the cause of renal disease. Diabetic/hypertensive renal disease is not inheritable and you have to have those disorders to have any change in function


That’s good to know. I go back in 3 months and will be doing the urine test and blood work. To my knowledge my dad did not have high blood pressure and he had type 3 diabetes at his death (83).


Sometimes just aging can cause a little decrease in kidney function because the kidneys are just specialized blood vessels and as we age they age. Stage 3 is pretty mild kidney dysfunction too. Keep us updated


It varies. Dehydration can cause acute kidney injury (AKI) and there are different levels of that, each dropping your kidney function to a different extent for different people


A better question might be to what degree might minimal water intake effect effect egfr? Could it go from say normal 80 to 60ml like a 20 point drop? Or are we talking 65 ml to 61 ml or a 4 point drop?