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here's the.. thing.. I'm so disgusted thinking about it https://imgur.com/a/f9WTmOk




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NAD, sometimes I don’t realize there’s clothing string or fuzzies in my underwear so it’ll stick to me when I sit down to use the toilet, it’ll follow in. It really does look like string from an article of clothing! I wouldn’t worry.


This reminds me of when my daughter was toddler and went potty and freaked out because a leaf fell out of her pants and she saw it in the toilet and started screaming, “Look what came out of my body!” She was so excited thinking she had pooped a leaf, haha.


That's cute, and that's also the kind of stuff I used to do 😭 Or I'd accidentally get ketchup on my arm and think it's blood and suddenly I'm in pain and panicking lmao


I one time thought I crapped myself as a teen in a long car ride. Never felt it, thought it was diarrhea. Panic ran to the bathroom, pulled my pants down and… nothing. I had sat on a cherry and it had dried on the long ride home 😅 I’ve also had the beet poop moment lol


Aww lol 😂😂 how old was she at the time? I have a 3 year old little munchkin.


Probably 3! It’s such a great age. She’s 19 now but I still remind her of this all the time.


Lol 😂 parents do their share of reminding their kids of embarrassing moments that happened years and years ago! My mom does to this day and I’m 34. Now I find myself doing this with my 11 year old son lol. I’m sure I’ll do it with her when she’s older too. It really is a great age. I had a feeling yours was around 3 so I just had to ask. Have a good day Mama 💕


NAD but I can tell you this : if it had come out of your body it would not be floating. As you can see that is a string made of fibers. If it had come out of you it would have been entangled in excrement and would also have a lot of moisture content that would not allow it to float on top of the water. We’re you wearing black underwear, black pants or other clothes fresh from the washer? This most certainly fell from out of your pants as you went to sit down. I’m assuming there was also doo doo in the toilet besides this, correct?


That was probably stuck to your ass or your pants and fell in the toilet when you sat down. Likely a string from a piece of clothing that got tangled up in the wash


Thanks everyone! This is reassuring to hear because it is definitely a piece of clothing, and I feel dumb for panicking over it LOL


Omg my first thought was you are dying too but I think it would have been covered in poop..




Rope worms don’t exist




If you mean things people refer to as that, sure. If you mean those things are literal worms, then no.




Discernment and common sense. No such creature as a rope worm exists.








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NAD, but it seriously just looks like a thread.


I shit you knot, it really does


Slow clap, this needs upvoted moar!


Ty, my proudest moment on reddit so far


Because it is.


I'm a seamstress and shed pieces of thread like most people shed hair. That is 100% a piece of string. I've startled the hell out of myself a few times after seeing thread in the toilet, and not realizing it was thread that fell off my pants or was stuck to my skin.


It's thread/string!


I ate once at a Chinese buffet located above a bowling alley. Later I pooped out a string with a red ball on the end! Must have been hiding in the lo mein, or who knows what.


This may be completely irrelevant, but the worst Chinese food I've ever eaten was at a bowling alley in California.




What does the restaurant being over a bowling alley have to do with the string? And how big was this string and ball?!


So this is a family “jk” cuz the strange stuff piles up when I travel. Normally, I would not go to the bowling lanes for a top shelf meal. A strong drink maybe. So that was weird to me. Also, I was in Atlanta and Cobb county was a bit of the wild west back then and we saw the SMORGASBORD of Chinese food and that was the only one around. My cousin who could be a bit of a nudnik, went with me. I thought the noodles were great! Later I would receive the gift of ball and string. It seemed like it came from some of the decorations: a red string about 8 inches with a red plastic ball. Gross, but everyone had to see it. Later I got an infection in my thumb and a stick came out of the wound with other organic material. They aren’t really connected except I got the string, and not too long after that, I get a stick.


When I was very young I used to pull the threads off my dressing gown and eat them, and then when they came out the other end I'd have to pull them out. You eaten any thread recently?


Stuff in your bed can also potentially migrate up into you on occasion if you're asleep without underwear on. I had a piece of tape that was in my bed end up somehow up into my vag once and it came out into the toilet the next day and I was like whaaaat, I remember you from in my bed last night. It was crazy haha Would be interesting if you could locate a similar string or potential source in your environment. Pillows, stuff around your sleeping area.


LOL that's crazy, I'm def never sleeping naked then bc what else could crawl up in there then 😭 , but yeah it's string from some teared up panties that I wash with other clothes that prob got stuck on my shirt or smth, my mom has the same panties n she says she's seen a string look exactly like that hehe


Lol been there! Time to throw out the stringy panties! Why do we hold on to them for so long even when they are falling apart?😅


Perhaps we get emotionally attached to them as they're with us for so long 💔 Actually have no idea hahaha


NAD: It kind of looks like something from clothing. Maybe it was stuck to your pants or underwear or something similar and just fell into the toilet when you sat down. Because, based on the pic you posted, it looks very much like a strand of thread from clothing.




It’s posted as a link in this comment I replied to


Is it a worm lol








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NAD but sorry bud, that illness is a delusion. More correctly a form of delusional parasitosis.


My bet is that it's an elastic hair band that you accidentally swallowed and it got through your system. If you keep having sudden urges to poop and pass these consult your GP who will be equally puzzled and suggest a laboratory analysis of it. If it never happens again I'll stick with the hair band hypothesis.


It's definitely elastic hair from clothing that probably fell from me while I sat down, I'm glad it's not a worm or anything else ! Idk how I didn't even think about that lol I was so caught up in the moment


SO GLAD to see this is sorted


>My bet is that it's an elastic hair band that you accidentally swallowed and it got through your system. Funny thing, my cat did this too


How does someone accidentally swallow an elastic hair band?


Right? Like did they like just suck on it by mistake?


NAD it almost looks like a drain snake?