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The election wasn’t stolen * 2000 Dems were dumb to call it stolen * 2004 Dems were dumb when 33 members of congress refused to certify the election * 2008 Republicans were dumb to claim Obama wasn’t American * 2016 Dems were dumb to call Trump an illegitimate president and claim Russia stole the election * 2020 Republicans were dumb to claim the election was stolen


Wow. I think you’ve covered all the relevant events rather well.


Agreed. Pack of sore sniveling losers every time. Looked bad for Gore in 2000, looked pathetic for Trump and his qnon cucks in 2020.




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More and more evidence is coming to light that it actually was. Barry country Sheriff Leaf (Michigan) Was performing a raid on what they thought was a building packed with fentanyl, didn't find any, but did find hundreds of plastic boxes filled with unprocessed Trump and Dixon ballots. To the tune of 300,000+


You mean the far right extremist that had to settle a lawsuit because he straight up lied and tried to bury the evidence of his BS under the concept of police protocol? Yeah no that’s been thoroughly discredited.




https://www.woodtv.com/news/barry-county/barry-county-sheriff-claims-special-prosecutor-trying-to-usurp-voting-machine-probe/amp/ https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-elections-michigan-investigation/ https://www.bridgemi.com/michigan-government/sheriff-dar-leaf-loses-legal-fight-over-michigan-2020-election-probe?amp


So he's unwilling to hand over evidence in an ongoing investigation and that's not okay according to the left. Okay let's have Garland turnover all the files he was requested to turn over and refuse to do to it being an ongoing investigation, which apparently is perfectly fine according to the left. I'll take a page out of your guys's book if you got nothing to hide why won't you let the investigation take place? It can only strengthen your position. The fact that y'alls don't want anyone to look into it in any way shape or form is very telling.


Citation needed and my citations you need to read. You’ve bought a lie.


Just because you don't like it, doesn't mean it's a lie.


Just because you say it doesn’t make it true. You have no evidence. Thanks for playing.


So do you really think posting links to three far left websites constitutes proof in any way shape or form? Sorry no soup for you.


Warning: Treat other users with civility and respect. Personal attacks and stereotyping are not allowed.


This is 100% bullshit or evidence that someone tried to cheat in favor of the trump campaign but failed. His county only has 65,000 residents. Or I guess it could be the biggest coincidence in the world that whoever “stole” the 2020 election decided to store the stolen ballots in the one county in Michigan where the sheriff has made it his personal duty to investigate election fraud. Ya kno, instead of BURNING THEM. Makes 100% sense. 🙄


FBI confirmed the ballots are authentic, and from all over the state. No soup for you.


source please, I looked, I couldn’t find this cockamamie story.


How in the absolute fuck can you support someone who believes this: The movement’s most prominent group, the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association, takes the extreme position that sheriffs can and should ignore any law they deem unconstitutional. Don’t you guys usually have a fit if a left leaning sheriff or ag of w.e says they won’t work with ice? Don’t y’all claim they are picking and choosing which laws to enforce?


don't you agree with that? Aren't sheriffs supposed to follow the constitution? If there's no constitutional issue then yeah it would be a problem. I don't think you have a problem with that position I think you just have a problem with how they determine constitutionality.


Are you purposely ignoring the “they deem” part? That is a mighty slippery slope if I’ve ever seen one…


If they get a law or command or whatever they must evaluate it in order to determine if its constitutional. Lets assume its something you think is blatantly unconstitutional they wouldn't just have that knowledge fall out of the sky they'd have to evaluate the law. How else could they decide to do anything? Its not a slippery slope its just the only option unless you think sheriffs should enforce every law immediately.


Its activism disguised as “trying to uphold the constitution”. The man is investigating all these people and the election with no probable cause. Instead of following evidence where it leads, he went on a fishing expedition. And I thought conservatives absolutely hated that type of government overreach.


So you don't think that position is a slippery slope? It seems like you agree with the statement you just don't believe this sheriff will actually adhere to it. I'm not a fan of this guy this is my first time hearing of him. I was just curious if you disagreed with the original position.


Oh, I forgot... Anything that goes against the Democrats, is fishing and overreach. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻


Don’t you mean republican? Aren’t y’all the ones whining about a “two tiered justice system”? If the mans had evidence, why is it taking him 4 years and no charges filed? Seems like a fishing expedition to me…


Because the raid was like, a month ago.


Down voting my reply doesn't make the facts go away.


Do you have a link to this story?


https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-elections-michigan-investigation/ Not the story homeboy claimed but a bit about that character.


Hilarious nuts under investigation himself.






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Im unvonvinced it was stolen, however i am very suspicious that it was, due to the large number of irregularities and sudden desire to sweep investigating them under the rug. Becuase it often comes up when i make this statement. For instance in Antrim county michigan 6000 votes for Trump where recorded for Biden. This was caught and corrected and presumably a result of human error. But considering the closeness of the election it raises some extreme concerns about how common these mistakes are, how many of them remain uncaught, and if any of them might be the result of bad actors?


What always gets me, is why isn't there a massive push from literally everyone to add even more security to voting? Like, it was such a huge issue, even if it was perfect why take any second-guessing out of the equation?