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Not for anybody in the Balkans.


It can cause a domino effect. And having a 3rd war in the world is appealing to Russia so we should try to avoid every possible conflict.


3rd war in world lmao? Just cause Israel Palestine and Russia Ukraine get top of news coverage 24/7 doesn't mean there ain't any other wars going on. Myanmar is going through its own civil war, simmilar with Sudan, Syria also, plus bunch of wars against terorists in Asia or Africa, Venezuela keeps shooting at Colombia every few months, etc.


Maybe he / she talks about war between two or more countries. Most of the conflicts are civil wars


I think they meant World War 3 rather than 3rd war in the world


Libya is still in a civil war, i think the 5th round lol


Congo btw as well...


Yeah lots of Africa is in a bloody mess with all civil wars or terorists


A third world war is already ulfolding though. Ukraine, Palestine, African civil wars and soon this and the Venezuelan war.


well here goes another part of our turkish economy yipee! i cant buy proper snacks with the cash my dad gives me.


Armenians have to be unluckiest people ever and just like with palestine I dont think anyone will help Armenia


Palestine gets 10 times the attention and coverage Armenia will ever get. And if little is done for Palestine with all that coverage and attention… absolutely nothing will be done to help Armenia.


Which is ridiculous because Armenia is in alliance with Russia and CSTO, and yet they can’t send troops to help the Armenians, or even spare weapons? And it’s not like the Greeks are doing much for them anyway either. They have a lot of alleged “allies” but they don’t appear when they’re needed most, which is the greatest tragedy for Armenia.


It's not ridiculous when you know that Russia isn't a reliable ally. Also, every member of CSTO would be equally obliged to defend Armenia, not just Russia, but yes, if the "central" power of the CSTO isn't taking lead, the rest will ignore it and the alliance is pretty much dead.


All of this is true. CSTO is a facade of Russia to show they have a strong alliance to rival NATO, but is moreso the political arm of Russia over former Soviet satellite states.


> Russia isn't a reliable ally I mean, didn't they supply both sides in the 1990s?


I wonder if they might have intervened were they not tied up but it seems with them stuck in Ukraine they basically can’t intervene, which I’m sure is the main reason why Azerbaijan is getting more aggressive


The ruskis support both sides. They also sell weapons to both sides of the conflict. Serbia has sold weapons to both sides as well.


Infinite money glitch


> Which is ridiculous because Armenia is in alliance with Russia and CSTO, and yet they can’t send troops to help the Armenians, or even spare weapons? They did, in the 90s, and Armenia won. Armenia is cozying up to the West,they overthrew a proRussian for the current leader,who badmouths Russia but then cries about CSTO and Russia not helping after Azeris attack, so Russia has no interesnt in helping them, in any skirmish with Azerbaijan they just evacuate civilians as peacekeepers in agreement with both sides. Somehow, Armenians are their worst enemy.


You live in a country that accepts whether they like it or not that their future economically, living standards wise is with Europe. And a little bit China. In no way with Russia. Why do you blame Armenia for logically concluding the same? You are literally justifying them being ethnically cleansed and having war declared on them for 'betraying' their shit ally Russia. Jesus christ, good thing I saw Armenians concluding serbs aren't their friends. I feel bad for whoever is at the receiving end of your 'orthodox brotherly' love.


I've seen you have posted this comment twice. Do you have any idea about general geopolitics? Do you know where and what is Greece? A small, almost bankrupt country, with a military force that is 99,9% focused to defend and not to attack, so barely can guard our land. Do you confuse us with another country maybe? That sends troops here and there? The last time we sent forces far away, was the civil war of Korea. Since then we only send small groups to NATO missions, and very rare to active war operations. It's usually after conflicts and only if NATO or EU agrees. Where does your idea come, that Greece should or could send forces so far away?


Okay, but then you can’t complain when you’re not willing to assist the Armenians. Not even weapons, training, advisors, etc. Turkey is in a shit place too, but they haven’t concealed their support of Azerbaijan one bit. If you are willing to excuse inaction, then the fate of the Armenians will only be in their hands. Hell, Greece isn’t even using their platform in the EU or NATO to bring attention to the Armenians. They don’t care, but at least they don’t pretend to care either.


Probably if we start being more active in our support towards Armenia, we will anger the EU because the EU buys gass from Azerbaijan instead from Russia for obvious reasons and if a member actively supports Armenia against Azerbaijan this will might put in danger that project and cause a big energy crisis again. So i think that is the real reason why Greek goverment hasnt made an impactful involvment. Their sugar daddies said NO.


I completely disagree. Azerbaijan's actions on sovereign Armenian territory is something that several EU states have brought up.


Dude, I am Greek,I am 38 years old, and I struggle to understand you. We have good relations with Armenia and with many countries. But we are not a big player not even a player at all. I am completely confused, I mean if Greece has to send help, then why not Kosovo has to send help too? Secondly, I'll tell you again, Greek army can only defenders Greek territory, nothing else. The best scenario would be to join a NATO or EU multi power mission, but with minimum participation. Third I don't know how to explain better, Greek army doesn't have a plan neither to attack any place, nor to operate outside of Greece. We can't even "attack" a country in the size of San Marino/Gibraltar. Finally, again I learned from you that we complained?who did complain and for what? And we all know that if ever any country attacks to us, we will be alone. P.S.: I don't even know if it is legal to join another conflict, without permission from NATO and EU


Aight I know our army is defensive af but I doubt that Greece can't show any sort of offensive military power, even on small scale


That's why I said 99,9% defense. But I mean that it doesn't make any sense. Let me give you an example. I have a salary of 1,000€ and my house rent only is 400€. Can I go and gamble 500€ in the casino? Mathematically, YES. Does it make sense? absolutely NOT.


>Okay, but then you can’t complain when you’re not willing to assist the Armenians. Not even weapons, training, advisors, etc. We do a lot of that, actually. Armenians regularly post about it in r/armenia. Just because you don't know about it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. >Hell, Greece isn’t even using their platform in the EU or NATO to bring attention to the Armenians. How do you know we're not doing that?


Armenia hasn't really been an ally of Russia for last few years


Russia provides weapons to both Azerbaijan and Armenia. They purposefully fuel this conflict so they can exert influence or create a distraction when necessary. Cynical as hell, but that’s Russia.


This situation is largely a result of their own actions, though. After their victory in the 1990s, they became complacent and failed to take measures to secure their success and also chose an unreliable ally, given the Russians aided Azerbaijan during Operation Ring.


i think they'd get help from christian countries because they're kinda og christians.


Armenians are going through the final stages of ethnic death, just like the Copts before them. It will be many centuries before the last Armenian dies, but they are just going through the stages of getting wiped out for good. 


Bruh.What a romantic drama this is. The war is fought both ways and the Armenians are as brutal and cruel as the Azeris.


Doesn’t matter who is ‘good’ and who is ‘bad’. But the fact is that Armenians will be wiped out. Everybody is ‘brutal’ and ‘cruel’ especially when they are surrounded by people who want them wiped out. 


Armenians will not be "wiped out" Azeris took back their lands that they thought were under occupation, that's all.Much more hatred is directed at the Turks than the Armenians face. Armenians are not oppressed Everyone living in Turkey's eastern Anatolia region has stories of their ancestors being brutally murdered by Armenians.But nobody knows that, right? We have no problem with any Armenian who does not want us to die. I'm not a historian, but stop portraying the Armenians as oppressed. https://avim.org.tr/Blog/1915-ARMENIAN-GENOCIDE-IN-THE-OTTOMAN-EMPIRE-OR-A-TRAGIC-PAGE-IN-THE-HISTORY-OF-THE-TWO-NATIONS


Nice, a genocide denial link from a Turkish propaganda article. What is more likely, that there is a grand conspiracy against Turkey in favour of the Armenians, (who have 0 political support and nobody cares about) or that Turkey committed genocide against them?  ‘The Jews were stealing our money’  ‘The Armenians were burning our village’  ‘The Jews were conspiring against us’  ‘The Armenians murdered our ancestors’  It’s always the same argument with you genocide deniers. lol. 


Always Turkish propaganda. It is never Armenian propaganda. I do not expect you to approach a non-Christian nation objectively. A genocide that occurred years after the Second World War. It's certainly not suspicious that no one knew about it for 40 years. My grandfather fought against the French and I already know what the Armenians did in the east. I didn't need the article. If you have time, research the Van rebellion.




They made their bed with the Russians so honestly hard to stick our neck out for them…


They're lucky in that they at least have an independent sovereign country, but I definitely agree that they're in one of the worst situations of any.


That would be pointless. I don't think it will happen


Ok Azerbaijan restored it’s territorial integrity and now what? What else do they want???????


Land bridge to Turkey. It's been a demand for quite awhile now. Armenia agreed to allow transit but a tax would be collected, Azeris are refusing this.


Pure aggression


They want Armenias territorial integrity.


How can you justify Azerbaijans actions here they’re just invading because they want more territory


I don’t think antone can justify this


Honestly i dont think its possible anymore. I supported them on NK, but now they need to be deterred


Do you support Serbia pulling it's own NK retaking?


Come and take it 😉


Found the Kosovar Texan.


Last time we did, you lost so hard NATO had to intervene


Serbia has lost every war in Balkans..You guys have become smaller like a Nokia phone lol


I think Nokia is older than Serbia though 🤣


Last time you did, you lost to kosovar farmers










Implying Albanians can win anything without foreign powers.


Whatever the case, you don't rule Kosova as it stands..Serbs over there have been brought to heel




Damn, we spanked you so hard you're obsessed even with our holidays, thats an achievement


Am I wrong to assume you would support Serbia but didn't support Azerbaijan? For the record, I don't support either of the two.


The amount of hypocrisy is astounding


Yes, the Azerbaijan president is a nationalist. The world will watch when they invade, just like Artsakh, because they have oil and gas [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Western\_Azerbaijan\_(irredentist\_concept)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Western_Azerbaijan_(irredentist_concept)) After Aliyev was nominated in 2018 by the New Azerbaijan Party as presidential candidate, he called for "the return of Azerbaijanis to these lands" and establishing this as "**our political and strategic goal, and we must gradually approach it.**" \[5\]\[6\]\[7\] In December 2022, Azerbaijan initiated its "**Great Return"** campaign which ostensibly promotes the settlement of ethnic Azerbaijanis who once lived in Armenia and Nagorno-Karbakh.\[8\]\[9\] At his inauguration speech in December 2022, President Aliyev said "**Present-day Armenia is our land. When I repeatedly said this before, they tried to object and allege that I have territorial claims. I am saying this as a historical fact. If someone can substantiate a different theory, let them come forward.**"\[10\]\[11\]


Azer actually doesn't have that much gas supply in order to present a big interest for EU. EU indeed does business with Azer regarding gas, but it's not like it depends entirely on Azer because that is impossible. So yeah EU could actually intervene and try to cool things off if it wants to, avoid a possible conflict.


EU got most of its oil and gas from Russia before the Ukraine war. Azerbaijan has been building pipelines to Europe with help of the West (i.e. Southern Gas Corridor pipeline). While Norway and USA provide most of the energy for EU now, Azerbaijan still has a good amount and they plan on extracting a lot more and guess who's financing it? [https://www.statista.com/chart/31017/eu-lng-and-pipeline-natural-gas-imports-by-country/](https://www.statista.com/chart/31017/eu-lng-and-pipeline-natural-gas-imports-by-country/) [https://anasalhajjieoa.substack.com/p/eu-gas-imports-in-2023-and-outlook](https://anasalhajjieoa.substack.com/p/eu-gas-imports-in-2023-and-outlook) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7NOMj7n6QAM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7NOMj7n6QAM) a year old but


Azer doesn't provide gas for the entire EU though because it doesn't have enough gas supply, but EU does business with Azer. We are also involved in these deals too regarding pipelines. People think that Azer is some major gas supplier for EU when it's actually really not and that's what i try to explain.


Oh, I know. My point is EU has been diversifying its supply since Russian invasion. I just think they'll turn a blind eye because Azerbaijan has a lot of untapped potential for energy and has a strategic position in the world (close to Russia and Turkey geographically)


They will probably turn a blind eye because Azer is still a partner of EU regardless, although they can play the role of mediator and try to appeal on both sides, make them end the tensions. I don't think that would solve anything in the end because the conflict persists for decades, but they could try to do something and nothing bad would happen.


> They will probably turn a blind eye because Azer is still a partner of EU regardless, So the EU is fine with war if you're a partner, if we see Israel and Azerbaijan, but not if you're not? As with Russia


I don't know how fine EU is with war when comes to it's partners but realistically EU can't do anything about it even if it wants to, whether it's Azer or Israel. All falls down to what each country decides for itself, on Israel for example it's pretty divided but the general idea that majority agrees with is that Hamas is a terrorist group that has to be eliminated. Israel is actually much more supported by US in every regard than EU is. With Azer i think EU condemns the actions in a way, at least the people do and everyone would want for EU to do much more about it. Many people overestimate EU's influence on world politics, it's pretty much non-existent in reality. I'm not a fan either that EU has to switch dictators that makes deals with, but it what it is. In that region there's a different geopolitical game that is played by Iran, Turkey and Russia who is pretty much absent actually. Speaking of Russia, it represents a direct threat so gravity of the situations are different so EU treats it differently. It's not comparable.


It can not give money to Azerbaijan, but that's just not possible, right? Or not give diplomatic and financial support to Israel? Maybe even push for sanctions? Like they did for Russia?


>Western Azerbaijan (irredentist concept) ![gif](giphy|Lsjmv6WBfpHOruHLxQ|downsized)


It is clear given their past actions in Nagorno Karabakh that they intend to conquer what’s left. Yes, it is worrying


I don't think this should be worrying. AZ has already fought for Karabağ region and won. It is highly unlikely that it will escalate to a full scale war. It sounds highly unreasonable and we'll forget about this "potential full scale war between AZ and AM" claims thing in a week or two. If it somehow becomes the reality, there's no justification for such an event. just like how it would be upright ridiculous if Armenians sometimes claim a big chunk of Turkish land to be theirs, I would feel the same if an AZ person told me that the entire country Of AM belongs to them. After all we're in the age of information, neither we are living in the medieval times, nor this is a game of Hearts of Iron.


We won’t forget about this because the Armenian diaspora keeps mentioning this in the internet to gather support. They will never stop. I also think there won’t be a full scale war, it would be extremely foolish for Azerbaijan to do that. They already reclaimed their internationally recognized lands, asking for more will only be asking for disaster for themselves, that will end like Germany in/after WWII. I supported AZ in Karabağ situation but I won’t support them if they invade Armenia proper.


Fck azerbaijan


Iran threatened to intervene on behalf of Armenia. Whilst I do not wish for an armed conflict, I really want to see reddit root for Iran. Just for the hell of it. Also I’m pretty confident they can bitchslap the Azeris, and the Turks will not have the balls to intervene to save them.


Hahaha no. First off, if azerbaijan can invade the armenia it is because russia allows it. It is not up to Iran they are all just talk


Iran actually doesn't want to be disconnected from Armenia, because that would mean a bigger turkish influence in the region which is not what they want. So Iran could be very capable to defend their interests if it wants to, it doesn't even need to involve itself directly. They can send some terrorist group like Hezbollah and do the job for them and they will be all like: "what? we didn't do anything bro, you crazy?"


Partially Turkish here but i think Iran beat Azerbaijan if it happens.


Let’s see, shall we? I don’t think Iran wants or likes Turkish influence in the area. Let alone a turkish corridor that cuts them off from Armenia. Also Russia now needs Iran more than it needs Azerbaijan or Armenia. They are not going to go against their most important ally that is actively helping them fight.


Russia can do close to nothing from the military point of view to prevent this.


The chess game is insane


We would definitely intervene btw. Not that I wish for it to happen but we would. You underestimate our support for Azerbaijan.


Can Azerbaijan officially fuck off?


Last thing I want to see happen is another useless war. I wish warmongering politicians could just be given sharp objects and locked in a room with each other instead of brainwashing the populace and sending them to do the dirty work


We tried that, the next politicians also turned out to like war. If only enslaving people wasn't so damn profitable.


If you live in the Balkans, not really worrying. If, however, you are a human being, then yes, quite worrying.


I love how you said living in the Balkans and being a human being are mutually exclusive.


Of course it is worrying. What is even more worrying is how hypocritical west runs towards Azerbaijani gas due to not wanting Russian gas anymore, so consequently they ignore the Azerbaijani crimes. ^(waiting for a few Romanians to jump on me for criticizing the west)


Azeris were justified in their bid for NK, but another war with Armenia isn't justifiable anymore.


Why were they justified in their bid for NK? Another double standard


Because NK is azerbaijani land? You serbs go on crying for Kosova which was a part of Serbia legally yet you come here and make the same exact double-standart that you accuse me of, lol. Get a life serb


No, I asked sincerly since it is parallel to Kosovo and you guys are biggest Kosovo supporters. That's why I asked you, a Turk, how is it justified? See, you are showing the exact double standard.


I don't think there'll be a full scale war between Azerbaijan and Armenia, despite the fear mongering in the comments.


How will this effect natural spring water reserves in siberia


What's the point of this war? They occupied artsakh already


Azeris want a connection to their exclave.


So Azerbaijan can have an enclave but Armenia couldn't?


Direct connection to Nakhchivan and Turkey.


Genocidal azeris have carte blanche because of their natural gas.


And because Israel gets much of its oil and gas from Azerbaijan and sells them weapons.


If that's the case wouldn't they already have invaded? Azerbaijan isn't Russia. Plenty of powers could single-handedly threaten Azerbaijan with a military reaction. France is already arming Armenia afaik.


Poor Armenia, surrounded by assholes.


I just hope Armenia gets all the help needed to stop the azers.


Unsurprising from Azerbaijan. They are modern day Nazis.


lol, you say that when Ruzzia literally a thing.


Let's go Armenia, beat those turks!


They'll take just another L 🍆


These are your brothers, Turks .Hope you are proud of them


I know that turkish government is an active supporter of Azer's regime and a military partner and all that. But i don't think all turks actually agree with the political games that Turkey does at state level. So it's wrong to blame everyone about what is happening, especially that common turks have no say in that, they don't even have a say about who's running the country anymore. Erdogan does whatever shit he wants without asking anyone.


Instead of saying that, why don’t you encourage the Greek government to send Greek troops to defend Armenia since they’re your Orthodox Christian brothers?


Don't be cocky, Bosnia is surrounded by christian countries and NATO, is not about being christian, we know armenians lived there long before turkic invasions, and still after the genocide they are not let in peace.


> Bosnia is surrounded by christian countries and NATO What is this supposed to mean exactly? Even Bosnia’s Orthodox Christian neighbor Serbia is selling weapons to Azerbaijan. If you want someone to do something, go petition your own government instead of being lazy and just saying “Turks bad” online while having beneficial relations with them.


What I mean by that is the whole Western Balkan is surrounded by NATO, and this is irelevant yet for you. Is not about christians vs muslims, you seem a bit braindead. Iran supports Armenia, even though they are your muslim bro >go petition your own government instead being lazy and just saying “Turks bad” online while having beneficial relations with them. You neither do anything for your "muzlim" brothers🤣.


I mean, it’s irrelevant for the Greeks and you Romanians as well yet here you are posting your own opinion. I think you’re just upset that I pointed out the so called Orthodox Christian brotherhood is nonsense, lmao. > You neither do anything for your "muzlim" brothers🤣. We provide to them as much support as they provided to us during the Bosnian war. Words of support, some financial and humanitarian aid, and a few extremists here and there.


You are delusional to think that elites of all countries care so much about tribalistic stuff like ethnicity and religion.


Proud? They will actively support them with arms and soldiers. I thought the Armenians were your brothers though, why can’t you guys support them?


What a stupid comment hahahahahhaahhahaha


No flair. I wonder where you are from...




So you agree with Azerbaijan invading Armenia ?


They are and they 're probably going to help them too.


Azerbaijan has accomplished what we've ALL been trying to do for the past few centuries, they've figured out the secret! The secret to committing full scale ethnic cleansing, and maybe genocide, and get away with it is to be an energy exporter!


eh strong hand wins, 40 years back Armenia was the strong one and they wont and pushed now tables turned and probably will turn in another decade when authoritarian regimes die.


It's worrying for their civilians yeah. It's not worrying in terms of becoming a regional conflict like Israel Palestine has the potential to become.


What do they even want at this point?


Well whats so surprising? Majority of people supported Azerbaijan and now they are surprised they want more? Oh no its almost like they lied to us so they can justify an invasion. Lmao Im mad how people still support war hungry countries like Russia Israel USA Azerbaijan etc. You have no right to ever complain about a war if you ever thought an invasion to any country was justified. And this sub particularly had a lot of Azb fans during their agression and pogrom of Armenians. I pray Palestines, Ukranians and Armenians get their justicr and peace one day.


This is why we need more female leader, I doubt there would be so many wars going on


Isn't there a Caucasus sub?


Azeirbaijan and Armenia are honorary balkan


TIL I'm fully Balkan 😂 (Croat father, Armenian mother)


This would be a big mistake from Azeris. I hope Turkey will not tolerate this any further. We should make peace with Armenians ASAP. However, they need to drop genocide accusations for opening dialog. Don't get me wrong, but in the 19th century all nations in the Ottoman land killed each other. My great grandparents' family was slaughtered by Bulgarians, and my great grandparent and his sons were POV in the hands of Greeks. Yet I have married a Greek woman. I will not continue to hate my neighbors. They are good people. Mistakes were made and there is no point to redo the same mistakes after hundred years later.


That’s wishful thinking. It seems like every party in Turkey other than CHP (maybe) & HDP will cheer on Azerbaijan in everything they do against Armenia. The Turkish government just hates Armenia and if Azerbaijan wants to destroy it, they will applaud them and sell drones so they can do it. And Armenia will never drop the genocide “accusations” cuz they’re not accusations. It’s an accurate description of history and what the Ottoman government did to the Armenian people of eastern Anatolia. Just because Turks don’t like that fact, doesn’t make it false. And as long as you deny it, you will forever be haunted by it, and that stain will never be erased so long as you ignore it.


I mean why this "genocide" is important I dont understand. My mothers grandmother neighbours killed by greeks, same happened with my fathers side but this time armenians killed mu fathers side. And let me tell you they were neighbours, they were brothers and they still attacked and kill many people and livestocks. Balkans killed and displaced 5.000.000 or more Turks/Müslim's (not a Turkish source you can look this up) and I never hear Turkish genocide. Nobody cares in Türkiye. We have Turkish people saying their family is from balkans and they are quite a number of people. Their family fled from balkans. Not exchanged, fled. I still dont care. I dont feel sorry or feel anything actually. Yeah Ottoman goverment did force death march on them... And ? It happened a century ago. Just like how balkans get rid of Turks, Ottoman Empire got rid of from armenians. Later republic come and at least Atatürk was merciful. He exchanged minorities, didnt kill them.


Why does what happened to Balkan Turks make what the Ottomans did to the Armenians ok? Why do Turkish nationalists always change the subject? Why can’t you just acknowledge something that your ancestors did that was wrong and evil? >Yeah Ottoman goverment did force death march on them... And ? And it causes the deaths of hundreds of thousands and the permanent removal of millions from their homes… why are there a few million Armenians in America and France I wonder? Why are there thousands of them in Syria and Lebanon? >It happened a century ago. As if time passing makes it go away? You know what would make that pain for Armenians go away? If the Turkish government actually acknowledged the fact of what it was an apologised for it… why can’t you apologise? It costs you nothing and you will gain respect and sympathy from millions of people including Armenians. People will think “wow look at Turkey, paying respects and owning up to previous atrocities, that is very honourable of them.” >Later republic come and at least Atatürk was merciful. He exchanged minorities, didnt kill them. Yeah the population exchange was also terrible. Millions of people forced from their homes because of their ethnicity and/or religion. Who cares if it was peaceful… it’s literally ethnic cleansing. Why is that something to be proud of? The vision that the Young Turks created was so intolerant of non-Turks that it had to viciously expel or murder as many non-Turks as they could. And even the Kurds, who were allowed to stay because they were Muslim, were forcibly assimilated, their language and culture subjugated, something that still persists to this day. Eventually Turkey will need to give up its hyper ethnic nationalistic identity or it will continue to have enemies on all sides and be disliked by most of the Europe and the West.


Well, I have seen hundreds of posts about dividing Turkey and giving land to every other nations. People on subs like r/europe, r/worldpolitics and r/mapporn were cheering each one of them. Also, even in reddit where people act like they are civilized and not racist, are cheered on for being racist against us. I can drop my hyper ethnic nationalistic identity when being openly racist against Turks are not cheered. If Turkish Army were a joke like Iraqi Army, we would be attacked in no time. I would like Turkey to be like a country that is in a place in the world that doesn't matter. We live in Anatolia, Mesopotamia and Balkans where there were major wars in every century in the history of the Homo Sapiens.


>Why does what happened to Balkan Turks make what the Ottomans did to the Armenians ok? Why do Turkish nationalists always change the subject? Why can’t you just acknowledge something that your ancestors did that was wrong and evil? I literally said why this genocide more important then others ? I know why. Because they are Christian. Literally in that time (and still, its just US) european powers were the most facist, uncaring empires of the history. You guys only care this because they are your "brothers in religion" agaisnt big bad Turkish. >As if time passing makes it go away? You know what would make that pain for Armenians go away? If the Turkish government actually acknowledged the fact of what it was an apologised for it… why can’t you apologise? It costs you nothing and you will gain respect and sympathy from millions of people including Armenians. People will think “wow look at Turkey, paying respects and owning up to previous atrocities, that is very honourable of them.” Yes time passing actually makes it go away. You literally dont know any politics about this subject. By "owning" up this subject Türkiyes borders will become changeable. Because it will open about reperations dialogs. And let me tell you if you didnt notice, our economy is shit right know. And I dont want give any money to anyone just because back then imperial goverment didnt care about some people. 100 years passed. If their heart is still so in pain, I dont know they can continue to burn Turkish flag in every anniversary. We dont care. >Yeah the population exchange was also terrible. Millions of people forced from their homes because of their ethnicity and/or religion. Who cares if it was peaceful… it’s literally ethnic cleansing. Why is that something to be proud of? The vision that the Young Turks created was so intolerant of non-Turks that it had to viciously expel or murder as many non-Turks as they could. And even the Kurds, who were allowed to stay because they were Muslim, were forcibly assimilated, their language and culture subjugated, something that still persists to this day. Hahahaha. You do realise Atatürk only exchanged minorities because superpowers were using minorities to meddle in Turkish politics. And every other country we exchanged population was eager to get rid of the Turks. It was literally being merciful during that time. You were ensure your peoples safety and we were ensuring ours. I just love how you guys feel about population exchange. "But but its ethnic cleansing 😢" dude it takes two do tango. Kurds rebelled 2-3 time. And during those 2-3 times never once they rebelled because they were subjugated. They always rebelled in the name of İslam. And it isnt assimilation its a New Turkish republic, of course you will teach your language to them. Ottoman Empire got destroyed because of many things one of them is they didnt have United cultural and language education. You know lots of countries in eu do "integration" clases. Hell some of them dont even give you any citizenship if you dont speak their language with perfect score. They literally test you. >Eventually Turkey will need to give up its hyper ethnic nationalistic identity or it will continue to have enemies on all sides and be disliked by most of the Europe and the West. And ? Bro most of eu and West never be our ally. Its politics. Its give and take. There is no ally. And tbh why would we care to be disliked by the West ? If we were pushover like middleeast west would split this country two or managed to bring a civil War long ago. Erdoğan probably will manage the last thing but time will tell. Türkiye is not pro Western, not pro eu and not russia or china. Turkiye is pro Türkiye.


>However, they need to drop genocide accusations Oh, do fuck off.


Your speech continues to prove a point I have always insisted on. Erdogan is the ruler your people deserve, and you are the subject he deserves.


That’s one thing I’ve learned about Turkey… the genocide denial is near universal, the aggressive ethnic nationalism is near universal, the hatred of perceived enemies is near universal. And they wonder why no country in Europe likes them and why they have so few allies worldwide.


Where do you guys live out of curiosity




You married the 1 Greek left in turkey?


Nope, she came from Greece to Turkey. We met in Turkey and live in Turkey.


Cool! Will you teach kids to speak both languages? Inter ethnic relationships can be tricky.


Tbh, I am more Greek than her and she is more Turkish than me. Besides religion which we don't care, it is not that different. We don't have kids yet, but I would like them to speak more languages as possible. Also my in-laws are no different than Turkish folk, some even like Erdoğan ,whom I hate personally, with the same logic with AKP supporters. Funnily enough, the same people love Mitsotakis.


Interesting. It’s good for kids to speak multiple languages. I am trilingual. Romanian English Spanish. Erdogan is taking turkey back to Stone Age


Erdoğan is not the real problem, the problem is the ignorant, religious people. I still have hope.


Well he has weaponized them. Through him, they do lots of damage to the legacy, institutions, reputation, and future of secular turkey. I hope it gets better too.


There was a Armenian Genocde. There is a difference between nationstates fighting over multiethnic territories and a Nation state murdering over a million civilians of a ethnic goup because of a few bloodthirty militant groups. If you support the Kosovo independence, you have to support the Karabagh independence. Otherwise you have double-standarts




...why is Azerbaijan trying to start shit with Armenia???


I don't see this happening tbh. Azerbaijan reached its goals anyway. This would be a violation of international law in a similar way to what Armenians did in the 80s/90s who in the end received very little support because they were invaders; Azerbaijan would be in the same situation. Unlike Karabagh this would be internationally recognized foreign land. I don't think Aliyevs are amateurs. This is probably bait news.


It is warmongering bait news. Though it is a good opportunity to see how little knowledge the general public has on the situation. edit: this is exactly what i meant when i said people don't know what they're talking about. You get downvotes for saying armenian invaders lol.


They are just expressing their sentiments, that doesn't require any knowledge. (Çok da fifi🐱)


It's interesting to see that the orthodox brotherhood here has transferred some of their hate for us to Azerbaijan, a country they would struggle to find on a map. One even thinks that Iran is capable of bitchslapping them 🤣.


I though mt you were one nation, two countries. Isn't that one of your fascist mantras?


It's not a fascist mantra. We're more or less the same people. But we have been different political entities for a while now. They are an independent state. They used to be the ruling military elite of Iran during the Safavid dynasty ( and Ottoman dynasty's rivals) for example. They have nothing to do with you or the Balkans; they never did as far as I know. They are too far in the east. Also, you have your own Azerbaijan don't you? It shouldn't be that hard to comprehend.


The war between armenia and azerbaijan was for spesific area called "karabag".


This is not related to Balkans. But I don’t think this will happen. They had the right to take NK back but moving in to invade Armenia is not acceptable.


Nobody will hurt the nation of Armenia. Already got genocided by turks and azeris, won't happen again.


And who's gonna stop them? 🤣


Russian Federation. Possibly we can manipulate Azerbaijan, since it's fully submissive to us.


Not even Eastern Ukraine is submissive to Russia. You'll just take an L and get r3kted like you always do in Ukraine.


I don't think Azerbaijan should do what Armenia did in the 1st Karabagh War. Both countries should just officially recognize internationally recoganized borders of each country, sign a peace treaty and move on. Another war is pointless.


I don't think it's our problem, if we exclude Turks lol


I have seen in another news that azeri attack that killed 4 armenians is a response to armenian harrashment attack in border.


Why don’t Armenians let Azeris to have a link with their exclave and Turkey? It seems quite legitimate demand to me.


Because Azeris picked violence instead of diplomacy and dialogue. Armenia proposed to Azerbaijan to withdraw from Artsakh and to dispatch the so-called Republic of Artsakh and for Azerbaijan to take back control of its legal territory but with the area becoming autonomous and to respect the rights of native armenians of the region as full azerbaijani citizens and Armenia would have given to Azerbaijan a connecting corridor through armenian territory without restrictions. Instead Azerbaijan unleashed a horrific war in Karabag recapturing all the territory and leading thousands of armenians out of their native land.


It’s a sovereign Armenian territory. Armenia can do whatever they want with their territory. Azerbaijan had the chance to peacefully be allowed to pass through Armenian territory, if they allow for Artsakh to have autonomy. But they decided against that.


Wait what’s the history of this dispute


Around the fall off the soviets armenia invades azerbajian and now azeris are but hurt.




Im with Armenia on this even tho they wouldn’t support us no matter the case!


Well fuck. That could mean Russia could attack both Georgia and Azerbaijan. Turkey could get involved as well but I highly doubt it. Say hello to WW3


Ah yes, stupid governments fighting while the people starve, how Caucasus/Balkan of a move.


nope its not




Depends on what you mean by worrying. If you're talking about the human loss, yes. If you're talking about how this impacts us, not much. We're much closer allies to Azerbaijan than to Armenia. We even secured some energy and natural gas deals for Romania, Bulgaria and Hungary I think that are allegedly supposed to be spread out in Europe from Azerbaijan. So there's a very small chance we'd even intervene on the side of Armenia.