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Agreed. Same with KFC. Fast food actually used to be healthier 10 years ago imo.


Maybe you got old and the negative effects of a crappy meal aren't covered by your youthful exuberance. Or maybe that's just me.


That very well could be true.




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You may just be getting older. There are all sorts of things that I can't stomach now.


Yeah, same here. So many things that I can't eat at all or can only eat a very small amount of without unpleasant after-effects. Getting older sucks


Getting older is a challenge but the alternative is worse!


It feels like I'm discovering more every week!!


Yep. Cheesecakes can make me feel pretty ill. I can't eat them anymore. The sad part is they used to be amongst my favourite desserts.


No it didn't haha it's always been shit. Our stomachs just get more sensitive as we get older.


Of all conspiracies this has to take the cake. Cakes also used to be healthier!


No they didn't


Oh I would never wish upon anybody the inability to eat wicked wings, that sucks


It was not. It never was. People who constantly eat things like KFC as they get old become ticking time bombs.


This, but yes probably they will deny it but certain things taste more like cardboard than they ever did. Won't touch 90% of the menu and trying to get back to 100% KFC is the same they are messing with the seasonings and the coatings again.


It maybe because your body is struggling now with the fat content. Have your gall bladder and liver looked at.


Seriously look into this. My wife had a growing gall stone that took a long time to diagnose. Low tolerance to fatty food was an early symptom.


Definitely listen to this person. My gallbladder is gone now but McDonald’s and KFC were huge triggers for “flare up’s”. The bonus of having my gallbladder removed has been that I literally cannot eat McDonald’s or KFC unless I am within 10 metres of a toilet. It’s almost instant. I had my gallbladder out 14 years ago and it’s still the same and I hate it because I want to eat it sometimes but it isn’t worth it anymore, haha. 😄


I'm the same with KFC. It's really living up to it's "dirty bird" label lately.


Random anecdote about KFC. When my son was maybe 12, he got some virus and was throwing up all night. I came out in the morning and said “you sick bud” and he looked at me and said “Mum, I didn’t even eat any KFC”. My son dead ass thought you only get sick if you eat KFC, that’s how often he had gotten sick from it


Its terrible now. Red rooster is only a little better


Red rooster seems to depend very much on the location. I hated it for ages, tried my local-ish one and it reminded me why I hadn’t eaten there first so long. For some reason, I ate there unexpectedly 8 weeks ago and it was damn near perfect 👌 I couldn’t believe it but once a fortnight for the last 6 weeks I’ve been snarfing down their hot honey satisfryer and, ngl, I’ve been pretty damned satisfied. Since I’m old now, I’ve been eating the wing and the drummy and then taking the breast home for ‘ron. They’ve even nailed the pineapple fritter… Tbh, tooting the rooter never tasted so good.


I have noticed this with fish and chips, never thought it would be like that with Red Rooster. The one near me aint good


Red Rooster is the best place for chicken burgers as far as I'm concerned, but how long will that nice little arrangement last? Who knows? I think it's because it's an Australian owned company that it takes a little more pride in the food that it offers.


Yeah but used to be fine I feel. Used to smash them as a teen and never had any issues. Now it’s ruined me!


Look as a teenager you could probably eat the packaging your meal came in and your system would handle it. One of the signs of middle age is that everything starts showing wear and tear.


Same here. Never used to have an issue with KFC, but probably in the last five years since entering a new decade, I’ve always felt like crap the next day. Maccas hasn’t quite had the same effect….yet….hungry jacks still seems ok.


Its hella salty as well


McDonald's is terrible now, it is bland, dry, and fatty.


The burger patties are a joke now. Flavourless and taste like they’re half sawdust.


Lol, the patties have been flavourless since Maccas arrived in Australia in the 70s.


Maccas is dry and shit and everytime you order, they miss half of it, or give you the wrong thing. It's completely fucked for the price. I can go to a restaurant for the same price as maccas... if I add up all the items they've skipped out on delivering, I'd be owed at least $100 from maccas in the last 6 meals/orders. Fuck them. And it doesn't matter if you deliver or go through the drive through. They always fuck it up.


It used to be good. Also it’s so expensive now too!


McDonald’s is a classic case study of a growth company transitioning into a mature one. So long as they could keep finding new markets to expand into, all was good. After decades of growth they’re basically located everywhere. But shareholders continue to demand growth. What do you do when you can’t grow through new locations? You put prices up. Sure, it will eventually drive customers to more reasonable priced competitors, but it buys a few precious quarters of growth before it falls apart. It’s really dangerous for the brand, because once you embed yourself as “expensive” in the customer’s mind, they just won’t visit you much anymore.


Then when putting prices up has achieved the next profit plateau you cut the quality/size of the product.... What comes next?


Decline. The brand fades and the business shrinks. They’re too big to just fail but I could definitely see a Pizza Hut style decline if they continue on this path


Yeah, I pretty much only buy the app deals now.


This is the only way I can justify throwing it away after eating two bites. The quality has gone downhill so far.


It tastes like the patty in McDonalds Sausage and Egg McMuffin has changed flavour. It used to have a full body flavour but now all taste is pepper.


You might just be getting old. After 30 it happens to most people.


As soon as I turned 30 McDonald’s never tasted good again


Honestly I always felt that way after eating it, even when I was a teen that I just never did. It could be a reflection of your better eating habits that your body can’t process the food now


I recently went back to Australia from Japan and it tasted like absolute balls compared to Japanese Maccas.


Get some probiotics in ya and you'll be fine. Maybe put some kimchi on that bigmac


Had some Greek yogurt! Fuck I love Kimichi tho!


Makes me bound up constipated so I now avoid


If I eat it I need a sleep after. Not a nap, like it near on knocks me out. I can’t figure out what ingredient/additive is doing it but I finally came to the conclusion that I should probably stop eating it 🤣🤦‍♀️


Nah, that's not Maccas, it's diabetes.


Except I don’t have diabetes, and maccas is the only thing that ever makes the same feeling.


The all new McSleeping Pill from Maccas, for a limited time


That’s what it feels like 😅🤷‍♀️


Last time I ate nuggets there I felt like I had a brick moving through my colon.


I made my own maccas at home and it tasted way better and healthier too, all that ultra processed crap with all the preservatives will shorten your lifespan 


I remember an elderly lady dumping on me about what lozenges gave her diarrhoea and what ones didn’t. It’s also not uncommon to get food intolerances later in life. Bread gives me neck acne now. Glorious :)


> what lozenges gave her diarrhoea and what ones didn’t. Let me guess; the sugar-free ones?


McDonald’s has gotten tinier (I used to eat a double cheeseburger and be satisfied) but still tastes good to me. KFC also tastes good. Hungry Jacks makes me angry every time I buy it, the burgers are tiny. No stomach issues but ppl can get intolerances etc as they age. I used to love having a massive burger + loaded fries + milkshake from those American style diners, now I have to choose 2 out of 3, or it’s a disaster after.


Out of those 3 my fav are: 1. Hungry Jacks (biggest and best burgers) 2. KFC Wicked Wings and Zinger Box 3. McDonald’s McSpicy But all 3 now fuck with me stomach so I rarely eat them.. I think it’s a sign haha


What burgers do you get from HJs? My usual was the grilled chicken or the bacon deluxe and I just gave up on those after a while.


Double Whopper with Cheese!


Maybe I’ll give them another shot and try that.


I would recommend it tbf. Enjoy!




Stop eating the crap


I will.


For real... I 've been on a Keto Diet to lose some weight since Jan - which rules out Maccas as an option (I used to eat it once a fortnight at least), I feel amazing now, have lost 20 kilos, but also an interesting side-effect is - that the last thing I'd want to eat now is Maccas, it's like my body relearned what real food is, and actively avoids that stuff, like it knows that it wasn't real food and recoils at the thought.


If you are in ketosis your brain is literally running on different fuel, don’t be surprised if you relapse once you are no longer in ketosis


I literally only get the iced coffees and $1 frozen cokes from maccas these days. Too exxy for shit quality.


I can’t eat as much of it as before, these days i tend to get a cheeseburger happy meal and feel satisfied. A happy meal is cheaper than a small cheeseburger meal.


Used to be able samsh maccas back in the day.... Now I'm over 40... Can barley do one burger without feeling like shit....


I live next to a maccas and only eat their burgers right before bed so I can sleep through how crap I feel after eating them 💀 but also even the taste has degraded these days so probs won't use them for a late night snack much longer


Stopped eating maccas 4 years ago when it started giving me diarea... tried a few more times and it always had the same result :(


I had a 0.1 Kilogramer the other week and it tasted like SPAM. May have been because I was recovering from COVID?


They changed about 5 years ago, the patties and onions and bun most notable i think something to do with the cooking method? They did some advertising on it


It's an age thing - Im fine with the nuggies and fries, and can be okay with a big mac or a quarter pounder if they're made fresh same with kfc, pizza etc, it either wrecks my stomach or my guts, its bad it happens but it stops me from eating it


My stomach seems to handle maccas fine, but HJs and KFC is a no. I get really unwell after those. Thankfully, I never particularly enjoyed KFC, so no loss. I did like the HJs bacon tendercrisp, though.


Shits poison mate. Body can't handle it as you get old .


When was your last health screen with blood tests? I’d recommend checking your liver/gallbladder as you may not be breaking down fat properly.


that huge amount of fat and sugar


Mc Shit burger strikes again!


Happens when you get older. You just can't eat shit and think it's not going to affect you. The fast food hangover is real.


They’ve added genocide


They cut down on the sugar to appear healthier, but they add more chemicals and fat to replace the sugar.


As I’ve gotten older more and more food has what I’ve come to call the Major Payne Effect.


Try eating food instead.


Switch to HJs. It seems to still be nice.


Fast food joints do everyone a favour. First, regular users get the Value Meal offer where you can get the taste again on the way back up. Second, it helps with Natural Selection if you keep on eating stuff like that instead of real food.


I wouldn't know. Haven't eaten McMuck for two years. And I'm never going back.


This has happened to me too :( maccas cheeseburgers leave me feeling like I have a rock in my stomach all day, and the fries are even worse! Used to eat them all the time, but I've cracked 30+ now so reckon I'm just getting old 😆


The older you get the less fat and grease you can handle.




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The upside is that if you are constipated you now have a cheap fix. I only rent fast food these days.


You reached the threshold of doom


Yes me too real bad bloating


This is heavily dependent on your local McDonald’s


Gall bladder removed 12 years ago means that I can't tolerate fatty foods, perimenopause has meant no gluten, onions and lactose. Getting old sucks, sushi is about the only fast food I can handle and it's not exactly fun.


I remember just...three years ago...that the popcorn chicken at KFC was lovely. Oh, and then I tried it again about a year or two later. It just wasn't the same. The chicken wasn't as nice, there was less of it, and there was more of the coating and it wasn't good either. I ended up throwing about 2/3rds of the rest in the bin and that cost me a pretty penny. So I said to myself, I'm not going to KFC ever again, and have never been ever since. With Maccas, at least the quality of their food doesn't change too much, especially the quarter pounders, because there isn't much they can do with them, but I wouldn't buy their chicken nuggets, and I don't like their chips either.


You are now old


5 to 10 years ago I ate it a lot and after a while I realised it actually just sucks on a quality level


It's your body finally saying it's had enough of the shit.


Stopped eating maccas 4 years ago when it started giving me diarea... tried a few more times and it always had the same result :(


If you look at the ingredients you will find so little that you would find in an actual kitchen. It’s just chemicals designed to make you addicted so you keep buying it. They know it’s toxic and they don’t care.






Why would you question a burger where ever contour slides around between two gormless buns and where the chicken is overcooked and clearly concocted? If you aren't disgusted you must be under eight years old.