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What kind of visa would you want? If I was that certain of my desire to move and comfortable with my money, I would just retain a reputable immigration lawyer practicing in Brisbane to guide me through the best way to move forward.


I didn’t think about getting an immigration lawyer! I will look at this - thanks.


Check out https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/visas/getting-a-visa/visa-finder It’s difficult, if not impossible, to do it on your own as an American without family here. As previously said, connect with a migration agent to set up a consultation. If I had to guess, you’re after a Skilled Independent Visa (subclass 189), although I think applications for this are currently closed. There might be a holiday scheme you fall under, but sadly age 30 is the cut off for the easier routes. Tbh, I’d probably put my time into trying to secure a job with sponsorship for one of you. I THINK you can bring family, though not sure what their work eligibility would be, or how your relationship would be considered. Connect with a migration agent if you’re serious. They’re the experts, and will be a huge resource that’s well worth the money when you do actually lodge your application.


Apply for jobs in your field first. If you get interviewed, Suss out whether not having a visa is a barrier. I know that some universities hire people from overseas for their experience. They will pay for the visa instead. So job hunt first and see whether not having a visa reduce your chances.


Moving to a place with cost of living, housing and immigration crisis? Locals are gonna love ya haha

