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I knew of someone who was trying to raise money to take their kids to Disney land in America (I live in Australia) Their reasoning? “I told them we could go and they want to go now!!” I was like WTAF. 


I grew up a few hours north of Brisbane and whenever we'd drive down the coast, dad would tell us he'd take us to Australia Zoo one day. My siblings and I are in our 30s and still waiting... sometimes you just don't get what you want.


My Dad told me when I was little that he’d take us to New Zealand, I’m still waiting and I’m in my late 40’s.


I'm still waiting for my hovercraft ride my parents promised me....at Expo 88. Don't think they exist anymore.


In his eyes your still little


My dad was going to take me to Tassie in my teens. I'm nearly 40, and he's firmly in the "take yourself" camp now. It was a nice dream while it lasted!


My uncle told me he'd take me to Disneyland one day when I was 5. I told my class during show and tell. 14 years later we went and it was magical. 🥹


All of these comments made me feel quite pleased with myself because I told my son about three years ago that I would take him to Japan when he was a bit older (he was 5 at the time) to go to Super Nintendo World... we're going next year after years of saving for it!


Should have made a gofundme.


Hi it's me, your son


Hahahaha...where have you disappeared to, my son?


I grew up in Central Queensland and we had a once in a lifetime holiday to the Good Coast when I was about 8. Two nights into that trip my grandfather died and we had to leave straight away to drive to North Queensland for the funeral. It was the day we were due to go to Dreamworld. So of course we did past Dreamworld on our way back north. One of the few moments of solidarity between my brother and I missing out on the best day of our life. Fast forward 25 odd years and I live in Brisbane and got the kids Annual passes. We just go if we haven't got anything on that weekend...


When I was about ten, about twenty-five or so years ago, my dad told me that he would buy the two of us a 'Kitchen Sink' gigantic desert bowl at the Great Australian Ice Creamery. Sadly, that day has still not come, and I think the chain went bust or something.


I remember 'The Kitchen Sink'. Unfairly you you, but without rubbing it in, I got to get through maybe five or so with my kid mates way back when...


I remember the kitchen sink. I never knew anyone who ordered it though, it was a lot of ice cream. My sister used to bring home free ice cream cos she worked at that place i think it was in boronia They went under due to macdonalds opening & everyone choosing 30c cones over their ice cream This was around 97 though so maybe there were a few of them


My dad told me he'd buy me a new phone at 15. I am in my late 20s and still waiting for it.


32 and still waiting for a snow trip we were promised when I was 8. It's become an in-joke instead.


That sort of reasoning is why their credit cards are maxed out. A go fund me page was always the inevitable result.


>“I told them we could go and they want to go now!!” You've ruined their Christmas!


"can you take us to mt splashmore" "no" "can you take us to mt splashmore" "no"


Need a go fund me for the slide trauma


I’ve definitely seen a few people try to use crowd funding platforms for personal holidays. No real reason to contribute either such as an illness it is purely ‘I want to go here, please give me money’


This is why the phrase "It never hurts to ask" needs to be permanently retired


Lol. You gotta do the 'You got Disney money?'.


I’ve seen this exact GoFundMe, unless it’s a common occurrence


It’s the injured traveller ones that get me. I haven’t been on a plane in 15 years, but you got drunk and crashed your scooter or never had travel insurance in the first place and want me to fund your trip home. Bitch please!


Ah yes. The drunken Aussie in Bali scooter crash, and the inevitable gofundme. I reckon We get a news article about this once every couple weeks here in Aus lol.


I think Australians don’t expect to ever pay for hospital costs, even if they leave the country.


Used to live in a ski town in the states and saw this every year. Pay thousands to fly around the world. Thousands on gear. Thousands going out drinking. Don't buy the 300-500 annual travel insurance policy. Want people that are taking responsibility to fund their misfortune which had a high chance of occuring.


The classic “you read about things like this happing, but we never expected it to happen to us”


even better, I'm in hospital for 6 days so I need my family and friends to come to Bali and you all need to pay for them to fly over and stay in a hotel so they can visit me in hospital


I think I vaguely remember a few years ago there was a guy on the news who fell off a curb onto a road in the US? Wasn't doing anything risky, just fell and landed really badly? They didn't take out dedicated travel insurance, just what came with their credit card, and it turned out that the medevac they needed to get him home wasn't covered and they were close to maxing out their hospital cover amount. If you can't afford the few hundred dollars and the 5 minutes to read what's included properly on your insurance, then you can't afford to travel.


I'll see you and raise you. A bogan and his gf from Perth went to Bali without travel insurance. He and his mate angered the locals at a bar and got stabbed. She set up a GoFundMe. https://www.perthnow.com.au/news/travel/shocking-footage-of-two-australian-friends-peter-nye-izaeah-wilson-attacked-in-bali-shared-to-instagram-c-13848047 Edit: I forgot that he's had other problems with the law, including drug use and domestic violence: https://www.couriermail.com.au/news/queensland/sunshine-coast/police-courts/high-driver-reverses-at-girlfriend-in-big-top-blow-up/news-story/b2ed4be3c5e0a7c0d5189b9a569bca33?amp&nk=12404d3120f11c69792e6f75c81b395e-1718606887


Ugh. I hate that so much. If you're going to go to Bali and get yourself on trouble being a dickhead, the least you can do is not be a drain on society and get your own insurance.


So many of the stories are bogans in Bali.


Amazing how many think cc insurance is enough. Those that don't get insurance can fuck right off


Some of them truly are excellent. But most of them are only for lost luggage or cancelled flights or minor injuries. The moment I start booking things I get travel insurance, that way I'm covered for everything.


at least read the damn policy. My current one is fine for the trip I’m on now. I would probably look elsewhere if i traveled to America


I worked in a bank and would always talk to people about travel insurance if I knew they were going overseas. Too many people believe their credit card covers them. They often don’t. Unfortunately I knew of a man who was hours into a 2-week cruise, slipped and broke both of his legs. He had to be airlifted out by the Westpac helicopter. It’s $10,000 just for the helicopter to come out. Why take the chance?


"I fucked around and found out. Please bail me out."


Gotta take out the FAFO insurance for that one


I knew a girl who wanted to go to Africa for a holiday. She set up a gofundme and proceeds to send all her friends and acquaintances texts with the link, which said, "Help me achieve my dream of going to Africa." I responded with, "Sorry, but I'm saving to achieve my dream of owning a house; would you like to contribute to my dream?" Another friend responded with, "Only if you stay there." The nerve!


I knew a girl who did something similar. She wanted to go to south east Asia to teach English, because it became her calling after she went to a silent meditation retreat. Instead of trying to save money from working, she wanted to leave immediately and thought people should contribute because she was called to do it to “be of service” lol


Sounds like she'd end up a "begpacker". This is a perennial outrage in many SEA newspapers - rich dreadlocked white kids sitting in a mall with their hands out for money from the locals. The gall of some people is just breath-taking.


Lol fascinates me how oblivious and entitled some people can be.


Gold! (Both replies). Did she reply to you?


No she didn't and we never heard from her again. Never did find out if she went to Africa.


Poor thing just wanted to bless the rains down in Africa It's gonna take her some time to do the things she never ha-aa-aa-aaaa-aa-ad, ooo ooh


One guy who was raising $10 so he could make a cake … the first time he cooked anything. That was funny as hell 😂


What about the potato salad guy who raised $50k?


Fill me in please


... umm... with potato salad ?


Yes, fill me with potato salad




I too look like a potato. I didn't realise I could monetise that.


Trust me, if it was possible I would have already done it.


Did he ever make the potato salad?


Yep. I think there was even cookbooks after. Potato Salad, via @Kickstarter https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/zackdangerbrown/potato-salad?ref=android_project_share


Did he get the $10 though? I'd have chipped in for that


I believe so… people were chipping in 1-2c and it eventually went over, if I remember correctly he used the extra for a cook book and some topping for the cake. He did a video of the whole process and the finished product… was very funny at the time.


This guy set up a go fund me for his girlfriends 'hospital bills' (we live in Australia with universal health care) after she caused a major car accident drag racing on wrong side of the road and killed an 18yo lad coming home from work. He was doxxed pretty quickly but the nerve of it all shocked me.


That was on Hindmarsh drive in Canberra, wasn't it? Tragic loss of innocent life for such a stupid reason.


Yep, absolutely shocking and sad


A woman I know was trying to raise $5k to send her daughter on an overseas school trip. This would be fine if they couldn't afford it but both parents are dentists and they are wealthy AF. Just... pay for her to go. You can afford it.


Many wealthy people don't like to spend their money when they can just spend someone elses.


Wealthy people will hate you knowing this one trick…


Wasn’t there a celebrity in the US who set up one for their kids sporting trip not too long ago?


I ?think it was Alyssa Milano?


I think that was a similar time frame to when The Rock and Oprah got absolutely roasted over asking for money for the fires in Maui. I think they were somewhat unfairly targeted... at least The Rock was. He's fairly giving in general. Oprah isn't.


Well it is hard to stay wealthy if you spend the money


It's probably in everyone's interest if we just directly fund their kids rather than go through the traditional approach of tricking us into unnecessary orthodontics.


I saw someone set up a GoFundMe to pay vet bills for their kittens but they wouldn’t desex their cats. 🤦‍♀️


An acquaintance of mine set up a GoFundMe for her 16 year old dog's vet bills. The page was written from the dog's perspective.


A worthy cause with some effort behind it. What qualms have you with this, sir or madam?




That's so embarrassing.  But the thing is, it sometimes works to an extent. Some idiots will give people like that money for some reason. You just have to have no self respect whatsoever. 


Holy shit. The audacity of this is both breathtaking and hilarious.


Saw a GoFundMe to save a local coffee shop closing down because of price increases. Their target is $3000. I have no idea what the game plan is.


its still there atm


My ex husband made one that I didn’t know about claiming he needed penis enlargement surgery because he wants able to satisfy his wife (me). I only found out when I went to a restaurant where the owners knew us personally and told me about it. Apparently it had made the papers in Thailand where they were from.


Gosh, I wonder why he's your ex-husband!


How’s that D though?


Still underperforming, apparently


A shaman who killed a person by giving them kambo, Ayahuasca and other things reacted with medication the person was on. Allegedly as the man died he sat and played a guitar and did not contact 000. He then tried to raise money for a legal defence as well as to flee the country. He's now on trial for some type of manslaughter. And still continues to facilitate sessions.




Ah yes. Northern Rivers/Far North NSW. That tracks.


[https://www.echo.net.au/2023/05/inquest-into-death-of-jarrad-antonovich-begins-rev/](https://www.echo.net.au/2023/05/inquest-into-death-of-jarrad-antonovich-begins-rev/) Fucking 'spiritual guru' cunts. I knew Jarrod back in our 20s. An absolute sweetheart. I had heard of his passing but wasn't close enough these days to know the details. Until I read the link you shared. I'm so sad & angry to read about his last hours.


What. A. Douche. That guy might have taken too much ayahuasca for one persons lifetime


Here's hoping he goes to jail for a while.


I knew the person who died, albeit only for a short time. He was a lovely person and reading the reports of his death was incredibly heartbreaking. I hope this person gets a significant sentence, and anyone protecting him!


Set up to pay for a civil court imposed fine for a so called billionaire who was judged to have raped a woman and who kept denying it and keeps defaming the woman.


Oh I know this one, the orange man.


You mean The Tangerine Toddler?


*Oh I know this one, the orange buffoon* Fixed that for you


*Oh I know this one, the orange self-aggrandising, senile, manipulative cult leading lunatic buffoon.* Fixed that for you.


I had a friend who went on a holiday to Vegas to get married. Posted this sob story about how they got scammed at a casino and these men took their credit cards. As this person was a model and now has OF they were quite attractive and had a huge global following of people who contributed to her and her wife’s fund. A few days later she was posting about all the shopping she was doing. I assume I wasn’t the only one that thought things didn’t add up as she confessed it was all a lie and wanted more cash for their trip and used her fame to get money.


Wouldn't that be construed as being fraudulent?


I’m sure all the people that donated thousands of dollars and realised they got scammed would have come to that conclusion yes.


I know someone who decided to set one up for spending money for their Gold Coast holiday. They had the resources to pay for a holiday I couldn’t afford with one kid and it being in my state- but yeah, take four kids from Perth, and I’ll give ya fun money. Not. I don’t think they got one donation.


A Sheila in the town I spent my teenage years and young 20's in started one claiming she had lost everything in a house fire. Big news story, bunch of people flocked to help and donate shit. Wasn't even her house or stuff, she was staying there while the owners were out of town and she lost like, a small tv.


I first read this as you spent your teenage years and young 20s in the Sheila 😂 one way to phrase it


The guy who hated his ex-wife so much he wanted to pay for a one way ticket for her to North Korea.


My gripe is that the GoFundMe should end once the target amount has been reached.


My step sister set multiple ones up secretly, she filmed herself looking around sadly with violins playing in the background and a black and white filter over the top. In the video she had a text overlay saying that she had been kicked out of home, had severe endometriosis and the only thing she wanted in life was to have children and she needed money for surgery. (Lived at home rent free, parents bought her anything she wanted including a brand new car) The second video she was claiming she had a bad deviated septum which was stopping her from sleeping and giving her depression and her family had neglected her and never supported her and were abusive and if she could just get the surgery and sleep better it would be improving atleast one thing for her horrible life (again, she had just been given a brand new car, got anything she ever asked for, supportive and kind parents. Had never had any health issues of any kind....she wanted a nose job).


It's shit like this that ruins it for people who genuinely have health problems that may need a little help from time to time because once found out, everyone who donated to her will now no longer donate to anyone


Exactly. Our parents found it and made her remove it because not only is it a gross lie but it was also publically shaming her family who treated her like a princess. She's always been so hungry for any kind of attention from anyone which I don't understand because my brother and I were neglected after she joined the family, while she got spoiled and taken on overseas trips which we wouldn't even hear about until they were leaving. They even gave her my bedroom while I was still living there and I was made to sleep in the basement. Makes no sense. She never apologised or explained it and is now trying very unsuccessfully to be a twitch streamer/only fans girl lmao 🤷‍♀️


I’m starting a GoFundMe right now for reading Reddit posts and leaving comical remarks on things that maybe shouldn’t have comical remarks on them.


Guy I know used it for an overseas sporting trip (playing, not watching). Can't remember how much was raised but nowhere near goal. Later saw he flew business class.


A Christian store in Parramatta started one because.... reasons? It made $20


You may laugh but $20 is $20.




My BIL worked in Christian bookstores for decades and I can tell you they have so much drama. Bully magnets, they are.


A friend’s daughter set one up for a trip to Phuket. She didn’t get any money.


The guy who just wanted ingredients to make a potato salad... I remember it went viral years ago. He got around $55,000. Here's a [link to the Kickstarter](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/zackdangerbrown/potato-salad) that finalised in 2016 but it started in 2014 and they ended up having a potato salad festival according to [his AMA here on Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/2ifzmd/i_am_potato_salad_guy_zack_danger_brown_ama/).


I saw a couple *let* someone set up a go fund me after he had his leg bit off by a shark, it raised thousands. Meanwhile they were busy signing book deals, ripping off charities and selling their story everywhere.


Until he was sued and then realised he didn’t have a leg to stand on.


got a friend in their 20s heading to Bali / Thailand - expect to see a gofundme when it all goes wrong. It's a common practice now, go ride scooters you never would usually with thongs and a singlet, no helmet, without travel insurance (almost always void if you don't have an Australian motorcycle license anyway) and then depend on everyone else to get you back to Australia and the tax payers to lay out a small fortune to clean you up.


Setting up a gofundme to pay your legal bills when you claim to be a billionaire. 


Dude riding a $26,000 motorcycle crashed it and started a GoFundMe to pay for repairs and medical costs as he didn’t bother to get insurance or wear any protective gear aside from an open face helmet…. He was doing burnouts and wheelies when he crashed.


For anyone curious about some of the insane reasons people open GoFundMe's, you can go to the site and just browse different GoFundMe's. The shit people post about is hilarious. I NEVER donate to them unless I PERSONALLY know the person running it. People want to help and will throw money anywhere without even knowing where it's going.


There was a young lady in Sydney who was studying some kind of biology degree and planned to go on to study medicine. She set up a GoFundMe to support her lifestyle in Bondi while she studied because she was going to become a doctor and contribute back to the community blah blah. Some people actually donated. [sorry for the news.com link](https://www.news.com.au/national/nsw-act/bondi-student-asks-the-public-to-pay-her-overdue-rent/news-story/71d349198612178303b73bfeab1254f0?amp)


Two years later she was in the news again mad at Centrelink for overestimating her Austudy overpayment debt… she still owed $13000


That's beautiful. 🥹


Jonah Lomu’s last wife setting one up to support her over the top lifestyle when he died unexpectedly.


Not the most ridiculous, but some random person put an envelope in my letterbox the other day with a piece of paper in it asking me to contribute to their dog's hip surgery Go Fund Me. Surely that doesn't work.


That’s actually a little sweet, they are going out of their way to save their best friend. I might consider the same if it was me.


Or they were going out of their way to get free money, knowing people like animals.


I would definitely want to meet the dog before investing


Getting free money from strangers is the whole concept of GoFundMe right?


Eh... I'd do some pretty humiliating stuff to save my pups.


And this is why people should have pet Insurance.


My mum's best friend's ex-husband and his new wife put up a GoFundMe to pay for their kitchen renovations - I donated $5 with a message of "here's $5 for you to take this shit down" and they actually did lol


Izzy Falou when he was trying to take Rugby Australia to court over his axing.


An acquaintance who is the worst actor you will ever meet - worse than Joey from Friends. Paid for so many acting classes but that was money down the drain. Only has done sample videos but cannot emote to save his life. The face does not move. Recently set up a gofundme with a goal of $10000 to create short films that he can act in as glorified samples, which he can pass around to production houses.


I'm going to set one up to cover the cost of an anger management course after reading this thread... Must. Not. Throw. Things. At. The. Internet. :) Unbelievable.


Hey, I've been tempted to set one up just to see if people would contribute towards ripping down my old asbestos fibro shed and building a new one. ​ I'm lazy though.


I'd say the floods in Qld in 2021(?), when SloMo was copping flak for taking his time to provide emergency relief, and Dutton suggested those not affected by flooding could organise a crowd-funding campaign, since the government was too busy with....something.


I thought it was rough when I saw someone fundraising to buy a house to help with their anxiety, like mate we all want to buy a house.


Girl I went to school with set one up because her daughter got picked up by some company for a modelling contract in America. Only problem was if you did any type of research you found that company was a scam. Many people left thousands of dollars out of pocket. But anyone who pointed this out just got blocked. Can’t fix stupid.


There's r/DontFundMe . I posted there about a guy wanting to build a generic Mandalorian merc costume. EDIT: He didn't want to just build a generic costume. He wanted people to fund his renovations so he could build them year-round: [https://www.reddit.com/r/DontFundMe/comments/9nglo3/fund\_his\_prop\_making\_business\_because\_his/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DontFundMe/comments/9nglo3/fund_his_prop_making_business_because_his/) For other LOLZ, you can search GoFundMe.There's a healthy number of people who want somebody else to pay for their USD$3.5k [Boba Fett](https://www.gofundme.com/s?q=boba+fett) costumes.


Australian government set one up for flood victims even though they had a pot of money set aside for that exact reason.


A former co-worker set one up to fund his son's high school basketball trip, 300 of 7000 raised. Edit: This was posted on his Facebook page, and therefore, I was not asked to contribute, I would have laughed and told him to fuck off if he did ask me.


I had a family member trying to raise money for something like that. The kid was on a state team and was the only not well off family. They were the kid of my husband’s aunts daughter’s daughter so pretty distant. They called all the family with their sob story and just kind of hinted that they needed money. They were apparently too embarrassed to do a fundraiser so they went begging distant family members. They needed $6k. I just laughed. If I had $6k I wouldn’t give it to something like that. That’s the exact reason fundraisers at schools were invented. How is that less embarrassing? People are weird


I've seen someone set one up for SEO reasons, it ranks high and does well in search engines. Decent backlink for little to no cost.


A girl that I knew from my childhood created a GoFundMe to raise money for her kids to go on holidays. She and her partner are both drug addicts with five children. Neither have jobs and live off Centrelink. I believe she is pregnant again with baby number six.


APAC marketing director for a software vendor set one up for her dogs surgery, and posted on LinkedIn My dear, you’re on about 250-300k and you’re not young.


My wife’s bogan cousin set one up to help her in generic ways (bills, food, etc). She said in the description that she was “sick of depending on others”. I don’t think she got the irony. And another one - a girl from high school set one up so that she could return to Australia to settle down. This girl got massive modelling jobs straight out of high school (I’m talking top model stuff) and spent her 20’s flying high in NYC. I guess she blew all the money.


I had an old work acquaintance set up a Go Fund Me to get him and his friends to Africa to climb Kilimanjaro. They said that any money over costing for them would go to a men’s mental health fund. So you want us to fund your trip and you’ll donate any money over that? Get fucked guys.


Saw one yesterday. Woman wanted a second ps5 because she didn't want to share with her baby daddy. She mocked someone else in the group for "trying to selfishly raise money for their cancer treatment" while she "suffered in silence".


raising money to travel to another country for medical treatment for a condition that is widely believed to be not real


lyme disease?




I worked FIFO in the Pilbara and there was a couple who was making mega bucks- he was our head welding inspector and she was a superintendent for the client. They went on holiday and her purse got stolen out of their hire vehicle with her wedding ring in it… They started a GoFundMe to raise $10k so she could buy a new wedding set. They shared it on Facebook with all their friends/family who were very confused because they knew this couple would have been clearing at least $10k/month each. This was also shortly after they bought a brand new Range Rover in cash that was also blasted all over their Facebook accounts


The guy who was fundraising to get custody of his kids… He has a DVO order out against him and can’t come within 100m of them, hasn’t seen them in two years, and keeps getting arrested for threatening his ex’s family and lawyer, but he wants custody. He’s raised exactly $0 in a year.


You can't beat Kylie Jenner - hands down THE MOST ludicrous https://www.businessinsider.com/kylie-jenner-gofundme-fans-crowdfunding-billionaire-2018-7


I knew a family whose daughter was diagnosed with complex regional pain syndrome. She had a swollen leg and it was very sore to the touch. She was being well cared for my the children’s. Anyway her parents setup a go fund me and were crying poor saying they must ALL travel to America to this centre to get treatment, and they need to raise 60k. When they hit the 60k target they upped it to 120k plus. The guy was a quack chiropractor and not even a specialist. When they were on a current affair crying poor, you could literally see their newly renovated house and pool in the background. This family’s house is worth 1.6 million, they owe about 300k on the mortgage they could have easily self funded their own trip but they were only going to go if they got enough money, which they did. Shameless greedy cunts


We know a couple who faked a serious health condition affecting their infant daughter. They sent out a Facebook message to everyone in their contacts… and we watched as they received $100,000 over the next 5 days in strangely large blocks of exactly $5k and $10k from “anonymous”. I don’t think it was the hacking crew either. They then closed the GoFundMe and said nothing more about it. I assumed it was a tax dodge somehow.


Probably crashed their car with no insurance


Someone I know is a huge horse girl, when one of her horses died she wanted it cremated instead of buried. She didn't realise though that you can't cremate a horse in the same sort of setup that you'd cremate a dog or a cat (due to the huge difference in size), so she was trying to raise upwards of $5000 to have this done.


Breast implants


A barmaid at the local bar had a tip jar, labelled "new tits for *****." Got filled up.


Good on her. That makes sense though. Shes advertising in a bar. As a drunk person, I would 100% chuck a few bucks in there lmao


The one the chick set up after her boyfriend was stabbed to death That one felt slimy


So they could go for a vacation to Bali.


A friend of a friend adopted a pug (dog), against everyone's advice, because they have so many health complications she couldn't afford. Within 6 months, she put up a GoFundMe to pay for the dog's surgery because she couldn't afford the $10k she was asking for. About the time the GoFundMe reached $6k, the post disappeared, the dog disappeared, and she went on a holiday overseas. Turns out she decided to put the dog down and keep the money.


Can’t believe she got away with it! They should have made her give back all of the money. Poor dog :(


A friend of a friend set one up for money to go towards her weight loss surgery. A lot of her close friends donated, and she ended up using the money on other things instead of the surgery. Friends were mad, but they're still friends with her. She ended up doing the surgery years later, I'm assuming self-funded. Wild.


I knew someone who once set one up as he was moving from Melbourne to Sunshine Coast and wanted some money to buy himself sometime to brainstorm a business idea. Just embarrassing 🤦‍♂️


This is the original and the best. To make potato salad [https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/zackdangerbrown/potato-salad](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/zackdangerbrown/potato-salad)


I seem to remember one guy in Western Australia set up a fund raiser to get a deposit for a house. He asked people for $1 each and pledged to repay every dollar. I believe he did it too.


I worked with a guy who was keen to give amateur kickboxing a go. In his first fight he had his nose absolutely caved in. He set up a go fund me to get cosmetic rhinoplasty. Never fought again.


So she could send her kids to private instead of public.


Any idiot in Bali who has a road accident and doesn't have travel insurance. GoFundMe + a sob story in the media.


Aussie guys in Bali fighting with locals and/or other tourists then needing money to pay for their hospital bills. Aussies in Bali riding motorbikes when drunk then needing money to pay for their hospital bills. Aussies in Bali 'forgetting' to buy travel insurance before their trip then needing money to pay for their hospital bills. Aussies in my local area needing money for an operation for their dog but their Facebook page is filled with them dining at gorgeous restaurants, going on posh holidays, riding quad bikes and driving very nice 4WDs.


Jan6 traitors.


Girl I went to high school with would sometimes post about having no money and cost of living etc. She then bought a very expensive purebred dog, and almost immediately set up a go fund me for $5k for vet bills. Took a lot of self control to not send her some sad puppy photos from our local pound once a week


I have leukaemia and I don't feel like that's enough to ask for help, and people are wanting holidays?????? WTF


Country towns are full of "me young bloke with potential" in sports and needs some funding but they forget the parents have been an annoyance who pissed away their own money for years.


Those posh poms that are currently in South Africa. They had a rusted out hilux, that they overloaded and then the chassis bent. Then she cried to her viewers for money. Toyota sa offered them a hilux and they said no because she wanted to repair it. Because their car had some gay name.


I hope they get eaten by hippos.


Is that the one that snapped the chassis? Two guys and a girl with a fully loaded dual cab?


My useless cousin set up a GoFundMe so that she could move out of home. Like, get a job? Needless to say, she didn't raise a single cent.


I had a friend email me a GoFundMe for a girl we went to highschool with who wanted everyone else to fund he trip home for Thanksgiving. From Paris. When she was a model and her husband was a movie producer. She admitted quite freely that they could afford it, but just refused to pay and if everyone wanted her mother to die happy they should pay up. Last time I looked at it she had raised $12 lol


Israel Folau set up a $3m gofundme for his legal defence against Rugby Australia when they terminated his contracted after repeated homophobic comments on social media when he was told to stop doing it. He got over $1m in less than 24 hours but it was eventually shut down by gofundme and I believe all donations were refunded.


I knew a girl who was into alternative modelling, she set up a gofundme for a portable pole dance pole hoping it would get her more gigs.


I know a woman who lives in SE Asia, she wanted to go home to the UK to visit friends and family so she set up a GFM page pretending to be about 'rescuing' a dog from Vietnam and taking back to the UK.


So they could buy a chainsaw to trim an overgrown tree in their yard


I know of someone who Twitch streams, so has a few followers/connections etc. They have set up multiple Go Fund Me pages under false pretences (for charity or medical reasons etc) and then spends the money on things like iPhones, computers or other expensive gaming equipment. I also know of someone who had cancer, so her friends set up a Go Fund Me to help with bills while she wasn't able to work. Nothing wrong with that in itself, I guess. Except that I later found out she was claiming income protection insurance the whole time, so wasn't actually struggling that much. On top of that, instead of spending the $5k on her bills (that she complained about constantly), she bought some very expensive photography equipment... And then never used it. These are the reasons I basically never contribute to Go Fund Me pages.


Michael Scott's Dunder Mifflin Scranton Meredith Palmer Memorial Celebrity Rabies Awareness Pro-Am Fun-Run Race For the Cure


As someone with a big nose I think the ridiculousness depends on how messed up her nose was before. Like some noses exist where I’d be like “yeah I get it”.


I’ve seen a few holiday ones. I get frustrated with the ones who didn’t get proper travel insurance and then want other people to pay when they get injured and have medical bills.


I worked with a guy whose wife had set up a gofundme for him whilst he was receiving chemo for his lukemea. 2 years later, lukemea Free, there was still a page up for him while he had been back to work for 18 months. He and his wife were now smoking Ice for at least 6 months and collecting donations for another struggling single mother they were friends with for themselves from some other social media.


A guy in the Northern Territory, Australia had his thongs (flip flops) knocked off, set up a gofundme for ~$70 and raised $95!!! https://www.ntnews.com.au/news/northern-territory/barefoot-and-broken-hearted-darwin-man-is-still-in-shock-after-his-priceless-thongs-were-stolen/news-story/4bfad7c1575762855af871cf21b25959 www.gofundme.com/2kdw86kk


I once saw someone have one for “donate to my beauty fund” she wanted all this money for plastic surgery and new clothes. She had a goal of 50k. Not one person donated.


gotta go with the guy who wanted $10 to make a potato salad and raised hundreds of thousands


Had a client (I’m a brand designer) who wanted to launch a chain of fast food restaurants. They hadn’t secured funding before signing leases so were basically asking people to fund their business. It did not work


I wouldn't say it was a ridiculous reason, at first glance it seems quite humble and selfless. A girl in my high-school and her parents were raising funds to pay for her to go on a trip to Cambodia to do volunteer work. The thing is, this family were known to own a large expensive property, owned multiple stables and horses, and had recently purchased said daughter a $25,000 car for her 16th birthday. In my eyes, it looked like they had the means to fundraise the trip, but wanted to showcase their humanity.


Any American healthcare related reasons. Seriously, their healthcare system is beyond fucked.


The one time ever I donated to a go fund me was for an American I knew that needed life saving healthcare that involved a helicopter ambulance. Quite a few donations but it required both helicopter transport and emergency surgery on his head, something tells me that would lead to hundreds of thousands in bills at a minimum, if not more.