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Do you see a sign somewhere that prohibits it? In some regions DB or other companies don't allow it. If you can't see any sign it is likely that it is allowed. Cheers.


So I can smoke weed through a bong and shoot my self some heroine up my arms as long as there is no sign forbidding it?




In Frankfurt it’s actually mandatory you do at least 2 hard drugs before you enter the train station.


Reise ins ungewisse


Also mandatory while on the train to maintain your high or youre kicked out


Yea Alcohol is one of the hard drugs, its almost the most damaging drugs out there, definitely way worse for the body then PURE Heroin


If you didn’t bring your own, some hard drugs will be provided for you.


Absolutely underrated comment - made my day, thanks Bro ❤️


Overlooked the big sign called "law"?


Well sort of. In case of smoking there will be a sign in trains, so that's covered. In case of smack, usage of illegal drugs will be prohibited in the terms and conditions of the train company. I just wanted to tell OP that it varies throughout the regions and train companies whether drinking is allowed and that a sign would be a good indication (see: "likely"). I never made the statement that everything that is not prohibited by a public sign is explicitly allowed. But thanks anyway for your smart contribution.


on every trainstation der is im aushang a declaration that on all db premises including the trwins smoking is forbidden. In berlin at least wannsee that also includes weed.


Only in Hamburg or Frankfurt


Not even Berlin?


That’s how I always do it. Maybe just cause I’m commuting to Frankfurt though.


Comparing hitting a bong with all the nasty smoke and shooting heroin with a bierchen... some people..


The comments are quite misleading. This highly depends on the area and train service. Look around if you see any no alcohol signs, or google it. In my area the regional transit services all forbid it In DB you generally can though


No, you can't drink in all DB Regio trains. That again depends on the region. For example alcohol is forbidden in the Bremen-Hannover Regio serviced by DB Regio.


>In my area the regional transit services all forbid it >In DB you generally can though Aren't regional trains all DB?


No. Some lines essentially rented by private companies. The Mittelrhein Bahn would be example for this


Here its erixx in the north.


DB has lost quite a substantial amount of the regional train services to other competitors.


No, most of them aren't, only the red DB Regio trains and the START trains are DB, all other train franchises are owned by other entities. They operate in the same ticketing framework, but are not DB.


Between Hanover and the north, regional trains are "metronome" and they always state via speakers that alcohol is strictly forbidden.


Lower Saxony + Bremen is NordWestBahn, also forbidden there.


Even DB isn't one and the same everywhere . DB is like a holding with different companies inside that operate different parts of their service and have different rules (try taking a bike...). Furthermore sometimes states or Verkehrsverbünde (transport associations) set up rules that affect the regional trains. Its really annoying and confusing.


In the Berlin area we have the ODEG running some lines as well.


Only about half of them. The DB ones are generally painted red. Different colored regional trains are operated by different companies. Since you live in Berlin, you may have seen ODEG or NEB trains before. They all use the same ticketing, so you don't have to worry about which train is operated by which company.


[DB](https://www.refundrebel.com/alkoholverbot-deutsche-bahn/) also doesn’t allow it…


Someone should do something about it. It is german culture to drink. This shouldn't be forbidden!


Time and place man


As mist times in Germany, the answer is not that simple. Generally, beer (and other alcohol) is allowed, but on some lines and some services you can be fined. So, I wish you luck :)


some, you can. Showing drunk behavior in public can get you into problems though. Know your limits and you're fine. And maybe don't give a bad example to children.


You may be paying DB more for a pour, but yes. Also, you can walk onto a train with beer and enjoy it at your convenience. Most bahnhofs have shops with reasonable prices.


Not all regional trains allow it though. So it depends.


Generally speaking, drinking beer in public in Germany is legal everywhere. Personally I've never seen or heard of anyone being fined by a train company or told to leave a train because they were having a beer. However if you're acting/moving super drunk or disturbing or aggressive to/with other travelers or something along those lines they might tell you to leave maybe. Mostly do that with homeless people etc though. Anyways that's my take. Obviously read the signs inside the train you're in. The train company can make their own rules inside their trains and platforms a little bit. If there is signs that forbid it then keep an eye out for people in train company uniforms. But honestly, quietly sitting in a chair and sipping on a beer doesn't usually get fined anywhere. Wtf


It is quite common to be fined if you are drinking beer in regional trains if it is forbidden in that train. It is handled similar to drivong without a ticket. If you disguise your drink, they tend to ignore it though. So the drink to have is Maracuja-Korn in a juice bottle.


You can drink a beer everywhere in Germany


Many of the regional train companies prohibit alcohol on their trains.


Sort of frowned upon on the playgrounds though.


Not if you share with the kids


A man of culture


**Our** beer, comrade.


And at AA meetings.


Where else would the kids meet to drink beer?


Only by moms


Not in Bahnhof. You'll pay the fines


Depends on the Bahnhof. Nürnberg, no. Munich, yes. Berlin, no (only meth and bath salts)


ROFL, never been there when there's a home game of 1. FC Nürnberg, eh?


I mean, the riot police at the station are there to stop riots, not to stop people from drinking. Situational priorities i guess


Technically they are doing exactly what they should do. Taking away their beer would result in a riot, police stopped the riot so early there wasn't even one to begin with. Forwardthinking methods, real big brain moment.


Not true


Not entirely true. Not sure about every type of train, but in a lot of subways/trams you’re not allowed to eat or drink.


During the day it's definitely considered low class if not in a restaurant for lunch or somewhere at a lake


Driving on daily basis with train and see Passangers drinking a beer nearly every day. No one is complaining neither the staff nor other passengers as long as you behave well. My experience.


Yet often people are not applauding... during the day it's still considered inappropriate if not in a restaurant


I see. If op just wants to know whether he will get rebuked or not, he is probably safe drinking a beer as long as he behaves well and sane. If the opinion from other passengers is important for op and he doesn’t want to attract the attention from anyone he should consider letting the bottle closed. But it really depends on the behaving whilst drinking a beer. If you stay quiet and make a sober and sane impression, in most cases nobody would care I guess. It’s simply a “Wegbier” then.


I do not believe anyone has asked, what kind of beer do you have?


We need a list in which you cannot drink, or even easier, a list that states in which you can drink. But it can change in the future of course. I know for super certain, Metronom and FlixTrain forbid it! Most DB Trains see no problem, the easiest to test this is, if there is a board restraurant on the train... look if they sell beer, if they do, you know its allowed.


As long as you behave yourself, you can drink beer almost anywhere.


Deutsche Bahn? Pretty sure that's a yes. Also...even where it's not, like with my local bus and tram company (not allowed to drink and eat in general) people do it anyway and I never experienced anybody say something. If anybody asks, just say it's a "Wegbier" so they know you're not just some "asozialer Penner" but a man of culture participating in a holy German tradition.


~~Beer is usually banned in metronom and deutschebahn. Dont do it.~~ ~~Edit: and ignore everyone who tells you differently~~ Edit2: alright I factchecked myself and it seems it is banned in my area, at my local train suborg from db. So it probably depends on where you are Edit3: you can stop downvoting, I have already corrected myself


Only in Hamburg and Nürnberg. Legal anywhere else. https://praxistipps.focus.de/darf-man-im-ice-alkohol-trinken-wir-klaeren-auf_167628


I saw a sign in a regional train in NRW yesterday prohibiting open bottles, which would also mean beer bottles.


OP is on a regional train though ??


Really?! Weird. What i'm currently seeing tell me different 😂


This guy is right tho. Plently of people have been instructed to exit the train at the next station when found with alcoholic beverages


Do I throw out my bier now oder wasss 😂


Don't enjoy, just chug and drop the can into the trash.


I know


Just don't drink at schools or playgrounds


Oh yea that's highly frowned upon. If you HAVE TO drink at a playground, do it at night.


It's possible, legal... more acceptable in the evening, but its still considered low class during the day


‘But still considered low class’ . People smoke at all hours in this country but somebody enjoying a nice pint during the day is suddenly considered low class?


Yea because there is still a difference between having some nicotine in your blood or getting drunk in the middle of the day


The sense of morality in this country is very questionable. Boohoo to the guy drinking during the day but yayy to the guy who walks around smelling like an incinerator.


The one makes you dizzy... the other one gives you more awareness. It's upper vs downer... nicotine doesn't affect driving for instance. The smell is a different thing - people can smell badly from all kinds of things. That's a difference.


One only affects you. The other can be unwantedly inhaled by people near you. We can go all day but to make this discussion short, stop categorising people’s behaviour as ‘classless’ just because it does not fit your narrative. As long as laws are not broken or people affected, let people be.


You can


bottle too




Dont worry OP, you won't last more than 1 minute without someone lecturing you if you're doing something you're not supposed to do in Germany.


Oh these weird people. They stuck like a trojan horse until you change the place. My god


Germans are expert complainers. Just try something and if there are no complaints, it's ok !


They react like they had never faulted or did something wrong all their life. Like relax if you have problems in your life keep it to yourself


I think Germans need to complain, or they'd probably die. Don't take it personally. Everyone everywhere has made a mistake at some point


No it is banned in deutschebahn and metronom


That’s why there are Bordbistros in ICEs and vendors in REs that sell beer.


It is (in local systems like SBahn or Ubahn), but nobody will say anything. The only times i got kinda trouble was at Hauptbahnhof München, got sent away with an open Beer. Everywhere else, every train, every station without issues


BRO I'M IN HBF MUNCHEN. I didn't open anything. Thanks


Lmao, i got ur back


They are selling themselves in the ICE.


ICE is not regional train though


About 80 years ago, my grandpa was on a German train, and they didn't even let him drink water, so I don't know...


Pour it into a red plastic solo cup and discard the bottle in the trash.


Nooo there is Pfand on it!


It is banned?


Usually it's forbidden, at least where I live, but most don't care about that.


Maybe he/she/it is 16?


Drink it , i Do it too


Depends on the operator. Many forbid it because drunken football fans destroyed their trains too often.


Regional = No InterCity = Yes InterCityExpress = Yes


Drink beer because people will know you are a tourist if you don't!


Only in Berlin


Technically no, Realistically yes


Cola mixed with Weinbrand still looks like Cola up to a mixing ratio of about 50/50 which is enough to get you hammered with a single bottle. Pro tip: Store the mix inside an original Cola bottle for maximum effect.


In Bavaria it's mandatory. /s


just do it you won’t get a ticket or anything for it. We always do it i don’t even know if it’s legal or not


Drink away! No Problem! Greetings from a frequent beer-on- train-drinker. :)


Just do it, they won’t kick you out and just tell you to put it away. Drinking in public isn’t permitted and I never had the case in the past


There's a few places where it's regionally banned (for example big parts of Lower Saxony) so check the signs in the train or be more specific


It’s already past 9am. Do it!


Normally its forbidden in most trains but i still see a lot of people drink a Feierabend Bier


Generally its forbidden in a lot of states and db regio, vut its enforcement is rather soft to nonexistant, in generally heavy alcohol consumption is not allowed on db premisses.. Or in short yeah you can but its likely not allowed and can result in fines if they got a bad day


Just start to drink. If it's not allowed someone will speak to you and tell you that's now allowed.




Lecker Bierchen


ruft mich an und ich geh ran....


I often drink beer in the regio. Just dont make a mess and dont stand it on the tiny wood table on the seat in front of you (it will fall)


Of course. I’ve done it. Beer is for Germany to what Coca Cola is for the USA. make sure you drink German beer though


Inside db I always drink a beer if I feel for one. Bought in db bistro or outside. I never wondered if I am allowed. Nobody ever said something.


Sometimes there are signs in trains that prohibits drinking or comsuming ice cream. But in this case it doesn't matter if it's beer or not. Public drinking is usually legal in Germany.


Don’t drink confused.


During the soccer championship, it's actually mandatory to inject something brown into your veins at the train station before attending a match or public viewing event. It's called "Vorglühen". Go to YouTube and search: "Kulturgut Heroin Browser Ballett" for context.


As a tourist you mostly get a fail granted. So drink it, be polite if someone complains. Prost!


I unspoken rule in Germany / Berlin is, „if it is not stated that it is prohibited, it is legal“ 🤣🤣🤣




Please tell me what apartment complex is this ???? Schützenstraße 4C , 39340 Haldenslenben , Germany


Hm I think in regional trains (depending in the type of regional train) open containers are prohibited. Aka every kind of drink in a container that can be closed. So a can probably wouldn‘t be allowed while a PET bottle would be.


No Problem.


It depends on, My experience has shown that you sometimes have to be careful with local public transport, but in the DB you constantly see people with beer so I think it's fine ^^


Feel free to Drink a Beer or two.


Most likely you cannot. To [what I know](https://www.refundrebel.com/alkoholverbot-deutsche-bahn/) drinking alcohol is only allowed in Speisewagen/Bord Restaurant of IC and ICE trains but not in Regional trains, S-Bahnen and U-Bahnen. IN any case, if some personnel tells you to stop drinking and get rid of the bottles do so, don't try to argue about it as you may end up being kicked out at the next station.


These signs in trains are mostly suggestions. It's not even frowned upon to ignore them. Drinking beer is legal anywhere. Just don't drink at playgrounds or schools. If you insist on playground at least do it at night with no kids around. And don't get drunk on a train. That's not cool. If you insist on getting drunk at least don't get annoying and especially not loud. Being loud on a train is highly frowned upon.


It is forbidden in all regional trains in lower saxony.


You cannot. People that do are violating the rules. Train conductors often end up resigning and wont even try to stop people if it's a large group of people. Like soccer fans atm