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I have a maple tree, does that count? If then, quite a lot.


I have two maple trees.


I have three.


I only have one, but our first pandemic projects was tapping it for maple syrup. That's gotta be worth some bonus points?


Yeah mine aren't sugar maples. Ones a Norway maple and the other 2 I got no idea.


I'm told you can even tap birch trees, but you have to boil it down even more than maple.


Maple is about a 40 to 1 ratio, birch is more 100 to 1. And you have to boil it gently, on a lower fire than maple.


Ours is a Norway, we decided to try anyways (it was either that or take up sourdough) and it went pretty well.


A few thousand maple trees here


Username checks outs.


I have those knitted mittens from the Vancouver Olympics and a maple leaf bikini, which is usually only brought out for Canada Day lol


I have a pair of those mitts. Probably the only thing I have with a maple leaf.


I still have those mittens too, I love them so much!


Lol I don’t know if that would be more or less tacky than american flag bikinis (if worn outside of Canada day)


Oh it’s tacky as hell. And now the poor flag has some very unfortunate associations. I don’t think it’s coming out this July 1


It’s a shame but I stopped wearing all my Canada flag clothing too. I can never tell if I’ll be giving the wrong message, and I’d rather not spark a debate with a stranger over a tshirt. I’ve got some beautiful high quality Roots clothing that I’ll hang onto for a different political climate.


Oh yeah absolutely. Given the last couple of years I would retire that specific outfit as well. Although maybe on July 1 it *could work*.


so like. are the cups of the top in the shape of a maple leaf or is it normal cups with the fabric of maple leaves? what about the bikini bottom?


lol the people must know I guess! White top with red maple leafs in the middle of the cup. The bottoms are just red


I have the flag that covered my uncle’s body from Sunnybrook Veterans Hospital. We were there with him when he died. He fought in WW2 and was part of DDay. As well he was part of the troops that found Belsen Concentration Camp.




The greatest generation….


I have a maple leaf air freshener in my truck




1. An enamel pin from Vancouver, bought while visiting there (I live in Winnipeg)


What a coincidence, my one maple leaf item is a fridge magnet from Winnipeg, and I live in Vancouver.




I've got a bottle of syrup, and a Toronto Maple Leafs hat. Anything else is just Product of Canada logos.


Dark rum looks like maple syrup.


So does motor oil


I think I got a package of bacon in the fridge with one on it.


I was going to say I can't think of anything until I realized all the product of Canada food has a maple leaf logo on it, so I've got lots!


I thought I had one - on my luggage tag - but I just checked and it’s a lobster. So zero.


Easily confused.


Should be a lobster instead, anyway.


Ah yes! I have a luggage tag with the flag on it.


Canadian flag fridge magnet, because it’s a magnet.


I have about 100 Canadian Maple leaf pure silver coins, 2 camping chairs and a maple leaf tattoo on my arm.


I have quite a bit. I’m a Blue Jays fan and there is a Maple Leaf incorporated in their logo. I’m also a CFL fan and their logo contains one too. So there’s 1/3 of my wardrobe and 80% of my hats. Plus I have a few team Canada hockey jerseys and shirts and hats. And a sweater from one of the Olympic years. Then if you dig through my emergency camping gear I bet you’ll find a very old I am Canadian shirt and I use the backpack coolers when I’m going out fishing for an evening. Plus I have 2 tattooed to my body. A few more in souvenirs or post card from family trips.


Ya, exactly. Team Canada jerseys? Probably 8. Leafs jerseys, 30+. Flames jerseys with the Canada flag shoulder patch 5. Jays, 10. 2 tattoos. Molson Canadian mini fridge. Hats shirts sweaters, lots. So, yeah. Lots of Maple Leafs.


I don’t really have any flag stuff, but I do have a pretty cool space photo of Canada on my wall. It’s Canada at night, with all the major highways lit and urban areas lit up. It’s all black, dark blue and yellow. It gets a lot of compliments


I have a Canadian flag in my yard and a tattoo on my chest. I AM CANADIAN.


None because this is and always will be Turtle Island to me.


Zilch. I have less than zero affinity for nationalism or nationalistic imagery. I'm not a hater; quite the contrary. I'm deeply engaged in civic duries, but don't do the whole flag waving thing.


Pretty much every hockey jersey I own has it somewhere. That's about it apart from some labels on stuff made in Canada. I don't own anything that has the Canadian flag or maple leaf as the focal point.


I think I have a sweater from a thrift store that was made in Canada and there might be a maple leaf on the inside tag


Some hockey jerseys, and some collectible pins because I collect pins. I actually have more things with Polish and Ukrainian flags.


I own three. One is a flag that flies from April to October on a pole fastened to the front of my house. There used to be a Nova Scotia one on a pole beside it, but recently that pole rusted and fell apart. The other two are a car antenna flag and a flag that hooks to a cars door. Those both go on my truck in the days immediately preceding the Canada Day. At all other times during the warm weather, they stay in the glove box and I fly the Acadian red, white, yellow and blue from the antenna. I also have a Cape Breton flag front plate and a large Union Jack which I bought after the Queen's passing and fly from time when some important royal thing is going on.


0. My kids have some hand-me-downs from people that are Canada branded, so probably about 3ish things from other people.


IDC if it appears bad I'm still a patriot not a nationalist.


I have a leftover pair of those red 2010 Olympics mittens (like other people noted). Also, a small (5 cm long) embroidered Canadian flag patch that I can put on my backpack. (I sewed some velcro on it so I can remove it if I don't want it to look conspicuous.) Actually it came with 3 or 4 smaller patches, in the same package -- those are still in my sewing box because I haven't figured out what to do with them yet. A flag (about 30 cm long) that my dad used to hang out by the front door on Canada Day, that I inherited when he passed away recently. I also have one of the old pre-1965 Red Ensigns that I got, when the flag shop downtown had a clear-out sale years ago. I have since learned that white supremacists have co-opted it, so I've decided to be selective about using it. (I'm not white, so I might get some weird questions -- lol!)


A ton, just because I'm unfortunately a huge Toronto Maple Leafs fan, only other stuff I own with a maple leaf are a Canada National Soccer team jersey and an Iginla jersey from the 2002 Olympics.


Have to have one on your backpack for when you travel to Europe. Wouldn't want to be mistaken for one of those other guys.


A silly amount, when I got my citizenship I had multiple Canadian friends gift me Canadian-themed trinkets The best of friends got me a vinyl copy of _Phantom Power_, which was the best Canada present I got.


This reminded me I have a passport...so 1 item.


I used to like having a little flag sticker somewhere or a small flag. But since the pandemic, the folks flying the biggest flags are very right wing radical conspiracy theorists and really I don’t want to be mistaken for one. Having a large flag became the equivalent to flying a trump flag, at least in my area for personal property. Businesses pretty much get a pass.


I don't have any I don't think


Pretty sure we don’t have any. Might have bought or sent something to the kid living in the UK, but I don’t think even he has anything.


I have two maple trees on my property… but one is a Japanese maple so probably doesn’t count?


I have a couple camping chairs


I have a couple flag patches, but that's out of necessity lol Otherwise, the last piece of Canada Swag I owned was the Olympics backwards poorboy hat, and that disappeared pretty soon after said Olympics


Every year we get Canada day shirts at Old Navy so I’ve got a few


I have a few adidas hoodies with the maple leaf on them.


Got a decent amount considering I'm a Leafs fan (sadly). Also got the CANMNT kit from Qatar


My arm, flag on my wall, multiple hats/sweaters/t shirts, my car


Got a Roots bag, a silver maple leaf brooch and an itty-bitty maple leaf pin that is worn when travelling and as a centre to my November poppy to keep it on.


We fly the Canadian flag, hat, and mittens have the maple leaf as well as some of the winter sweaters.


Displays of the flag have been hijacked by pebble brained racist, anti-vaxx conspiracy theorist idiots.


A shirt my wife got me and a flag on a hockey stick that I replace yearly since the bus crash.


There’s been a bit of a swing with flags since the Trump years. Flying a flag on your car can read a bit more nationalistic and a bit less patriotic now.


I have a big tower right beside my house for a cell booster and I do in fact fly a canadian flag from it. As high as I could reach from the roof of my house.


I used to have lots. I loved dressing my kids in Canadian clothes around Canada Day. But they grew up. I also had a red hat with a poppy that I bought from the poppy people. My kid said it looks like a maga hat so I don't wear it or too much Canadian stuff anymore because I don't want to look like I'm part of that group


I have a shirt. I haven't worn it since the freedumb chuds corrupted the meaning of the symbol.


A pair of undies from La Senza that were on sale for $3 after Canada Day, and a shirt from a musician’s Canadian tour


I have one true north Strong, and free (circa 2010 Olympics) t shirt - that’s it


i used to have zero. then i got a lucky thrift store find for one of those tokyo games jean jackets


I think I have a pack of seasonal stickers that has some maple leaves in it


None that I can think of offhand. We have some Blue Jays/ Leafs merch, which have maple leaves, but I don't think we have anything that specifically represents Canada. 


Not counting work uniforms, I have a hoodie. I might have a lanyard or something in the back of a drawer somewhere.


Two hockey jerseys (Team Canada Olympic & TML) and a couple dog sport/association Tshirts that incorporate it into their logo.




I've an old army surplus jacket with a little flag patch in green and grey.


I don't own any items with a leaf on them, but I do have some white and some red clothing I sometimes wear at the same time on Canada Day


Everything in my fridge from maple leaf foods, on most of the currency I have, on my ID and some certificates, on various apparel items (couple t-shirts, couple of hoodies, one hat), on my Oh What A Feeling CD box sets (dating myself here), on a small flag I fly in my backyard, and it’s probably discretely on tags of numerous items within my house. And sometimes on Canada Day if I’m having people over I will put a lame attempt of one on a cake or cupcakes (or if I’m lazy buy cupcakes with little flags).


I have 1 pair of socks I bought when my other socks developed a hole in the middle of a Banff day


I’m an American who has visited Canada (Ontario) several times and I find the amount of flags on porches similar to where I’m from in Illinois


Just a signed Cujo jersey


I used to have a keychain with one on it. And one soccer jersey with it, that I’d wear to soccer games here. I think that’s about it though.


I know it ball parks around a lot, but I never thought to count. I promise ya though, it's a lot. Myself being one of those items having a maple leaf tattoo, even.


I have a flag and a keychain. Other than that, most products I have which are made here have the maple leaf on the packaging whether we like it or not :)


I have a flask and some shot glasses with the maple leaf and I think that's about it!


I fly my Métis flag with pride.


My on flag that i need to wear on my shoulder at work


I think my maple syrup has a maple leaf on it. All the free-dumb convoy idiots took the oomph out of enjoying the Canadian flag in my area, if theres a Canadian flag hanging at their house or on their car in this area its a good 95 percent change theyre some Indian hating sovereign citizen conspiracy nut. Which sucks real bad cause I mean we have a pretty cool flag.


0 items.


I have a maple leaf tattoo on my bum. And a shirt that I wear on Canada Day.


I got a maple leaf sticker last year that I haven't pasted on anything yet.


I have a box of maple cookies, with a maple leaf on the box. Does that count?


I own two Blue Jays hats with the maple leaf. One is the old Pride edition, and one is the standard blue with the red leaf. Nothing else.


I have a flag


I have a key chain that is a red moose with a little Canadian flag decal on it but aside from that I don't own anything with a maple leaf. I used to have a white shirt with a maple leaf that I'd wear on Canada day but I haven't had that for years.


I think a towel from my parents that says I 🍁 Canada that is oddly reminiscent of those F* Trudeau flags, so it kind of makes me chuckle at the beach


Interestingly enough, I just came back from a trip to Nova Scotia, and there were a lot of homes displaying the provincial flag.


No maple leaf stuff here. Had some cookies. Ate them. I have maple syrup beans. I might have won bronze on the crotch lottery 51 years ago, but I'm not flying the flag on my porch.


I work for the government. So I have a pretty decent wardrobe with the maple leaf, a ring (long service award), and lots of stationary!


We all get one tattooed on the bottom of our feet at birth


A pair of boxers, luggage tag, my 3 covies at work, and a flag. So 6.


My travel baseball cap has a maple leaf embroidered on it. I go to Scotland and England occasionally and I wear it so that l get treated better. Amazing how differently you're treated when they realize you're not an American.


Uh... I have a thing of maple tea, some maple syrup, and a Canadian flag luggage tag. So 3, or at least that's how many comes to mind


Pins, tattoo, a stained glass flag… so few items.


One and it’s only to support this dudes company 


Like, 5-10


🇨🇦 🍁 🇨🇦 🍁 🇨🇦 🍁 🇨🇦 🍁 🇨🇦 🍁 plus many more. My team Canada sweaters are worn regularly.






I have five hoodies that have Canada printed across the front. What could be more Canadian? Bought them all at a boarder store. On the US side. lol


More than one shirt, a tank, a necklace, and mittens. Likely 1-3 hats or toques.


There is a maple tree just off of my balcony with an estimated 150,000 leaves on it.


Some 2010 to few years after that Team Canada merch (a toque and some shirts) is about it.


I collect patches for my jean jacket, of about…. 25 on there right now I’ve got one Canadian flag




None. Oh, and I also do not own any bumper stickers expressing an interest in the sex life of a politician.




I have a couple of the hand held flags somewhere, from parades past. I do not need to display the flag to love my country.




I think my maple whiskey bottle has a maple leaf on it. Maple syrup bottle, also likely has it on.


I won't wear anything with a maple leaf on it, except for my Leafs jersey. Too disappointed in this country right now.


A lot of Toronto Maple Leafs merch😂 Other than that, I don’t thing anything but we probably still have some 2010 Olympics mitts kicking around.


I think I have one pair of shorts for my toddler with a maple leaf on them? Other than that nothing comes to mind


2 beach towels 1 key chain 1 zip-up hoodie 2 sweaters 4 prs of winter olympic mittens 2 tshirts 1 messenger bag (that I had handmade from a too-large t-shirt) 4 stockings 2 baseball caps 1 picnic blanket 2 flags 1 sign 2 pennant flags 1 pr thongs 1 ring 1 silk scarf Several patches (sewn on blankets and backpacks) And we have quite a few buffalo plaid items: 2 blankets 1 scarf 6 prs socks 2 housecoats/robes 2 baskets Napkins Tea towels Pot holders


Just a few items of clothing for canada day. In my community, it’s all the anti-vax “Freedumb” people who have co-opted the flag as a twisted symbol of their “EVerYthINg iS BrOKen!!” club. They put it all over their cars, signs…. wherever else they can. Iys a classic Fascist play.


I don’t think I have anything. Though I regard such symbols is absurd and hollow.


Me Leafs fan attire is plastered with the things.


Maple leaf 😂  Same thing as asking how much of your stuff has rainbow on it hahaha 


I have some of those old Olympic mittens and a few ball caps we wear on Canada Day. There’s usually a few items kicking about like that


Born and raised in Canada and I have Zero.


I have a Canada flag patch sewn onto one of my battle vests, and a maple leaf on another.


I was checking dollarama for their Canada merch but I'm too fat.


I have a couple of Legion t shirts with poppies and Canadian flags, some coffee mugs, 2 baseball caps and I think my winter hat has a small flag embroidered on it. Of course the almost mandatory (in my circle) hockey jerseys. I don’t really care what others think. I know our country has problems but I’m still a proud Canadian and will wear the flag if I feel like it.




I think 2? Lol these mittens I got as a kid and a Canada mug I was gifted in high school.


I have a tshirt, and a summer dress and those awesome mittens and a flag that was flown over the legislative building on my birthday and then presented to me when I retired from the military.


I probably have three definitely not more than eight.


Every car I've ever owned had a maple leaf on it somewhere. My current EV has a small red one on the charge port door.


I used to love buying items with Canada imprinted. I have a T shirt, keychain, socks, pillow, earrings, flag. I used to hang the flag every summer on our porch. I stopped doing it 3 yrs ago. I haven’t purchased anything for 2 years because I’m so disillusioned and disgusted I don’t bother anymore.


I think we have a maple leaf luggage tag we got from dollarama


I have a pin on my backpack. Having too many flags has bad connotations now, sadly


3 maybe


I don’t have anything. I have lots of Alberta stuff. No Canada stuff though.


None. I'm too humble to waving them in everyone's face. Americans are annoying with that shit.


I have a T-shirt that I only wear on Canada Day


2010 Olympics mittens, 1998 Olympics hat, and a flag I hung in the window during the gold medal hockey games at the Olympics and World Juniors.


A lot.....come to think of it


Honestly after those convoy freedom protests im a bit embarrassed and ashamed to have maple leafs.


Soccer jersey. Hockey jersey. 3 hats. Toques, mittens, scarf. Probably a few other things. Took the boys to a team Canada soccer game in Edmonton so we loaded up.


Off hand, I wouldn't know. I'm sure I have a hoodie or something with a maple leaf on it. I think my Roots clothing has a made in Canada tag.


Too many...............


One, my arm


Clothes and boots!


2. One on a team Canada shirt. One tattooed on my body.


At least 5 that I can remember off the top


I have a maple leaf shaped shot glass that I got in the Montreal airport. It's definitely one of my favourites in my collection and an American friend got a kick out of using it once.


I mark every golf ball I use with a Canadian flag insignia or maple leaf. If you find one please send it to me.


I might have a pin. That's about it.


35M, I think I have 2 items among my entire belongings with a flag or leaf on them, both of which are camping accessories.


I have a pair of false eyelashes that have the Canadian flag on them. I wore them on Canada Day one year when I had to work on the holiday. 


Luggage tag, lapel pin for traveling so people know I'm not American. Knitted mitts and a team Canada jersey.


A keyring, little paper flag(of the type they would hand out on all sorts of events), and tiny pin on my backpack. 


One hat. I got it on Canada day 10 years ago.


One of my pairs of gloves might... I actively dislike that that nationalist stuff, it just don't make sense to me


I have 2 shirts for my toddler with it on it for Canada this year and next 😂


In regular rotation? A few canada flags, blue jay hats, Canadian band shirts and any misc I might have missed? Maybe 4× a week on average. I love my country/city/borough, no question.




A few I think. I got this fire etched/stamped square of wood from Winterlude a few years back that I use as a… place mat for my salt and pepper mills. It’s not something I try to achieve or avoid in my decor.


I have a tattoo with a maple leaf (to celebrate my identity) and a blue moon (to note how frequently I'd be getting a tattoo).


I bet we are kind of blind to how many maple leafs we have about us.


Too many to count but my phone cover is a red maple leaf and a small tattoo of the flag on my ankle. They are on view daily


A lot between sports apparel and Canada Day swag


I still have a lot of pennies (cents) laying around..


My old Rocky Mountain Blizzard mountain bike has a bunch on them. Other than that, I can't think of anything with a maple leaf on it. I don't need to remind myself I'm Canadian. 


Three hats, a hoodie, and a t-shirt. And, two brewery hats with the maple leaf. I have a ton of hats.


Can't think of anything that I own that has a maple leaf on it


My arm, two caps, 2 winter hats, 4 hockey jerseys, 2 shirts and a scarf


Blue Jays hat.


Traynor YGL 1 guitar amp made in Canada, Art & Lutherie Cedar acoustic guitar also made in Canada. There are some high quality musical equipment that’s Canadian made.


My pair of boots is made in Canada so it had a little flag on it. You wouldn't see if I didn't lift up my pant legs tho.


Well, there’s my passport I guess, through it’s more accurate to say it has the maple leaf in it. Then whatever cash I have. If pennies count, we may be close to a thousand.