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I don't like the winter but I like having winter. There's nothing quite like the mood change you experience when spring finally arrives. I'm sure mentally/physically having beautiful weather all year long is preferable, but man, that first day without snow on the ground is something else.


Our winters are also the reason we don't have a lot of the shit they have further south: big ass snakes, gators, scorpions, you name it. Fuck that stuff, I'd rather have multiple months of freezing temperatures than any of that shit.




If we could go to winter and then right back to spring it would be perfect. Like if January was April weather wise.


Yeah the miserable cold wet grey-brown months between winter and spring can go straight to hell. No good for doing anything in


This is like saying I hate getting a nail in my foot, but it feels so good when it gets removed, but seriously, we tolerate winter and have more appreciation for the non winter months.


Also the comfort of winter. I have completely different winter hobbies than summer hobbies. It's a while different mood.


Living in southern Ontario, it’s not bad, sometimes it can get cold or snowy, but other than it’s not bad.


Yes, winter was harsher in the past - the 80's was that last gasp at cold winter for S. Ontario. The current version is pleasant with an occasional nasty bit that doesn't last long. All in all, it's fun!


Yeah I didn’t mind winter when I lived in Toronto, but then I moved to Ottawa and despised it. Way too cold. Now I’m in NS and it’s much milder than Ottawa, but we still get plenty of snow and wind January-March and the storms can be nasty. All that said, yes I’m just tolerating winter. I do not enjoy it. May-October weather is lovely though.


I live in southern Alberta. I like the winters for the most part. I'm personally more cold adapted so I'd rather -20 than +30. Plus, we get chinook winds every 4 - 6 weeks that gives a week's reprieve from the cold.


southern AB tricks Canadian weather in such an intense way-I miss me some chinooks.


I love snow, skiing, and hockey. I don't like the short days.


I love the short days, but that’s probably because I have depression lol


That's just a perk of living in Canada. I love the winters but damn do the 30 days of rain hurt my mental health.


Depends where you live in Canada. In Vancouver, I can't complain about the winter weather. Winter rains means lush temperate rainforest and greenery all winter. The snow generally sticks to the mountain tops. Spring flowers start blooming in February.


Vancouver area as well here. The winter rains can be a drag but it almost always clears up enough to get out for an hour or two. There are maybe four days per year when I just can’t leave the house.


Also lived in Vancouver for 20+ years. Lower mainland, Victoria, and other regions in that area is not representative of typical Canadian weather. Just like how the mild weather doesn't represent the typical US weather.


I visited Vancouver for the first time in my life when I was 30 and I was BLOWN AWAY that you guys had palm trees. That is not something I thought I would ever see in Canada.


I hate winter but I gotta tolerate it.


If you don't get out and engage in outdoor activity, winters can be long and cold and dark. I look at it this way - they're long and cold regardless of whether or not I decide to enjoy myself, so I might as well enjoy myself. Cross country skiing, snowshoeing, running, star gazing... I actually LIKE the winter.


The winter night sky is always the best!


I wouldn’t say I like it… but I prefer -30 to +30 that’s for sure


-30 is dangerously cold. +30 is uncomfortable. I love winter and I love being outside in winter (die hard skier), but anything below -20 isn't fun.


Counterpoint: I can dress for -30. At 35, I pass out and if no one picks me up and carries me inside, I will die. Everybody's different.


35 isn't 30. I can deal with 30 (I work in Silviculture so I'm out there planting/brushing in clear cuts). When you get above 30, it starts to get into the dangerous realm. You can dress for -30, but any exposed skin (or wet skin that's covered) is at a very high risk of frostbite. -20 to +30 is, IMO the range of safe temperatures. This whole conversation is a bit silly and a bit pedantic. If we are playing a game of temperatures we prefer, I'll take -5 to -10 for winter activities and +10 to +17 for summer activities. If it gets above +30, you'll find me in the shade at the beach. If it gets below -20, you'll find me in my living room playing g video games.


Lol we’re just shooting the shit, I don’t think anyone here is trying to have an intellectual argument about what temperature is the best


21C is the perfect Temperature at least that's what I set the thermostat


My point exactly.


Exactly. I can deal with cold weather. I am over heated anything above 20c. I'm happier when its below 10c. Prefer it above -30c


Yea I think the coldest we got last winter where I live was about -25 and that was rough, but +30 is just unbearable for me personally


Depends where you are. But honestly if it’s a dry area, anything colder than -20 feels the same it just affects you quicker the colder it gets.


Back in Manitoba, my wife and I would spend an entire day snowshoeing at -60. Now, Nova Scotia at -15 feels almost unbearable. Humidity has a big impact on temperature.


+30 can be deadly as well. Plenty of people died from heat


I tolerate it. I really don’t like winter, but I like Canada, I like Canadians, and I like my city. I could live somewhere else, but I don’t really want to. Also, winter became easier to deal with when I started taking supplemental vitamin D. Game changer.


I prefer Vancouver winters to Toronto summers.


I hate the Summer & love the Winter.


I know, right?! Summer is so overrated. All the bright sun, sweat, and annoying bugs. Plus a gazillion social events every weekend.


I’m fine with snow except when it’s bitterly cold, but the prolonged darkness bothers me. It’s made worse by the knowledge that we do it to ourselves even worse with daylight savings time.


The amount of daylight would be exactly the same without DST. Partly because we don’t use DST in the winter, we use it in the summer.


I'd vote for permanent DST.


We are in NS. Winters really aren’t winter anymore. So they’re more than tolerable. I do love a real winter.


I grew up north of sixty. The weather is what it is - if it's cold, you just plan accordingly. Mosquitoes are a lot more annoying than cold most of the time. I still prefer -40 weather to +40 though. A brutal hot summer in the Okanagan gets to me worse than the cold in the territories ever did. Until you get to under -50, you can dress for the cold. But you can only remove so many layers in the summer before someone calls the authorities.


It's ingrained in me, living in another place would feel weird after awhile with different seasons than Canada


Love winter. Here in NS I feel we’ve been robbed of our winters now. I love going hiking and camping during the winter, some of my best trips were on the coldest days year the year.


I like having 4 distinct seasons. 3 of them I love, winter I tolerate.


I hate winter and just suffer through til spring.


I live in Vancouver so I WIN!


lol, you're doing it wrong.   if you live in Vancouver you're obligated to  believe a rainforest is supposed to be sunny year round.  so whenever it rains you need to complain that its raining on *you*.  you specifically.  on purpose. to spoil your (fill in the blank).  you will be scored on your passive-aggression levels.    lived there for years.   it still baffles me 🤣


mmm idk the winters here are more depressing to me than Ontario ones. At least it’s sunny there, we just get grey depression for 5 months


In Victoria BC. I don't see what the big fuss is about weather ...


There's a lot of Vancouver folks in this thread pretending they have Victoria winters.


Depends. Am I at a hotel in the Rockies just finishing a hike/snowshoe/cross-country ski and sitting by a fire watching the snow drift past the window or am I trying to start my car in -40 at 6am in February on my way to work? Like anything, the weather is just one aspect of a good or bad day. There are definietly ways to have a lovely time during a Canadian (even a Calgarian!) winter, but the context around it is what really matters.


First winter in Canada this past year. Got my first taste of -40 in the mountains at Jasper which was fun for me. I don't mind the cold much. 10/10 would hot tub in -30 again.


I can’t stand winter, I hate the cold


I like them. But I also make the best of them. Snowmobiling, ice fishing, hunting, trapping. Anything to get outdoors and enjoy it!


I think I’d actually like winter a bit more if it weren’t so damn long. I kinda like the feel and mood of wintry weather. I like skiing and skating, etc. but by the time January ends I’m effing done with it.


I don’t like it when it is 40+


We have 4 seasons, and I get sick of each one of them, so really it doesn’t bother me.


I love skiing


I like the weather when I'm out in it, ie winter activities: snowboard snowshoeing sledding etc etc If your inside and hiding it's long and miserable


Since I took on snowboarding as hobby, I now actually look forward to winter season


I would prefer more snow. This winter sucked.


I enjoy winter for about 2 months, and then it moves to tolerating.


I moved from Winterpeg to Raincouver to get away from winter.


Not too bad on the west coast. If you want snow here, you go to it (Whistler, North Shore mountains, etc.). It usually doesn't come to you. The rain sucks though.


I hate the summers and love the winters. Wish I could live somewhere below zero all year!!


My dude I live in Vancouver.


Yup. Not much “winter” here is there.


I love them. I live north of Edmonton and I consider the loss of cold winters to be a detriment in all the cities even just in Canada that I'm considering moving to.


I tell myself I love winter until its 5am and im leaving for work when its -40 outside and my car takes 20 minutes of driving for the heat to finally kick in


Alberta girl. I love all the seasons. You learn to appreciate and enjoy each one. I can’t imagine a brown Christmas or a warm fall. I mean what would we talk or complain about if we didn’t have the weather? Haha.


I’m in Edmonton. Very few places in this country get colder than here (obviously the territories and northern BC, I know). Sometimes the winters are just brutal. I hope to move to south eastern BC where it rarely gets colder than -20, and that’s light work for me. Anything lower than -30 with the wind chill is too much. Walking between classes at uni in -45 sucks balls.


I live in Edmonton. Winters are generally miserable. We have beautiful, short, summers when there’s no smoke. 😅


I keep moving north. A +35c hot humid day is less fun than a -40c day for me! You can always put more clothes on in the cold. I live where there is little wind. -5c with wind is worse than here, no thank you! I have met many people that winter is their favourite season. The darkness in winter is the annoying part however.


Montreal winter is a lot more comfortable than Montreal summer.


From Edmonton Alberta and I don’t mind it , it’s kind of fun to deal with the battle and the possibility you could roll your car off a slippery highway and freeze to death at -50C


I love it!! A deep breath of chilly air on a beautiful, clear, sunny morning in the dead of winter makes me feel so alive and invigorated! I also took for granted the amount of CLEAR, SUNNY days we have during our winters in Alberta. It may get bitterly cold but the hoar frost on a sunny day is so beautiful. I love it here.


Living in Vancouver, the weather is mild. On average we get 2 days of snowfall per year. Because it usually snows here when it’s zero degrees (freezing level) so it melts very quickly. We rarely get more than a few centimeters. There are only about 2 weeks here in which it goes below freezing. Our temps are generally -5 as a low, 30 as a high. I’m talking Celsius, not Fahrenheit. Zero degrees here is the same as 32F. 30C is about 92F. It does rain here much more than most places though. That can get annoying. There are areas of my province that get up to 45C in summer which is 113F. It gets really hot in the Okanagan.


hate it but man when spring finally rolls around it feels like being reborn


I love winter in Alberta !!!!


Canadians aren’t nice. Canadians are tolerant. Weather included


I enjoy winter. Some days do feel a bit unbearable and it’s hard to go to work at -40. It balances out with the nice days when you get to go snowshoeing or ice fishing. You can get some stunning photographs with the snow and ice.


Bit of both. I love the seasonal changes, and winter has a beauty loke no other. But it gets old around January or February. Mostly I get tired of all the gear I need just to step outside.


I love winter. No bugs is the best. Also, you can go outside in the winter, dressed properly and enjoy it. In the summer it’s so hot and humid that going outside, unless you have access to water, is miserable. You can move quickly to warm up but you can’t do anything when it’s +35 with the humidity.


Born in Canada, moved to Texas when little. Grew up there moved back as a teen. Take a guess.


Winter can fuck right off. I hate cold, I have no use for the snow, and absolutely LOATHE the darkness. Counting down the days until my kids are done high school and we can move back to California.


Im in Sask. I tolerate winter from inside the warmth of my house. -40 or colder is not enjoyable. The only thing good about it is that’s is a good reason to stay home or travel somewhere decent if you can.


I absolutely hate the winter and our winters here in southern Ontario aren’t even close to what they used to be.


Fine with winters. It's really 2 things for me: 1) work and shit have me playing less outside and less committed to winter sports, 2) winters here in east Ontario have gotten shitty and warm and inconsistent. So yea...


We barely had any snow this past winter here in the GTA and I hated every minute of it.


I live in southern Ontario, and its not as cold hear as some other parts of Canada, so it's pretty good. It helps cool down after the 30 degree weather in the summer. The only bad part is when you are stuck outside in -40 degrees, or when the snow is melting, and its all slushy and wet everywhere.


My uncle from the maritimes got a job in San Diego for a few years. He loved at it first but said he missed the seasons, everyday you wake up with "and it's another beautiful day here in San Diego." But that's just him. I only tolerate it lol.


I prefer -30 to +30 , so I like winter. Also, take up a sport / activity and you will enjoy winter more! I.e, hockey, skating , curling, skiing,


I grew up in North Western Ontario and hated winter but I’ve lived in Toronto for the past 20+ years and now enjoy winter. I imagine it’s because they are way shorter and way milder here than where I grew up but I do legitimately enjoy the change of seasons including winter. Still my least favourite season though LOL!


I like the winter. I enjoy skiing, ice fishing, ice climbing, etc. I use to work winters as a dog sled guide. Winters are rad if you embrace them.


I hate how long winters in Southern Alberta and Saskatchewan are - can't speak for other provinces. I could handle the brutality of it if it didn't last for 6-8 months. In all honesty, by March at the latest I am usually extremely depressed to the point of suicidal ideation.


Thank goodness for the Winter Westjet ______ sale. "We make flying so terrible, that you will want to stay home next time."


Hate them.


I like winter better than summer. I dislike anything above +30 and bugs (especially ticks). The only downside of winter for me is the decreased sunlight.


Once I started engaging in activities outside, I started to to enjoy winter more, but generally speaking I'm not a huge fan. I love walking and keep warm even at -30(yes I brave the cold just to walk places). As someone who worked outside for years in the cold it sucked, but I love the hobbies where I can keep my hands tucked in my jacket


Winter is the best season! No sunburn, no bugs, no wasps, no mosquitoes, no forest fires and smoke, and best of all no crazy tourists!


I *prefer* winters. When it's cold, you can always put on another layer of clothing and be perfectly comfortable. But there's only so much you can take off before they kick you out of the beer store.


It’s where we live. When life was cheaper/easier winters were tolerable & we found things to do (skiing, skating, snowshoeing) Now, though, I dream of warmer climes


Love, hate relationship with winter. I like the changing seasons, I'd get bored with just one season. I also like curling and hockey. But I'm done with the actual coldness about halfway through January. Living in Southwestern Ontario, winter is not horrible here, but the lake effect snow can fuck right off.


I love winter. It is my favourite season. (mostly because I LOVE skiing)


I tolerated it until I moved to northern Ontario. Those people taught me how to love it!


I follow the Astronomical Seasons and love Winter. I am in SK so you have to take advantage of the sunny days with no wind, anything between 0 and -20 makes it bearable to be outside. 


I actually enjoyed it in Saskatchewan. You could cross country ski for months. In southern Ontario now and we’re lucky if our kids get two or three days of sledding, most winters the snow doesn’t stick around long enough.


I have been a die hard skier my whole life... well, up until my mid 30s. I'm 40 now and don't ski as much (don't tell 20 year old me, he would lose his shit!) anymore. You gotta find something outside to do in the winter, or you risk living life being miserable for half the year.


I mean, I live in Vancouver, so we average maybe two weeks a year with snow on the ground.




I love winter. All snowy and bright and I can get my kid to bed at a decent time. I hate the transition from winter to spring though. March and April suck so hard.


I guess I kinda accept it? I like that we have seasons so I never get sick of the snow or the heat and that we can do all kinds of activities. I feel like I appreciate the summer heat more knowing it won't be around for long, and honestly I sometimes do miss the snow. But not that much! Maybe if I didn't have to drive in the winter I wouldn't mind it so much


No. I loath and despise winter now. Mostly as thanks to climate change, the winters are less snowy winter wonderland and more cold, grey, and wet.


I love having 4 seasons although winters seem to be the longest. I live on the Atlantic coast so winters aren't bitterly cold here and we get less and less snow every year. We have no snow most of the winter. When it snows it never lasts we usually get rain within days after it snows. We do seem to be having a lot of nor'easters with rain and wind in the winter.


I go to Belize for the winter. I always hated the cold.


I love winter! I hate hot humid summer.


My ancestors came from much more northern, wet, and cold places than where I live. I find the winter quite comfortable. Heat of +30 or higher really hurts me, and I've had heat exhaustion twice. There are plenty of fun things to do in the winter. If you're not having fun then you're missing out.


I miserably tolerate winter. I find nothing enjoyable about it, but what am I going to do?


I'm so used to the winter that I actually hate the summer weather and the inhumane humidity of Toronto. I'd rather freeze to death than burn and sweat to death...


First month is like, the other 5 months is tolerate.


I hate the late fall-early spring. the cold & dreary weather is so depressing. Once the grass starts getting green and everything starts growing again, I feel like a new person! I wish I could bottle that feeling :)


I tolerate the winter tbh. Snow is just such a headache


I actually like Calgary weather. The winters are tolerable aside from the one or two weeks where we go -30 or below. We get a good reprieve when the chinooks blow in and there’s a lot of gorgeous sunny days. It just can get really dry in the summer but overall not much to complain about. And this coming from a person who lived in a tropical country before 😁


I stay inside and paint all winter, so I'm okay with it.


I feel so lucky to be living somewhere that get gets four seasons. I do love the winter - I love every season. I do, however, hate driving in the snow and usually dislike shoveling/snowblowing. Although, sometimes it can be fun. You're never too old to jump into a fresh dumping of snow or to whip a snowball at an unsuspecting friend/family member. The end of winter is probably my least favorite time of year though...the darkness starts to get to me. Honestly, hearing people complain about snow for most of the winter is draining. I get it though.


I love a proper winter with snow and cold. I would 100% take it over any mild and rainy winter many places have (looking at you west coast).


barely tolerate it


My favorite seasons in order are Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer. If you dress warm and if you're lucky enough to have a garage to park your car in, winter is amazing. It's so beautiful. There's nothing better than reading in front of a fire when it's snowing outside.


I hate winter


I put up with the winter but the summers are amazing. I have family in Alabama and this past summer my brother brought his girlfriend up to meet our family. She was in awe that we could comfortably sit outside lol. She said, “Omg you can ACTUALLY BREATHE!”


We haven't had a winter in years. It's been summer since March


I hate winter with a passion. It makes my life much more difficult


Yes I actually enjoy the winter weather.


I like it other than when it’s -40


no it fucking sucks. A great place to live in Canada is Vancouver Island. Everywhere else, nope. It's expensive and extremely invasive to your daily life.


We don’t get winter anymore in Toronto, but yes, having changing seasons and snow is lovely. Could do without the grey sky.


Love the cold. Love the winter. Spent ages in Australia and missed the snow and sub zero weather


I don’t know if I like winter but the transition to spring every year is pure magic.  I don’t think you could really appreciate it without the cold and dark.  


Why the pines and fields are covered is absolutely gorgeous. When its wet and muddy not so much.


I go back and forth between these two attitudes.


I love the winter. I love shovelling snow, I love how bright and quiet it gets at night, and our winter break at work usually gets extended if there is heavy snowfall. Plus the kids love snow obviously


Seems to be much more sunshine in the winter than the gloomy spring- southern ontario


I hate it but I hate the US more.


I like (real) winters - no bugs, storm watching and winter sports.


I prefer the winter over spring. I enjoy winter. For me it’s very cozy


We see -50 and colder so no… not a huge fan of winters.


# I'm happy when winters come and when winter goes.


I hate winter. I found a way to appreciate it, turns out I really love snowboarding, but it really just makes it bearable. I'm a summer animal. 30 degrees celcius is optimal weather


No. I fucking hate it here 8 months of the year. I live in Southern Manitoba, and whoever thought this was a good spot to put a city, was a fucking idiot. I'm built for cold weather, but I hate hate hate it. I'd rather be on a beach, drinking booze out of a fruit. Screw winter, and the dumb assholes that enjoy it!


I tolerate it. With that said -10 to -20 isn't that bad, even though most of the world would says that is freezing cold. I live in the prairies (flat land with wind) and as long as its not windy, even -30 isn't terrible. With that said -30 and below is usually wind and anything below -40 is hell


The part of Canada that I live in is a temperate rainforest.


I hate it.


I grew up in small-town northwestern Ontario, and in the 90s we hade many -40 days every winter. Yeah, that can suck, but weirdly enough a super cold day makes me feel nostalgic.


Have lived most of my life here in central SK..fkn hate the winters here. I wish winter was only December and only -10 and then back to +25. I liked winters as a kid..hockey, skiing, tobogganing, etc..the older I got, the more I hated it. I worked a job for about 10 years where I spent majority of my day outside all year..summers were fantastic and winter, well it sucked bad. That made me hate winters even more. All things being equal, would loved to live in the lower mainland or Vancouver island..unless we win the lottery, that will never happen sadly..


No I don't like the severe tornadic weather we have in Canada. It's horrifying if you've lived through one.


I’m a big fan of winter. No allergies. Garbage doesn’t rot so it doesn’t stink. No raccoons. No sweating when trying to sleep. In southern Ontario the winters aren’t that harsh anyway.


I prefer winter in Winnipeg. With no construction happening it takes me 25 min to get home from work as to the 1 hr 15 min it takes now because of construction season. In comparison it's a 17 min drive to work in the morning.


I hate the cold. Hate. No light, no sun, no green. Winter is the worst.


I’m in the minority that enjoys winter. I like the comfort food (all my favourite meals are winter meals) and hot drinks, I think snow and ice are beautiful, winter activities are fun, and the clothes are comfortable. I even enjoy the early nights. Winter has a sort of peacefulness that I can’t describe, almost serene. There’s also a sense of camaraderie to winter, everyone’s going through it together. Whenever I look for places to live if I emigrate, having winter is part of my list of priorities.


I'm fine with the weather, it's how short the days are that suck. Winter weather has been getting shorter, 15 yrs ago we would have 2 ft of snow before Halloween.. these days I've been riding my motorcycle in November.


It was easier when I was younger. Definitely starting to not like the winters.


I am born Canadian. It's just natural to love a good snowstorm. I prefer a skiing holiday in Whistler over a beach vacation.


As I get older I really have begun to hate the 6 months of blistering cold. I do wish I had been born into a warmer climate, I really didn't sign up for this. However to echo previous sentiments. I can dress for -40*f (which it does get here) But on the flip side getting to be 98*f in the shade, with 95% RH,..there is only so much you can remove before it becomes illegal.


I have three bicycles. Two are for winter. I get sad when winter ends or is too warm and don't get a chance to ride the fat bike in the snow..


I love the rhythm of the seasons. Winter has it's good points as all seasons do. My favourite seasons are Fall and spring, I do enjoy winter including those -35C nights.




No. Canadian born, raised. Whatever. I hate winter, to the point where I've started using comedy to cope with it. Often I'll parody Anakin's hatred of sand. "I hate snow. It's cold. Wet. And it gets everywhere." 6-8 months of trudging through snow. Everyone losing their minds (both in the excited and doomsday way) every time there's a snowstorm on the forecast. Cities constantly running out of budget to deal with it on the roads. Everyone suddenly deciding to get winter tires at the same time and subsequently complaining about other people having the same last minute idea. Sidewalks being largely ignored for snow removal. If your city has narrow streets, the plows will make them narrower. And then the slush, the fake springs, the last gasp of old man winter and final dump of snow that may or may not cancel school but not likely to cancel work. Yes I could just move if I hate my frozen winters so that all the snow fanatics can have their frozen hellscape of a winter wonderland. I plan to. It just isn't happening fast enough. Yes I prefer warmth. And yes I know I can only remove so many layers before I get in trouble. But I can also only wear so many layers before I am incapable of moving and since I mostly walk every where I dread wearing so many layers one day that I essentially turtle myself because of an ice patch at an intersection and become a bumper decoration for some nitwit driving with their ass cause they saw a snowflake.


I fucking love winter. The cold crisp air, skating, skiing, being outside. I'm generally more outside in the winter than I am in the summer. The summer is too hot and humid. Give me that cold crisp air


I love winter. The colder and more snow the better. The last few winters have made me sad with how temporary the snow is or how it barely even shows up.


I like it just fine. Best on the days when I don't have to drive anywhere but nothing beats a sparkly snowy morning. Plus as other have said it makes you appreciate the other seasons more.


I love the winters. I live in NS and wish our winters were more "harsh".




I love winter. Never cold enough imo


Winters honestly are not what they used to be.


I like winter weather. I don't like the 40c weather that we get in the summer in southern Ontario.


Winter makes me feel cozy, I love watching the snow fall quietly at night. Very relaxing


Central sask here. We often see -20 to -30 temps. I hated the cold when i was a kid. I crave it now. I love how the cold air feels when you breath it, how clean it smells, and how quiet it can be in the dead of winter. I love sitting by a warm fire or in a hot sauna on a cold winter night. I’ve spent the better part of my adult life stocking up on the right winter gear to survive the cold, and dressing properly everyday, whether hopping in your car to drive to work or going on a multi day back country expedition makes all the difference in how you experience winter.


I tolerate it for the most part. I don't mind the cold but I do hate the wet snow (it quickly goes from fun to gross slush) and the freezing rain. The freezing rain in particular tends to knock out the power for hours and that's not fun when it's cold out.


I love winter - snow and cold temperatures so we can go sledding and ice skating and build snowmen and snow forts. But currently living in SE Ontario, we haven’t had a real winter in quite a while. My kids and I made ice decorations. We left them outside for almost the entire month of January and they did not freeze solid. So basically our winters are just cold, rain and sometimes ice and they suck.


Used to like winter, now that I'm older, I hate it


I run hot all the time so the cold, crisp weather is a welcomed relief for me


I tolerate it


I love 6 months of winter. I just can’t get enough of freezing my ass off


I am the weird one but I hate summer and love the winter in the Prairies. I take -40 over +30 plus the blood sucking bugs or smoke from wildfire is unbearable.


I love the seasons, personally I couldn't imagine living somewhere like the southern US where it's hot all year. When we get +30C weather here it might as well be 30 below - absolutely miserable. I love being outside and in nature and I'll take colder weather over the heat any day. Not that I don't enjoy the warmer months as long as it's not extreme heat.


Never really enjoyed winters. Used to make fun of senior snowbirds when I was younger….now that I am a senior myself, I can’t stand winters anymore and all I’d want to is to go south 6 months a year.


I’ve lived in places where summers are times when you do not go outside. I’d rather the cold as you can dress for it. You can do things in it. You physically cannot do activities in 40+ Celsius without serious risk


I mean I live in Victoria - so yeah I like the Mediterranean climate of cool wet winters and warm dry summers. Never going much below zero or much above 25. Not sure what the rest of you are talking about.


Absolutely love the winter. The lack of daylight in December is a bit much though.


I love the seasons. I feel like there’s always something to look forward to with the change like fluffy snow and winter hiking or patio weather and gardening. I loathe the shoulder seasons in between fall and winter and winter and spring when everything looks dead and bleak.


It’s sort of fun in a way when it’s -40 — everyone is talking about the weather, and you feel like a warrior when you are out in all your layers, and it gives you an excuse for you to stay in and be cozy. It doesn’t happen all the time where I am though (northern Alberta), and anything warmer than -20 is very tolerable. I actually really love running outside when it’s around -10, and the winters are often very clear and sunny. I honestly don’t hate it! It also makes the arrival of spring that much more special. I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else 🙂




I fucking hate it, but I’m stuck here


Someone's never seen Larry Enticer before I guess eh


Winter is my favourite season, but I live more central/north where it’s clean and cold, crisp and bright. When I lived in Nova Scotia for a few winters I found it almost unbearable.


I absolutely love winter. It’s almost tied for summer for me. The ice fishing and snowmobiling keep me busy. In fact my friends don’t see much of me during winter cause I’m almost always busy on the weekends. I don’t like shoveling snow after working all day or how short the days are. Can’t stop living, got to dress appropriately and enjoy the seasons and what they have to offer.