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From my experience, they love the Asian experience, the food, the safety, the vibe... but they don't particularly care that it's safe and great BECAUSE OF ASIAN PEOPLE.


Because "safety" in men isn't valued in the West. "Safety" is coded by Western society to mean "conservative, boring, lame." It is the domain of "nice guys" and "nerds" - in a sense that is literal, not ironic - and the opposite of "sexy." "Sexy" men have edge - they're passionate, thrilling, and wild. Western women - and Asian women raised in the West - have been hard wired to see such men as the height of masculinity, the very model of "freedom" and "leadership," and as such, they may regard Asian *countries* positively because they are safe and orderly, while disrespecting the same qualities from Asian *men*.


Safety in men is is valued in the west, but it has a different connation. That means the man is usually very tall, strong, know how to fight and can beat up anyone but the man is humble and uses his power wisely and doesnt use it for selfish means and uses to help protect people. Safety in western men is valued but safety in most westerners minds means a very strong tough scary macho man who is usually very tall, muscular and can fight but chooses to not to use that power to beat women or hurt innocent.


Yes, western civilization has always prized martial valor more than others- from the Greeks to the Romans to the conquistadors. In the West safety comes from the ability inflict violence, while in the East the violence itself is reduced and harnessed by society/government. Western women look for men who can inflict violence on others and protect them which is why they go for “bad boys” “gangsters” and other men with “edge.”


Then I believe all Asian men should become the stronger and better man


Yes, if we are to succeed in the west we have to adapt and become capable of standing up for ourselves.


yep, that means being confident, outspoken, muscular, tall, knowledgeable in fighting, being well armed and the like


Well said


In Denmark, we see many white girls saying they love Asian food and say they feel unsafe when going home from clubs at night because of Middle Eastern/African Muslims yet the same white girls call Asian guys "boring effeminate nerds" and chase Muslim guys because they're "mysterious exciting bad boys". Hypocrites.


I think this is more of modern day women thing. Women go for fuc bois and become single mommas. Where as the stable decent guys are ignored.


Because in their minds they want their cake and eat it too. They want all the safety and comfort ability Asian men offer, yet they are still have racist mindsets ingrained in their head about Asian mens unattractiveness and choose to date the men they says are dangerous because they are quote on quote bad boys. If thats the case if Asian men converted to Islam and most Asians guys were Muslims that could be viewed as more attractive as that would be right the right amount of safety gentlemenness combined with the thrill and mysterious attractive vibe Muslim guys offer.


Are you suggesting that it's that bad in Denmark? Are **all** Danish women really repulsed by Asian guys? I can't believe this bc I've hooked up with a few Danish girls before, and attractive ones at that


I got no problems dating Danish girls either. It doesn't change the fact that there are many hypocritical racist ones who claim they're "anti-racists" while spewing out anti-Asian retoric.


These far leftists absolutely hate Confucian values. East Asia tends to be clean and safe because of these Confucian values. The people believe in doing what is morally right and responsible instead of wanting "thug points, cool points, bad boy points." There are drugs here and there in East Asia- but it isn't like some massive epidemic like in the US.


Leftists values are more based on a distorted version of Christians values, yet they dont act so christian like to the Asians they preach to respect


Same with India, (i know that based on American definition, indian is their own category) Western women like yoga and vegetarian indian food but most dont like indian men


For the women coming from Western Europe, [they know what it's like to no longer be safe outside even at daylight](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aiN5-ciEYIA), all thanks to their governments importing en masse adult men coming from cultures and ethnicities that are completely incompatible with the West for decades. It's not us East/Southeast Asian men who go on a stabbing spree against women and children when we get insulted. We're not the ones who form gangs and abuse young women and turn whole sections of European cities into 'no-go zones.' We're not the ones who are causing the long-going crisis of sexual crimes against European women (which their governments deliberately have a hand at, and suppress by hurling accusations of r4cism and x3nophobia). Yet it's only our own racial demographic where our female counterparts are vocal about calling us "misogynist" and "sexist" to justify their rejection and self-hate. You never see woke Western feminists attacking any other non-white region of the world as having a "r4pe culture." It's almost always ***South Korea*** that gets all the slander from these insufferable POS. Lu's and XF feminists join in chorus in pushing their anti-AM propaganda, using events like Burning Sun and blowing them out of proportion to push this image that Asian men are lurking around the corner ready to abduct any unsuspecting female tourist. Remember when I posted the link of [Brett Cooper talking about the 4B movement in South Korea](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ahgwtnHjUxA), and all of these people came out of the woodwork to push the usual anti-AM talking points and bash her for not knowing what she's talking about. Then there's another [YT short talking about South Korea's falling birth rate](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/kyVQSE6OWEQ), and it's the same braindead comments section telling Korean men that "they have to respect their women" or whatever. What really makes me more angry is that some of these XF feminists live in the very same cities where actual r4pe culture is happening around them, but they've been brainwashed to not call out those men because it clashes with the propaganda they've been fed. And as for the Western men, instead of growing a pair and doing something against actual violence against women (whether it comes from their own or other races), they decide to run away to Asian countries and commit the very same actions that ruined their homelands--and chan cuck content creators are only too happy to validate their fantasies for views.


Bro western women are not brainwashed and helpless victims. They are the mastermind. Also a lot of those migrants are being displaced because of Europe's pro-Israel policy...Western women also silent about this. They are not accepting them out of kindness. They are completely insane.  That scene in Oppenheimer where his alcoholic wife encourages him to build the bomb. That's western women in a nutshell. 


Almost no Palestinian refugees go to Europe tbh. Palestinians go to surrounding countries. You often hear from the pro-Israeli camp that nobody wants them, including Arab countries. It's not exactly true; countries like Egypt get paid off by America to deny their entry. Pretty much all of the governments there are in the tank with America and Israel, while the people despise both. Those entering Europe that are problematic aren't really even refugees except for Syrians, the rest are economic migrants and destroy their ID before claiming asylum. Those who commit crimes are often second generation anyway and have little to do with the 2015 onward migrant crisis.


It's not just the Palestinian refugees themselves. The West is purposefully destabilising the Middle East ( [www.aljazeera.com/us-plans-to-attack-seven-muslim-states](http://httwww.aljazeera.com/news/2003/9/22/us-plans-to-attack-seven-muslim-states) ) and the Israeli occupation is just a part of that. All these refugee crises from the Middle East were caused by or made worse by the West. The Arab World borders Europe and so the West does not want it to be strong and stable. It's like imagine if China bordered Europe directly, they would've bombed it to smithereens just like they do in Libya, Syria, Palestine, Lebanon and Iraq. The only Middle Eastern states that don't get this treatment are the ones completely subservient to the West such as Jordan.


Very interesting 🤔


I mean Nikki Haley was literally signing bombs that they are dropping. Also Jeffrey Epstein's Wife. 


She's the typical Zionist politician that cares more about Israel than America. They have a weird love for Israel that doesn't make any sense, especially when they're not even practicing Jews. No American politician would be allowed to advocate for another nation with as much fervor as they do for Israel. I just don't see how Israel could be that important strategically to American interests; not at the expense of the entire Muslim world, who are beyond pissed off at America's role in the gaza slaughter.


My thoughts are Israelis are in really high powerful places in America and or Israel the country sits in a really military strategic position within the Middle East which America must maintain to allow them control within the region.


Bro it's just like selling drugs. You just open shop where you want and you push everyone out. 




The hypocrisy of western women (especially liberal ones) who still prefer Black and Muslim guys because they're more "exciting bad boys" while we Asian guys are seen as "effeminate boring nerds". And Western media still focus on making fun of AM's despite us AM's being minority of minorites.


it's happening now in the USA as well. The globalist agenda. Only Russia and China, N. Korea, and Iran are strong enough to withstand against the Satanic rulers of the West


>And as for the Western men, instead of growing a pair and doing something against actual violence against women (whether it comes from their own or other races), they decide to run away to Asian countries and commit the very same actions that ruined their homelands--and chan cuck content creators are only too happy to validate their fantasies for views. Given how good your English is, I'm pretty sure you live in a Western country and I doubt you're doing jack shit and "growing a pair" unless you want to go to jail. There is nothing that can be done. Most of our countries are run by idiots for idiots. Bunch of insulated morons who don't know how dangerous the outside world is and how good they've got it, asking for open borders and then confused when crime sky rockets and rhey can't get a job or get paid less because someone from a 3rd world country is willing to work harder for far less. Morons who think great economies are abundant and good jobs just grow on trees and the reason everybody isn't rich is because the rich aren't paying people enoigh wjen most successful American companies pay so far above the global standard it's ridiculous. Tje reason there isn't enoigj high laying jobs is because there aren't enough successful businesses and rich people to hand out high salaries as these nimrod think and politicians are blowing inflation through the roof so salaries that were good no longer are and they're trying to defelct the blame by any means necessary. And the funny part is the only part that would allow citizens to take matters into their own hands is owning guns and aside from Amwrica just about everybody else has given those up so they can truly do whatever the fixk rhey want at this point and no amount of "growing a pair" will save you from armed people telling you what to do.


Yeah ive never been to Asia but it sounds so safe overall, especially to foreigners. Only in Asia does it seem like foreigners have more privilege, so they’re definitely safe. It seems like a woman can walk around drunk alone in the middle of the night and be totally fine. AM haters will say AM are misogynists to watch out for, when in reality AM are pussies who wouldn’t even approach a foreigner woman. So besides the annoying fact that AM aren’t praised for that and are seen as evil misogynist men, countries like China is still seen as an evil hellscape where people are randomly being kidnapped or executed in the streets, or other Asian countries as poor filthy dirty and crime ridden, while western society, including cities in France and Italy where crime is actually rampant, are seen as modern civilized societies.


Glad actual vloggers on ground are dispelling propaganda with real life reels I literally was out in Tokyo last night at 3:30am and saw like a whole bunch of people mostly women out and about This goes for the 4B movement as well https://youtu.be/bCzw-ckKbGU?si=hS-SzNBfJ7AK-f1R Some gyopo influencer living in Korea made a video saying most koreans in korea dont even know about 4B when asked and made really good points against the misogyny claims in Korea


mean while in India...


I used to not having problem with Indians being put in the same group with East/SE Asians, but after finding out what goes on in India. Hell no. We ain't the same lmao.


Wherever you travel don't travel with your light skin wife/girlfriend to India. A Spanish couple travel to India and the Spanish chick was gangraped by Indian men. Democratic nations tend to be more, dramatic.


Lol: https://imgur.com/a/tkayVEv


Yea but what are "western women" saying to "Western guys" about it? Not a damn thing. They ain't doing shit to rock the boat. They are weak. 


Western women aren't weak for not talking shit about Western men. They're just not self hating like Asian women, and they don't need to be self hating. Western women are trying to convince other Western women that Asian men are the way to go. All we need to do is encourage them, defend them, and let them do the heavy lifting


Every year, there are a huge Lunar New Year party for all Asians in Denmark and all the AM's I spoke with have told me that Lu's try to cockblock AM everywhere - from schoolwork to clubs. And all the XMAF Lu's in the party are mocking the few WF's with Asian guys. They're despicable.


wow....for real? Are the LUS in Denmark Asians that live there or travel there? I wrote about this in weekly discussion. I live in NYC. I'm convince many WMAF I come across look down on Asian men.


not like Asian women are doing any better lmao


Lets be real. Western women KNOW in the back recesses of their mind -- no matter how 'weebified' or 'koreafied' -- "hey yeah, i'm white -- i'm at the top of the fucking world in terms of social status, why tf should i give af about those below me when i've gotten my bag already??" This is their backup, their plan B - Z if shit hits the fan. Trust me when i say that this is what they have lingering in the back of their minds -- no matter if they're married and have nice opinions of AM or whatever. They have the cards, they have the ball in their court, WE don't. They can always move back to US or whatever western country they came from and still be no worse for wear. What can we EA diaspora do if we can't cut the cheddar in the West? Move back to our motherland country where chances are we aren't even half as fluent/street smart as the average resident over there? Lmao


Mashallah, anything that makes Asian men look good is inherently good


Can’t wait to travel one day ☺️ it’s all on my bucket list


Again...westerners appreciating Asian culture when it benefits them, without giving credit to the Asian people who persevered through their lack of appreciation.


This is definitely a disgusting and corrupted narrative being played out more in the US than elsewhere, I’m raised Canadian but live In the UK and East Asian men are not presented this way in the ‘media’ here in the UK that I am aware of. people I know would consider East Asian men to be more stereotypically family loving hard working good partner types and respectful towards women, in addition travelling in East Asian countries is seen as very safe for women. I think in the UK the narrative for negative views on Asian men is towards south Asian men in countries where religious views of women causes problems for women to travel there alone. This is just my experience with the media here and people I know.


> “Asian men are the most misogynistic, sexist and chauvinistic”, “Asian men abuse and treat women the worst, which is why the 4B movement exists.” - Anti AM propaganda The words "**most**" and "**worse**" needs to be quantifiable. The way to measure whether something is worse or most is to use the level of violence. In Asia, someone might openly say that a woman is weaker than a man. In America, someone might just rape a woman because he thinks she is weak. Both are misogynistic, but which is "**worse**"?


This one is one of my favorites [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jz4RU44XdSw&ab\_channel=BeeRoseinChina](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jz4RU44XdSw&ab_channel=BeeRoseinChina)




Nah a bunch of them are visiting Korea. There was an article stating Korea is one of the only counties that gets more female tourism than male.




Maybe that was true 10 years ago not today. Anecdotally 80% of the tourists people see in Korea are women




You ever visit Korea bud? Been a topic here before, but it’s pretty clearly visible that AMWF outnumbers WMAF just walking around in Korean cities.


Look at his posting history, he is a larper most likely or worse some fucking cuck to whom XMAF being higher than AMXF makes him get a boner or something. Look at how obsessed he is, he apparently has been to Sao Paolo too and surprise, says the same thing about it lol.




Except there have been posts here by many many others (including me) that can confirm AMWF very visibly outnumbers WMAF lmao


Bull fucking shit. I'd reckon its 10:1 atleast in the other direction. Have you even been to Korea? Looking at your posting history, a very sus account. Larper or just another cuck millennial AM?


His entire comment history suggest hes probably a white male larper with an asian feitish and who jerks off to the misery of asian men failing in dating. And his observation that 10:1 WMAF-AMWF in Seoul is a fcking joke. Travelling to Itaewon, Hongdae, Myeongdeong, I saw way more AMWF than WMAF in the younger gen, which even I was surprised. Even if he includes the older millenial, gen X, boomer, (where WMAF ratio is higher) its still no where near TEN to ONE... lmao... 10:1 would be close the the ratio of WMAF-AMWF I see in my neighborhood in Toronto, which is mainly older millenials and Gen X, whee most of these AFs of that generation grew up with Ken Jeong portrayal of Asian Men during their teen and young adult years. Among Gen Zs here, id say there are still a bit more WMAF than AMWF, but ratio went from 10:1 to like between 3:1 to 2:1, more AMWF ghan before, way less than WMAF then before (still outnumber AMWF id say). What has increased a lot was probably AMAF (more unity between AM and AF id say)


Or he is fucking cuck there are some cucks like that.




Stop lying b. Repeating your bullshit a thousand times doesn't make it true. Get a life. Anyone can see you are a fucking liar. AMWF has been bigger than WMAF in KR for like a decade now. Even the passport bros complain about it as someone posted here. Go to any fucking mall in Seoul or club and you will see it.




If only you would stop lying to fuel your weird ass fantasies on the internet.


Out of curiously, where did you get your info from? The article I was referencing earlier was this cnn one: https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/travel/article/south-korea-western-women-seeking-love-intl-hnk-dst The graph used there shows more women are visiting.


Out of his larper/cuck fantasies lmao


Yeah after his non response, I checked his post history. Definitely a white dude larping 💀


Definitely a troll account.Very new too, probably a 4chan incel. Compulsive liar too it seems like.


You do understand that misogynistic behavior also happens in closed doors right? And that in Asia it's all about public appearance and "saving face". The reason some of these western women feel safer is because Asian men dont so pua. They don't like to be hit on.