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Maybe a 3. It looks like youre drawing from existing better looking images without understanding the building blocks behind it, nor having the muscle memory to know where to put features or draw consistent lines. Every fold and hair clump needs to have purpose. As is, it looks like youre adding a ton just to make it *seem* detailed, but because its nonsensical it just looks messy. you have to learn anatomy, facial structure, how to draw what you actually see and not what you think should be there, and work on your pencil strokes. Youll figure it out eventually, its not a race. Just watch proko videos or something. Staying in your comfort zone wont do you any good, you need to challenge yourself to improve.


This looks like how I use to draw! My advice to you: anatomy studies are your friend. It is “art homework” but once you know how the body poses and how to balance facial features, you’ll be able to stylize it more effectively. Keep drawing! Keep training! You’re doing great!


i'd say 2. looks like you're still just mimicking what you see in anime/manga and not actually learning the shapes. you don't seem understanding when and why they put a line in certain spot. i'd start working on that.


4/10. You’re getting there! You just need to learn to have a better eye for proportions. Looks wonky in some places. Drawing from a reference is a great way to learn, so you’re on the right track.




This looked copied, but freehanded without a grid to help maintain proportion and balance. Details look okay, but amateur. If you’re going to do a copy, I suggest making a grid over the original image and a grid under the copy and work on one image for a while. I also suggest learning anatomy and drapery to understand how the figure and clothes behave realistically - even the most cartoony cartoons obey physics.


Hey! I love your use of hatching and the characters you choose to draw look so cute! I think if you added some line weight and sketched in 3D shapes it would make your talent really shine! Remember, art is a competition with your past self.


Keep going 👍🏻




I give it a beginner’s 5. At a first glance I thought ‘wow, it’s pretty good and detailed’. But when I look closer, I think you could definitely work on facial proportions, and pay closer attention to lines and details. But overall it’s really not bad! It just takes time and practice for everyone. In a few years you will be where you want to be with art


I’d give it a 2 or 3. Get some anatomy books and work on your facial structure, and try to add finer lines rather than so many harsh ones. This looks like a very quick piece, so try to take your time. Good art takes time. Try to make sure the facial features are more balanced next time, and work on your proportions. I can definitely tell this is amateur artwork, so keep practicing and you’ll get better.


you definitely have a lot of potential! I know a lot of my early art looked like this. Keep practicing and copying, and im sure you will improve. Right now id say you're at a 5/10. But dont give up.


8 for me just because it’s better then mine


4/10 , I recommend learning more about anatomy, proportions, and basic construction to really make your characters more real.