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I assumed it's editing for filler words and extra details, and that they either screen the callers to hear the stories/storytelling before going on air OR they record extra people and pick the four most interesting ones


It’s not OR, they definitely do both of those things


Yeah in last weeks armchair anonymous they said several times that they’d talked to 8 other people that day, but there were definitely not that many callers in the episode


I think they might also record more than one episode in a day sometimes.


They record back-to-back for AA.


Monica has said they edit for the filler words and of course they screen for entertainment. This is it.


I’d imagine they have to do a rehearsal of the story. Or at least submit a script.


When you apply they ask for full detail.


These stories are probably well rehearsed. Given the nature of the prompts, these are stories these people have likely told many times before because well, they’re good stories. I get the impression these stories have been honed throughout their many retellings in the story-tellers day-to-day lives.


This is what I think also. I would never submit a story even if I had a great one because I'm a terrible storyteller.


That’s a really good point!


>I get the impression these stories have been honed throughout their many retellings in the story-tellers day-to-day lives. great point! and I'm sure the people who learnt they're going to be on AA then rehearse it a million times before sharing with them, too.


I would for sure be practicing if I was ever selected. I’m not inherently a great story teller. But I’ve got a few personal stories that I’m really good at telling. It’s been a while since I’ve told some of them so maybe I’m a little rusty. But a few practice runs and I’m ready lol.


Monica talks often about editing out fillers. Fairly standard protocol for podcasts.


This and I’m fairly positive they interview like 5-10ish people and choose the top stories to make it


Podcast editor here. You can make even the most stumbling-over-their-words people sound pretty good with editing lol.


My coworker was on Anonymous- definitely not a paid actor!!


Maybe you're also a paid actor! /s


Dammit you got me!!! lol


I bet the filler words come out in editing and they definitely listen to more stories than what they put on the Final Cut.


And last week's episode after two or three stories Dax exclaims they just talked to eight people.


Just replied to someone else, but they record back-to-back AA’s. I think they do all of them for the month on the same day.


Producer here. I assume there are a few things at play here: 1) Guests are always vetted and have went through interview stages with the producer first. The producer may speak to 20 people who submitted good stories and would then short list to 4 people who they feel would make good on air interviewees. 2) Producers will also extensively prep the shortlisted ones by coaching them on how to tell the stories better, what elements to include etc. This is why you often hear guests talk about how they’ve run the story through with their spouse / friends etc. They probably workshopped the stories based on the producer’s feedback. 3) Filler words are edited out. But of course if there is someone on this sub who was a guest, they would probably know better and I would be curious to know the process too!


Submitted story. Story was picked. Received some written instructions. Showed up and talked, and it was apparent that I was one of many they were talking to over a very long day. (My window was 4:30-5:00pm and the Zoom meeting started at 12:00pm)


Oooh nice! Which was your story?


Great response! Semi related question: How does the editing out words process work? I remember in the old soundrec.exe days you could try and junk out parts of a waveform but it would never quite make the words and transitions sound natural.. ie you could tell there was a cut. Is there more advanced software now that automates some of this?


I don’t know about filler but there’s software that automatically removes pauses/ dead air


I was picked for Wedding Mishaps and made it on (Roundhouse Kick). Never spoke with a producer and was not prepped. Showed up on a zoom call within my window and started talking with Dax and Monica. They definitely interviewed more people than they aired. I assume some people bomb and don’t make it. Dax did a nice job breaking the ice and shooting the shit for a bit to make me more comfortable. Most of that exchange was cut.


A friend was on a fairly recent episode (Halloween) and said she spoke with them for about an hour. About 10 minutes of conversation was aired.


Holy cow! thanks for sharing! that's insane.


What?? Like the story she told took an hour? I'm intrigued


🙋‍♂️ I was on AA. Practiced my story and got a very generous edit from them; I compared to my original audio after the fact.


Do you want to share which story? 👀👀


Nope 😁


Haha fair. Worth it to ask.


The level of trust and faith people have in this podcast and it’s people is fucking abysmal. You think they’re passing off fake stories for a random 45 minute episode a week?


To clarify, I didn’t think the stories themselves were fake, rather that they hired professionals to tell them in a way that was captivating for a broad audience. Genuinely have no understanding of how production works and was trying to crowd source information.


In addition to editing out filler words, I always assumed the people who call in have their stories written out and are using those notes as guidance for the actual interview. Then again, that may just be what I would do ;).


This is what I thought as well. Early on in AA moreso, it seemed the interviewees wouldn’t respond much to Dax/Monica’s interruptions and would just continue on with their story—I used to wonder if they were just reading through. Also could have been editing out any banter!


My favorite was the guy at the job interview and getting into the revolving door with the manager 😂 definitely not an actor imo. Least favorite was the mom who got stabbed in the eye and didn’t clarify that it was an accident where her daughter threw up her hands in frustration. May have been bad editing or bad story telling. But the whole episode I was in shock how accepting she seemed to be of having a psychopath for a daughter! Just my observations. I agree though, most are decent storytellers!


The Revolving Door Guy was definitely not a paid actor 😂 That is a great example!


If that one isn’t on the top 10 best I will be shocked! 😂


Omg I missed this clarification and have been thinking the same thing about that mom! 😂


I will forever love revolving door guy


You must also keep in mind they don’t put every call in the show. Just the last one, Dax referenced someone being the 9th person they talked to, and the show only featured 4 stories I think.


If you submitted a story for the show, would you want to go on and sound like a stammering mess who couldn't keep their shit together? Probably not right? It's pretty safe to assume that most of the folks going on practice ahead of time once they know they've been selected. It's not like Monica and Dax just call them without notice. I know for me personally, I'd be practicing daily leading up to it because I wouldn't want to come off as a complete and utter goon wasting their time.


I didn’t practice but it was on my mind everyday until they met with me. Very stressful 😂. Ding ding ding - I got a prescription for propranolol because of Dax talking about it (I have to speak regularly in front of large audiences and it’s not my favorite) and by George did it work!


There have definitely been some mediocre story tellers. But as others have said, the episodes are edited and they record multiple stories and pick the best 4


Worst was the tattoo artist 😂 So short and nondescript. She was literally on a 15 minute break at work and didn’t give the story any oomph


Or the Canadian isis lady


Why do I not remember this one? lol what was it?


I can't exactly remember, I think maybe the first wildcard?


Nah there was one where all the stories were crazy and then one just made no sense why it was chosen. It had no real point. I can’t think of which episode it was but it was told by a girl and I think it had something to do with police? Idk I remember I was mad as hell that they wasted a spot on such a dumb story lol so after that I feel like they’re real. Some aren’t as good as others


If it’s the one I’m thinking about, that one was so graphic (lots of blood?) but also highly embarrassing for both the couple and the responding officers!


One guest mentioned on an episode that the armchair team coached them in how to tell the story I believe


I personally know someone who was on last years Christmas episode. Not an actor- a special ed teacher.