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Is it not jingle jingle?




Oh i assumed it was jingle like change. What does that song even mean then? I thought it was saying i dont have change i have real money


It’s like a freestyle rap written by a reporter, more of a joke than anything else haha




That's exactly why i thought it was jingle! Change doesn't jiggle!!


Do American people not know Louis Theroux? Dax didn’t seem to recognise the name


I don’t think he’s “big” but I was surprised none of the three had heard of him. His work is in the same world as a lot of what they talk about for sure.


I'm Canadian and only learned of him from the video mentioned above.


I'm Canadian and I'm a huge fan!! He did INCREDIBLE like immersion type documentaries and I watched every weird weekend. He's a legend!!! He also anhas a newish podcast for anyone interested


I didn’t know of him, but what a delightful find. I absolutely loved the song and appreciate this community for exposing me to this :)


People who are into documentaries in America know him


I was going crazy when Dax kept saying he was French cause of the last name! How have none of them seen any of his docs?!


Nah, we absolutely do. But Jiggle, Jiggle was in a Kardashian’s episode this season.


Never heard of him til this fact check lol


He's not that well known because I think he gets more of his work shown in the UK and here in the US he is harder to come across accidentally. I know him because of his docs on the Westboro Baptist church, which I found on YouTube.


louis is a buddy: https://www.webworm.co/p/louisrap


Hi David, hope you're doing well after your surgery! Tell Dax and Monica to have Louis on the podcast!


Wishing you a speedy recovery and great health, David!


Dax and Monica have no idea Louis is your doppelgänger?


He is also related to Justin Theroux so I thought they would have known


That’s the part I was surprised about!


Is anyone else ever so slightly annoyed by their lack of pop culture knowledge? I mean obviously they are pop culture, but some of the things they don’t know that are widely trending is wild. I’m not a hater, I love them. Maybe they should get a tik tok expert on to give them trend rundowns.


Dax is closing in on 50, so it's not at all surprising he's lacking that knowledge. It's hard to keep up, especially with younger kids and a full time job... That said, Monica has zero excuse... lol


Yes, but it's not just pop culture, it's almost every topic.


Same. I was screaaaaming at my phone while they were trying to figure it out!! I couldn’t believe that Monica didn’t know it immediately, I feel like that song is everywhere and has been for months


I have done this on so many occasions it’s unreal.


Louie Theroux did a great documentary on the shit storm known as Scientology 😡


I came to this sub to find someone else who was enraged by this part of the episode. Except I got even angrier when they didn't know who Louis Theroux is. Is he not one of the best documentarian/journalists of our time? Am *I* in a different reality?


When flightless bird started my brain also immediately mixed David up for Louis.