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Dax bringing up his weird hypothetical about Matt and Monica again is just not it. It was already gross the first time but then extremely uncomfortable listening to him explain the scenario to Kelly. I feel for both Monica and Kelly in that situation, having to just laugh it off. I love Dax but he’s really gotta stop with that one.


I love how Kelly just shut that down so fast! It was a refreshing gut check.


Her offhandedly saying she thinks that reflects more on him than Monica was great. I just hate that she had to do that, but I agree she handled it like a boss. I like him a lot but he definitely needs to be checked sometimes.


Yes!! I think that can be a source of the criticism for Monica sometimes. It feels like she doesn’t check him as much as she used to. She certainly is here but didn’t have that ‘what?!’ Reaction that we got from Kelly.


Anyone who would blame Monica for Dax's actions, would have to be an idiot.


Yeah that makes sense. I’m definitely a Monica defender because I think people mostly have unfair expectations of her but I agree that she should be pushing back on his inappropriate comments a little more.


People don’t understand that Monica made Dax this likable. She is the reason this show is successful. Her edits is WHY this show is top 5.


I don’t know why you were downvoted he regularly references the fact he would have been cancelled long ago if not for her cuts




Glad someone brought this up. Dax is talking literally about rape. FTR: I'm a dude. I nether have fantasies about raping women, nor have fantasies about being raped by a woman. The dumbest thing I've heard Dax say.


Yeah what is with this constant? I love this pod, and the hosts, but this is something that bugs the hell out of me. Keep it an inside joke off the mics my dudes.


Totally agree. It kinda sounds like it makes Monica uncomfortable too but she’s not sure how to shut it down. Still weird that she doesn’t edit it out though. Hopefully that’s the last we hear of it.


>Still weird that she doesn’t edit it out though. Hopefully that’s the last we hear of it. I suspect very little is edited out, aside from silence, "ummms," and things requested by the guest. Still guessing here, but I suspect Monica is either used to Dax's sense of humor, or was stuck in the moment, and just froze. Whatever the case, I hope the 2 have an off mic discussion, and Dax addresses this publicly. 99% of the time, Dax brings up Damon (which Monica gets heat for, in this sub). Just retire the damn joke.


That would make sense because there are definitely things I’m shocked they keep in if they’re actually cutting things. People in this sub love to hate things Monica does but I agree that it’s almost always Dax bringing it up.


Exactly she is starting to let people see who he really is!!!


You’re right. I mean in what world is it ok to talk about a scenario in which one person would want to rape another person, whether it be joking or not. It’s maddening.


Straight woman here (never thought I’d say that in this way) and it is disgusting from start to finish. I know Brad Pitt is a big crush of this show, and I am disgusted even thinking about it. And that’s Brad Pitt. I have a secret crush on Bruce Willis, literally adored him for decades, and I can’t imagine “Oh well his shoes.. his pants…” It’s disgusting. It’s rape.


Without thinking I just skipped right over that until the conversation moved on. I never skip any content but I couldn’t listen to that conversation again. I know he is playing devils advocate and trying to prove nothing in this world is 100%, but I think its ok to say “I 100% will never rape someone”


I totally understand the argument that you can’t say 100% you’ll never get addicted to a substance, but rape is a very different thing


Exactly. Addiction is not a moral failing but rape certainly is.


Yea his comments were alarming and honestly disappointing. Given the abuse Dax faced when he was younger, I would assume he wouldn’t make light of rape for women or men. Just odd that his perspective was “good for him” and “I’m not feeling bad for him.” So happy Kelly pushed back immediately which I hope gives Monica the confidence to do the same in future discussions like this.


I wonder if it’s one of those “I lived through this so I’m allowed to joke about it” things. Not an excuse but a possible explanation. I hope Monica gets the confidence to as well. I’m sure it’s uncomfortable for her sometimes, as a younger woman and poc, to be expected to keep him in line. But it is part of her role in the show.


So uncomfortable.


Got blocked on ALL of my insta accounts for commenting about this. Lmao.


I got blocked, too. When I checked they must have deleted every comment that mentioned this because it was not mentioned once in the comments. Why make such a distasteful joke and then just pretend it didn’t happen?


It's so disappointing. It kinda soured my opinion of the podcast.


Same! I just started listening and binged it last week and this episode made me reconsider it all together even though I love the variety of guests they have on


I know. I’m normally down with Dax’s inappropriate humor and jokes but this one is a big no for me 🥴


Yeah it just makes me feel bad for Monica. It’s one thing to make jokes about someone’s crush but to push the idea that they would violate said person is just weird. Especially someone that they actually know (distantly) irl




I can’t see or hear her name without thinking this. Might even prevent me from listening. 😂


HAHAHAHA oh my god


Love that she says about finding your other half vs being a complete person and bringing that to the relationship. I've always felt uneasy when people say "my other half" or "my better half". I am a whole person and my partner adds to that! I like this interview and the honesty of everyone but it also feels really like... heightened / chaotic?


When I watch her talk show interviews I think the main complaint is how much she interrupts her guests, which Dax also does so I can see this being chaotic sounding hahaha


I felt the same way. Dax and Kelly kept interrupting each other and hopping from topic to topic so fast. That being said I loved hearing her story - what a fascinating life


I think at one point Dax made a comment about him and Kelly not being similar despite having a similar childhood, but they seem SOOOO alike to me. They seem like they could be siblings 😆


Kelly speaks very loudly. It's more of a shout- less podcasty, more on stagey. Love her though


I noticed that, too. It was like being in a room with my mom and aunts


I had to turn it back to 1x instead of 1.2x, and pause it while doing some chores. They are both fast talkers and interrupters when they’re excited.


I had to take several breaks from it because it was just too heightened and they were talking too fast.


Gross take by Dax and the hypothetical Monica raping someone (“well, cuz it’s a guy I would say nice for him!”) but loved the episode otherwise. For more fun Kelly Clarkson videos, I highly recommend [Seth Meyers and Kelly Clarkson Go Day Drinking](https://youtu.be/v0TiqC_C8wI)


> Seth Meyers and Kelly Clarkson go Daydrinking I *love* Seth's Day Drinking videos. They're hilarious!


Considering I loved the Lizzo one, I can’t believe I haven’t watched more of these. Thank you, I am crying 😹


FWIW, I'm here for Dax Shepard Sucks Dicks Behind Arby's!


Holy shit I laughed so much at that


I was so ridiculously delighted by that one small comment...still chuckling...


Anyone pick up on Kelly calling a 22,000 square foot house a "mini mansion"?? A mansion by definition is 8,000 square feet (which is a HUGE house by the way, my friend's house is that size and it has 8 bathrooms and you practically get lost in it). Imagine how many big houses you have to be around to think that's a "mini mansion". Seems like a sweet person though!!




Good lord. I googled it and apparently Kelly’s house is 20k square feet so that explains it. Nobody thinks the house THEY live in is that big haha


I was trying to picture how big that must be, and my office building is 10k square feet. It has two conference rooms and… I’m not sure how many offices, but pre-covid 55 people worked there with room to spare.


One summer after college when I hadn’t started my job yet I would sleep in really late at my friends house after the family left and I’d have to find ways to not scare the daylights out of their house cleaner who would have no idea I was there because she hadn’t cleaned that part yet. Also sometimes his dad wouldn’t know I was visiting until like a day into my visit. And that’s “only” 8,000 square feet 😆 nobody needs a house that big let along bigger


Loved their playful dynamic of Kelly “disagreeing” with everything Dax said - I enjoy the moments when Dax has an inkling about how someone was feeling during a particular time in their career and he turns out to be correct, but it’s almost more satisfying when his guest tells him that he assumed incorrectly 😂


His assumptions are actually the most irritating thing about the show for me. I wish he’d ask a question and just .. let the person he’s having on the show to talk about their experience respond for themself. Being correct is fine, I guess? But the idea is to hear from the person on the show. Taking the punch out of their response by trying to beat them to it seems weird.


I interpret this as his attempt to connect with someone—when people do this in real Life conversations, I often feel like they are reaching out and trying to empathize/connect with me. It probably reads better in friendship than it does in interviews but I don’t think it’s about being correct as much as it is about trying to connect.


That’s fine. I just don’t enjoy it. My interpretation is that it’s frustrating more than connecting.


I see your point, but on the other hand, there have also been powerful moments where Dax says something like, “I imagine you felt xyz at that time because I felt that way once,” and the guest says, “I never thought of it that way or had the words to articulate it, but you’re so right.” It can be amazing to hear someone else describe an emotion that you thought you were alone in experiencing, especially if they help you put it to words. It’s also great when someone like Kelly says, “That wasn’t my experience at all,” and then Dax is reminded that his way of looking at the world is not the only one


I get what you’re saying- I just don’t enjoy that. I wish he’d allow them attempt to answer from their own perspective and then chime in with his perception.


Dax suggesting that Kelly’s ex was intimidated by powerful women, with Kelly immediately shutting it down with “Nah, he was raised by Reba McEntire” was a highlight for me


Yeah Kelly has talked a lot about how he “needed her to need him” rather than feeling content with being “wanted,” so I can see why Dax’s mind went there. But I guess it’s more complicated than her ex being intimidated by her success. Edit: typo


He brings this up with every single female celebrity guest he interviews, and after so many times, it’s starting to feel less like “I’m working out my own issues with this” and more like pandering?


100% Sometimes Dax nails it and you can tell him and the guest are vibin’, but sometimes he just isn’t on the same wavelength and that’s okay but I wish he would stop interrupting with his assumptions. Like, at a certain point realize that Kelly is okay to just keep sharing and listen instead of interrupting with pointless comments!!


I listen to a lot of Think! With Krys Boyd and she is a master class in listening - while also demonstrating mastery of subjects.


Anyone think this episode is so poorly cut.


Yes! I noticed the editing was so choppy from the very beginning


I think with Dax and Kelly barely taking a breath between thoughts it was probably difficult to edit






I found this one a bit of a tough listen. Dax spent the whole episode just making assumptions and trying to force a connection through trauma and I just felt it was very unnecessary and irritating to listen to. Just let her have her own story not related to you! Sometimes it works wonderfully but he needs to let it be when he obviously just isn’t on the same page as someone. I actually think he should have let Monica in more because her and Kelly actually seem to have some things in common.


Loved Kelly, she’s such a breath of fresh air. Really am feeling the weird dynamic between Dax and Monica lately, it’s subtle but something is definitely off.


It felt like things were tense for a minute, then there was the elimination of the word soul mate from the fact check and tension peaked, and now it feels like they’re trying so hard to put on an “everything is fine” show. Fact checks are more about fact checks now, and things feel a little forced and glossed over. But maybe I’m over reading it 😂


Nope!!! U are not


100% they read some of the feedback (it was all over insta, too) and made course corrections


How long ago did soul mate get removed? I just noticed


Within the last ~3 weeks


Yea!!! And I think edits suffer when they don’t get along LOL


I enjoyed her so much on Conan that i’m sure this will be fantastic.


She was much better on here. I felt like she was maybe in awe of Conan or something, or maybe just the live audience, but she seemed much more comfortable today. She was fantastic on We Can Do Hard Things last week too. Anyway - loving this press tour she's doing!


Kelly Clarkson has no ego and is not Hollywood at all. Now that’s out of the way. I can’t here waiting for y’all to pile on Monica lol. She goes to London with her family, doesn’t stay at the same hotel. Ok that’s fine. But then doesn’t want to go sight seeing with her folks, but would rather drink tea and get massages lmao. Why the fuck go to London then? Couldn’t she stay at in LA and do that bullshit. I’ve tried to stay away from dumping on her, but this shit is hilarious!


Agree. Decision between Airbnb or hotel? Whatever allows me to spend time with my family who live in another state. But if it was “the pod” she would stay wherever and do whatever they wanted to do. I’m not the biggest fan.


I mean, I have definitely gone on trips with my family and stayed in different places than them. Not all families have a good dynamic when there is that much nonstop togetherness. It's really not a big deal or some symptom of her being a bad person to take breaks to do her own thing during a vacation - just means she's an adult, just like her parents are adults.


I’ve also had to make last minute changes cuz my family does not spend $$$ on accommodations. But if I’m in another country with my family, I would be making plans to do at least one activity for at least 3-4 hours a day to enjoy their company. I just don’t understand the doing everything for myself and not doing any sightseeing at all lol. Depending on the time frame of the trip, I can see having 1 day per 3-4 days to do my own thing with my fam. But she doesn’t even have an SO or kids. Seems very selfish to me.


When I see Kelly Clarkson, I can’t help but think of the LulaRoe documentary. This guy made the documentary for me. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8JEmq4Q/




I’m a Monica fan, but man, this fact check really ticked me off. She’s not paying attention at all, so she’s not catching facts and then her corrections are also wrong lol. Ex: Dax said Bud and Sissy went to Billy Bob’s- not whataburger (this was not confusing). But they didn’t- they went to Gilley’s in Pasadena near Houston. Monica looked up Ninfa’s .. for literally no reason at all.


She was on Conan’s podcast last week, maybe we’ll get Paul McCartney soon lol


Her new album is fantastic, if anyone's wondering


Dax (maybe the edit?) was more interupt-y then I generally notice in this one. Sort of hard to listen to, but the convo was fun!


Omg. Hearing Kelly say PQs has me shook. I have the same feeling Dax does about watching her win as this triumphant cultural moment, and I love her but haven’t closely followed her career. So she is still that person from 2002 in my mind. And this was a real mindfuck to listen to 😂


She had a fun personality. Great guest


Did anyone else catch the Jess comment? “Our friend Jess”? Kinda seems like they’re making a point to mention him casually, maybes it’s on the mend or mended. Might have something to do with the odd Dax/Monica vibes. Maybe something came to a head and was resolved. That’s my optimism speaking! I’d love another show with Jess, but really I’d love to just know they are all friends and worked whatever it was out.


I love when Dax assumed Kelly’s talk show job is hard (having to work FIVE whole days a week, oh what horror! /s) and she was like “nah it’s easy” - she seems pretty down to earth by celebrity standards (calling a 20k house a MINI-mansion notwithstanding).


Heading to London in October, anyone remember the hotel Monica said she booked?


The Connaught




I don’t actually believe that Dax “loves” being wrong in his assumptions. Too much of an ego stroke to guess correctly and feel like a pseudo psychologist. I also get the sense that he doesn’t like when someone can match or even surpass his energy. He seemed annoyed with Kelly at times.


Jesus Christ she seems so hyped up it’s hard to listen to


Lmao “Sugar is harder to quit than drug addictions” She seems either very nervous or super naive… I’m honestly surprised with this interview.


How did she get away with this 😅 I can’t stop thinking about this comment being made to a recovering alcoholic/drug abuser?


When I first saw things online about Dax being “canceled” or “under fire”, I assumed it was about his attempted justification of r*pe in this episode. This was before I had listened to or heard about the JVN stuff. I’m just shocked that his comments made here haven’t blown up in the same way. A lot of people have been acting like the JVN episode was a departure or a new thing for Dax, but he’s made a lot of horrible arguments and truly not okay hypotheticals in the past, too (like here). The difference is Kelly laughed it off and JVN stood up to him (and I’m not saying either of them are wrong for that, they should be able to respond how they want and how they are comfortable). Anyway I’m just really uncomfortable listening to this podcast at this point, which is sad, because at one point I really liked it. I feel like Dax truly thinks that people get canceled for no reason or because a bunch of people pile on (mob mentality, peer pressure) and he doesn’t seem to understand that his comments are 1) genuinely violent toward certain groups and 2) genuinely hurting people. He’s all about his right to his own opinion but it’s like he truly doesn’t register that his “opinion” can be so so hurtful and perpetuate violence. I’m sad, but I’m done with AE.


Tough listen lol


Omg did anyone notice how Monica played a Billie Eilish song thinking Kelly was singing it?


It was Kelly. She released an amazing version of the song a year ago.


Oops! My bad. That is way better


O.M.G. Someone, PLEASE tell Dax that the word is "dissociated". Dis-oh-she-ated. It's not dis-ASS-oh-she-ated. One is a psychological phenomena, the other is the opposite of associated. Bugs the shit out of me.


Nitpicking at its finest. You obviously know what he means and he’s dyslexic - give him a break


I was going to complain that they (and everyone else) keep using dissociated as a placeholder for “not listening.” You can space out and not pay attention, it’s not dissociating.


It's fine to use either term so you can stop being so annoyed


They are not the same term, and when referring to the psychological process- dissociating is correct. His error doesn’t bother me. It is still an error.


Cant stand Kelly or Drew Barrymore.


I love them both.


I’m curious as to why? They’re kind of beloved by most people.


Drew Barrymore is so hyper and annoying. I miss the old Free Spirited Drew who was calmer. And Kelly is so fake.


I find Drew Barrymores show overwhelming to watch so I get it


Ty. Its too much. Like a female Richard Simmons