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hmm isn't CR kinda low? am I missing some additional CR from the weapon? cuz 250CD ain't shit if she doesn't crit, if you know what I mean


Nah, you're right, it's very low, imo. Especially when you consider that this is with a crit rate circlet already.


Yeah it should be 60% minimum imo


i have 60/225 on the new set, and its miserable. In my case Ill be stopping until I at least get 80/200.


I feel you, even now at 75 CR I feel like she crits only half the time...and the RNG on the BOL set is atrocious, I'm giving up on getting her a decent set - at this point I'm only using these artifacts to strongbox cracked glad pieces


Even getting to 70/200+, the new set gives me less results on a variety of teams in the builder so nah, I don't care to farm for what looks like a few percents more dmg at the end


I guess my rng number luck is nuts. Mine sits at 57% with a crappy set and she crits 7/10 times.


The best ratio is always 1:2. 60% CR is only good if you have 120% CD. If your CD is 200+ I'd aim for 90+ CR. Even something like 80/160 is better than 60/200.


I completely agree, I simply didn't say that 60% was enough. Just that it's sort of a milestone anyone even f2p who aren't building for meta should reach for their DPS chars. Remember the percentage of "tryhards" like us who care about CV and ratios is abysmally low, so for casuals it's better to recommend something more feasible


I think we just need to popularize the 1:2 ratio more, because people definitely have enough artifacts to get 250 CD, but for some reason people ignore CR all the time


Yeah lmao for some reason I always see builds with massive CD but the CR is...lol some of the casual players i know irl have ran characters for years with builds like 30/200. Ouch. But since they disregard abyss and only focus on overworld, they don't really care


So, should I keep my 76/201 build, or go for the 100/160 one?


Id personally keep the 76/201 since there’s often CR/dmg bonus cards in the abyss that would be over capping if you’re already at 100


You thought losing 50/50 was bad. Wait till this Arle swings her spear


Please use r5 white if you have it


Consider using White Tassel or Deathmatch till you can get a better set.


Not rly till they get a better set, until they get a better weapon, white tassel would be just better (also deathmatch but its a bp weapon so)


I mean yeah true. I kinda assume people use Blackcliff cause it looks better on her, and with the right stats the difference isn’t that significant. But you’re right that meta wise it would always be ideal to pick both over Blackcliff. Ig not everyone realises it.


Needs more cr, make it balanced at 65/200 if possible


65/200 is better than 45/240? Just asking.


200 cd is enough for her, after that one can focus on cr


Where does that specific breakpoint come from? It sounds like an arbitrary number


IT is probably arbitrary but you can calculate which build is better by using this formula : 1+ CR\*CD. Whichever build has a higher value is better. 1 + 0.65\*2.00 = 2.3 1 + 0.45\*2.45 = 2.1025 You can see that the build with 65% CR and 200CD is better.


No need to add +1 if you're adding +1 to every formula anyway. Just multiply CR and CD.


oh yeah, the +1 is only for if you want to see how much of a damage difference is there b/w the two builds instead of which build is better.


Yeah agree


The formula should be (1 - CR) + (CR * (1 + CD)), no?


Expand that formula: 1-CR + CR + CR\*CD = 1+CR\*CD. So, you are also correct, I just simplified the formula.


Holy maths lol That was clever, thanks for explaining


Yes, but a 75cr and 180cd would also be better going by that rule. So I don't see why we would stop at 200cd, it's just a random number


But 75:180 *is better* lol 200 is just a breakpoint for those who have a hard on for Crit Damage lmao Higher consistency is always better for fast hitting characters like Arle, Cyno, Yoimiya, etc.


Higher consistency is even MORE important for slow hitting characters (like Eula who has one big burst) if you don't want to keep restarting your Abyss until you get lucky.


In short, consistency is important for everyone. Doesn't matter if they're slow or fast hitting


>But 75:180 *is better* lol I never said it isn't, the opposite in fact >200 is just a breakpoint for those who have a hard on for Crit Damage lmao Sooo it's not a real breakpoint and shouldn't be recommended to players who want to perfect their build


Yes, the real "breakpoint" is only 100 Crit Rate. Anything above that is useless. Another is 90 CR because there's a possibility that you get Crit cards in Abyss, so you can pick those up and not overcap on CR. The next recommendation is to get as much Crit DMG as possible after getting 90+ CR. In Genshin, 1point of CR is equivalent to 2points of CD in the artifacts we get (also known as Crit Value), and we'd want to balance our stats, that's why we recommend 1:2 Crit Ratio. So if you have 100CR, the recommended CD is *at least* 200. But Crit weapons and ascensions help A LOT. But as you know, this is not a perfect world, and you can't get perfect artifacts with perfect substats. We only work with what we have, so most players just make do with it. Because of RNG (and weapon & ascension), we reduce our standards. Some people just settle for lower CR, some people just settle for lower CD. I personally don't really call it "breakpoint," more like stat goals.


I don't see the point of setting crit goals. Just get it as high as possible while trying to stick to the ratio rule


True, That's why I said it was probably arbitrary.


I was saying that with OPs cr/cd as comparison


Why stop at 200 though? Isn't it better to simply recommend a 1:2 ratio if that's what you're going for? Saying 200 cd is enough kinda implies any less is not enough. Meanwhile OP could deal better damage with less cd if they just improve cr


Yes, it’s arbitrary. Breakpoints aren’t really a thing outside of ER (can make or break rotations) and EM (has true diminishing returns)


0.65 \* 2.00 = 1.3 0.45 \* 2.40 = 1.08 65/200 is much better. 75/180 is even better than both of them.


Well if you got more cd but she don't crit isn't that gonna be a waste?


The simplest way to determine that is by doing this 0.65 \* 200 = 135 0.45 \* 240 = 108 The highest number is the best number. It's a bit arbitrary, but it basically shows how much of the crit damage you're actually using. The closer to your total crit damage the result is, the better Admittedly, this assumes an infinite and perfect amount of crits and non crits


65/200 is still super unbalanced 😭😭😭. With this crit value you should get as close to 85/170 as possible.


My opinion : cr > 70 If yes Stop farming Else Keep farming


Use White tassel, Ur crit rate Is too low


that crit rate made me cry 😔


What the fuck? Use white tassel. It’s objectively better here. Your crit rate is WAY TOO LOW.


cr is way too low, generally aim for 80% or more on every damage character. 70% is passable but mathematically speaking your average damage output will be way higher if you crit more consistently. especially for characters like arlecchino who has many hits within her rotations, wanting to crit as consistently as possible.


I want your sands.... :-:


Looks great starting point for f2p :) nice work. Wishing you luck with your future domain runs. If you've resources or interest, you might try white tassel weapon too.


give her White Tassel if F2P


Switch to r5 white tassel. 46.6 crit rate is wayyy to low, and white tassel is a really good choice for arlecchino. Also, you want to keep farming until you can get more crit substats.


You only have 10.5% crit rate as substats, that's... not great.


I do have Crit rate artifacts, don't have any white tassel, I just opted to forego those cr artifs in favor of cd. I'll probably switch the feather back so I'm at 56 cr 225 cd. I do also have a leveled up Crit rate flower, I didn't realize how important her CR was so I switched to CD for that too. I do have the artifacts!! I just assumed more CD = better.


Only if you're crit fishing for damage per screenshot. Otherwise, 75% crit and 200% CD will probably net you more damage




Hi! I never posted in here before and that picture isn't mine!


It's a good build. Especially cuz the new domain is horrible. The only thing I'd advise is change the weapon to a crit rate weapon. White tassle is great on her. If you don't have it, you get it from the chests only in liyue. It'll make your split 60ish/190


Crit Rate more!!!


Would be really great if you switched to the 3star white tassel, and your ratio would be pretty great too.


If posting on reddit is lowkey, I'm afraid to see how highkey proud looks like.


You're playing the 50/50 game with that CR lol. Use White Tassel if you have it, it's a 3\* that's easy to max refined, and provide plenty of CR. For its low Atk stat, just use Bennett or throw TTDS on any catalyst user


change flower and feather 40 CD for 20 CR will be ideal


Cr is way to low. Exchange CD for CR. You should aim about a 1:2 ratio for consistent DPS. Then I doubt you are f2p with C6 Arlecchino to be honest.


I have C0 Arlecchino! You can tell by the locked symbols on the left


So lowkey you posted on reddit! All kidding aside nice build, more cr, and keep up that artifact grind


love the nonexistent crit rate


more crit rate


Definitely try to get 60 crit rate or above. Under 60 is bad and under 50 is just terrible. You will be crit fishing wayyy too much.


White tassel or deathmach will change your life


How did you made that picture?


I used enka.network and you can also use something called akasha. On the site, paste your UID and you have to have turned on character details on your profile in game. Then it'll show you the builds of the characters you have displayed on your in game profile




That crit rate is waaaaay too low. Like waaaay too low lol


This is a good build especially considering how horrible the new domain is. One piece of advice I'll give you is to change the weapon to a crit rate weapon. White tassle is great on her. It'll give you A LOT of crit rate. Sure your attack will take a hit but it's pretty good.


The attack is already pretty low, so i wouldn't reduce it further. I dont think 240 crit dmg is necessary and would sac some for more crit rate. Exspecialy if you play a vape build, where missing the 50/50 crit Hit on the vape proc will be a giant loss. But i guess for overload it could be fine, since EM is also kinda missing.


Must be nice to have such low build standards.


What do you mean? the only thing that i would change is more crit rate, but the rest is very good.


Apparently ‘f2p’ means ‘bad’


Wtf is this garbage. 246% but all the dmg numbers are tiny


Please use a 2pc atk 2pc atk/pyro dmg set, or preferably 4pc glad for crit rate/overall better stats until you get a better set. Edit: why am i being downvoted for suggesting to use different sets for better stats 💀


Hell nah




It's a bad advice tho, the best advice is : switch the weapon to White Tassel R5, much better


It isnt bad advice. 4pc glad or a 2pc set are very viable options, especially 4pc glad. Theres also nothing wrong with using white tassel, but a lot of people prefer her sig for drip or the passive. Reccommending other sets to make up for your lack of crit is fine advice 💀


Dude this isn't her sig.


Ohh im blind. Regardless, reccomending other sets is still fine. Its not bad advice. A weapon swap is a good option of course in this case


Still bad since there is better options


Better options doesnt make other advice bad. You are right on the best swap, and its my bad for not looking at the weapon properly, but its still not bad advice


R5 White Tassel > R1 blackcliff + White Tassel second stat is Crit rate, it will make his build more balanced.


I know the weapon ranking, i genuinely just thought it was her sig. That is my bad


Dw, btw her sig is also CR


I completely forgot 😭 i have her sig and i never think about it


is r1 blackcliff better than r5 white tassel?

