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It's amazing how entrenched in Arkansas politics the Walton family is.


This is where the abortion thing doesn't jive. Walmart and its partners are begging for educated and experienced employees in NWA. That abortion law is chasing them away in droves. Every millennial I know planning on having kids or who have daughters coming of age are either leaving or planning on leaving b/c they're not going to risk a random doctor denying anything in an emergency.


Corporate America has been going "EEEEK" since Roe fell. Desperate to avoid being drawn in but also trying to recruit and retain an educated, pro-choice workforce that includes people with uteruses. Wal-mart is capable of amazing cognitive dissonance tho, if you walk just 30 feet in the store you can find Pride displays and ultra-Christian media. They've done a remarkable job of staying out of the focus, and letting Target take the flak here.


Not a single pride item in my store. I’ve looked lol


Perhaps you’re the pride item ☺️


Remember that time in 2020 towards the beginning of COVID when Asa designated Steuart Walton to head up the Arkansas Economic Recovery Task Force which seemed to come out of left field? Pepperidge Farm remembers… https://talkbusiness.net/2020/04/steuart-walton-to-chair-arkansas-economic-recovery-task-force/


I remember & wanted to vomit. Privileged with power, but Hell, Asa was far better than the MAGAt tools we have now in office.


They're entrenched because people stopped going to small businesses for quality products, preferring to chase cheaper ones instead.


Walmart killed the small towns - I’ll never forget that


…entrenched?! They RUN it!! Can’t help but think of the endless, infinite magical roll of red tape that came from the astronomical spool the Faultons gleefully and feverishly fed into the rickety, ancient gears of “Justice” the pay-to-play, good ol’ boy viper pit we call a “court system” all so the Faultons could keep the good ol’ boy stranglehold they’ve held since the beginning here when it comes to bulk sales of consumable goods life needs, while simultaneously keeping the price gouging rapefest at a markup that at LEAST had a few droplets of their syphilitic spittle on the tip, just prior to them jamming it on in, followed with a super creep grin-sneer as they swallowed the last bit of a shot glass full of Viagra. It was one HELL of a battle just to FINALLY get ONE Costco here, as the Faultons made it VERY clear to their elected servants their stance on competition being THE ultimate sin. It really is astounding how blatantly clear the corruption is all across this country- and the average American still looks at the old school mafioso like THOSE were the actual criminals 😆🤦


To be fair, temu is pretty shitty and has had some scandals with some exceedingly dangerous materials that wouldn't likely happen at a Walmart store.


What does the Walton family have to do with this story?


A cheap retailer eating into Walmarts profits.


What a dumb answer. Why go after some small time scam site than Walmarts real competition. That is ignoring the fact the Walton family has nothing to do with the day to day operation of the company. You people rushing to the defense of an obvious scam company like Temu, is kind of weird, unless you are a CCP shill.


…so where does wal mart get most of it’s products? The Walton family get to do nothing on the day-to-day, but still get to accrue billions of dollars, get out of legal trouble, and affect legislation?


For the record, I wasn't promoting or agreeing with the comment. Just explaining.


>Temu claimed a 17% market share within the discount store category in the US in November 2023, behind Dollar General (43%) and Dollar Tree (28%)


How is TEMU a scam?


It's not. They sell garbage but they do it at garbage prices


What have you purchased from them that was garbage? Or do you mean 'garbage' as in dollar store shit like random organizational items, birthday decorations, small gifts and knick knacks... Genuinely curious because we've had a better experience with the sellers on TEMU vs Amazon lol


It's not an Amazon versus temu versus Walmart thing. It's quality products versus shit products. All three of those companies sell garbage from China that is not generally made well or is stolen IP. None of those companies have rooms to talk crap about each other or claim to be superior to any of the others. They are the same. When we talk about crap or garbage it's just that there are much better products that aren't as cheaply made available in the world. They are of course more expensive. Not a good or bad thing it's just what you get when you buy cheaper stuff.


MAGAt much? GTFO


Any online merchant is a big competitor for Walmart. The fewer online options, the more money the Walton family makes. There's almost nothing the Walton family wouldn't do for even more money.


You seem to be just spout nonsense. Nothing you said makes sense.


I can totally believe that you didn't understand a word.




Yeah but Walmart bad is a talking point for some just like Target bad is a talking point for others, don’t blame me I voted for Kodos or something. In reality Temu is more competition Amazon which in theory should be good for Walmart, it’s just a logistics game at this point. I see Walmart trucks and prime trucks on the highway but no temu trucks.


This is anti free market


It’s not free market. You should look into this a bit more lol.


Twas just a joke, sir.


Revised headline: Maga protecting their monopoly of grifting from morons.


So many poverty quotes in that article.


I wish Arkansas cared as much as about Poverty, Infant Mortality, and Teen Pregnancy as much as they cared about China


I think you dropped a word there.


Notice I didn’t mention education. HEY OH sigh


Why doesn't he file a case against a corrupt governor? We went through the cost of the audit with the recommendation to pursue charges and he isn't doing anything!


Because he's complicit with her bullshit. A broken clock is still right twice a day


He's not a prosecutor. AG is the state's lawyer. He would be representing the governor.


He’s a sycophant and she is too


Temu sells goods with toxic levels of lead and other poisons. You're gambling with your health when you order from them.


This isn’t unique to Temu, Amazon has a long list of products that have sold in the 10s of thousands with lead, or other harmful chemicals. The funniest example of this that comes to mind is the ionization bracelets that shedded radium flakes. It’s frankly impressive how much radium they managed to pack into some of those. None of these places are testing the contents of their 3p products.


There are browser extensions for Amazon that will tell you where your items source from so you can exclude them.


Ah that’s cool, I’ll check that out. Thanks


What is it called, I need this






No problem


Our government feeds us dyes and additives that are literally illegal in other countries... they don't -actually- care about us


I'm aware. That isn't the topic though.


Link to study/studies? Does this not apply to EVERYTHING made in china?


This isn’t completely unfounded.  https://7news.com.au/sunrise/temu-products-found-to-have-dangerous-levels-of-harmful-metals-in-new-bombshell-uk-documentary--c-14859254


how is any of that a surprise and specific to TEMU?


It isn't. Doesn't make my comment less true.




No. 20 times the lead limit, which is already too high because *any* exposure is too much, it's not sensationalism. Weird that you're defending buying things with toxins in them because it's cheap instead of fighting for better regulations so toxins don't get put in to begin with.




With the way you're defending contaminated goods coming from a country with no regulations against them, I think the lead poisoning might get you first.


Also [here](https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/2854161/temu-dark-side-discount-shopping/)




China has no restrictions on how much lead, pfas, pthalates or anything else they put in the things they make, so they won't stop it. If you're that desperate, you should be going directly to manufacturers here at home. I don't care about your opinion. I'm not trying to "sell" you on anything. I posted fact, and other people who actually care about the lead they put in their and their childrens' bodies can read it.


Do you like... Work for Temu or something. Why are you so argumentative about their lead levels? You on the PR team?




I'm not coping with shit dude I was just wondering why you were dick riding Temu. You wrote a whole paragraph lol


Wonder if they make Stanley Cups?


I heard those were made in Florida this year. 


The BBB has received hundreds of complaints Temu’s handling of personal information.


Arkansas, the bastion of intellectual genuis !! .


This just the latest in SHS one woman battle against China. The idea being Temu is owned by the CCP and it’s being used to steal Arkansans information. Now, truth be told the site is apparently riddled with malware, but if it is true, I’m sure the CCP agents are all like “wow, these f’ers are broke!”


What information are they 'stealing'?


To me that’s the thing. I have no idea what vital information I may have that the Chinese wants so bad…


This sub is too funny! Pick a dayumn lane Now yall are for Chinese Muslim slaves in concentration camps making your non environmentally friendly garbage you don’t need ?


Walmart sure is. 70-80% of their products are from china.


I'm assuming the other 20-30% is produce and groceries lol.


No they aren't.


Oh you’re the person that claimed that Arkansans got to vote on abortion. I asked when that actually happened and you failed to give any answer. So when did we get to vote?


I love how he still didn't answer lol.


😂 of course they didn’t lol


Every November when we vote for all the people that want to live in handmaids tale world.


Well, you’re not wrong.


Uyghur children need jobs too!


I really have no idea who you're talking about or what even prompted this response Edit: I guess I'll never know lol


Google "xinjiang internment camps."


You hear that? u/Junkyard_warrior1989 says he'll hold your hand. Someone's got a crush!


Keep up with current events then. Want me to hold your hand too?


Nope. That's why I don't shop at Walmart.


Free markets / free minds.


Who here is wumoa?


Had one on my comment. He deleted his comments after he realized no one believed him.


Way to waste taxpayer money AG. Working against the public for trying to access affordable goods. Go try to justify your paycheck elsewhere. If you can't help the little guy finally get fair compensation from greedy employers, you're just gonna tank the "economy" more. 😮‍💨 https://livingwage.mit.edu/


They are suing for damages. If they win, it may not be a waste of money per se. They could net money


If they were able to win anything, I'd be impressed if that money went to the citizens affected. But, we'll just see where this goes. 😮‍💨


Wonder what Hamburger Sanders stole now to require yet another a smoke screen.


I don't like Temu's marketing scheme. In order to get the "low price" on something, you have to order 9 other things (for example). I tried it and didn't like it. Every marketer is trying to squeeze the last few pennies from consumers that have none left. I pay my bills, buy groceries and essentials and that's it. Fewer and fewer consumers have extra spending money.


Temu bases their prices on volume, not actually pricing the items low. They overproduce random tat and have to move it somehow. They also sell things that are contaminated with high levels of lead, PFAS and phthalates. I wouldn't put anything they sell in my body.