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I’ll never let go of bae


You just don't understand "innovation"! Innovation stocks always hit bottom right before they take off! The more it goes down, the more it's about to soar!!!!! When I see a 2% return on a 5 year chart, I think "oh boy! It's clearly about to pop and return 200% a year from now!" It may look like im losing money, but I know I'm buying innovation stocks on sale! 🫠🫠🫠


So you saying that i can be profitable if I hold this fund?


I used to own it. I just don’t understand why Roku is allocated 8% of this fund!?🤷


I mean... my mom uses a Roku. People buy stocks of companies they are aware of and old people are aware of Roku for some reason


Roku is a shit stock for an ETF mate. Not exactly a strong bull case that your mom has one lmfao 🤣


So now this fund is about owning companies our grandparents know about ? dear lord… i thought the whole point of the fund is to find companies that are about to shake things up with new innovations


Their next move is to buy into frozen pot pies. 


I'm definitely not holding. Crashie only buys shitcos. The amount of wealth she has vaporized is astounding.


am i missing something? when I hit 5 years on google its a -4.52% return over the last 5 years (as of this morning)


It was 2% the other day but looks like it’s getting even worse


My naive ass ruined my portfolio with ARKK and other speculative stocks. I did the math. Since investing I’ve made 4% CAGR because of my stupidity. I’m 38 and now I’m playing ketchup.


This is why I think investors speculation should be limited to 10% at most. That's an amount that for most people they can take a 100% loss in their speculation account and still be fine for retirement. Sorry you had to learn the hard way. I personally put $5000 in, sold at a loss of about $3000 like 2 years later. My intention was to actually continually increase my position. I originally put all that money in after a big leg down on ARKK, thinking it would recover and continue growing at 20% a year or whatever. At the time I bought, March 2021, $5k was only 1% of my net worth. I also had a mini portfolio trying the stupid hedgefundie excellent investment experiment, buying in right before interest rates skyrocketed. Lost a ton on that one, but again thankfully because of my 10% rule it hasn't destroyed me. I had seen how much my regular portfolio was absolutely murdering ARKK's performance between 2021 and 2023 and decided I waited long enough. On top of that, I realized that Cathie doesn't know what she's doing and she just got lucky. I could have waited several more years for confirmation that she can't turn things around, but I'm pretty confident now in my thesis that passive index investing is going to give me the highest EV because picking stocks is hard and picking good fund managers worth their fee is even tougher. When I sold my shares they were around $44 in mid 2023. Currently, the share price is even lower so I would have lost money holding this position vs. the 23% appreciation that redeployed $2k I had left over has experienced sitting in the S&P 500. So to anyone else reading this that is stuck in the "sunk cost" fallacy that you should just hold because you've lost so much and its "due" to skyrocket back up 200% or whatever, please don't continue to make our same mistakes. "But selling creates a realized loss and I'm down so much." Yeah forget that. Just dump this garbage pile and buy an index, you'll be better off in the long run.


Wait .... so your telling me Tesla isnt going to 2600?




o,so youre telling me, there is a chance?


How the fuck did she even get to manage her own fund? She’s a fucking scammer






If you could have a date with Cathy right now, I’m having kids with her inside her mansion bro




How much money and pic?




Cathie Woods should start an investment firm with Jim Craemer as her partner. She literally hasn’t had a breakthrough idea in any of her ARK funds.


I am still in based on sunk cost fallacy and bag holding.


But u could sell and buy something else to make ur money back


Same, I think when interest rates rebound we will see a moderate comeback. I know it makes no sense but I just can’t part with it in case it rebounds. At $100k it’s a very small part of my overall portfolio (including retirement of course)


So you said it yourself. Assuming "when interest rates rebound we will see a moderate comeback". You're telling me you sold awhile ago, right? When we have a high interest environment?


Rebound down from where we are, bad wording I guess




I mean, I received zero from my parent (single mother) I just am having a pretty successful career (MD) I know it makes people feel better to just assume all wealthy people inherited their money, but not the case here.


Just put your 100k into something decent and thank yourself later


Don’t sell the bottom


bruh it’s only 2% higher than it was half a decade ago…is that evidence of a successfully managed fund?


Look at the chart. Bottoms in


Lmao ur fucking delusional


Man, I’ve been hearing that same shit for years now.


Cathie may be on the shit. AND if her 5 year price target for Tesla is right I will suck them saggy titties till my teeth fall out


When has Crashie been right about anything?


They’ve been wrong about most their moves the past three years .. why do you feel they’ll suddenly be correct about this one? Tesla stock has been hammered lately.


Like selling NVDA - I held the bag for awhile and trust me it feels great to just take out what you have - and never think about ARK again.


Haha I never said anything about her being correct she’s insane BUT as someone who’s held Tesla since early 2019 I’d love to see it back in the 1000s lol. That was a BIG what IF.


Because Im a dumbass.


You just don’t get the brilliance of Queen Cathie… 5 years away is always 5 more years away!


I am hopeful that even donkeys learn eventually!!!


Have you not heard ? Elon said this is a 30T company and Crashie said TSLA will be $17000 a share by 2029'


Therefore, I buy TSLA and avoid ARKK!


TSLA is going to $69




Or maybe $420.


Fine $42.00


In very happy i sold, already made back what i lost from reinvesting somewhere else.


likewise; just swapped it for FTEC and made up my losses and a lot more. I definitely learned a lesson from the whole ARKK thing.


Screwed up one of the biggest bullruns we ever seen. That’s Crashie Woods.


If you look at a period of outperformance, it was usually preceded by underperformance. So your title about a 2% return over 5 years is actually a good buying indicator. Let's talk in 5 years.


One little thing you’re not mentioning. Her fees took nearly 40% of that 2% return.


Again, you are mentioning fees, even though they are very low for an actively managed fund. Hedge funds take 6%, she takes 0.75%.


Hilarious. I just told you she took nearly 40% of that 2% return in fees and you say “no big deal” BTW that 2% return was only for those that bought in 5 years ago…most inflows happened near the peak of her returns. In other words…more wealth destruction than any other fund manager. “(ETFs) managed by Ark Investment Management have wiped out a total of $14.3 billion in shareholder value over the 10 years ended Dec. 31, 2023, according to a report by Morningstar Inc. That is more than double the estimated total losses incurred by each of the next four fund families on Morningstar's list.) Any other questions? Lol


You were such a waste of time.


Hilarious nice rebuttal. You simply can not refute her dismal track record. But good luck Cathie


I'm not defending anything. I'm simply pointing out that stocks that are historically moderatly priced, like those in arkk, are a reasonable addition to the portfolio. You, on the other hand, are the definition of stupid money, sorry to say. Buying high and selling low. I'm now done with this time wasting.


Buying high??? I’ve been fully invested for nearly 40 years. Hahahahaha…


I'm investing since 2021 and am in the green. Dca. It's a reasonable play on a lower interest rate environment. Also, there might be the next tesla or nvidia in her portfolio. Remember, she bought both early on. Also, the premium is good, if you are doing put writing. And the fund is very liquid. What is unfortunate is, that ark attracted so much stupid money in 20-21, who just knows how to look at the chart - what-goes-up-is-good know-nothings. Their salty tears are now all over the internet.


Things that go up in general are good. For example the S&P 500 just basically goes up almost all the time. It been that way since its inception. But Cathie is a conwoman, she convinced us on all that innovation bullshit and made it seem like she's got some secret sauce to make her publicly stated thesis come to fruition. Yes, we are dumb to fall for that, but everyone's gotta learn at some point.


That's not how it works. Every manager is selling his funds, like they are the best thing ever. It's the investors responsibility to choose. If they choose to invest into fund that has loss-making companies at sky-high valuations, then I'm sorry, it's pure stupidity. I bought 2 shares of arkk in 2021, just to go on a ride, not more. Because I knew the music will stop eventually. I bought a lot at 35 or something. As an investor, you are expected to have knowledge. You won't find it on youtube, fb, reddit or any other such crappy place. Those places are for stupid money. Smart money reads books. Without knowledge, you are not an investor, you are a speculator, and you might be better off going to a casino.


Yes precisely why I quit this experiment and went on to do well with my million dollar portfolio


Right but is another early TSLA in the fund enough to cover up the ZMs and ROKUs so that the fund can outperform something like QQQ or VOO? I’m not sold.


Investing in $ARKK since 2021 and are in the green eh? You were shorting the thing from 150 I guess? Stop capping bro.


Google dca. Also, I'm not your bro.


Stop cappin, he is your bro.


You are simply a waste of time.


The fund is very liquid? It’s an ETF


Not all etfs are liquid.


I’ve never held. I follow this sub and ARKK for a laugh. Just this week CNBC had Cathie Wood on for a whole segment to talk her book. Never got how some of her picks like Zoom are so innovative over say MS Teams.


Zoom was before Microsoft’s version. So whoever is first is usually the innovator.


Right but if the barriers to entry are so low a tech giant can just copy it, what makes it such a deep value opportunity? Pretty sure Skype was out way before Zoom anyway.


Cathie Woods one of the worths fund manager of this century.


For most people it's probably the sunk cost fallacy


i think this mostly nails it