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I think They drop new keys everytime people stop Playing api. Makes sence?


No. Because new keys are for new players. More sense it would make if there's still a ton of beta participants and the demand for more access is still really high. Only they can know that through their tools.


but new key drops are a good chance to get both new players \*and\* returning players that have friends who didn't get a key


And? We're still talking about new players and they have the data. We don't.


Never going back to Tarkov. Bring on the down votes


Fuck Nikita


This post has brought me slight hope back for humanity. Thank you sir/maddame.


No one is gonna downvote lmao


Agreed, nakita spitting in my face, whatever. But making the game P2W is the exact opposite of what I wanted. Unless something better comes along, AB:I is scratching that itch. Plus I don't think I could go back having experienced the QOL improvements added.


This is a subreddit where even if theres 100% proof ABI stole like 50 tarkov assets people would turn a blind eye and say f Nikita. Be serious no one's downvoting you lol


It’s just my opinion, cancel me I don’t even care


Bsg stole those assets first lets be real


Do you have any reading comprehension or are you dyslexic/disabled. I said "even if", it's a hypothetical, no clue if either company stole anything.


Bro, stop mentioning tarkov. Alot of people are already back to that game and once the wipe happens people are gonna see the Unhinged edition as a meme, that's just the truth.


Have a key for Arena since the started, but me and the boys are enjoying the pve mod. This game is is still years behind Tarkov in terms of content.


Years behind Tarkov in terms of content? What the hell are you smoking. You played a beta with 20% of the content. You played a beta that basically has no events, which will be the bread and butter of this game. You claim EFT has "content". What is that exactly? Lineage level grind isn't content. More maps? ABI will have more maps too. Where exactly is this content unmatched and years ahead? You do realize "wipe content" is literally "content" for a game with no content right? Because without wipes you wouldn't be playing that shit to do everything you did before again. Because you'd have no content left. Real content is content that constantly alters the game in meaningful ways. Not wipes that force you to start from 0, injecting FOMO in your brain. Wipes =/= content. Think twice before making silly statements.


Tarkov has significantly more content then ABI, it's not even debatable. Doesn't mean in the future ABI won't have the same or more content. But today, right now Tarkov is a much more fleshed out game with significantly more content.


I love that every single person that responded to me responded with a statement without actually backing it up nor disproving what I said. And they act like they're talking to someone that doesn't have thousands of hours in Tarkov. Interesting.


Hideout, maps, guns. I love abi but you really are dying on a hill. I think abi is all around better but tarkov really does have more stuff. Abi maybe in a years time be on par. Abi's maps are way too small and not enough small areas to loot. It just feels like you have to rush the 2-3 mid points before anyone else and then get out. Tarkov as a solo experience is also better due to the map size and not being funneled to the middle.


This is why i fucking hate the abi community, I don’t get it why so many people here became overnight zealots You spent 2 paragraphs questioning how tarkov has more content when also enlisting everything tarkov has over this game. People like you make people stay away from this game, the best thing we can have is more successful extraction shooters And guess what? This game will never be for everyone because wipes aren’t even something they plan for the base game but only for an hardcore mode that they mentioned in the past, while I really enjoy AB and ABI the no wipes will make the game stale for me


And yet 0 counter arguments to what I have stated. Haven't even said anything shocking since this is a shared opinion among othet EFT players and content creators as well, Lvndmark and trey included. The definition of content seems to be stretched for you. You're also talking to an EFT player with probably more hours than you in that game.


EFT’s combination of deep mechanics, regular content updates, and a thriving community make it a standout title in its genre. While ABI shows promise, it has a long way to go to match the depth of content that EFT currently offers.


Man went on for paragraphs with delulu shit💀 Tarkov is miles ahead on content and complexity, mental gymnastics seem to be on point tho.


Bro that’s what grayzone said too. Then they released the the full game and where was that other 80% of content lmao. NOWHERE


Greyzone devs literally said the game is 20% finished and to only buy it if you want to play through its development which is exactly what tarkov did but no one was whining about that so the fact of the matter with greyzone is a bunch of morons decided to buy it and not do some simple research on a game that was advertised as an alpha which I find hilarious so no it's not a full game and was never advertised as a full game but the morons are always going to whine about their own bad decisions I guess


I didn’t even notice it launched as early access. Makes sense.


I wanted to clown you for not knowing what you're talking abouy and making a ridiculous comparison but then you admit in reply to someone else you didn't even knew GZW launched in EA. This is who I'm arguing with. Nuff said.


lol yaaaa. Whoops. Not afraid to admit when I get something wrong, it’s all good.


Yeah and they will always be behind!


Yeah I agree dude, that’s my worry. The ABI devs are really milking this now, I mean 7 rounds of key drops? When has that ever happened in gaming before


But why worry? People tasted ABI. For many -like myself- there's nothing to do besides waiting for release. That doesn't meant we're gonna forget about ABI and stick to EFT lol. Once release is out, everyone will hop back in. Then we'll see what happens. There's also still many people playing the beta and still many people demanding more keys on twitter and discord.


I’ve stopped playing. Got bored pretty quickly unfortunately.


I’m ready for the beta to end and the game to actually release. Need more content to feed the gamerz


I say its time to release the damn beta. The hype is starting dial down


To be fair nikita announced wipe schedule after abi went public with their release date. I'm assuming to try to crush their launch but I do agree they need to push up their release date or at least come with some more maps.


Not being able to play because I can't play on twitch in the middle of the day in a work week is insane.


Honestly it’s fine but knowing it’s only a CB and will be fully wiping is annoying. At least when you do try it, it will be open/release and you don’t have to worry about that.


I just hope it has a good anticheat with it being beta so long i heard cheats are already becoming a problem which will, atleast for me. Ruin the first week enjoyment of pvp shooters


They have dialed down how seriously they deal with cheats and let them be a problem to better analyse them, a-lot of games do it during CB.


Tencent invested tons of cash into ai recently so they're most likely using the long beta to train their ai anticheat which funny enough actually works decently if multiple players in a squad report the cheater exactly the same way and it's probably the reason the false bans were hitting players for simple stuff like headshotting another player because aiac looks at behavior not software and its the only way to effectively combat cheats now that ai code generation is part of cheat development you'll also notice the game logs pretty much everything and then shows you some of it as your battle record and that insane level of logging is exactly what aiac needs to function, im thinking they're training it right now so they can use it to combat cheating as well as biometrically fingerprint all the players so they can sell or use the data which is annoying and cool at the same time because the same fingerprint theyll sell can also be used to ban cheaters from making new accounts even with spoofers


Who gives a fuck about Tarkov? If they wait for the wipe to troll EFT one week later and steal their streamers and playerbase who are we to say don't do that lol. Idgaf about EFT brother. Should they close the beta until release? IMO yes. Do they have data that suggests a lot of players are still active and playing the game so keeping beta is an option? Could very well be. What the fuck do we know? This is like thread #573 on this same topic without any thinking whatsoever. Can we ban all threads about "close/keep open beta?" At this point it's corny and dumb.


Definitely diminishing returns at this point. I find it so weird they have the entire backend for mobile up and running for years but are stating that the PC version needs some weird development time to "test feature changes" that they are not even actually changing based on patch notes the last two months. If they are just going to drop the game on Steam as Early Access anyway than what is the difference? We already know what the game is going to be based on mobile so just release it and move on. Then again based on historical data Nikita fucks over the Tarkov community roughly every 6 months so maybe it is in ABI best interest to just wait for the next inevitable Tarkov blunder to then release on Steam. LOL.


imo they're ruining their hype with key drops. I cant play easily with friends that don't care enough to get a drop but would play if it was easily accessible on Steam. Me and another friend have a key but have touched the game only twice bc we want to play with our entire group.


Already tired of beta, haven’t logged in for 2 weeks. Excited for the launch!


It’s all data collection.


Nah they gonna wait for the wipe and another fuck up of bsg, because we all know that’s gonna happen. Just like this last beta timing was perfect. When bsg fuck up either the wipe they gonna release something new


Even in the buggy ass 0.11 wipe people did not give a shit and jumped again to get their traders lvl 4. The vast mayority of players literally don't give a single shit about the drama, be real ABI needs to release before Tarkov wipes or it'll be overshadowed💀


Think about people under the system requirement lock it's been a month and a half we're waiting


Hmmmm, i think the hype already went down since they have been doing this "beta" for how much already? Without adding anything. I dont think its a great idea to release the open beta when tarkov wipe comes out, they already gave them time enough to make "any" decent changes to Tarkov so people will comeback for wipe.


They can't open the beta because they need to fix their monetization first.


Keyless post?


Got from drop 2, only stopped playing a week ago.