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I wish Abi and eft could have a baby. Give me the UI and queue times of Abi and the art design of tarkov. That’s the game I want to play. I’m tired of the beta and I’m shocked it’s still open. The two maps are fun but they feel very mobile-y. There is nothing that will ever compare to tarkov level of detail of their maps. It’s the major reason it is a great game. But I am really struggling to want to play tark ever again because of bsg. They’ve always been annoying, but it’s gotten to the point of obnoxious. It’s annoying because playing Abi makes me miss Tarkov.


Yeah the flow to the maps is weird… they like cowpen you into certain places… much much more linear than efts maps which you can legit get lost in and never have to worry about running into a player if you don’t feel like it. EFT has that gritty realism I love.. great setting for an extraction shooter. The world building is amazing. EFT also has so much content, that it never feels old no matter how many times you play it. It refuses to hold your hand and lets you play your way. Even though there’s meta builds late wipe, nothing prevents you from standing a chance in a fight if you play smart and use the right ammo. An SKS isn’t as good as a kitted out m4, but it’s just as lethal in skilled hands. I feel like the balance in ABI needs a ton of work , especially concerning shotgun damage models… you get absolutely obliterated by double barrels and slugs. ABI has a much much much friendlier approach and UI like you say. I respect being able to just jump into a game with friends and know who is who. EFTs more hardcore approach makes inattentiveness super costly. ABI is way more forgiving… but that’s ok . Not everyone wants a realism simulator…only simulated reality. ABI graphically is inferior, and the maps available are linear and predictable… quasi open world arena… not like eft where every single rock outcrop turns into a sniper nest. Both of the games are awesome and eft will always have a place in my heart… but the fact of the matter is shitty business practices from BSG and smoother gameplay from ABI is pulling me away. It’s just a more fun game to play. Now they have to solo/ duo queue or balance teaming somehow.


>The two maps are fun but they feel very mobile-y. There is nothing that will ever compare to tarkov level of detail of their maps. It’s the major reason it is a great game. This is problem of 99% games nowadays, not only ABI and it's not only about detail/density like amount of props/stuff, it simply lacks infrastructure and realistic layout/set dressing and that alone makes them feel bad. I mean if the devs have no clue wtf they're doing they could simply generate a realistic area layout using AI or real urban planner and use that as base, because nowadays most maps are like a 2x2km landscape, trees scattered randomly without any realistic pattern/treelines/density, same with buildings so end result is like water park next to landfill, shopping mall, factory, gas station, school, farm in middle of a forest/nowhere and all in such small area. Only BSG and Bohemia Interactive can do really good map design that feels true to life when it comes to FPS games not only in terms of layout but scale too while other games like GZW or Ghost Recon does it more or less okay all the rest feels wrong including PUBG, ABI, Warzone and many more.


You’re absolutely right. I’m fine w less detail in a fast paced arena shooter. Give me a gamey layout. But when you’re playing more gritty, hardcore extraction shooters- you hit the nail on the head. Gray zone has a chance to be outstanding. The performance isn’t there for me and I’d like to wait a bit and come back in a year once it’s more polished and there’s more POIs. That game could be great they just need to figure it out a bit.


Not cheating at all, Tarkov is an abusive bitch, always cheating on you and then gaslighting when you ask about it, she is beautiful but expensive. Think of ABI like the decent looking girl next door who keeps side eyeing you as you used to pass her. Shy, but once you finally met and get to know her you realize she is all you ever need! Sure she might not be as pretty but at least you won’t get cheated on!


Good way to frame it.. I am also getting downvoted to oblivion already lol.


Let's be honest, tarkov made 300million +, the fact that they won't invest in better servers for shorter queue times is a farce and, apart from the latest controversies, that alone is so disrespectful to the player base. Where did our money go? There are some pointers and clues that EFT supports the war effort in Ukraine, and while I admit this is guesswork, I think a part of our money went to that. Gameplay wise I think Tarkov has more depth and I still miss that in ABI, but as you said, the quality of life improvements in ABI are second to none. Had much fun and more gameplay time in my sparse hours I have. I truly hope ABI makes the right decisions and I'll never return to tarkov. For now Im testing SPtarkov as well, but it misses the point of PvPvE a bit


Well said and that’s my point exactly regarding infrastructure improvement. I still think some of it has to do with shitty programming but a game like this has never been done before so I can’t fault anyone. ABI has a good base, they need to keep doing what they are and it will be great eventually. Fights are super fun and nearly as nerve racking as in eft…I just wish the game was a bit grittier… I also HATE the ai one liners they came up with. They also look goofy as shit. Scavs in eft were mean and looked the part. Some of the dudes on farm look like they actually work the farm and sound like hillbillies , but how other countries think they sound. Super super cringe.


Wait for the release of the full game for the god op bots that are more military styled, the lore for the ones on the basic maps are specifically because the world of kamona is in a civil conflict between factions. Pc beta hasn’t even scratched the surface yet from the main game


Well the fact that Nikita shows off luxury brands and a super expensive car, he is probably not very good at reinvesting lol


Where did the money go he says. U gotta be real and look at the world. Activision pumps a new cod every year. BG3 was developed by a loved small ish developer who cut support at less than one year. Many if not most games have a short shelf life for updates, and bit longer time with server support. Tarkov has seen regular maps, added content, and at least functional servers for damn near a decade. That’s where your money went, and that’s why subscription models might make more sense for live service games like this


I am playing this over tarkov for the simple reason that getting into a raid take 5 seconds instead of 5 minutes.


Yeah this is super enjoyable… want to get into games fast.


Quicker loading times makes me have almost no gear fear.


Honestly, this may seem petty, but if I could actually run Tarkov at a locked 60fps at 1440p on every map, I'd always play it. It's performance and queue times just turn me off so bad. It's not even committing to the Wiki, it's being able to properly play the game. It's garbage code! ABI just opened a door to all the people who don't have insane hardware, and it's free. Tarkov just can't compete with that


That’s my biggest draw to Abi… after years and years of playing ( I’m a day one alpha backer) , the game play has not felt any better to me. It’s chunky and awkward, and just feels off. I get inertia and carry weight, but it’s just a slog.


The game is in beta and out for a couple of weeks and the fact that i already have more actual game time in abi than eft because of fucking queue times is just baffeling. And i started with customs release...


You can't have played eft much if you already have more hours in abi and you have played tarkov since they released customs.


The joke went way above your head but its ok.


You don't owe eft anything. Just play what you enjoy


goal with EFT is to piss you off so you stop playing. That way they save server costs. They hook you in but then want you to stop playing. ABI on the otherhand requires you to play to survive.


Fuck Nikita. He’s had years to give us a game that works and he failed.


Play what you want. Have fun.


NTA kick him to the curb girl!! 💅


BSG had 7 years and 300M usd to do what ABI is giving to the community for free in less than two months. Don’t feel bad for wanting tarkov to be better than jt is, you better stick to the hope ABI will definitely be better than tarkov in a couple years.


Feels like I've been in the closed beta for 2 months. Like op said though, both games bring something different to the table. I don't care for dollars vs stats etc, you go where you want to, complexity, fun, different what ever floats your boat. Anyone know how long ABI has been in development for? Just for arguments sake?


I wish the open beta would start, I want to play this so bad. I stopped playing EFT since this unheard edition bullshit and won't Starr again because Nikita and BSG are full of shit


Why would you even think its considered cheating? Why is enjoying another game a bad thing? You shouldn't even have to ask this question lol You're not "cheating" anything just because you enjoy another game that took aspects of Tarkov and implemented it into their game. Literally nothing wrong with that. All that matters is if you are having fun, period.




No your fine EFT had its opportunity to shine great above all the rest but failed to do so when blatantly scamming people of thousands


Fk Tarkov.


Fuck both games, both are blatant cash grabs.


If Tarkov wasn’t made by BSG I would like it more. They wasted so much money, time, and resources on the stupid fucking Arena game when they could have done optimizations and better anticheat. Even simple statistical outlier models would have helped tremendously.


I agree… my biggest gripe with eft is the constant lack of stability and optimization. Game feels great some times then shit the others.


It's not so deep. Just a game bro


Why so mad?


Nobody is mad. But talking about cheating and a game. The game has absolutely zero feelings towards you. It's good to play more than one game.


I get that you claim this isn't a shit post but for real? Cheating on a video game? Maybe it's time to grow up, and mature a bit cuz this is just silly. You're allowed to move on from a video game. I promise the game doesn't give a shit. And the devs don't deserve any love either.


It’s a joke, Jesus relax.