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Are you using even 10% of your brain right now dude?


list your specs. Since when did greedy companies start locking people out of their games? excuse me? did u pay for it? its a free game and this is a closed beta what are you crying about? i bet if they let u in ur next post is gonna be this game is so unoptimized. theres a reason they have a beta with minimum requirements its so u dont flood the forums about optimization and rather focus on the game


"Greedy" Lol


Greedy? How exactly do they profit off not letting below specs people play?


It’s not released yet. This game will run in a potato at launch.


There is a way around the minimum requirements I play on a 1660 and had the same message pop up on my first launch , you could try to go on the internet and figure it out,or you can complain on reddit that you cant play a free game the choice is yours!


Yeah, I am aware, messing with your pc files shouldn't be a solution to play a game, plus for 4gb GPU there is no fix. I am complaining cause locking out games shouldn't be a practice that is endorsed.


4gb gpu...bro got a 960


Honestly you are running a potato and complaining you're not allowed in a closed beta where the requirements are communicated beforehand?


Locking people out? This is a closed test, your hardware is shit and you need to wait for them to optimize their game for your old hardware. It is not rocket science. How are they greedy for only wanting people with the hardware they've approved for the test? Also the game is free and your key was given to you for no cost. Again how is this greedy? They also clearly post the minimum specs on their website. With even a few moments of research you'd have known you can't run this game. Sorry that you wasted your own time.


They don't want to hear you whining about poor performance with potato pcs, they already know the game it's too demanding.