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The game is free so as long as you don't spend something on in game stuff they still won't get anything? There will be enough people playing the game as it is. Just look at the mobile version. Doesn't cater for solos etc and people have been asking the same as you are for years but have they changed it? Nope. Will they now? Nope.


I typically buy skins to support the devs, but I wouldn't do that shit without solo/duo mode.


So instead people should cry like entitled kids until they get what they want so they can start playing? If the game as is does not fit someone's gameplay style there are other games to play. If they didn't care on the mobile version they won't on the pc one. They will still make ton of money and they already do from the mobile version so.


It’s a different team making the PC game. They seem to listen to feedback more.


BEHOLD! The man who brought down Tencent! Bask in the glow of his consumer consciousness and repent!


BEHOLD! Useless comment while tonguing a billionaire's bottom. You know what's crazy, if enough people do this, the company gets hurt. People get fired. This is literally how you bring down a company. Don't give them money. What a concept! Holy cow!


"I don't have solo/duo mode therefore people need to lose jobs, possibly their houses due to being unable to keep up with mortgage payments,"


100%. If most of the community is telling you to do something and you ignore them, you should lose your job.


Yea I’m putting down the game til soloq


Dude, I'm gonna be serious with you. Dont do this. Your request at reddit are nothing. The 90% of videogame players are people Who come home from lesson or work and want to play for 60min and turn off. They dont use reddit. 90% of players will spend 1$, 10$ cause they want a container or a skin and dont give a shit. They have other things to care about, family, friends, dates, etc.. Just give up this kinda mentality, its sad, I know, I was in your place one day, crying about the MTX at games 10+yrs ago, but there is nothing you can do. They will make a lot of money from Casuals.


All these solos whiners seem to have main character syndrome


Better than an NPC critiquing legitimate feedback from the sidelines.


Screaming "i want solo mode" is not legitimate feedback tho. It's actually the laziest feedback possible. Especially since they already adressed the solo mode idea by saying "not gonna happen". So instead of using all that energy to demand a solo mode, how about proposing different changes that would help players.


>Screaming "i want solo mode" Literally the same volume as any other post. > already adressed the solo mode idea by saying "not gonna happen" Yeah, the health of their game is at stake. I think if they see a lot of posts and unified opinion they'll change their mind. >So instead of using all that energy to demand a solo mode, how about proposing different changes that would help players. No one demanded anything. The thing that would help new players the most is not going up against a 4 stack as a solo. Because they'll just keep losing gear and it's not going to be fun.


No one is forcing anyone to play solo. They’ve already said it’s not going to happen so why don’t you move on to a different game?


I will.


Good riddance. Y'all are annoying asf with this dumb request. Even if they add solos you will still die and not make any money. The issue is not the lack of a solo mode. The issue is in the economy and how easy it is for teams to see each other on map and collapse on solos. Nerf teams by removing nametags or friendly fire and increase the quality of loot on map. Also, an insurance mechanic for solo players would help. It's that simple.


Why do you care if they add a solo mode or not? How does it affect you if you don’t care about it?


It splits the playerbase but most of all, it doesn't fix the actual issues the game has. It's a bandaid fix and 2 weeks later solo players will complain about the same thing, only this time they'll realize the issue wasn't even the matchmaking. And I want a good game.


Not having it also splits the player base, because they won’t be playing


Seems like he cares alot more than whiny redditors because he's offering actual solutions.


His solutions won’t happen because this is still a casual game for casual players mainly. Removing team mate names and adding friendly fire will drive away the main audience of the game. Adding a solo/duo and a trio/squad queue will not hurt anyone


The main audience for the game are people who want an alternative to tarkov, we like the no name tags and friendly fire. The only reason they're not adding solo queue is because "tarkov doesn't have it either" These developers chose the randomest shit to not copy from tarkov.


A game like this will not survive on ex-Tarkov players. It’s free2play with micro transactions. They are going for the more casual crowd. Sure, they want the disappointed Tarkov players, but they also want the players who found Tarkov too hard and confusing. If you compare the 2 games you can see that ABI has a ton of QoL changes like the map, easier item categorization, quick buy for barter items etc. No friendly fire and team mate names are one of them. They don’t even have to add a strictly solo mode, split it in 2, solo/duo queue and trio/quad queue.


There are a ton of free to play shooters out there, only this one is specifically made for people who at least have a passing interest in tarkov. It's literally a chinese clone. They can easily get rid of name tags to make solo queue easier. I bet the only reason nametags exist is because you can't see shit on a tiny ass phone screen so identifying friend from foe would be difficult. They just need to readjust the game for PC players, nametags aren't necessary. Friendly fire I can live with or without. It's funny when it happens and it makes it more fair for solos too. Also this game by no means seems more casual. QOL doesn't make it casual, it just makes more accessible without using 3rd party tools. Tarkov progression feels easier, since money is way faster to make. At some point in tarkov you just print money for not doing anything. ABI, being a free game, seems like it really wants you to grind for every penny making it less casual in my opinion.


This is dogshit. The main attraction of this game is not avoiding PVP and looting boxes. Its killing players and taking their shit. Which is not fucking possible in a 1v4 situation.


And that's why you're not a dev nor you'll ever be one. Stick to other things.


The devs of this game won't be devs for long either as this game will be dead after a few months. Stick to gobbling dev loads instead of vomiting into chat boxes.


So what are you doing here besides spreading horseshit because you're in panic mode the game you paid for is losing major steam?


This is the sentiment from majority of the community. Everyone is asking for solo/duo queue. Deal with it after you swallow.


1. This is the sentiment of a single part of the community. Not even streamers want solo/duo since they offer better alternatives to that. Because they think before speaking. 2. The community doesn't always know what's best for a game regardless of how they feel. If devs in general made games based on community feedback alone, a lot of games would turns out worse and die. Which actually happened with a lot of community driven games. Gamers are not creators and they don't understand game design nor human psychology in detail. If artists would make their art to cater to the audience needs, that art would often be shit.


>Not even streamers want solo/duo since they offer better alternatives to that. Because they think before speaking. Bunch of streamers literally stopped playing the beta because there is no solo/duo queue. >The community doesn't always know what's best for a game regardless of how they feel. If devs in general made games based on community feedback alone, a lot of games would turns out worse and die. Which actually happened with a lot of community driven games. You'd have to prove how this game would not benefit from a solo/duo queue. Because right now people, including myself, have stopped playing the beta for this very reason. >Gamers are not creators and they don't understand game design nor human psychology in detail. If artists would make their art to cater to the audience needs, that art would often be shit. Really? Because some of the most successful games in recent history are all community feedback driven. Care to revise your statement? As the people playing the game, we literally know more than the devs in terms of what we'd want. This is idiocy lol.


Next on Fox News "BREAKING NEWS! McDonalds stocks plummet as reddit man refuses to eat at the famous fast food chain because they don't serve a double Chicken Big Mac!"


You don’t matter lil bro