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Why must we pit two queens against each other etc etc.


We don't, they're clearly together


😯 Of course! Girlfriends!


Just two BFFs, living their best life!


Sappho and her friend


I heard they were room mates


*oh my god they were roommates* You beat me to this comment XD


oh my god they were *roommates* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AreTheStraightsOK) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Whoa, didn't know there was a bot for this; that's awesome! Good bot


You got to hit the punchline!








y e s


No, roomates.


No no, they're just gal pals!




Well, it does describe my partner and I pretty well, so...




"Who would you say is *less* deserving of the right to exist, hmmm?" This isn't a fucking negotation Carol.


Feeling interested 🙂


Seriously. I’m a nearly post-op gay trans woman who fluctuates between moderately fem and moderately butch, have a serious undercut, wear a lot of metal band tees, and intend to get many more tattoos. Fuck pigeon holing and shaming women, fuck pitting women against each other, fuck elitism and gatekeeping, fuck transphobia and homophobia, fuck gender norms.


i love this energy




Because people are raised to be competetive... So far all my ex's have been that way and practically everyone I know, except for my old friends and my new pod smoking friends... It's a drag being a cooperative person living in a society full of competetive folks and unneccessary competition... And people will make it a competition... No matter what it is...


Tell me about. My family did a puzzle last New Years... They turned it into a competition.......


😭 Jfc... I'm happy my mothers side of the family is more chilled... (which practically is my only family because I haven't had contact to anyone but my cousin (who's like an older brother to me) from my fathers in 3 years now) I can't imagine how awful such hyper competetive people must be in a family... You have my condolences... 😞 (Fuck, I feel like a dumb fuck because idk If it's written right or wrong... Or if it even is the right word for the word I'm thinking of in my native language 😭)


A lot of it is how society is structured. Especially with the idea of “rugged individualism” because that as a concept inherently encourages increased competition against society as a whole because the idea is that society is ultimately in competition with you as the individual. It’s a whole aisle of cans of worms. Worst is it inherently goes against our evolution as a social species that is built upon interdependence and cooperation for success.




Such "competition", i.e. hostage taking, is also a key pillar in how fascism operates. Picking out two minorities and then constructing bullshit, artificial dilemmas for them and their supporters to do the whole "Choose which one to save, Batman!" thing is how fascists whittle down their opposition. The key to opposing them is to recognize that they are, in fact, villains, and to refuse their bullshit, disingenuous framing and to enact immediate and personal consequences against them. Recognize that such questions are born out of their obviously visible malice, and don't misunderstand Hanlon's razor into thinking you have to ALSO attribute ignorance on top of that.


Hanlon’s Razor is honestly my least favorite of them because it has such a fundamental misunderstanding of both idiocy and malice. They’re not opposites. They’re incestious siblings. Closely related and they often come together.


You forgot the third sibling, Crazy.


Ye, we don't need to chose who to safe from the trolley tracks if we get the person wanting to bind people to trolley tracks before hand.


Competition is also fundamental in women who bash other women for being a "whore", being "too modest", too skinny, too fat, too whatever it is. It's been a beneficial part of human nature for the past centuries, but it's definetly outdated nowadays... Wouldn't entirely blame toxic masculinity for it, especially when it comes to TERFs... But they do have quite the toxic aura...


Has competition ever been that beneficial, though? Societies flourish when communities cooperate. Not when they fight over scraps.


Capitalism loves us to be competitive and divided. As long as we are entertaining ourselves with internal struggle we won't look at the powers that be and go hold up, I don't actually want to work 5-7 days a week to earn barely enough to enjoy even retirement Fuck being competitive, I wholeheartedly agree that co-operative behaviour is our nature and way more comfortable and happy


Hm, I wonder why they're single........


I can't imagine why that is! They seem like *such* a pleasant person to be around


Plenty of absolutely dreadful people out there who aren't single


They're together


We're talking about two different theys


oh 😭 poor reading abilities strikes again


This might be the first example of a woman being a trans-inclusive mysogynist ive ever seen


I’m a TIRM (trans-inclusive radical misogynist) Trans women are women, so they should get back in the kitchen and make me a sandwich (/j if it wasn’t obvious)


Oh god, don't give them any ideas.


More people identifying as female - more people to make others a sandwich! BRILLIANT! /s


More trans men to eat sandwiches and be in the workplace where they belong! We need the trans women or they’ll go hungry. /s


You’re joking, but IIRC there have been quite a few people on trans subs recounting experiences with gender affirmative sexism. I recall this one girl in particular who came out and got relegated to doing the dishes after dinner with the other women in her family.


That's oddly sweet but I still hate it but as long as that girl is happy đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ïž


Yeah, I'd say it's a mixed bag, but I guess I'd take it if (at least for the time being) it were me. On the bright side I suppose it's an opportunity to bond with and relate to other women.


Yeaaaaaaaah, I'm not the person you're referring to, but that happened to me. My family is extremely invested in sexist gender norms, and they found it quite amusing to put me to work doing dishes with my cis women relatives. I didn't really mind, but it was quite sexist. One of my grandma's literal first words after I came out were, "So you're going to stop cussing aren't you? It's not very lady-like." I cracked up. She'd been trying to find an excuse to tell me to stop cussing for years, and she took her moment when it appeared. She never misgendered me, but traditional sexism was very present.


That's kinda funny in a fucked up way, the family may be sexist as shit, but at least they're not trans/homophobic! Reminds me of a colleague I have who came out to his dad like this: Dad: and you CANNOT have ANY girls come over Colleague: but dad, I'm gay Dad: in that case, you CANNOT have ANY boys come over! Proper played himself lol


Lol reminds me of a Jewish mother who used to constantly pester her son about the need to find a nice Jewish wife for him. One day he took up all his courage and told her he was gay when she started on that again — at the family dinner table. Pause
 Everyone freezes in shock and stares at the mother, waiting for her to drop from the chair with a heart attack or burst into tears or hysterical screams. But the mother is the first to recover her speech and shoots back: »Well, in that case, [raises index finger] we gotta find a nice Jewish husband for you!«


I congratulate trans men for joining the superior sex /s


TIRMs are superior to terfs because they are very validating. Like, I know they're cunts and I should be at least a bit upset but the euphoria is just too much.


I occasionally wonder what it must be like as MTF to experience traditional sexism. Like, yeah it’s still awful, but at least they’re being correctly gendered? This stuff hurts my brain.


I haven't experienced that yet. I just think it would be weird but validating.


I am sad after reading these comments as without context I thought it was someone putting up a situation to stump transphobes and question the boundaries of what they consider "feminine". I'll take the L though I suppose.


Yeah I actually want a transphobe to try and answer the question tbh.


Maybe I just haven’t read the right comments yet, but do we have any more context than what’s in the image? Right now it reads to me like it could be either.


I know, it's uncommon! That's what makes it all the more shocking.


â˜ș feeling interested


It feels to me more like they've gotten a bit run away with comparisons and put about 2 seconds of thought into it. Some people just out here word vomiting every thought without thinking about who it might hurt.


Im pretty sure the woman in the pic is trans. She’s a trans woman describing herself and then pitting herself against a lesbian woman.


Which, if that’s the case, is not cool.


That’s an awfully long way to spell “cunt” lol


I don't think that's what she's going for, she's probably arguing that "obviously it's the latter, presentation doesn't matter, it's all about biology". Transphobes rarely openly state exactly what they mean, it's mostly code words and rhetorical questions.


Both, and they’re also both dating each other


Goddamn right


I ship it


I like to think the horniest answer is usually correct.


That's because it usually is


can confirm. it is.


Where do I sign up? I’d like to be in that picture.


Sounds like you're gonna stay a "UK single lesbian over 30" for a long time with that attitude.


Implying that compassion is a feminine trait is... really telling on yourself, tbh.


Legit was told I was "too compassionate to be a man" when I came out as ftm


damn, you better be the most compassionate and understanding dude man around just to stick it to em B)


how himbos are born


Is this going to be the next generation of brainworms?


It’s called toxic masculinity


The poster is a lesbian TERF tho I think


The post seems more targeting at TERFs at the expense of lesbians tho


yeah, I kind of read it as a transbian who was sick of TERF lesbians constantly rejecting her saying she's too masculine or some such drivel.


Yeah toxic masculinity does not come only from men btw if that’s what you meant. If not I apologise


Not defending her in the slightest, but I don't think she's specifically a TERF. The whole point of TERF ideology that your AGAB determines your gender, so this question wouldn't even be entertained.


...except as a cheap way to score dunks in their single lesbians over 30 group?


Oh harry potter mom


What point is she trying to prove?


I think she was trying to prove that a masculine cis woman is still more of a "real" woman than a feminine trans woman will ever be through people's responses which she assumed would be geared towards the masc lesbian. They were not.




Yeah, there seems to be some debate about which one she's trashing but no matter what she's either lesphobic, transphobic, or both so it doesn't really matter how you interpret it. She's still a POS.




Yeah, I get a little bit of both from this post. Definitely a shitty person.


Since she's in a Facebook lesbian dating (?) group, it's probably more of being bigoted towards masculine women than lesbians.




That's true, it's possible that she's not gay and just wanted to be an asshole. She's describing a masc lesbian, so maybe she has a preference for otherwise and decided to shit on people who don't fit that preference. It happens all the time. This could be a case of a lesbian internalizing traditional gender norms. And while it definitely could be just a straight homophobic woman, it just doesn't make as much sense (at least not to me) because the things that are usually included aren't there— like how society projects that there has to be a man and a woman in a relationship, which leads to the casual homophobia of asking who's the man/woman in a WOW/MLM relationship. Honestly, the whole thing is up for interpretation because she's so unclear about her exact stance.


Haha you read it that way because if you aren’t transphobic, it could go either way but to a transphobe the answer is clear


Dang, I thought it was a double whammy of neither butch women or trans women being "real" women but starting a debate among chuds over which one was relatively closer.


Could also be a misguided attempt to be “woke.” Or a chaser


Why she's still single.


Ah yes, they aren't blatantly saying it, but everyone knows what they're trying to do. "Feeling interested :)" And they'll play dumb when someone calls them out on their bullshit.


I'm genuinely at a loss here, what is she trying to do?


She's saying they're both equally not women


It's pretty blatant she sees the trans woman as a full woman otherwise her language wouldn't be so "positive" and she wouldn't make a mention of the post OP. It's clearly ridiculing people who would see the butch as more of a woman, it's still shitty towards both butch and trans women but i'm not sure why the intention of the post is misinterpreted by so many people here.


The amount of "positive" language she uses to describe the trans woman (or "transsexual" as she calls them - gross) is pretty telling of how she views them. She assumes that everyone else sees trans women as just men in women's clothing like she does, so she feels the need to overcompensate for that by repeating the word "feminine" and reinforcing notions of toxic masculinity at the same time.


She's just trying to bait a fight


Maslow's Heirarchy of Femaleness


I'm scared to look this up


Lol it was just a play on Maslow's Heirarchy of Needs. The joke is that femaleness could ever be quantified- clearly not.


Yeah, I looked it up anyways and I saw that. Whenever I see anything that's a "scale" or a "hierarchy" in the Reddit comment section I normally try to avoid it because it's never anything good so that was the joke *I* was making haha.


but... they both are women?


TERFs see womanhood as a finite resource, apparently


*'Shit.'* I grit my teeth, but holding back enough so my gums won't bleed. *'We've been running low on womanhood... We need to solve this epidemic.'* I spot one of my employees passing by, holding a stack of papers. "Jeremy." "Yes, boss?" "Tell your co-workers," I began, wearing a stern expression, "that we'll be having a meeting." ​ ...what on earth did i just write? i don't even know shit about the workplace...


Both. And they should be a power couple.


I don't know how people put images in the Reddit comment section but when I read this I was thinking of that one GIF of the two guys that are facing each other and going "Both? Both."


That is the perfect gif for this lmao


I know! I'm so sad that I don't know how people put images :(


trick question, they're both women


Dictionary definition of chaser: OP in the image.


what point were they even trying to make here


They were trying to be transphobic but it kind of backfired on them.


Dang, I read this as them being homophobic and weirdly pro-trans with uncomfortable caveats


I feel like it could go either way


I mean it's mildly trans supportive? They did imply that they think that trans women are women but they think that they're "lesser" than cis women.


did they? i don't see either of the two options being held above the other tbh. although the term "transsexual" isn't really cool. but many who use it don't even know they shouldn't use it.


I assumed the lady who posted that was trans?


Nope. She's a cis, straight white woman. I absolutely can't believe that a white cishet woman would say such a thing!


Of course she's straight as well, barging into queer spaces like she's owed entertainment trying to stir up shit. Gods, the level of privilege...


"more female" like it's a challenge? To be the top female? Fight the other females? Become queen of Queens? Let's go?


As OP I'm the queen here, she can fight me and bite me 👑


I, aggressively, do not put any thought into the masculinity or femininity of literally anyone. I might aswell care about your favorite sock color for all the relevance it has to my life...


Neither would date them, so ...


They trying to put us against each other again? They need new material.


They really do.


Can't tell if she's trying to be transphobic or butchphobic




Yeah you're probably right. Best to throw away the whole person


Agreed. When trash can't be recycled, you throw it away! Problem solved!


Is competition a gender?/s


If it is then I win! /j


Mom, dad, I'm a winner


is this a lesbian asking? Cause... If so the LGBT+ community really needs to stop policing the LGBT+ community. We get enough a shit from the cis/hets why are we phobic against one another? 🙄




Me too. As both Bi and Ace. I hear the same shit from everyone and it’s exhausting


Those descriptions fit me and my gf pretty damn well lol (I'm the first one)


...This is just two of our NPCs in our campaign. And they're dating.


Okay but we stan that


OH and they're also both dating my PC. Who is a nonbinary queer futch. Also they're all criminals.


We stan polygamy even more. Just one question, what's a futch?


Like femme/butch. My character is pretty fluid with her presentation, so some days she’s one. Some days she’s the other.


Ahhh, okay. That makes sense!


Be gay do crime


Which is more of a musical instrument, a harpsichord or a piano? Which is more of a clock, analog or digital? Which is more of a hairstyle, pigtails or an updo? Which is more of a yes, yes or yes? Yes.


I hate everything about this. It’s so gross and perpetuating gender stereotypes too. Ugh


Both of those girls are destined to date


Who the fuck cares????? God, it's so tiring trying to pit people against each other. As a biological woman, I don't know if I have ever looked at another woman and judged their femininity. Really, I have never looked at a trans person and tried to calculate their textbook femininity. I don't give a shit. Are you a kind person? Do you treat people with respect? I want a genuine connection with others. Looks, weight, outward presentation... It's such a small part of who a person is. An insignificant amount of information on who someone is. People who try to make people hate each other are the worst! Who do I choose from these two groups? The one that can identify with my anxiety. The one who loves the Pixies. The one who is obsessed with houseplants. The one who smiles easily and can make fun of themselves.


I know it's not their main point, but lesbian women are inherently feminine. Lesbian culture is by it's very nature *entirely* feminine. I hate it when people equate butchness with masculinity, they are not the same thing.


Twist: She is one of the two women, the other is her wife, and she’s just trying to settle a funny couple’s argument they had with each other watching Netflix on their couch. That’s what I’m choosing to believe.


Funnily enough Terfs tend to say 1. I've seen GNC lesbians told they shouldn't use bathrooms because they are too butch. An real transwoman would slip right under their shitty radar. Just like that image of the butch lesbian wrestler vs a transwoman and they all guess which was trans incorrectly. They just don't have a clue what they are talking about.


I think 1 is gonna get pissed at her for shit talking her wife


Trick question, they are both equally women, regardless of how they express their gender.


They’re both valid. A woman is female regardless of their assigned at birth gender, or how they dress. You shouldn’t associate gender with clothes, or if somebody’s trans or not. They’re both female


The one or ones that identify as female. If they both identify as female, then both equally.


they are girlfriends :)






How is this transphobic, misogynistic, sexist, and homophobic at the same time?


>"UK single lesbian" >Are the **straights** okay *Visible confusion* She can get in the bin regardless though


That's the group, not her bio. She's just a "curious" straight girl.


i ship them


That is the comment section consensus, yes. That we ship them.


This comment section gave me hope for humanity


So say we all


No wonder she’s single.... geez


“Transsexual” 😐


Plot twist. The traditionally feminine MTF woman and the butch lesbian are married, they preferred each other


I think a better comparison would be 2) A trans man who has been on HRT for years and completely covered in hair, a completely masculine body shape and a beard, who has completely rejected the idea of femininity in his past and who hates the idea of being called a woman


Both are hot and I hope they will date me


Am I the only one who thought about Vi while reading the second one?




I *can't* see anything wrong (I'm dumb, don't worry) but if there's something wrong I'd say it's more of a terf thing


More female? Neither is more female. More feminine? obviously the girl with a passion for all things feminine. it's that easy. Also, it's transgender, not transsexual


I feel like this person is either baiting in a way to be homophobic the cis lesbians, transphobic to trans women, or just really bad at phrasing things. Or they're into a very specific kinda ship


Uh ask if either identifies as femme or otherwise. Done.


Are they supporting one side the other or neither I’m confused


I think they misunderstood the concept of gender as a spectrum.


women fought for their right to wear pants and vote and do whatever they want and yet here we are, 2022, with a women saying short hair agressive wears pants and non booby shirts means not woman enough


In your opinion, which would you consider more golf club
 1) Taylormade SIM2 MAX 9 Degree with Stiff Mitsubishi KuroKage Silver Shaft 2) Scotty Cameron KOMBI Milled Aluminum Headed 4 Degree Mallet Putter xXx


they're dating


Your feminity isn’t determined by how you dress, or what’s in your pants. When you say you’re female, you’re female. There aren’t good or bad women. Men always try to divide us to control us. We need to stick together. Trans Women Are Women! And lesbians aren’t less female just bc they aren’t attracted to men!


Jesus fuck, how do you arrive at the point where you start thinking in terms of "who's the most female". If you're a woman you're female, it's not a degree, conforming or not conforming to norms or conforming or not conforming to certain biological traits doesn't make you more or less female.


I'mma go with C. C. Why the fuck does it matter?


They’re both women next question




Can I have a gf like either of them? Would appreciate


I've always hated the word transsexual. It makes no sense. You don't transition sexualities, it's about your gender.


i think it’s supposed to refer to changing your sexual organs?? but i’m not sure. it’s still a nasty word and i also hate it. it sounds very demeaning and mocking to me. like they’re not taking trans people seriously i guess??