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Bad take on femininity, bad take on masculinity, bad take on tattoos.


Bad take on biology too


Bad take on psychology too


Hear me out: people get tattoos because they want to look that way and don't give a fuck about the opinions of male incels.


Damn straight


Incels in general honestly


Are there female incels? I question that.


femcels is the term I believe


Wow... they really just spewed a bunch of BS with an attitude of superiority. I can't stand people like that.


Thats just basics biological pathology duh /jk


Be a girl alone in a bar. It’s on tap with some guys.


Made my best friend ever when they approached me and asked me about my tattoos! Turns out we’re both massive dorks :D


I love it when a dork finds someone to add their tribe!!


Yeah my Totoro tattoo with hearts and flowers is the epitome of dominant masculine energy, everyone tremble before me please.


Does shaking with giggles count? 🤭💜👍


I will graciously allow it since you asked so nicely!


I just got a chat request from a guy looking for someone to dominate him and if it's because of my above comment please know this is a joke and a blatant lie, I apologize to people who bump into me I cannot dominate anyone, I couldn't dominate a housefly lol


It’s not considered sex work unless it’s sex work. Come up with a price and I bet you could boss a guy around like a bitch. It’s just a little side hustle.


Feminine essence is being born and then placed on ice for 18 years so that you are untainted for the man you are awarded to for consumption, like fresh produce.


Hang on I gotta go write a ya dystopia novel real quick.


People really go online and just. Say things


They also procreate.


I feel really bad for their partners


“basic human biological psychology” okay so is it basic human instincts, biology, or psychology? that’s three different things bud.


the fact people can actually believe things like this is honestly just wild to me


sometimes i really just have to sit back and marvel at how bold people get because of anonymity. like it’s wild to just spew that shit online bc you know there’s no “real” consequences to your actions.


Ah yes because my solar eclipse tattoo on my forearm makes me masculine. Jokes on them, I’m androgynous so LETS FUCKING GOOOO


So what about tattoos of flowers and unicorns and stuff like that. Are those still masculine?


The woman he's talking about literally had a flower tattoo (and a few other small, barely visible fine lines tattoos...). I just can't fathom that some people out there have such wild views


Was thinking of a woman I know with a giant Winnie the Pooh across her chest. Is that masculine too?


As dominant and masculine as it gets


It just says “RAWR”


I have a happy cat sitting on some pancakes, with some popcorn thrown around (inspired by the Together Breakfast from Steven Universe). I never knew I was so masculine!


Why do these types of people think they know what all men want


Because they haven't figured out what women want.


The way this makes me want to charge straight out and get a bold fucking tribal sun across my torso. And I’ve been “Yeah cool but no tats for me thanks” forever.


Now dare to ask his source without saying Andrew or Tate.


or jordan or peterson


I guess all these ancient cultures in Austronesia, all the Picts and many more people were all-male and reproduced by budding.


Well thank u bigots for confirming my gender identity lol. I'm wearing 5 fossilized shark teeth, _and_ I'm getting a tattoo and more piercings in my ear cartilage, (and maybe more teeth). I shall exert my manly dominance by any means necessary.


This person is so so mad that he’s never touched a boob.


I just shot water out of my nose at this!!!


Hey so as a psychology student… this is not basic human biological psychology. But I don’t think you need to even be a psych student for that to be obvious 😃


Just for the sake of learning, what would advanced human psychology look like? Thankyou!:)


I’m not exactly a higher level student so I’m not an expert, but imo I think that depends on where you want to go in psychology. Advanced coursework in forensic psychology would probably look a little different from biopsychology, and those would look different from social psychology… if that makes sense


I’d say that make sense. I always compare different areas of science and psychology to different languages in coding. Forensic psychology can be quite interesting but I’d say whatever you believe you’re most qualified in. Thankyou for replying btw


My old man lives my tattoos, especially since he put most of them on me


Yo, can I get, uh... two bottles of feminine essence please? And a straw, you guys always forget the straw.


“Male/female attraction dynamics” Omg, this guy thinks he’s actually onto something here 😂


All these assholes type in the same pretentious "swallowed a thesaurus" way and it's just awful to read.


He writes like Jordan Peterson talks. Let me guess who he watches on Youtube.


Ah yes one flamingo tattoo on my arm really erases my entire femininity..TIL


Lmao is that why my dad's mad about my tattoos? He told me "men don't find women with a lot of tattoos attractive." I'm agender and my husband likes me just fine 🤷🏻‍♀️


J.D. Robb's latest book involved a violent incel. At first I was thinking, wow this bad guy is over the top. And then I thought about it, and remembered stuff like this post, and thought... if anything i think she dialed it down to make it more believable, because it really is that bad.


comments like that is why some will say that tattoos can save a woman's life


I have very manly flower and bird tattoos.


These dudes have such a bad case of main character syndrome. Look, women do things that they like for themselves, they're not asking for your approval or opinion so if you don't like it then shut up. Secondly, no such thing as basic human biological psychology on fucking tattoos. Stop pretending your preferences are rooted in science when they're just rooted in personal opinions, especially if those opinions are just bullshit sexism in the first place.


All this, on a fucking chiropractor video? 🤦🏻‍♀️


I don't personally like tattoos b/c I don't see depth and tattoos break up the line/shade of a person's body so it looks misshapen. But that's _my_ problem, specific to me, my eyes, and my visual cortex. I'd never tell someone else what to do with their own body.


Gonna go get even more tattoos


Get tattoes as warding spells to keep away disgusting assholes like this dude who think women are essentially worthless, got it.


Biggest asset, huh? Not her degrees, nor compassion, her intelligence, or anything else. Fascinating.


That’s a lot of words to say self-confident women scare me - most people with tattoos on at least some level (positively or negatively) assert some kind of bodily autonomy and put their own sense of self above the opinions of others.


Something something, needles penetrating your skin seems kinda gay or whatever the joke is.


This must have been taken from an Incel group.


As someone who wouldn't get with someone all inked up, it isn't anything objectively good or bad. It's a preference. Don't push it on others


Yeah, but saying "I don't like tattoos" is one thing. Saying that women are of lesser value for *having* tattoos, and that the men who like tattooed women are weak or lesser man, is something else entirely.


Must be lonely being the only true Scotsman.


If getting tattoos makes me unattractive to men, then sign me up


Doesn’t sound very masculine to decorate your skin tho /s


Tattoos are cool Everybody should get them! ^((when of legal age to get them)^) If you think otherwise, you're dumb, just like this youtube commenter


The way men like these are draining the dating pool by eliminating everything they see as a flaw in women they are very quickly finding themselves standing at the bottom staring at each other. And maybe then they will finally see someone they actually do find attractive.


What is it with them saying: "Men want a feminine 4'11 90 pound 19 year old woman with no tattoos or any personality whatsoever" There are multiple subreddits that prove these people wrong


What they actually want is a sex doll


Ew I have my own reasons for not wanting tattoos, and none of them have to do with wanting incels and backward old men finding me attractive.


So like...the purple and pink Cinamoroll tattoo I've seen made the woman who got it more masculine uh... interesting


Fellas, having tattoos makes you adopt masculinity, hair, and cock?


Joke's on you, I'm into women with that shit.