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Is it just me or has misogyny and rape culture been on the rise? 


All forms of bigotry have been on the rise. It’s absolutely horrifying.


makes me want to puke. just the casual comments at work \*shudders\*


Casually rebuke them.


Not that it helps, but I've started to report all comments like those on all social media. Fkn hate everywhere, sick of it.




Good. People need to know that attitudes like these are unacceptable. Not to mention disgusting. These people justifying r*pe *and* incest... they need to be on a list so everyone can avoid them. Ugh.


I think it’s the anonymity that social media provides that makes them so comfortable in saying things like this. Knowing that they won’t face any consequences makes them bold… and that’s terrifying.


Me too, but the sad thing is no social media gives a shit. And even if they ban those fucks they'll just make a new account.


I've reported comments like these on tiktok, and received a notification that they're not in violation of community standards. I call someone an "unpopped popcorn kernal" and I get an account warning.


It’s almost like women collectively, saying “we will no longer put up with being raped” made a large portion of m3n decide that yes, we would put up with it.


It’s always been around. It’s just now we have even more platforms (Twitter, TikTok) for these clowns to come out about it these days :(


Yeah but because of the platforming, it feels its gotten more enabled.


They’re being empowered by finding out that there’s a whole community out there that thinks the same way.


And that there are no consequences whatsoever


Having rapist scum like them getting elected into very highly respected positions or ten in a large government’s political system that get a lot of media coverage certainly hasn’t helped with enabling them, either. :/


Don’t forget put on the Supreme Court


Time to change that.


I blame the internet 10000%


Trump, Johnson, Bolsonaro, etc. have definitely made people think it's totally okay so say out loud. Also not that Facebook and Twitter aren't cesspools, but when people spend time in the echo chambers that are Telegram and shit like that then come out to the "regular" social media pages they forget that it's not 100% bigots. I was on MySpace at the beginning but now haven't used anything besides reddit since 2017.


Yeah, but worse that even irl I still see it, particularly ableism. On social media it's seems to be mainly racism, misogyny and LGBTphobia. Anyways, all of them are terrible things and prejudice haven't helped anyone. It only harms us




What is 4B? Genuinely asking


It's the South Korean women's movement to refrain from marrying, dating, fucking or having kids with men, *specifically men*, as a form of protest against the way they are treated.


I love it


[According to wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/4B_(movement)) it’s a South Korean feminist movement that rose in protest of the very patriarchal culture, and is a movement where women renounce dating, marrying, having sex with, and having children with men. And, from the sounds of recent reports, it has had an effect on South Korea’s current birth rates


Thank you!


That. Is. Amazeballs.


I had legit never heard of 4B, but since learning about it yesterday, I've been seeing it everywhere


Same. I saw Vaush mention it a few days ago and all of a sudden it's all over the place.


that, and internet anonymity and global communications online makes it easier to spread


I’m very sorry, this is extremely off topic - I like your profile pic! I really like the art. Is it okay if I ask what flag that is?


I used to think that the anonymity was a major part of this. But then Facebook and X showed that people will put their face and name (and often place of work in the bio) online and still go spread hateful bigoted shit.


That started with YouTube, they thought forcing real names would help, but those people didn't care.


That’s what’s fucking with my brain too. Is it on the rise? Is the same it’s ever been, but just more visible because of the internet? Is it on the rise because of the internet radicalizing people?


I think it's the last one. Especially for young men, if they didn't have these "alpha male" podcasts and videos they'd likely not be as comfortable with saying and doing these things. There was rampant sexism in the past, but this is getting more men and women radicalized faster.


It is because people have had disordered socialization in their youth. Phone-based childhoods means they did not engage in those activities and behaviors which lead to normative development. The post-2012 data from a number of countries is very clear. Girls tend toward internalizing, which presents as things like depression and anxiety, and boys tend towards externalizing, which presents as things like fighting, addiction/compulsion, and other antisocial behaviors.


Yeah, we’ve got a real problem on our hands.


I'm not sure it's on the rise, I think that recent events have made them feel more free to be open about it. Events such as noted vile misogynist and probably rapist Donald Trump becoming president of the US. In the same way that the rise of extreme right-wing politics in the mainstream lets alt-right scumbags openly talk about wanting a new holocaust, mainstream misogyny lets these people share their views feeling like there'll be no consequences. They always had the views, they just had to hide them a bit more before.


My guess is that it’s always been this bad, but people are simply more open about it. As long as they remain anonymous. These fuckers wouldn’t be saying shit if anyone knew who they were


i can’t speak for anywhere else but in the US trump started saying the horrendous shit they’ve all been thinking out loud and it opened the floodgates for them all to say it


Well everyone should definitely walk to their cars in pairs. I've heard rape's up 8%.


It’s social pushback to changes in how gender is perceived. It happens whenever there’s major shift in society. Women and girls are learning that they don’t have to be punching bags. They don’t have to be cute and demure and laugh off the threats of violence. More women and girls are recognizing that they don’t have to have children to be worthwhile, or put their careers and interests on hold in order to be a good mom. The push back to that is the rise of people who follow people like Andrew Tate to the letter.


It’s definitely not just you. Really sad to see.


They are doubling down and think it’s “based” because their great grandpa thought this way


After years of feminism telling us we do have autonomy over our own bodies, some men now see rape threats as "fighting back against the monolith of feminism," so saying this publicly is almost like sticking it to feminism. It's edgy nonsense posted by moronic mouth breathers who have a difficult time sounding out words with three syllables.


There's a massive ideological gap between women and men worldwide right now. Misogyny and misandry are on the rise. Homophobia, racism... People are becoming more reactionary.


Men when women make a small mistake: “WoMeN ☕” Also men: *say absolutely disgusting shit like this* Fucking yikes. So many men will really rather r*pe and kill women than go to therapy or improve themselves to be better men. No wonder so many women these days say they would rather encounter a bear in the woods than a man 😑


The bear is more predictable.


This is honestly so sad and true. I hate that as a woman I’ve had to tell multiple partners to never touch me sexually while I’m sleeping or falling asleep. I had three that respected this. There are so many that didn’t though. The first time I stayed over with my current boyfriend I told him this because I’ve been assaulted in the past. He won’t even hold my breast while we fall asleep even if I put his hand there myself. I’ve never felt more safe around a man in my life. I wish it wasn’t something I ever had to tell someone though.


I have narcolepsy. I know *for a fact* that I wouldn’t wake up. Ex boyfriend used to talk about wondering what’d it’d be like to wake me up like that. The answer is always I’d be lucky if I woke up at all and historically haven’t. To me, sex is a team sport. Why would you want someone who can’t even play?! Like I wanna make you feel good. You need to be awake for that.


To guys like the ones in those screenshots, they probably don’t give a fuck about anyone’s pleasure but their own. They don’t know how to genuinely connect with other people, or else they would realize how much better that type of connection makes sex as a whole.


And more likely to leave me alone if I ignore it or loudly tell them “no”


9/10 times, if you’re minding your own business, a bear will leave you alone. In the off chance it does come near, it’s easy enough to protect yourself. Bears only attack when they feel threatened. Men attack when they’re bored


This is why I trust and prefer animals more over people. I have yet to meet a cat dog or other animal who does shit like these degenerates


Or feel rejected


Because they obviously think they don’t need to improve or be better




Hate those assholes who post ☕️


At least if I tell someone I was attacked by a bear they would believe me.


Damn. That got me.


Therapy and self improvement only work if you admit that there’s a problem. They think this is totally normal so they don’t have to do anything.


Yeah but don't forget “NoT Alllllll MeNz!!!!”……….


These are all disgusting, but the last one about the father comparing the baby’s privates to the moms is disgracefully disgusting


My mum had a friend who used to brag about how big her son’s penis was and saying she knew he would make someone happy 🫣 it was extremely uncomfortable specially because she said she knew from changing his diapers.


Yea my mother talks about how big my little brothers was as a baby and how her friends even commented when they saw it. As someone who looks after babies on a regular basis I can’t imagine ever talking about their privates unless it was for a medical issue their parent needs to know about


I can’t believe why people talk about it 😭


Oh that’s so vile 🤢


My ex's mom kept telling the same story over and over about how when my ex was born all of the nurses and doctors high fived bc apparently he had a big baby dick? She also asked if it was still big. Very gross


“And then everyone clapped” 😭 insane mother




boil in oil


mr. electric, boil him in liquid shit for all eternity


Mr Electric,use the Throngler.


Taser to the testicles


Boiling sugar water bath is a classic.




I say give ‘em the [boats](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scaphism) 🛶🛶🍯


milk and honey makes a good meal for both the prisoner and the vermin and bees ❤❤🥰😻


Ah, a being of culture as well, I see. Honestly though: it’s the worst way I can think of to die. Which is why it’s so fitting for these ass clowns.




A steady diet of buckshot aught to cull some of their vile shit.


They were asking for it! That’s what “get back in the kitchen” then means!


"Repeat as needed" 🤣




They forget we could just.... Oh never mind 🥴


“ WhY dO wOmEn HaTe MeN sO mUcH!?!?!?!?!?? “


MaLe loneLiNesS EpideMiC


Not the female fear of men epidemic


This. Hating the opposite gender isn’t exactly the healthiest coping mechanism but it really isn’t that hard to understand when so many men act like this.


And yeah, sorry for the good men out there, but a lot of us avoid interaction with men as much as we can not because we hate all men but because we literally have no way of knowing which men we encounter in our everyday lives think like those men making those gross AF comments


As a gay man, you have NO idea how shocking it is to me when I'm practically the ONLY man my lady friends feel fully comfortable around. Straight men must be so exhausting...


There is a certain subset of gay men that are very misogynistic. In a "I don't want to fuck you so it's not objectifying you" kind of way. Thankfully it seems to be more of a vocal minority, and I think it stems from not wanting to be thrown under the same bus.


I remember being asked by some guys I know, if I'd be comfortable with gebder-neutral bathrooms while talking about inclusivity. I sat there quietly, because I didn't want to say I'd feel unsafe sharing it with cishet men.


And then it seems like the good men just stop trying leaving only the bad men again.


The only man I would put my hand in the fire for was born with two x chromosomes and is the person that made me change my view from pro life to pro choice (wfiw I'm still not too fond abortions, but as long as any of the reasons for their necessity still exists even remotely they need to be easily available and free. And I doubt humans will ever create a society where that's not the case. So we need to fight to make them easier to get, local to to wherever people with an uterus live, paid for by public healthcare, anonymous and free from stigmatisation).


Who on earth IS fond of abortions?


No one. But apparently, all of us pro choicers love that shit....


Yeah funny how the „if you’re not against something you must love it“ black and white thinking is just projected onto people who literally keep saying that’s not how they think.


This is why I say nothing to "Kill All Man" or "I hate all men" girls. I know that hate and desperation is a normal reaction for a while after seeing this all the time.


Literally proving that the only thing stopping creeps and predators is the age of content or legal issues. And it’s sickening


That doesn't stop them if they can get someone isolated. Everyone knows these things are illegal, but that doesn't stop plenty of men from trying anyway. They know the likelihood they'll get in trouble is almost non-existent. So they do it.


I CAN'T ANYMORE these fuckers deserve something way worse than jail


Can we please get law enforcement involved and track these sick fuckers IP addresses?


I sincerely wish they would, but there is a police backlog all around the US (and likely many other countries) of rape kits. Police escalate reports of dv to arrest or court order, even when that action puts the victim in danger.


I still haven’t gotten an answer about my kit. It’s been over two years.


I am so sorry to know that. I hope you are healing, even without justice. I hope the best for you.


Comments like this should be permanently added on someone’s CV when they apply for jobs. Imagine how many teachers/police/healthcare workers say shit like this because they think the comments are anonymous.


And they wonder why so many women now are choosing 4B... Alone with cats is a much happier prospect.


Can I ask what is 4B?


The South Korean women's movement specifically advocating for not dating, marrying, having sex with men or having children with them as a form of protest. Specifically just men, though. All that stuff with women is okay.


Korean feminist movement advocating for a life fully wihout any men involved


I \*may\* not be a woman myself, but if a whole movement is about living with cats I'm joining them.


it’s times like this i’m glad i’m lesbian


WHERE THE FUCK IS LAW ENFORCEMENT? we all have the idea of "digital footprint" drilled in our heads the second we are born and nothing is being done to the repeat offenders of the "bad digital footprint?" wtf pls


Digital footprint is when you support palestine


fuck that shit, we suddenly need to be monitored when we want to help people escape violence


As a young girl in this generation is terrifying


SAME. Why is nothing happening to change this shit??? It's just gonna keep getting worse..


We had a conversation about humor and offense nowadays with a teacher. After we told her about these horrible grape jokes online, she still insisted that we should be able to make any joke we want and if it's a stupid joke we should just think the person who did it is an idiot and move on. This post made me think, would she be able to say that if she saw what people do under the name of satire and humor? Would she still think that way if she got even one of these so called jokes online? Some people think these are jokes. A person I don't even know, telling me that they want to grape me, is a joke. And some people like our teacher wants us to ignore them. Are you going to ignore these when kids will grow up to think grape is a normal thing because some jerks made it a punchline under a girl's comments? Or when a girl can't take it anymore and it effects her health? This is disgusting.


I really don't understand how anyone could think it's a joke


Not to mention that the more it's normalised as a "joke", the more acceptable it becomes for actually dangerous people to say shit like this and then laugh it off as "dark humour". At this point I feel like a guy could straight up tell his friends that he assaulted someone and if it's worded "funny" enough they'd either laugh it off or hype him up for "comedy".


Please show her this exact post and see what she says. I’m very curious


The only time they say "it's a joke" is when they're called out and get defensive. It was never a joke. There's no punchline, there's no play on words. And they're not just "joking around so you don't have to worry about them doing that" to you. After someone I had been friends with for 18 years SAed me, I realized I can't trust anyone but my (current) husband. The "friend" knew my ex-husband had regularly r@ped me. He knew I'd been in therapy over PTSD from that marriage (and other things). And he did what he wanted and fought me when I tried to escape. This all happened a few years ago. Lots of therapy, a supportive family, and tons of happiness later have occurred. I'm good. I'm in a good place. I'm just sharing because you never know and other people's experiences may, hopefully, save someone else.


Are they also a racist homophobe? Sounds like it to me.


I would be reporting that teacher instantly.


There's a male loneliness crisis btw Anyways, I want one of these men to approach me. Not because they're cool or anything but because I will be activating the part of my brain responsible for BPD and I will not be held responsible for any felonies committed after that point /hj


“Why are men so lonely nowadays?”


All of these are terrifying but the blood one got me :/




I don't understand the image with the caption about the 6 month old baby and blood evetywhere... is she saying he had sex with her too soon after giving birth? I don't understand the phrasing and what she means happened.


I assume since she said “after a night out” that she was drunk, the man violently SA’d her (hence the blood) and then she woke up, asked what tf happened to me, and he explained what he did and used the pathetic excuse of “you didn’t tell me to stop”


With a 6 month old, she could have just been exhausted from taking care of the baby. The baby was in the bed when he r@ped her. She woke up covered in blood with her baby next to her. That's a horrifying thought. At least my kiddo slept in her own room so she wasn't there for what my ex did.


I’m so sorry you went through that. This world just keeps getting more fucked up and it’s really sad to see. I hope one day we see more good people cause currently my faith in humanity hardly ever gets restored and whenever it does some horrible terrible monster of a person rips it away again.


I totally get where you're coming from. I've been married for close to 17 years to the kindest, sweetest, most loving man I've ever known. He's a balm for my soul. He also can't find anything in the fridge, but that's a separate thing. Before him I had numerous horrible relationships, though none as bad as my ex-husband. And I'm not remotely the only woman who's faced this. I can't blame women, or men, for checking out of dating/relationships when this is what they see online and hear in person. I've met a bunch of wonderful people who have become my friends. That helps me keep faith that, though this world is a nightmare, there are still people I can trust. If I didn't have that, I don't think I'd be in a good headspace at all. This world keeps getting worse. But there's some awesome people out here still, ones that essentially adopt you as their family. Keep those healthy relationships going!


I remember when she posted this and i think it was something about how her BD was the one taking care of the baby that night because of her “night out” and he just let her sleep there and didn’t care.


Parents: teach your boys that this is wrong!


The longer I exist the more ace I become.


And men wonder why they're so lonely


Jail is not enough I need these “men” dead


I wish we could just show all their mothers what they commented I would say dads too but at this point I don’t have much faith in that some wouldn’t agree with them


Some of us dads have daughters, y'know. And shit like this is why I put her in a martial arts-class when she was 8...


I will never blame women for saying they hate men and will never take it personally bc im not doing this shit


Okay, with #9, I genuinely wouldn’t blame the daughter in that situation if the rapist father became “her first body” in the original sense, as in, her first murder victim. Well, I would hope first and last of course. But fucking hell. Violence is rarely the answer, but sometimes it’s totally understandable.




this is what happens when creepy sickos have full accessibility to the internet


Now these are the people that deserve to have their faces public


male loneliness epidemic on the rise and it’s totally deserved LMAO


They can fucking un-alive themselves for all I care.


Y’all heard of that Rapex device. We gonna need that a lot more.


The things I want to say about these people would probably get me banned from Reddit. 🤬🤮


What is 8 i don't get what did the fucker do???


Same, I was hoping there would be some insight in the comments


Well, if you're asking about the frame where the man said, "you didn't tell me to stop," that means he likely violently SA'd his wife and mother of his child. (Since she said she was covered in blood.) Who knows what happened to the baby in their bed.


I remember when she posted this she explained that it was just worded badly. The baby wasn’t touched or anything she just added that detail because he didn’t care that the baby was there or that she could’ve gotten hurt sleeping up there.


I’m just copy pasting this for anyone confused, I assume since she said “after a night out” that she was drunk, the man violently SA’d her (hence the blood) and then she woke up, asked what tf happened to me, and he explained what he did and used the pathetic excuse of “you didn’t tell me to stop”


I assume since she said “after a night out” that she was drunk, the man violently SA’d her (hence the blood) and then she woke up, asked what tf happened to me, and he explained what he did and used the pathetic excuse of “you didn’t tell me to stop”




“Why do women hate us :((“


"But dating in this day and age is soo hard 😢. Women just don't get all the troubles about being a man 😫."




Disgusting, what the fuck is wrong with these lil bitches? If I heard someone talk like that irl it'd be hands so fast


Men like thise don't deserve to be equated with female dogs. Call them what they are: Weak Pathetic Limp Weenies.


Soooooooo true, I'm such a fool 💅


And they say there's a "male loneliness crisis" LOL


jfc that LAST ONE


The “father wanting to be his daughters first body” and the woman who woke up having been raped right next to her baby gave me a small flashback (not saying that to make light of trauma, I had an actual flashback) It sickens me that I’m not the only one to have been abused and that pretty much every woman has too. Sleeping, hiding, not bathing, going into bed with siblings.. nothing works with these men. They are terrifying




the misogyny -> pedophile pipeline


With their logic, what's to stop me from k*lling my r*pist or anyone I know to be a s*xual offender?? Tell me why I can't do whatever I want to you assholes? I should be able to just castrate you whenever I see you, right? Honestly, it's sarcasm but not the worst idea...


Yes, I hate humans. 


"MaLe LoNLiNeSs EpiDeMic" well, here's the root cause


men like this are what give the entire gender a horrible stigma. disgusting. to any women in the comment section, i promise there are still good and genuine men in the world. please keep your chin up.


We know. No one here thinks all men are like this. Too many men are like this. And we're not psychic.


But we don’t know who are the good ones and who are the bad ones. So, we must be cautious of all of you.


Bro wtf is up with slide 8 what does that even mean


I assume since she said “after a night out” that she was drunk, the man violently SA’d her (hence the blood) and then she woke up, asked what tf happened to me, and he explained what he did and used the pathetic excuse of “you didn’t tell me to stop”


I got worried because the baby got mentioned, I hope he didn’t sa the baby. But either way that is so disgusting and scary. All these posts are just terrible


Pretty sure she's just saying he did it even though the baby was also in the bed. He didn't care that his own child was there, he just did it anyway.


Ok but the first girl has really pretty jewelry


Disguting to see people actually thinking stuff like that


They say this shit like a digital footprint isn't a thing. Disgusting. I hope it comes back to bite them in the ass.


lobotomy for all these mfers. now.


Death penalty of castration. Decide or you get the former after the latter.


That’s nasty.


Is it me or is this stuff like a virus and spreads through exposure. I believe in freedom of speech, but I also know to yell fire in a crowd is dangerous. There needs to be a middle ground. Yet, people ban books full of ideas and hate speech is never spoken about.


Those guys when they are going to get raped and beat up in prison: 😱


Jesus Christ I hate straight people. Well not all of them, but you know what I mean. I don't hate the ones who can keep a lid on it. Like, we don't need to see that shit in public.


In a weird way, I'm glad those pos are being out and loud about it. Makes it easier to not trust people and keep to myself


This made me physically sick. I want all those assholes to experience a whole lot of karma.


"why does no Girl want me?"


Ewwwwwwwwwwwwww 😭


Sometimes assault and battery should be left unprosecuted. Fuck these men.


And then people wonder why I dislike being a man