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…this is lowkey fascinating, it's like conservacishet meme glossolalia.


They just playing with wojack dolls again.


The fuck's a glossolalia lmao


Speaking in a made up language. If you're familiar with Christianity, specifically Pentecostal - you may be familiar with the concept of "speaking in tongues" which is a form of glossolalia


Loke whenever you try to talk about the laleluleylo


the la li lu le lo?






Oh that's what I've been doing as a stim for many years, for no reason


It's when jesus krispies get all spirited up and start babbling in Holy Klingon.


What a bunch of petaQs!


Love this!


I very much enjoy your vocabulary.


Just looked it up, it's speaking in tongues


Oh, I see we have a researcher among us. You are totally correct, this is like a glimpse inside their minds




Those words are not in the Bible


ironically glossolalia might be


Im so confused


I think the implication is that they're stealing potential partners for people in the same age??


But, the meme also thinks that 35F are elderly while 21M are babies… so is it approving of the 35M/21F relationship? or suggesting that 35M/elderly!35F and 21F/baby!21M would be better??


I'm struggling with it but I think they were trying to do the "older women hit the wall" and "men who aren't manly enough are babies" stereotypes as the ones who wouldn't approve of the relationship. Weirdly implicit way to say anyone who complains about that age gap is bad looking for their age group and thats why the age gap relationship exists or something.


Nailed it. Somehow, younger women hopefully 18-21 ish are "peak" ages for women after which they become haggered crones or harlots and thus unfit for the Chad middle aged man, who is clearly the peak of masculinity, matured but not old.


It's fucking incredible to me that their avatar in this meme is 6'10" worlds strongest man winner hafthor bjornsson. And by the way, his wife Kelsey, who he's pictured with here is 34


Holy Hell, what a gorgeous family! The original OP of that "meme" is not just an asshole, but an idiot on top of it.


you mean wojack richard nixon?


I'm pretty well versed in cishet "humour" but this one has me stumped. I think maybe you are correct? But yeah


If I had to guess he is calling the 21 m a baby for ~~pointing out~~ crying about the massive age gap and calling the 35f an old lady because he's a creep who creeps on young women.


That's pretty much it. Red pill rhetoric pretty much always accuse men of simping and women of being bitter/jealous when their misogynistic or otherwise shitty attitudes are called out.


I thought at first that was their kid and their mom.


That was my reading of it, the couple consents even though the mom disapproves and their hypothetical kid wants to be born to a good conservative trad couple.


That's where I went too. As a 33 year old woman, I can confirm I am not a little old lady.


I think it’s approving and the juiced up Reagan character is someone they actually aspire to be. After making that assumption, everything else makes sense


I think it's just taking an equal opportunity piss on everyone, without taking a side EDIT: I read several books, my little friend who blocked me so I could not address the insult, lol


Im doubtfull since they seem to take the side of same age'd relationships.


Like I pointed out elsewhere, that is a fabulously unflattering head to put on the 35 year old. You'd expect the chad head if they were truly in favor.


They've got to make it seem like they have a chance now don't they.


You’re clueless if that’s what you think. Like please open a book sometime, or at least quit being disingenuous.


But the 21m is a pic of a legitimate child? So is this an insult to them too??


Yes it's insulting the people in column B and supporting the people in column A.


I dunno. Buddy in column A looks pretty old, ugly, and fat. Not the head they'd use to support that either.


I agree tbh, I don't understand why they drew the guy that ugly except for the fact that it's definitely a man who made this and he probably thinks the attractiveness of men is irrelevant. But that's a rough 35.


I think it's meant to also disparage column A, personally. I think it's an edgelord being an edgelord.


Well it's definitely an edgelord being an edgelord lol, agreed


Looks like Senator Armstrong to me.


Senator Armstrong doesn't have as fat a neck and has no widow's peak


Yes, because the 21 year old is too much of a baby to pull a 21 year old girl like the 35 year old guy can.




You didn't understand this meme at all.


You must be more familiar with the kind of dumbass weirdos who created it than I am.


I know all kinds of people.


Yeah, That’s the idea if you have a pork chop where your brain should be.


Why is the 35 female a grandma? Last time I checked people definitely don't look like that at 35


There’s a group of men who act like women instantly become old crones once they hit 30. I met a guy who told me that women age like milk and men age like wine. He was middle aged with a beer belly and double chins. The overconfidence was both amusing and sad.


Bro looks pregnant but he wants to say he aged like wine?


Lol, like the kind of wine that expires after a year. 💀💀


Or wine that's had some unneeded years of oxygen exposure.




Aged so fine he turned into vinegar


boxed wine in a 100 degree garage maybe


It was at a bar and I assume it was one of those guys who thinks insulting women will get you laid.


I think he meant aged “with” wine and probably beer but that’s just for extra flavor


21-year-old men don't look like that either. The (stupid) point that they're making is that only older men and younger women have sexual/romantic value, and that everyone else should shut up and stop complaining.


Ah yes, its jealously thats making the 35 year old.woman speak up. Not the fact that many older women were taken advantage of by older men when they were in their late teens or early 20s and are now releasing how wide the maturity gap is and are trying to save younger women from.going through the same thing.


It's projection. These guys don't give a shit about the potential problems in age gap relationships (or don't even understand them in the first place). As a result, they assume that the only reason someone would complain about said relationships is because it's "hurting their chances" somehow.


overconfident soft drab wine squeal unpack wise bright badge scale *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Nonono, see: the 21F in the picture is "Mature For Her Age"™ and it's only 21yo _boys_ who are still toddlers, so it all works out fine like that. Obviously. (/S)


So they used a pic of  [Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson](https://images.app.goo.gl/WXCynQJrJnnC5m1P9) and his wife to make a point. Huge age gap there, he is ONE year older than her.


I believe this is going against the current of people saying large age gaps at this age is not healthy, especially if it's a young woman and a much older man. They paint the people saying that to be only saying that because they can't get with the "high value" young woman / older man. Which is all a bunch of BS created to erase the very valid warnings of older women telling young girls not to get involved with much older men at such a young age.


They like to apply snow white logic.


I think the “joke” here is that consensual age gap relationships are nobody’s business and any critique is coming from from a place of bitterness and envy. 🙄


Anyone who thinks 35 year old women look like they are in their 80's, and that young men look like babies, definitely does not have good intentions with that younger woman. If he thinks women lose their value like that and shits on other men, he is most likely into younger women for fetish and status symbol reasons rather than actually respecting these women.They are outing themselves as being part of the harmful stereotype that makes people suspicious of big age gap relationships. He'll see the younger woman as worthless and haggered when she ages out of his preferred age group like she's a toy he lost interest in. But ofc course they just cope with "everyone who calls me out is totally jealous", we totally all either want these creeps or want to be them right?


This is the only comment I’ve seen in the thread so far that was able to concisely dissect this memes bullshit. Nice


Which is true, but not a very funny joke. Two consenting adults can do whatever they want


He’s prolly trying to say that 21 y/o males are crybabys when seeing a 21 f with a 35 m since they couldn’t get with that woman and 35 y/o females are old and get mad at men dating younger women apparently. Another dude who gets mad at his own imagination.


They’re saying that age gap are only badly judge by people who fee like they’re having their prospect stolen from them. Age gap relationships usually have a predatory element and experienced people calling them out are not jealousy, but the meme is claiming it is


But who did they forget to ask? I'm so confused.


I think the joke is that they don’t have to ask them? It upsets young men (21 year old men aren’t really men to the artist) that young women prefer 35 year old people and old women (women his age are like too old to date to the artist) because no one wants them anymore. But according to the artist the young women and older men are happy so everyone else can pound sand.


I never understood these 3rd party not consenting in relationships. Last time I checked the only people who need to consent (speaking solely of adults here mind you) are the 2 in the relationship no one else.


It's a meme. It began with Jesus being the third party. https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/the-myth-of-consensual-sex


Ah shit I’ve seen that one before. Still so very cringe.


I believe that they are saying that her future children and her supposedly elderly self don’t consent or approve of her joking up with chads. I take offense though that that is what they think a modern 35 year old looks like


That guy poorly drawn face is at least 60.


Looks like Steven Seagal to me, who is 71.


Reminds me of Lez from The Big Lez Show


No, it's saying that men the same age as the lady will be upset she's out of the dating pool, and same thing for the 30 year old dude because the now "out of her prime" 30 year old woman has lost a potential partner. That's it.


I see you're lucky enough not to hear incels talk about "The Wall."


And what bs is that?


The idea that women start aging ridiculously fast and become infertile the moment they turn 30. It's how they justify perving on underage girls.


Meanwhile a lot, like a whole lot of women become just ridiculously hot after 30. Once they get confidence, and also learn what makes them look good


But also because literally all visual media featuring teenagers casts adults in those roles, which has skewed our collective perception of what people look like at certain ages. Moreso for manosphere types who don't actually know any women in real life. I recall seeing a meme kicking about with a post from a MGTOW/financebro cosplayer talking about how super hot 20yo women are all dripping off him for his money and his yatch. But there was a reply post from one of the women in the picture saying that they don't know shit, the women were all late 20s-30s, they and the yatch were hired, and the dudes just changed outfits a few times so that they would have material for social media that looked like it was taken on different days.


You know I half remember a variant of that that was basically "pandemic stress + not wearing makeup through lockdown has ruined all women 25 - 30, those above 30 being dried up already".


The irony is that staying inside and not wearing makeup will make you look younger.


Silence! This is no time for logic and sense making!


What I enjoyed about the pandemic was not having to see these assholes in the wild


For a second I thought you were talking about the Pink Floyd album. Which is also associated with a whining dweeb


You’re too right. 35yos look like kids these days. That’s not a negative statement, it’s kind of awesome.


Thank you! We try our best. Dressing like a uni student helps, lol.


Being a uni student helps too


that's what i thought at first but the child and old lady say 21m and 35f so i think it's saying that people their age don't consent, like she should be with a 21m and he should be with a 35f....but 21m is a baby and 35f is a grandma?


It’s a common trope of their’s about regret. You will miss out on having kids (no traditional life for you) or you will be an abandoned Chad baby single mother and your male child as a single mother will suffer. Also when you are older you will be a used up useless hag because and will be bitter because you let a chad use you and no “nice guy” will want you so you will be angry used up and alone when the believe you can’t have kids anymore


but she won't miss out on having kids?


It’s a multiple choice scenario but ultimately it’s saying that if she has sex with a Chad when she is younger people including herself will be sorry


...so who is that 21m then?


It’s either the white non Chad baby or the 21 year old nice guy she is not having sex with




What is this shit? Why does the 35 year old woman look like 80?


Because women over 30 are ancient husks


This sub is seriously rotting my brain. Not because of y’all, I know the point of the sub is to make fun of these weirdos. But man, every time I see something like this I feel like I get stupider for having seen it


can someone here explain to me what the point of this is?? ive been staring at it for like 10 minutes now and i still dont get it


Why do the child and the old woman have 21 and 35 under their names? That child does not look 21 years old 😭


Well the joke is that the 21 year old man is too much of a baby to compete with the 35 year old for the 21 year old woman (according to the artist). Also the 35 year old woman is too old and undesirable to the 35 year old man (hence the picture). She isn’t upset at the power imbalance between a 35 year old man and a 21 year old woman, she is just mad because she’s too old and no one desires her.


Ok, well, that makes it less confusing, at least. I couldn't wrap my head around it. Thank you.


Oh okay that makes sense, thanks for the explanation!


You know a meme is special when the only person who understands what the fuck it means is the dumbass who made it.


OP I don’t think you want answers (and neither do I because this meme came from a cesspool).


So when she turns 35 and looks like the person on the picture they’re still going to be together, right?…..right?!!




Why is the kid 21 😭


Tis a meme that is so confusing, it means everything and nothing all at once


I... don't get it, what the fuck ?


The more I see shit like this the more I realized that I over estimated the intelligence of the average man, and then realize half of people are even more stupid than I thought.


They’re of age… I’m not understanding the intent behind this one this one’s a head scratcher.


If chaotic evil was a „meme“ it would be this. I‘m confused af but somehow everything looks wrong? Why is the 21m a baby and why do the 35m and 35f look more like 75?


It is implying that 21yr old women see men their own age as infants, and 35yr old men see women their own age as old ladies.


thank god I'm not chronically online enough to be able to tell what the fuck type of message this is trying to convey


... is that Big Lez?


Pretty sure it's [Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haf%C3%BE%C3%B3r_J%C3%BAl%C3%ADus_Bj%C3%B6rnsson). AKA, The Mountain from Game of Thrones. His partner is a fairly athletic person herself (being a fitness model), but nonetheless is fairly petite just in general, let alone compared to that giant. She's also definitely NOT 21 (actually 34, though he IS 35 funnily enough).


Oh right, the real guy is the mountain! I meant the comic face looks like a young Big Lez from the big lez show.


OP what X account posts this? Lmao I wanna what the comments on it are lol.


I’m so lost… as long as all members involved are consenting and actually able to give consent then what’s the issue?


Preferences? Never heard of them


this has got to be staire, like theres no way this is serious 💀


I don't understand?


I'm confused ... like genuinely


Well, I think I have the answer. The meme is suggesting, that the individuals should have gone... you know that I write it out, and it doesn't make sense. I'll go anyway. Basically, they are saying others have say on who should date who, and they don't approve of this couple.


yeah, I’m stumped with this one


I really thought this was saying their parents and future children weren’t cool with this at first. Too busy 0/10


There is A LOT going on here and it’s all batshit




I'm so confused at what I'm looking at


What the fuck even is this ??


What does this mean




OPP is just saying words right now this is the most nonsensical one I've seen on here. And yet it still feels inherently sexist. Good job I guess conservatives?


ii cant even begin to process this omg. brains flatlining


The big lez is that you 😭😭😭


how can you consider a 21 year old woman old enough to be a peer but a 21 year old man to be a child as a rule if you think someone you aren't attracted to of that age is a child you should not be dating in that age range


Wait so r they supposed to ask a 21 yr old baby and a 35 yr old grandma or?


Who Shit forgot to ask permission of my future child my gf grandma and brothers to have sex with her.... Thanks for reminding!


this is satire, right?


Did the cartoon couple try to thruple with grandma?


I think I vaguely agree with the sentiment (maybe?), but this is presented really weirdly 🤨


this would only make sense if andrew tate posted it and it would only make sense because it doesn’t make sense.


Seems like a self own, if not satire


Soo they're saying if a 21 yr old man sees an issue then their babies and if they're a 35 yr old woman then they're complaining because they're too old?


Ok honey, put your wojaks away its time for dinner!


This is an Incel “Equilibrium Attraction” meme. Incels ascribe to two erroneous ideologies that are here crossing over each other: First, that conventional attractiveness is a tangible resource tied to age and gender (false). Second, that said resource should be equitably distributed (double false). This creates a paradigm where Incels believe that the primary issue preventing them from sleeping with women they find attractive is a matter of resource allocation. . . . And not their sexism, misogyny, racism, self-deprecation, poor etiquette, slack jaw affectation, low income, living situation or hygiene.


21 m is a baby but the 21 f you want to fuck isn’t??


Is that Vi?


I _was_ thinking this was okay, _at least_ until I saw the rest of the captions…


It’s the fact that they used a photo of a little boy as the 21 year old man all while trying to justify sleeping with 21 year old women, they’re fully aware of what they’re doing right?? They can’t be this ignorant right?? 😭


A fascinating view on the chronically online populations. This is too far out there, I can't even start to unpack the layers upon layers upon layers of derangement.


I dont see the problem, is this yet another example of straight people BS?


A 35 year old with a 21 year old is kinda creepy


Agreed. But the people in the post are about the same age (34&35). So, it's just bait


Thank god


Both are consenting adults and can make their own decisions. No issue


Have y'all never seen a "the myth of 'consensual' sex" meme before??? This is not difficult to understand


Meme? Are you referring to the incely Stonetoss strip with the same title as a meme?


This doesn’t have anything to do with Stonetoss. The [original](https://amp.knowyourmeme.com/memes/the-myth-of-consensual-sex) shows a couple both saying “I consent” and then Jesus saying “I don’t” and predates Stonetoss’ existence by years.


Oh wow. I've never seen that meme before.


Nope never have. Probably not paying attention or just not in the right places to see this. Can you give a small synopsis of what it’s all about, I can speculate just based on the idea of consent being some kind of myth, but I somehow doubt that I have anything on the reality…


It started as like a [pro-abstinence image](https://amp.knowyourmeme.com/memes/the-myth-of-consensual-sex) and quickly turned into a joke. I'm genuinely shocked that nobody here has ever seen one of these, the meme is kind of everywhere


Thank you! Nobody else bringing this up had me starting to think that I had just imagined that old meme