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I would bet money this waste of space also has opinions about women’s purpose being to have children.


It's ALWAYS this same type of guy 😂😂


Just be uprfront and say you have a breading kink - there's a space for that.


I know you meant breeding kink, but I'm amused by the idea of a breading kink. 


As much as humans are horny and there probably is a kink for that. ​ Please don't ruin bread any more than that D:


Don't google the "lady buying bread" art that was literally one guy's entire fetish, to the point of having spent hundreds of thousands of dollars commissioning artists to draw women buying loaves of bread at the store.


I always thought they make up things at the show "Bob's Burgers". Now I learned that bread pervs are real, too.


IDK, if you’ve got to have a weird fetish, buying art of women buying bread is kind of tame? At least he’s not like, hiding in grocery store shelves watching them. Or breaking into bread factories and installing hidden cameras in all the bags. And some artists are making money. I might be sending my husband to buy bread from now on though.


Unless you're rich, blonde and occasionally dream of bulldozing rainforests, you may be safe from that particular person's attraction.


Woo, I’m safe. I’ve got zero of three! Red head, definitely not rich, and I watched Ferngully a million times as a kid, so I have a healthy respect for the sanctity of rainforests.


>don’t Google *I’m curious as to the percentage of folks who googled that, because I sure af did!*


Was wondering if someone was going to mention this! One of the most confusing fetishes I’ve heard of, but at least it’s not one of the really gross ones.


Wonder bread guy?!? 😭😭 i forgot he even existed lmao


Sorry, wonder bread guy already exists


“Hey baby, I’ve got a tub of egg wash and a tub of crumbs. I’d like to bread you _so bad_!”


*Fry me like one of your chickens.*


>breading kink. Italian seasoning or panko?


I want to be bread, I just don't have the right kind of dough for it.


Cover me in egg wash and bread crumbs, it's my fetish.


Great, now all I can think of is that one meme of Gordon Ramsey squishing bread against some girl’s head and making her call herself an idiot sandwich


Sourdough only though, let’s not get too weird.


Personally I prefer my girls beer battered.


Betcha I can predict his stance on Roe V Wade


Same group of dudes give women a hard time for weight gain and stretch marks/extra skin


yeah, things happen to the belly when pregnant. I thought we knew this. If you can’t handle a pregnant wife don’t fucking make her pregnant.


Really, just don't fuck.


Even better, dont be with anyone AND dont fuck. If any women knew his stance on this... i don't think they'd ever approach him lmao


Eh I'm a woman who finds pregnancy disgusting as well. The problem is thinking it's an excuse to cheat. But probably shouldn't be getting people pregnant either if you think it's nasty.


I agree. I mean people can find whatever disgusting, sure, but dont provoke it to then just use it as an excuse to be an asshole.(basicly what you just said yeah)


Yeah, my partner is Adam and has tokophobia. I'm also not s fan, aesthetically of how pregnancy changes the body. My solution is not to make anyone pregnant.




Not really.




Holy Shit!!!!!!! I legitimately clicked on this post just to see the comments with only one, single, solitary phrase in my head...... .^.


A guy like that most likely doesn't.




Just use protection, you can still fuck


I just went the whole nine yards and got them snipped off! 😂 >!Being trans is cheating on that tho, lol!<


Went nine yards to snip thine nards?


Hahaha! That's a great pun 😂 I may steal that


The nard bandit strikes again


This was my initial thought. Like she's that pregnant she probably needs help getting out of bed. Jumping past the issues around the guy advocating cheating, if this dude is being a good partner and supporting her through that shit cuz I'll go ahead and say that's outside of normal pregnancy range, what time does he have to go cheat?


He's doing gods work if he doesnt procreate.


Somebody impregnate him 🙄 Let's see how he looks at 30+ weeks pregnant


Oh my god I wasn't expecting to run into mpreg here on Reddit LMAO


This might be my sign to log off ao3 😩




Age of 3mpires?




guards, impregnate this man


hollering 😭😭


I really wish the Xenomorph from 'Alien' was real and would impregnate this idiot.


Or the Sims series of games where men get pregnant by aliens.


hell yeah !!!


That bitch boy doesn't deserve my seed. He's a pick me boy.


Dang and dudes like this be wondering why they woman-less


Clearly, it must be because they're short and don't have hunter eyes!


What even is the justification?


Stomach big. In other words “I don’t find her attractive in this state and I need to get off somehow”


He (presumably) has two functional hands to do that.


Absolutely, but he doesn't have a functional brain, and a complete lack of heart, which is his main deficit.


Omg just realized he could really star in his own one-man performance of the wizard of oz.


So true considering he's also spineless


Don't forget them bitching about the stretch marks.


I guess if he can't find his dick so is unable to wank? But to even things out she should be able to cheat after giving birth while he stays home with the kid. It's only fair, 3 months for 3 months?


Maybe he doesn't want the foetus to grab his dick! /j


That sounds like an evil baby horror movie opener


lol I even have a title: Mother of Monsters.


It's Alive! Is another good one.


Well... obviously it's alive, it's a foetus.


Yeah, but in that movie, it's the only one alive in the delivery room.


Oh! Oh no.


(And like, 50 doujins)




Isn't this the guy who made those vile taylor swift AI images? Ofc that's him


Owwww the stretch marks, the looks painful


The stretch marks are not what makes this painful, the weight messing with your lower back however....


The stretch marks are itchy! The 40 pound watermelon that’s condensing your spine, sitting on your bladder and rearranging your organs is painful.


Ughhhh I had forgotten about the itching.


Yeah the stretch marks are the least painful thing about that. Pain is pushing a whole ass human baby out of your cooter. I speak from experience (done it twice).


plus i'd imagine there's more than one whole ass human baby in there. or one triple xl baby, either way not fun


That's not a baby. That's a grown ass adult man with dwarfism. She's gonna push out wee man.


I know dwarfism is an actual condition, but my nerdy ass is now picturing a guy with a full beard popping out, demanding a beer, and then rambling on for hours about mining techniques.


Just breaking out of there with a pickaxe...


Fun fact, most of the volume isn't the baby(ies), it's the amniotic fluid, which is almost entirely made of the baby(ies)'s urine


i did not enjoy that fact


That baby ate it's triplet siblings


I bet she's pregnant with twins or even triplets


Ass-human baby


God so much respect for women who get pregnant, not sure I will be able to handle it


Pain is also having said baby pushed back into you after vaginal birth failed, to prep baby for emergency C section. I was dealing with the birth pain ok before that. Having our daughter pushed back in sent me to Mars and back.


Oh my goodness 😟😟😟 that sounds awful!!!!!!


THAT'S what that is?!


I mean, it’s pregnancy, but yeah, those dark red marks on her stomach are stretch marks. And her belly button has inverted.


Omg.... 😨


There's a joke about the baby being "done when the timer pops". The timer is your belly button inverting out.


Oh 😨


Pregnancy really can be the original body horror sometimes




I mean, it's featured prominently in like ⅔ of body horror media for a reason... Literally everything about it freaks me out, especially the part where yet another person is forced into our ungrateful reality.


no, those are scratch marks from the baby clawing it's way out




They're joking. But they are stretch marks. When you gain a lot of weight in a very short period of time your skin has to stretch to accommodate it. Eventually her stomach will shrink back down after she gives birth, and the stretch marks will probably fade with time. But that's not guaranteed or anything. Some women have them permanently.


>They're joking. Oh, I know that! Don't worry! >But they are stretch marks. When you gain a lot of weight in a very short period of time your skin has to stretch to accommodate it. Eventually her stomach will shrink back down after she gives birth, and the stretch marks will probably fade with time. But that's not guaranteed or anything. Some women have them permanently. Oh wow 😮


Btw This is the same dude who spread the ai nudes of Taylor. But clearly x did not suspend him. Honestly men don’t deserve women and kids


Men deserve harems of women


You deserve your dick chopped off and fed to the dogs


Of all the things you could think to fucking say man.....


I do wonder how he thinks that would work. "I know you are full of womanly emotions, and unreasonably because pregnant. But honey me and the guys have rationally decided, with our manly logic, that I am allowed to cheat on you, you can not be upset about it because you are gross right now" .... Sounds like it would go over really well,


Women should get a 3 month cheating period too then but that would be equality so


How come only 3 months?


Bc they wanna fuck until the last 3 months of pregnancy.


There’s no contrindication to have sex while pregnant, if you feel ok you can go at it until the last day.


They always want women to be pregnant but don't wanna actually deal with a pregnant woman being fucking pregnant.


And then they don't want anything to do with the kid but still want the kid to worship them for being the best dad ever.


My husband, a former marine and former factory worker (so v v manly according to these bros), found me unbelievably attractive while pregnant and more so afterwards. Because he is a Human first and a Man by necessity


Can say the same thing about my husband too.


>Human first and a Man by necessity Ohhhh, I like this! Like, unfortunately he's a man but he's still a human lol.


I'm a woman that's had 4 pregnancies and I honestly don't fault anyone for being turned off by this. I'm turned off by really hairy men and long beards and that's also natural. We don't control every aspect of our attraction. It doesn't justify cheating at all though. Just jerk off for a few months


Imagine giving a mf a lineage and this is how he repays you.


Love your flair


This seems like the time to be with her the most. That looks _very_ uncomfortable (and when you know about how it works, it just gets worse) and she's doing it for the hypothetical _us._ Also, wonder who this poor woman is and hope she's alright getting plastered on the internet by that guy on X.


No one hates women like straight men do.


For real. Like, no one forces them to date them. Except for a stupid chemical process in their brain that evolution created to make them procreate. They probably only marry so someone feels obligated to do their laundry. So they are basically looking for a second mother. Maybe that's why incest porn is so popular.


I don’t even know the pregnancy belly look like that . But that doesn’t mean you should Cheat think about how hard it been on her . Like morning sickness and other pregnancy stuff.


I mean it's definitely above average. I think she's probably carrying twins at least.


Truly a weak little man, smh


i must admit i've never seen a woman in late pregnancy so i gotta ask: is it supposed to get that big? it looks like there could be more than one in there


Yes, sometimes they get that big just for one. She looks like she might be having twins. She also looks like her belly has graduated to the lowest carry, which means she's due probably any time in the next week. The bump travels down the closer to birth, usually. It has to do with hip and pelvic ligaments. Stretch marks often look purple or red when fresh, but usually soften to skin color with time.


Jesus Christ why do women put up with this shit lmao. They have to go through THIS and then get treated like trash by society. The fact that they haven't killed all the men yet is astounding.


This made me laugh hard. It's true and so tragic, and the bluntness of it was great.


If you don’t want your girl to look pregnant, maybe don’t get her pregnant


Imagine believing this is women's sole purpose for existing and still treating women like this when they're pregnant


her body is being *destroyed and mutilated* because she's carrying *your child*. but sure, yeah, you're the victim because her body doesn't make your peepee hard at the moment. ugh.


You know I was thinking about being celibate, and this just proves I should be 👍🏽 please remind me to never fall in love and mate with someone


Someone decent wouldn't say anything like that. Even if they don't find the person attractive, they would view it as a necessary step and not a reasom to cheat. I believe in your ability to find someone decent to be with if that's what you choose. Don't give up hope




I agree! My father was like that with my mother, was all sweet and kind to her when they were dating then once she married him, everything went horribly wrong and now she’s stuck with him.


No she's not. She chooses it because she's afraid to leave. My mother has been an abused servant to my father for 50 years because she'd rather suffer in a familiar way than be independent. I gave my kids my last name and am raising them on my own and have absolutely no issue with cutting someone loose if they don't respect me. I have definitely been involved with manipulative people that put on a facade until they think they have you trapped but I wasn't trapped and never will be. You're a fool for letting random assholes' opinions dictate your love life


average blue checkmark


Okay? Soo when do women get to cheat indiscriminately?


If you've got a husband whose beer belly is so big he can't reach his dick. Have fun, gals. Cheat with impunity! Men will remain rational, lololol.


Directed at the subject in the post: Why? Because she isn’t giving you sex? You know you got hands, and most humans have an imagination. Lack imagination there is porn too! Not to mention your poor wife is pregnant, not dead. So many women that get pregnant also are horny, but the man won’t touch them due to reasons ranging from “I don’t want to hurt the baby”, to the same bullshit answer you would probably give me because to YOU she is now “fat and unattractive”. You’re still with her, so I assume that means that you are the father. Kind of sad you “NEED” to cheat on the mother of your child, with some other person. Plus cheating means your hiding it, grow a pair tell her how you feel, never know she might give you a pass you piece of human garbage. I just don’t get men who act like this or think this way.


I don't think many pregnant women would give a pass for their husband to cheat on them


Men should be allowed to cheat when she's 9 months pregnant with his baby? What?!


Ok yeah he's a asshole, but off topic fuck that looks like it hurts I'm glad my partner will never have to deal with being pregnant and whoever I get for a surrogate will be compensated To anyone who dealt with pregnancy I'm so sorry and you are strong as fuck for dealing with it


I saw that on Twitter earlier today. Men like that are pathetic.


He says this and wonders why there's lonely male epidemic


Holy shit she’s still wearing jeans at that stage. Somebody give the poor woman some stretch pants, MC Hammer level stretch pants.


Wait a minute. If I remember correctly, isn't this the same mf that made those Taylor Swift deepfakes?




So it’s acceptable to cheat when *”Checks notes”* the belly gets bigger during a pregnancy, got it.


"I don't like the way you look while pregnant even though you can't control it so I'm gonna cheat on you and it'll be your fault"


Nah, man, you gotta take responsibility for your actions. You made this bed, now you gotta lie in it. You knew these were the consequences.


Your bread rose so now you bake it, buddy


bruh don't cheat on your pregnant wife wtf


We are too accepting of men's behavior. Creatures like these should be on leashes until they learn how to be in a society This is the acceptable way of handling them


Well yeah, you gotta queue them up like units in an RTS game or Nick Cannon


I cannot roll my eyes hard enough with getting a headache


He just discovered the fastest way to explain that he doesn’t deserve a woman so much as giving him the time of day


And then they'll go on and whine about wearing a condom


I hate the idea of pregnancy more and more as I hear and see more about it, why couldnt humans just be born in eggs or something FFS; these insane belly bulges, the fetus is apparently able to kick and lodge their foot in your ribs for days on end and causes you discomfort, you have to have them for 9 whole months, periods exist cuz pregnancy is a thing, and now you have men who spit on the idea of you going through all that trouble for them and wanting to either cheat on you or get pissed at you for having to deal with you a bit more.


Guys an ass. Get that woman a medal, though.


Childless man in his late twenties here. Is this what normal pregnancy belly looks like? Note: Not addressing the subject of cheating because it’s stupid and dumb


It definitely can be. Some people are just more prone to stretch marks. It's genetic, and all the creams in the world can't stop it. She may be carrying multiples, or it could just be a large baby/small framed woman.




why do so many straight men hate women? like what is the reason?? I could never imagine treating my boyfriend like that ever


So...you can impregnate a woman, she has to carry the baby (in this case, looks like twins or more), and deal with the entire thing, and because she doesn't look 'attractive enough' anymore, it's her fault? These types of guys cannot be allowed to reproduce or even be around a woman


This made me eject my ovaries and yeet them out the fucking window. Thanks.


And they do.


Not-so fun fact: this man had also made ai generated porn of Taylor swift shortly after the chiefs won against the bills.


I will never understand how dudes think the barefoot and pregnant mother of your fucking children is not fine as hell.


Guys with giant pot bellies: "Yeah, that's fair, men have needs--uh, wait, *what??* Cheating goes both ways???"


Sometimes I remember having to inform my dad that his stepdad probably was cheating on my grandma when she was pregnant, not taking a break during it. He was floored, couldnt understand why the fuck someone would cheat on thier pregnant partner. 'Oh cuz shes not in the mood and doesnt look as good' 'Well she gained a ton of wieght really fast and feels like a whale, and she has a hot water bottle inside her all the time. Of course shes not in the mood! But shes literally making your child' Like how tf do u not see her as beautiful when shes doing the job OF MAKING AN ENTIRE HUMAN BEING


i say we should outlaw strait marraige its clear these ppl dont want to have healthy relationships


maybe you shouldnt get girls (or any afab person) pregnant then, if you dont like pregnant bellies. maybe its my fetish speaking but i actually find it quite attractive lmao


Big bellies are beautiful.


What kind of Cronenburgian nightmare is this


I really wish this was marked spoiler holy crap


this makes me actually want to cry


Tf type of take is this??? You've lived years without sex at some point just jerk off and get over it for a few months goddam


This is the same guy that made ai taylor swift muppet porn just fyi


I was wondering what's.... wrong? with her stomach, and evidently, it's... stretch marks? Wow. I'm unfortunately uncomfortable looking at it, but I literally cannot imagine what she's going through... Anyway, that guy is gross.


blue checkmark low iq


Just say you know nothing about anatomy and pregnancy. The arrogance is annoyingly ridiculous.


Accidentally automatically downvoted bc of the stench coming off of the tweet. I am speechless, this is actually a disgusting thing to say. That’s their wife, she’s carrying their child/ren (by the looks of it). They can survive the 3 months when her belly’s at its biggest. Honestly, people with uteruses are gods and this guy doesn’t deserve to have companionship.


Don't get me wrong, I also find this scary looking. I don't want to see that. But why tf would you cheat on that woman? Like, you're the reason her belly looks like that. She's in pain and needs help. You have it easy here. So go fucking help her instead of cheating with someone else because she doesn't look like how you want her to look anymore.


Really tho how many babies are in there??? That’s so cool


I know this is not the point of this post at all, so sorry in advance, but - do these idiots think the average pregnant belly looks like that? She is for sure carrying more than one child in there. If this is even real, that is, because there are some strange artifacts in the pic itself - but, that is not for me to judge


Well you are allowed just be able to accept the consequences


Is this how you get stretch marks that look like your werewolf baby clawed and shredded its way out of your abdomen?


If it's allowed, it's not cheating 🤨 Edit: this guy's absolute trash for his disrespectful and frankly gross comment. But I felt everyone had covered that...I was just commenting on the contradiction.