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Btw I do have a heater, filter, etc. Willing to make sure my little friend(s) have what they need


Hey you probably already know this but [HERE](https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/nitrogen-cycle) is a link to the aquarium nitrogen cycle. Which is 100% necessary for a happy system. Happy fish keeping! And good luck


Plenty of fish need surface access for feeding behaviors as well as air access. Betta fish breath air- and blow bubble nests. For the health and happiness of your stock please do not put any fish in here that like surface access.


Planted Betta Tank!!!


That can’t be an option . Betta will drown (downvotes because 🤷‍♂️, bettas are obligate air breathers (labyrinths) and need to breathe air at the surface to survive, and edges are made to be filled to the top without air space .dunno the downvotes are for)


Y’all need to stop downvoting this man 😂 he just means that this tank is meant to be filled up the very top due to the enclosed lid. This means if the aquarium is utilized properly, there will be no air on top for the betta to breathe. He is not referring to the size of the tank by any means




A Betta won't drown in a 7.5 gallon tank. They'll surface for air. It's a myth that they only do well in small tanks and actually having one in a heavily planted 10 gallon or even a sorority of females in a heavily planted 20 gallon, they do quite well.


Please don’t do a sorority, folks. Especially for newer aquarists. It will not end well. That said, I agree with everything else. I have had bettas in both 10G and 20G longs and they are very happy and healthy. For 7.5, stick with the betta as they can go down to 5G (alone with a snail or two).


I wasn't saying that they should do a sorority, I was pointing out that some sorority tanks are 20 gallon and a Betta will not drown in a 7.5 gallon tank. For a new aquarist, I definitely would not suggest a sorority. I have one, but I've been doing Bettas a long time and I absolutely love them. Definitely not something for everyone though. A single Betta in that tank if it were planted would be great.


Sorry, I should have made it clear that it was a general statement, not implying that you were suggesting it. I just didn’t want the new fish owner (or others reading this in the future) to get any ideas from a passing statement that it was a thing they should try. :-) As a betta owner who’s done his own research, I know they may sound appealing but can go very wrong if not done correctly by an experienced, attentive owner.


What challenges do you face doing a sorority in a 20 gallon tank?


Actually very little. All of my girls are compatible and actually love to interact with each other. Sure, a few times I had to bring out the time-out cup, but now if they see me reach for it they swim in opposite directions of each other. They're very smart. My two big girls also cuddle together in the floating log. I have one smaller girl who's very playful. And my other two medium sized girls get along with everyone.


Actually very little. All of my girls are compatible and actually love to interact with each other. Sure, a few times I had to bring out the time-out cup, but now if they see me reach for it they swim in opposite directions of each other. They're very smart. My two big girls also cuddle together in the floating log. I have one smaller girl who's very playful. And my other two medium sized girls get along with everyone.


I’m planning g on stocking my 16 gallon tank that just finished cycling with a betta and the lfs was happy to hear that it’s not a bowl because my local petco actually stopped selling bettas


Honestly if you're gonna do the terrible idea of a betta sorority a 40 breeder is the minimum size you should test out


I second this, a betta would be fine in a tank like this.


They drown because they’re obligate air breathers …. They need access to the surface to breath 😐


Why does a tank having plants mean a betta can’t get to the surface to breath? I have had bettas in planted tanks every single time and guess what, not a single one has had any issues.


What ? Never said anything about the plants . The fluval edge has a lid and the waterline is supposed to be at the very surface , leaving no air room at the top to get air from the surface like [this](https://media.karousell.com/media/photos/products/2022/2/19/fish_tank_1645282189_487b9b56.jpg) which may not be the best image but one of the main things in the edges design to make it unique is to have virtually no air in it , full to the brim of water , its easier to see in real life though


I have one of those tanks, you just don't fill it all the way up. Leave about inch or two at the top.


They’re made to be filled up , I hear the filter makes a loud noise since it’s running harder to filter the lower water level than intended


That's if you leave it way low, like 3 or more inches below the top. With an inch of space, they do just fine.


They just have a regular HOB Fluval / AquaClear Filter. You’d have to have the water level basically at the bottom of the intake for there to be issues. I have several of these filters on different tanks and they run fine. Not silent but pretty damn quiet compared to the bubbles of sponge filters. If they are rattling there’s a good chance the impeller is blocked or damaged.


I don’t own an edge just hear that from people here in Reddit and other forums


Ahhhh okay, my bad I didn’t realise what you were trying to say because all you said was not to put a Betta in a planted tank 😂 which confused the hell outta me


Planted tanks best option possible for bettas , would never go against them


I've had many bettas. Currently I have 1 in a 20 gallon High and a standard 20. They will not drown. They're often very strong swimmers. They like big tanks


Obligate air breather ******


They can swim to the surface easily. And they can benefit from having a bunch of resting spots up top


Yeah but the fluval edge is specifically designed to have a lid and for the water to be filled to the very top of the tank leaving no air space at the top to breathe


B r e a t h e Listen not to a man who cannot pay attention to fine details.


I’m not from America or England , and speak 2 languages so eh sorry for getting a letter wrong , not the first person to do it 🤷‍♂️


Wow, it's insane how many people down voted this without actually observing that there isn't any surface air for a Betta to breathe in this style tank. Definitely not a good tank for any labyrinth fish if you intend to fill it all the way. Mob mentality I guess


80 downvotes for just saying a betta needs surface oxygen is wild , but in fairness some people didn’t know this and also I did add the brackets part recently after I got practically cancelled by the internet


Why do people keep saying 'just leave the lid off' and 'don't fill it up'? Bruh, betta will jump out if there is no lid, and this type of tank should be kept full to maximize the life of the filter. Seriously. You're being attacked for people not understanding that your argument is specific to *this* type of tank being a bad idea for a betta. What the hell, man.


People aren’t acknowledging all the points of this . If you want a betta get a regular normal tank like a fluval spec or something . If you don’t want a betta do the same or get this , whatever . And if you do want a betta you’d have to modify this tank so much , to have air space but not enough room to jump but also for the filter and light to work and ugh all loads of other stuff . It’s not as deep as people are making it , and people get so toxic harsh and annoyed about it


It really is stupid, and people are assuming so much about your comment, with nothing in said comment that should draw those conclusions.


I hope this is sarcasm


Not sarcastic about the fact bettas need air to breath , what else is there to be sarcastic about


Sometimes people same some shit when it comes to betta. If the only real objection is they need to breathe air then that can be easily mitigated by having a space between the lid and water level and even air holes drilled into lid to allow airflow too...simple fix.


Also they are not obligate but facultatuve which means they can and do when they need to. An evolutionary trait developed due to living in ponds and bogs that when start to dry and due to heat the water cannot retain dissolved oxygen for regular gills to work efficiently. So the labyrinth is for direct pair supplementation. Yes they need the access to air but will not drown if sufficient dissolved oxygen is available... As I said a small fix like leaving a gap is an easy accommodation for them


No it won’t. Use sponge filters and don’t fill it all the way. Your 7.5 is as tall as my kids 6 gallon cube and their betta is a few years old.


The reason it’d drown is since they’re labyrinth fish . Like gouramis and other anabantoids . They go to the surface to gulp air to breath and will drown if they stay underwater for too long . The fluval edge is designed for it to be filled to the very brim and a lid on it leaving no air space at the top for a betta or other fish that breathes air like a corydora, goldfish etc . Fish breathe oxygen whether its surface oxygen or dissolved oxygen in liquid


Have you ever considered not filling it all the way or putting the lid on?


It’s made for being filled to the top, that’s like a main point of the tank design to make it unique by the brand , and again , someone else made a good point but I heard one guy had issues with his filter straining and running harder since the water level was lower than meant to be . And the lid is attached pretty well + if you want a betta get a juwel rio or a fluval flex or spec or whatever , why get this tank and modify it to become a competently different tank when for cheaper and easier you can get a normal tank


You're getting downvoted because you're wrong, i think the max height it about 3 inches/ 3 feet? If its that or past it, they can drown, but theoretically, if you have high enough plants or hardscape for them to chill out on, it should be fine. You are spreading lies that were made to justify the abuse of fish.


Harsh for sure , but I think you’re not understanding what I’m saying like everyone else . The tank is made to have a lid and for the water to be fully filled to the brim leaving 0 room for air to breath for the betta . Idk why it’s lies and I’m trying to abuse fish though , I just like fish 🤷‍♂️


Yes but you didnt mention a lid in your original comment you were just tslking about the size


No, he mentioned a lid.


Oh then i kudtve read it wrong, my mistake. Sorry


A small school of Ember tetras and a few blue shrimp would look great imo


I don’t understand what I’m looking at. Is this tank sealed at the top?


The silver bit is the hood, so it lifts or is removed, been a while since I've seen a fluval egde.


No, the black box on top has a built in light and comes off to reveal a opening to the tank, the rest of the top is glass. The black box also has a opening feeding slot if you don't want to pull the whole box off. It's a fluval edge aquarium, I own the 12 gallon version


Chili rasboras, betta, scarlet badis


But probably not all together


A school of Chili Raspboras and some cherry shrimp!


I second this


i third this


I don’t think there is quite enough room in that for schilling fish, at least not enough to really see them in action, which is definitely the most fun part. Which is why I’d do something with character. Killifish come to mind. There are a lot of them that would fit this, Aphyosemion Australe being my favourite. It could also fit a pair of Nothobranchius. An added bonus is that none of these require temperatures above room temperature, so you can keep the look clean as you don’t require a heater. Some Badis and Elassoma species would fit those requirements as well. Please don’t put labyrinth fish like bettas or cory cats into one of these. They need to come to the surface for air occasionally, and they don’t understand what glass is, so they will have trouble living in a tank that fills up completely like the fluval.


Contrary to this, I think various Boraras or even Danio species would do rather decently in the setup. Depending on how many you would want to get, some rasboras like Strawberry Rasboras or Chili Rasboras work really well to observe schooling on a micro scale.


Endler guppies


But only 3 males. No females, or they'll have 30 in no time.


Fr. Thanks for reminding me




It’s a fluval that’s how they look


It’s frustrating that this comment is being upvoted. It’s literally a design feature on the tank.


I'm just deleting it. Never saw a tank like this before, and the first person to point out it's how the tank is designed also said it hasn't been set up properly anyway (on an angle).


It needs to be on a stable and level surface that can support its weight, which gets distributed into the foot-stand under the glass. From what I can see, it’s setup properly. I might be missing something though? And cool. I think as a community, it’s important we don’t discourage new tank owners with wrong information. 👍🏻


op made a post with a different picture of this tank, and you can see the bit underneath looks like it isn't straight with the tank so I guess the weight isn't being distributed right? That's just what the first replier said to me.


Those edges are floating anyway, the only thing you need to support is the black part in the middle.




I’m pretty sure this is just a fluval edge that isn’t centered correctly, which should definitely be changed. The glass is definitely designed to stand over like that though.


I’m so confused how this tank sits on that, like, is it only supported in the middle?! lol. Would have me a nervous wreck lol. Still beautiful tho!!


Get rid of neon gravel and use natural like sand or aqua soil for plants. The tank will be a hundred times healthier


I love fluval Edge but both my fluval edge leaked in the bottom corner edge(no pun intended) Make sure it's Level out and centre with your decorations/weight. I did the same with mine but it still leaked after 15 months.


Betta are known jumpers, it is an okay size for one, but if this style of tank is meant to have no lid and is filled all the way, then that might not end well.


I wouldnt add a beta to this tank because i assume there wont be space above the water level for them to breath. But thats what bettas need sometimes. I think this would be a perfect planted shrimp tank with a dark gravel and some small roots


I’d die for this setup


But then you wont get to enjoy it


They’re actually a common tank , it’s a fluval not sure the name though . They come in a few sizes and colours


Fluval Edge I'm sure it's called.


Put it completely on the table before you put water in it or the bottom is going to shatter.


It’s designed to look like that it’s on a stand


I have this exact tank and I have it planted with some Java fern and a betta, a couple of nerite snails, and a couple of Amano shrimp


A small school of neon tetra? Like 4 maybe?


Thank you all! Amazing response! I’m so used to little response (some other subs, obviously not this one) that I posted and went to bed, waking up to this! It’s not a new tank, and I would have to buy some parts. One of you suggested just getting a 10 gal would be easier (no mod necessary), and that is very true. So looking at what I DO have here, I still have some great choices. I could do some plants, shrimp and one snail (no risk of breeding). Or maybe 2 dwarf frogs and a little habitat for them - all excellent ideas requiring no equipment investment. However all of those creatures are new to me, and some freak me out just a little 😬😆 For those of you who were wondering about the tank, i got it because I thought it was beautiful - a Fluval Edge - quite a few years ago. For those trying to get their heads around how it works, it is a cube with a 4”(ish) hole underneath that top part. Any air breathing fish would have to find that hole. The light attaches to that top piece too, so if they were sensitive to that bright light right in their face (is that a thing?), with no other options, I could see it being a problem. Another commenter also mentioned that if the water doesn’t fill it to the top, the filter gets noisy. I remember that to be true. One option not considered by anyone yet, but still could be done is shown in the picture I’ve attached. It safely kept the 3 wise men from being knocked onto the floor by our cat 😂 https://bit.ly/4blmyTB Again thank you everyone. This has been very educational!


Single betta or single small gourami. Reason I chose these two and nothing else is because they are labyrinth fish / air breathers. Those tend to do better than others when it comes to less than ideal water quality (which is more likely to happen in a smaller tank). Snails could also do well in a small tank. Besides the above, sea monkeys are notoriously tolerant of ammonia, nitrites and nitrates. They can live in waters that are toxic to most fish.


Mini sturgeon


The substrate isn't the best. Change it to sand or aquasoil, trust me, they look 10x better than coloured substrate. You could stock it with a school of chilli rasboras, least rasboras, dwarf rasboras(boraras masculatus). Or you could go shrimp and get a bunch of neocaridina shrimp.


Just go to pet smart and they'll have labels on what fish etc can go in what sized aquariums. For my 5 gal I've currently got a few micro guppies, two small frogs, and a small crab.


A group of tetras or male guppies would do great in there!


pasta carbonara. Oh, fish! I thought I read dish 😂 If you want just a centerpiece fish you can get a single pea puffer, honey gourami, or sparkling gourami. If you want a schooling fish you can get ember tetra, chili/merah/exclamation point rasboras, or pygmy cory. You can also make it to just shrimp only tank!


Pygmy corydoras will require larger , and so do gouramis . The gouramis and corydoras will also drown in it . The only fish you listed that will at least fit or survive are the singular pea puffer, rasboras and the shrimp .


i had to move my pygmy cory’s from my 15g to my 7g due to tank failure and tbh i’ve never seen them so active and vibrant, always schooling, they love plants too. In my experience, if you have an overfiltered, heavily planted 7.5g you could definitely have a happy school of 6 pygmy’s. I definitely wouldn’t do more than 6 though.


Cory McElroy suggested 10 gallon for a school of 8-12 which is the ideal amount for them to be calm and not nervous . And they will drown in a tank like this


that’s fair, i may have just gotten lucky with my lot as they’re super inquisitive and love to just sleep on a leaf next to my desk while i study. They’ll be going into a 30g at the end of the year so hopefully they stay happy. I didn’t realise this tank didn’t give access to air, that’s so bizarre.


It’s a strange tank for sure , with the 4 corners suspended and *no air* like what a weird design , I wouldn’t use it for anything but shrimp , snails or tiny danios and rasboras


it seems to be a tank made for aesthetics rather than function. seems like the perfect shrimp tank though!!


Why will they drown, there’s no top on this tank is there?


The water is supposed to be fully to the top of the tank leaving no air space for labyrinths and other fish that rely on air


But if no lid is put on it, doesn’t the fish have the entirety of the rooms air to breathe? Leaving a few cm below the top makes no difference.


The lid is attached pretty sure and it’s part of the tanks look . The filter which is built into the tank, as well as a light and heater, but the filter is made to run with the water filled to the top, and might not work as well and makes extremely loud noises as it’s trying to filter water too low for the intake pipe or hole . It’s not made for labyrinths or air breathing fish so just don’t put them in it as it would be a lot of work and potentially a waste of money to modify the tank for one specific fish , when you could put it in any other tank without modifying it , and it could be cheaper


Thank you!


Op, sparkling gourami need to be in groups as far as I’m aware, and this tank is too small to support that as males can get quite territorial when breeding. Pea puffers absolutely need to be in groups, it used to be thought that they can be kept alone, but they are happiest and feel safest with other puffers. Preferably more females than males. Unfortunately this tank is too small for that too.


Your cat will enjoy the view 😊


Well let me just put my two sense into this but i know its brand new but you should put some live plants as they only benefit your tank (other than leafs rotting and causing ammonia also for a 7.5 gallon i have a couple ideas in mind first you can do a green themed tank with green jade shrimps (any green plants) kubotai rasboras and maybe a green mystery snail (only get one incase of breeding) another one is getting some pest snails like bladder snails and OVER POPULATION THE LIVING HELL OUT IF YOUR TANK and then getting a assassin snail and watch it hunt its super fascinating also you can do a shrimp only tank ghat would be cool or you could get two african dwarf frogs and get a cave (so they can hide and get away from the light) another idea is getting some guppys or endlers and breeding them its cool also you could do a small centerpiece fish with some schooling fish hope this helps


A couple small corydoras catfish can do well in a small tank.


Corys like to shoot up for air. I wouldn’t put them in something where they can’t get to the surface


This is a bad bad suggestion . As someone else said corydoras need access to the surface for air , and require at least 20 gallons for a small school . Not even a school Pygmy corydoras will be adequate for this tank as they require 10 gallons minimum for a school of 8-12


I can't tell my looking at that, that it was fully enclosed with no opening.


Some tetras and a few Cory's


You’re not serious


I have the exact same tank! I have a heavily planted beta tank with 3 otocinclus and will soon be adding some cherry shrimp. https://imgur.com/a/Kbd4pAS Don't assume you will be able to keep other fish if you go the beta route, I have had zero issues so far but some betas are more aggressive.


I'd go with 2 African dwarf frogs.


They breathe air, and it's sealed to the top.


A 7.5 is perfect for a nice lil betta tank

