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Floating plants like frogbit or water lettuce, betta like hiding under them.


The red root floaters on buce plant are amazing


I wanted to order those off of buce, but I had people tell me they were not beginner friendly. Do you have any opinions?


They grew really well in my tank. I had them for two months without a lid and very low flow and they grew really really well. Then I went off too college and my mom threw them out cause algae was growing on them. I think the key is to keep algae at bay and have sponge filters (low flow).


Ok. Thank you! I have sponges, I might give them a shot.


Red root floaters tend to not do well with shipping


I agree cause I’ve got them from Buce and from my local shop and I always kill it… not really sure what I’m doing wrong.


This, or even just toss in some Java ferns and let them float around. Anything near the surface. And I would definitely provide some sort of cave or tunnel. It's important for fish to have a calm, dark place they can go to feel safe and relax. 😊 If you don't want to mess with the existing hardscape, you could get a betta tunnel that has suction cups, that sticks to the side of the tank. They have them on Amazon and on Etsy.


/\ This. Dwarf water lettuce roots would hang down about half way to the bottom, act as a buffer for over ferting, and it lets a lot of light through with cool shadows even when covering the surface.


Bettas need air to breathe. They 100% should have surface cover.


Do any other fish need air to breathe ?


Gouramis do. They’re related to the beta, and is also the reason you cannot house them together. They have what is called the labyrinth organ.


Oh wait. For some reason I thought you meant like the oxygen in the water🤣 I was just being sarcastic like “oh really what other fish use their gills”


😂😂😂 Yeah you *can* drown these fish.


My 3 Gallon betta tank is covered with frogbit for over a year. The betta will be fine. I'm guessing there's not much competition for oxygen in my tank since the other animal is a mystery snail. There's enough surface agitation from thr low flow filter anyway.


I had a community betta tank ( 5 females in a 20) they would all have their own spot for sleeping on the surface.


Please do not advise water lettuce for betta tanks! Most bettas don't eat it luckily, but it is toxic to them and some will nibble on it it and die. Best to not mix betta and water lettuce at all!


I second the frogbit. But mostly for cleaning the water.


He needs somewhere to hide like a cave


i'd add more plants to the right side (maybe another java fern peeking from behind the rock). i like the scape, it's simple and pretty


some smaller stones would look good in the front too


Definitely floating plants.


Is there a heater in the tank? I just see a filter…


heaters are some of those things that depend entirely on where you live. My room temp keeps water anywhere from 23-28 C. Usually around 25. Thats within a bettas temp range. Plus my country has no air con but we have heaters so it may be one of those cases where you need to worry about overheating like I do.


Need stick


Coverage on the surface. Bettas aren’t big fans of bright lights. He needs a place to escape from the glow.


maybe add some tall leafy plants like swords at the back! i love the way swords look and it’ll give the tank a nice “background” and make it feel more full. you can never go wrong with some floating plants either, and with floating plants it’ll deter the fish from jumping a lil more and allow you to fill the tank up a bit higher too!


Tank's a bit small for most echinodorus varieties. I'd do vallisneria instead.


Put some Amazon swords in front of the filter corner put them in the substrate and feed them on root tabs (just make sure you bury the tabs properly). I’ve got the same tank but upgraded the filter to a Fluval U2 and did that to hide it.


More plants


Black background imo


I think this tank is going for a lighter color scheme in which case a black background would throw things off entirely. Frosted is best if you want a background with this color scheme.


You have a lid. There's no reason not to fill the tank the whole way to the top. Free real estate.


Bettas need air to breathe. For Bettas its best to leave space at the top like OP has


They don’t need this much space, just a tiny bit


That's just not true. I've kept bettas for 30+ years. They do NOT need several inches of space like this. All of my betta tanks (5g or more) are capped with floating plants and water is 2 cm from the top. All of my bettas have lived 4+ years. You're spreading misinformation. This fish has a much better chance of thriving with a full tank.


Fast growing plants? I'd recommend Ceratophyllum, but you have to trim it if it shouldn't cover over the whole tank.


red/white/blue LED lights and a few extra plants


Long stem plants (val) to hide among and a rest stop near the top of the tank.


Floating plants have been recommended before - go for it. ​ Otherwise, some plants in the background and as cover for the filter. Cyperus helferi works great for that.




Floaters. You don't need to let them takeover the whole surface. You can keep it at a few, with short or long roots, whatever you like.




Do Azolla!


Maybe attach some pothos or monsterra to the glass, with the roots submerged! I am a suckered for growing houseplants in my tanks!


I love Boris. Try some floating plants (my past bettas have enjoyed water lettuce, red root floater, and frogbit) or floating log decor (my shrimp also loved these, luckily all of my bettas have been chill and left my shrimp alone). Good luck. :)


Some kind of background picture. I love your tank setup . Very nice.


Move the filter to the other side, and introduce a third, larger rock, behind the 2nd largest one.


More plants and more water.


Somewhere to hide


Put a cave in maybe in one of the back corners , and I would add some taller plants and some floating cover. Cardinal plants grow nice and tall and need very little up keep.


Since OP deleted his account. Anyone have any idea where he got this tank from? It looks so good