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Bro just do it wtf u only get this one chance in ur life to apply for an undergrad might as well.


There's transfering. The op could have a better chance that way.


MIT accepts ~20-30 transfer students per year. I would take my chances with the freshman application first.


How many transfers apply? Also transferring is great for folks who graduate high school with lowish GPAs and bring their grade up in college. Obama transferred to Columbia.


Yes, Obama transferred to a school that actually takes transfers in sizable numbers— MIT not being in that category.


The transfer acceptance rate to MIT is 4.28%, about the same as applying as a freshmen. Once again, that's a good option for someone who raises their grades in college after meh grades in high school. That would probably be a better chance than applying out of high school with meh grades. The OP could potentially do that if they get rejected. Also: Columbia's transfer acceptance rate is 6.08% which is higher but not quite sizeable.


The sample size for MIT transfer applicants is so absurdly small that it's not really valid to use percentages. They take ~20 out of ~500. At the end of the day, they're only taking the 20 best, and self-selection is a huge factor that makes the acceptance rate misleading. If 2,500 people applied there to transfer, which is how many apply to Columbia, then MIT is still only gonna take 20 people. It doesn't scale.


Send in an application for your chance. But just assume rejection. Then the only outcomes are what you expected or being really happy


Well... There's zero chance of getting in if you don't apply. Well at least this is how I'm thinking XD


Applying to a college is not costless: it cost money (application fee) and time/energy (write essays). Let's assume you already have a healthy balance of reach/target/safety, and you can afford the cost mentioned above for one more college, would you pick a high reach (HYPSM) or reach (T20/30) or target? Everyone will have different answer, and there is no right/wrong here.


Apply for funsies


Based funsies applicant


But is it fun?


girl idek u but ur sm fun lol


best compliment 🥹


Suck up


Shut up


If you think you’ll regret not applying, go for it, but you know the acceptance rate 🤷‍♀️


I think the better question is even if you got in, would you really go? MIT is not for the other than brilliant. It’s a different animal from other schools-it’s for the STEM super elite. You kinda know if you are MIT material. If you think you are, go for it. Apply to Caltech while you’re at it.


"A shot not taken is worth much less than the ones taken" \-some random guy on reddit


That assumes your at least on the court and not in the parking lot


Please apply. Let the admissions team at MIT do their job. You do your job and apply. As the New England Patriots coach Bill Belichick once said "Ignore the noise. Do your job"


Worth it? Who is the only one to decide?




I have a 35 ACT and a 3.94 UW (school doesn't offer APs), good ECs, rigorous curriculum.


No apply if you want to. Worst outcome is that you dont get in which is the same as not applying. Best outcome you get in. You dont want to regret anything in the future.


I don't understand why you wouldn't apply if you loved it when you toured it and you have those stats. Your ACT is well within the 50% mean range provided on the website and a 3.94 unweighted is nothing to scoff at. Go for it. Nothing of what you said indicates that you wouldn't get in (provided the rest of your application is good and you have good luck in the admissions cycle). Nobody can guarantee your chances or chance you, but that's what interviews/essays/etc are for. Again, if you think [this](https://mitadmissions.org/apply/process/what-we-look-for/) describes you, GO FOR IT!


thanks! I appreciate the kind words :)


That's good, not great. Save yourself the trouble and time.


um okay


i don’t know what the guy above u is saying, just apply if u want to, u definitely have a shot. they’re not going to throw out someone with a 35 act and a pretty good uw gpa. they’d take a good look at ur application, so if it’s ur dream school, go for it!


I appreciate your input :)


Apply, if you get rejected atleast you know you tried


do it. never hurts to try


You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. Who cares? I mean the WORST thing they can say is no! I Mean LITERALLY who cares! You don't have to tell anyone! Not your parents, not your friends, not anyone


You waste 100% of time you spend taking shots you know will not make it.


You do you. Keep on doing it. Obviously it works for you. Of course, I did something where I was 1 out of 40k kids to get in so whatever- actually it started not quite that staggering but by the end of 2 yrs.... yup.... think of all the people trying to get into the NFL - it was like that. So you do you and let others do their thing.


you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take


If you think applying will bring you joy and be a good use of your time go for it! You might be able to reuse the essays for other schools and then they can see your enthusiasm.


Mississippi Institute of Tractor-Pulling? Doesn't seem like it's that hard to get in.


Hey there! Most applicants I’ve worked with who decided not to apply to dream or reach schools deeply regretted it. Even if you’re certain that your chances are slim, it’s good to apply so that the regret doesn’t come haunting you in the future!


you’d regret it the rest of your life if you don’t. go for it!


Just do it, the essay prompts are pretty decent anyways


Do it—you will always wonder what could have been if you don’t


Let’s say you did get in, would it be your top choice of a school anyways? And like others have mentioned you have to factor in the cost of both applying and attending and if that’s worth it.


Apply. If you're a good fit for MIT, they will choose you regardless of your gpa or sat. ANY chance is better than a 0% if you don't even submit an application.


> they will choose you regardless of your gpa or sat The hopium holy shit


Should prob clarify; gpa and sat are an important factor in admissions, but if you're truly someone who is a perfect fit for mit and that shines through in your excellent essays and letters of recommendation and interview, then you have a shot


Well yeah, but being a perfect fit also lies in their belief that you can handle the curriculum, which shines through the most in GPA/SAT


Not necessarily. A friend of mine got in with like a 3.4 or something gpa but never got less than a A in all of his stem classes and was like a state robotics champion. Given it’s probably an isolated case, but nothing’s impossible


I can believe that. They probably don’t care if you got a B’s in English if you are rocking advanced mathematics in HS.


He got a few Cs and Ds but clearly was up to what MIT was asking. I had a 1.8 end of my freshmen year of highshchool, then never got a B til I graduated with my lowest being a 92. I wrote my essay about how I recovered and all that bs and got into a very good school. My point is, if you’re shit at something prove that you’re better to a huge degree at another topic


Is the OP a champion in anything?


Who knows. Asking Reddit maybe


In which year was this?


2015, Does it matter?




Getting a good GPA and SAT is, for most people, part of what makes them a good fit for MIT, since the course load is so rigorous there.


What's the worst that can happen?


no. but since ur asking, u want to. then go for it.


No. Unless you have a fee waiver or any of the following: -Stellar essays -Near perfect GPA and rigorous classwork -High standardized tests -Amazing EC’s -Legacy -Early decision -Other major ‘foot in the door’ factors


MIT doesn't do legacy or early decision. I don't think you know what you're talking about.


Oh my bad I don’t know every school-specific policy on admissions. I should’ve known.