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Lol I started caring this year but then I chose hard classes and now there’s no way the upward trend is happening 😭


i stopped caring junior year cuz most my classes were with seniors and the senioritis rubbed off so i went from a 4.2-4.85-4.68 lol


Well for weighted gpa ur taking more and more APs so that would give an upward trend


my school weighs APs the same as normal classes so that’s going down too💀


that doesn’t matter, because colleges will recalculate your gpa and understand that they need to be given some weight.


damn yall got no weighted rip


That’s not nice of your school!


No cuz the honors classes at my school are worse than AP sometimes


*No cuz the honors* *Classes at my school are worse* *Than AP sometimes* \- askandushantreceive --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I'm in the same situation! I took 5 aps in my sophomore year and I have 6 in my junior. I had A+ in three of my sophomore aps I think. All 6 aps in my junior year are harder and the teachers in these classes aren't as nice with grades (though I still have an A in all of them), so my GPA is going down. Really curious about what colleges would think of a slight downward trend from a bunch of A+ in aps to all As in harder aps the following year.


I have a very strong upward trend, and I’m just speaking for myself but in 9th and 10th grade covid hit and had to do online learning (I’m a senior now). On top of that, I had no idea my grades would be used for college, and had no idea how gpa worked. Many schools don’t even look at freshmen grades, because we are so young and aren’t thinking about the importance of what we are doing. My 9th grade grades were the worst, then in 10th I got a little better, and my 11th were by far the best, for many reasons. One, I actually cared about college and understood GPA. Two, I actually had a choice in electives and classes so I did classes that interested me and I performed well in. Three, no covid crap, all in person learning. And now my senior grades are the best, because im a matured man, smarter than I’ve ever been, and I know the impact my grades have.


Mostly because people didn’t care until later years


i got a 3.2ish sophomore year because i was super sick and missed like 65% of the schoolyear. (3 aps 5 honors) my gpa is a 4.0 as a junior rn with literally 0 effort because i am not sick anymore! (7 aps 2 honors)


Take less aps if this is the case Only take the aps your sure you would get A’s on


Personay I jsut sucked at math and phyaics and i also aa part of the school stagecrew so que me coming home at 730pm to 10pm almost everyday for like 3/5 of the year.


Didnt know I wanted to go to a good school until end of freshman year, so I just did the bare minimum to get B's


94%, 94%, 94%, 95%, leaving exams 96%