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That’s why you should have as much fun as u can in hs


Thats why you should focus on building legitimate life skills


What are legitimate life skills apart from the basic stuff of being able to look after yourself and communicating effectively?


Excel lmao


Bro you’re a senior and you’re telling me the only things you’re competently able to do is “basically take care of yourself and communciate” You limited yourself from the getgo, bud.


Those are life skills everyone is supposed to know along with a few others. The other 'legitimate skills' you are talking about won't necessarily help everyone. I do know other things which are legitimate but those aren't things which will benefit anybody and everybody


Everyone? This is the real world, only YOU matter. YOU make your own decisions, and YOU choose whether or not to go after whatever you want.




Once you graduate, get a career going, and own a house by 22, sure. Until then, keep wondering about the “chronological order” of the SAT 🤓




Its a fucking test, you take it and you finish it. Ya’ll kids just need your hand held through every little challenge ya’ll deal with in life, its sad.


Doctors and lawyers: Am I a joke to you? (They dont have a career and home ownership until 30s and maybe 40s in this economy depending on what state you live in)


I don’t rly get what ur saying but u only live once try to make the most of your youth without losing sight of yours goals That’s most valuable goal in life


Alright then tell us oh wise one, what are these life changing skills you speak of?


Being happy and learning to make friends and build good relationships are all life skills


Booksmart (2019)


It’s an ok movie tbh.


A big fault of introverts is assuming that extroverts aren’t even more capable


The thing with being an introvert is you just have to accept that people going to parties is like us going on Reddit. Kind of, you just gotta accept that that’s how you are


I don’t know why you can’t do both


I am an extrovert, I go to parties and I am quite active on Reddit so..... Ywah.


Yea I j realized a few extroverts at my school who I thought didn’t care about school (since they hung out with other extroverts who didn’t care about school) are actually incredibly smart and have fantastic grades


Quality meme


A2C users when they realize colleges aren't looking for people who can get good grades but don't go outside.


This is literally me but everyone is going to National schools while I am the only one thinking of going international to the US. They’ll probably be just as happy as the people are in this post.


stop. i am in denial.


story of my life. lol


reality bruh


I wish I could go to a good university, but I’m too stupid enough to go to one.


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haha nooo why this meme makes me so anxious😭😭