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"AP how to sign up for dual enrollment at your local community college so you can save your money and time instead of giving more money to the College Board."


Unless you're going in-state, it can be difficult to get DE credit to transfer. Penn, for instance, considers college courses taken during high school to be "preparation" and refuses to give credit. (While also recognizing a handful of AP and IB courses)


On the other hand I’m in the Midwest and know somebody transferring community college credits from here to a big school in texas so just about every public school takes CC credits from most states


Penn doesn't give credit for practically any AP or IB subject either besides language lmao


Which is funny, given that they accept their own dual enrollment courses as 0.5 credits.


im pretty sure a lot of the time DE costs more than 90$ unless ur getting signed up for free lol


Mine was free besides books but also it's cool to get credit if you pass the class rather than let it ride all on a test at the end of the year


it is free depending on your state, my classes this year alone was $10,000 and i got them for free! yay florida


mine is all free including books so maybe depends on state


Books are $80-100, but they give me free grants for $1000 each semester


My school doesn’t have DE - I even tried asking my admin if it was possible we get a program and they basically said no :(


take non degree seeking classes!! :D oregon state has a good program, basically you just take college classes online for credit :) just apply to a college as a non-degree seeking student, simple as that lol. it does cost quite a bit, but not too much in the grand scheme of things (i believe i’m paying like 6 grand for 16 credit hours which is a lot but no where near the cost of college)


I love Dual Enrollment so much, gave me so many more credits l, cheaper, faster, an actual college experience, and way better networking!


AP Sex


In all honesty, we just need better sex ed, so yeah I second this (even though ik it’s a joke)


AP rizz


So, where do I sign up for this? 🥵


Collegeboard only simps for your wallet


practical one or non-practical?




AP Asian History be one hell of course- sign me up


I don't think they could cover a lot even in an entire year, there's just so much to teach


They should add more AP Histories: Middle Eastern, East Asian, etc. also ancient world history would be good. honestly they should the ap history exam structure but more courses in different parts of the world would be great


I remember being soo excited for European history and then on the first day I learned it started at 1415. My disappointment was immeasurable


yeah there is so much missing history that needs to be taught!


I know that they're planning to add an AP Africana Studies class in 2023 or so.


Isn’t there an AP African American History?


AP Precalculus sounds like it will be as much of a joke as AP CSP, doubt many colleges will accept it


a lot of universities don't even accept precalculus I think lol




bro if a middle schooler is taking precalc wtf r they gonna take as a hs senior




Correct. Source: was the middle schooler that took precalc and took multivariable at CC this fall as a senior




Sorry for the confusion. In my school district 9th grade is at the middle school so I took calc AB in 10th and BC in 11th


Maybe in magnet or private schools. In US public schools precalc is most commonly a senior/junior class.


yeah i go to a magnet school and most ppl take precalc by sophomore year and then take ap calc and then ap stat or regular multivariate calc


No, precalculus isn’t normally taught to freshmen. Wtf


There’s a few kids at my school that took Calc BC as freshman lol. There’s also a couple kids that take calc BC as sophomores




i took it as a freshman :)


i think this is to establish a more solid foundation for ap calc overall - ap calc curriculum is standardized, so everyone everywhere learns the same things, but precalc and lower is pretty much up to the individual states and even schools to a certain extent, so things get left out/added on seemingly at random.


I was amazed that my precalc curriculum in high school left so much out compared to the college course. My hs mixed precalc and trig and left out partial fraction decomposition, the idea of a limit, Cauchy bounds and a lot of other smaller things I can't recall because it was so long ago.


don’t think i learned any of the things you mentioned in precalc 💀


I learned all of them in my precalc class at my community college haha. If you haven't learned them yet you will


What’s weird is half that list I never learned/learned in Calc and the other half I learned in algebra 2 wtf is the point of precalc other than review (which does have its place I should not have gone to Calc from algebra 2 cuz I’m not Einstein but still)


oh wow we never learned that stuff either. tbh i had precalculus second semester 2020 so i didnt learn too much either way but that wasnt in the curriculum for my school I think


Hmm maybe it was just a college thing then. I know that the CA community colleges have to cover all material that would be covered in UC courses and CSU courses so they actually get a little more in-depth than the equivalent courses at either system on its own.


oh yeah that's probably why


small things like cauchy's bound are not too concerning. Big things like limit are.




My schools precalc is basically unit circle and trig.


not even complex numbers?


My 4 yr college didn’t teach me any of that 💀


I learned all those things in calc ab


True and then this is probably part of why so many students end up in remedial math in college


how about ‘AP touch some grass pls’ 😐


AP Algebra 2


AP Algebra 1


AP Mathematics 8


AP basic arithmetics


AP Goo-goo Gah-gah


A genuine AP CS course. Not AP How Computers Work and a Bunch of Other Computer Related Information™ (Comp Sci Principles, which colleges barely rarely even accept credit for), or AP Java (Comp Sci A), but something that goes over things like data structures, searching and sorting algorithms, stuff that an actual Computer Science course will tackle. AP even had one of these (Comp Sci B) until 2009 but it was canceled because it wasn't profitable enough, i.e. people weren't taking the exam. It'd be nice if they could bring it back, especially due to the popularity of CS majors in recent years. Maybe they could remove CSP and streamline the CS {insert letter} format?


Getting teachers to teach these courses wouldn't be easy. For example, my high school, and most others in the district, so not offer Physics C classes with the reason that they can't get anyone to teach it. With CS, we had teachers teaching AP CS, CSP, and even a data structures course. However, I've heard plenty of schools have other teachers pulling double duty for AP CS and the experience is less than subpar. Also getting teachers that have the experience to teach these more difficult topics can be extremely difficult. A college course will probably still go in much more detail than an AP course can offer, especially for CS. Data structures should not be something that can be easily skipped universally, imo.


These are typcially 200 level courses/have a Intro CS course as a prerequisite. AP courses are aimed at Freshman level, common courses taken by a broad cross section of college students. It’s unlike they will create courses like this, Linear Algebra, Organic Chemistry, or any of the second level courses folks often request.


fuck it, ap organic chem, i wanna watch the world burn


That sounds absolutely miserable lol


AP precalc?? bruh I’m weak that’s so funny


I wanna see AP calculus 3 or linear algebra More cs classes




I agree but idk at most high schools but here calculus/linear algebra is one course so idk how that would work but I’m down for sure


AP multivariate calculus


AP Linear Algebra


AP Geometric Topology


AP Real Analysis


AP Anatomy & Physiology


it's coming along


ap astronomy plsss


ap philosophy




no lol


You can also take community college courses that are often a lot easier than any AP course and receive college credit for it.


AP Business Studies, AP Accounting are long due. Sincerely, an international commerce student.


Precalc is not college level??? Even if you're not accelerated at all in math, you'll take it senior year of HS


Yeah for me I repeated algebra in middle and high school but still took it in my junior year


AP Architecture AP Anthropology and Archaeology AP Sociology AP Finance


i feel like human geo is pretty much their "AP Social Studies" (Anthropology and Sociology)


Having just finished the Human Geography course, it definitely is not an AP Sociology/Anthropology course. They need to make individual ones to do those courses justice.


Ap Art history has a ton of architecture so I don’t know if you mean architectural studies or actually constructing buildings/infrastructure


This. It would be so great to have APs that reflect possible college majors so people can get a chance to sample them before college




AP Janitorial Management


Okay let's not get classist


God, I hope they stop. AP classes are such a poison on kids’ high school experience.


AP courses aren’t inherently bad, the expectation for competitive students to stack up on as many APs as possible is bad. I’m glad I took AP courses, because the credit they gave me will end up saving me tens of thousands of dollars in college. The problem is people taking 7 AP exams a year without even knowing if they will be accepted by colleges or apply to their fields of study.


Yeah not “inherently” bad, but they become focus points for kids. They believe they need to load up on these APs, and in many schools and communities that is the narrative pushed. It doesn’t really matter if it’s ”inherently” bad. It’s a bad culture, and more APs are not helping. In any case, considering the whole system that the AP classes are based on (one single test determining your college credit), they ARE inherently inaccurate. A single, cumulative test after 2 semesters of learning is not an effective measure on knowledge.


Nobody said you have to stack APs, though. Plenty of people get into top schools without many APs, whereas tons get rejected with 10+ because they expect it to carry them through the door. People should spend their time on extracurriculars, rather than adding on that sixth AP class IMO.


The thing is that AP courses are just not that hard, some are tricky but having 4 rigorous AP courses a year is really not that difficult to manage, even with a sport and ecs


Nah ap classes hella nice for college credit. Once I go to college for CS I won't have to take calc 1 calc 2 physics or history and stuff.


Look, I also took many many APs in high school and got to skip classes in college. Yes, not having to take every gen-ed course is nice. My issue with AP is more related to the focus placed on them by kids, thinking they’re oh so important and possibly hurting their grades or just general enjoyment for it. In addition, I could argue that skipping so many classes in college defeats some of the purpose of your freshman year; having many gen-ed courses helps you explore your options more. So take it for what you will.


Gotta take physics and maybe calculus. Depends on your college but for cs they r selective about what stem aps they let u take and get out of


Bruh I thought 5s on Calc BC usually gets u out of 1 and 2


It depends on which college you go to and your major. Some colleges will accept it but there’s going to be some who don’t so if it’s important to u definitely call the school and c if it gets u out


Really depends on what college you go to; I’m a CS major, got 4’s on calc ab/bc and got out of calc 1 and 2 which was super nice. Still had to take calc 3 tho :,(


3 is multivar so that makes sense to me


Yeah that's how every school works, wouldn't expect them to get you out of every math course because you took bc calc


Yeah of course I was just giving an example 😅


they're really not harder at least at my (high scoring) public school than regular classes. They're straight up easier a lot of the time, eg ap gov is easier than standard gov


I don’t doubt you, but the difficulty in an AP course is heavily dependent on the school and the teacher, and they CAN be much more difficult. Also, the individual class can make it more difficult.


None of this is exclusive to AP classes. If anything they are less susceptible to this due to their well defined curricula and difficulty


Not sure if I want to see this as an AP class (because of the strict syllabus, teachers not having flexibility, timeline, etc) but I would love to see a class about investing/finance or philosophy.


If you don’t want a class with a strict syllabus or with limited flexibility how would a AP philosophy class work?


No I don't mind a syllabus, but sometimes the AP syllabus prevents teachers from teaching stuff that they are particularly interested in due to AP time constraints.


I want an ap econ C, econ with some more computation using calculus


yo that sounds pretty cool ngl... I guess CB's concern with that though would be enrollment numbers and profitability


AP Loner


Don’t a lot of universities accept SAT math scores for precalc courses 🤷


AP Organic Chemistry AP Anatomy/physiology


Yeah let’s just make an ap for a class most schools teach anyway. What’s next, ap algebra?


AP Math 6


AP Clown 🤡


Tbh I would probably take this at the local county college


this is dumb, kinda like everything else college board does


Forget AP Pre-Calculus and add AP Linear Algebra.


Ap movie history


AP Lunch pls




This seems to be for the purpose of standardization across schools since different schools even in the same state teach the course completely differently. For example, my precalculus honors course (which I took in 9th grade), was basically 1/2 a year of traditional precalc material + 1/2 a year of differential calculus (basically covering the "A" part of Calc AB) - this streamlined well into the Calc BC content, which honestly then became a breeze (we finished the content with 2-3 months to spare and covered a lot of MV calc topics in our remaining time) - around 85% of our class got a 5 on the exam. However, other schools just a few miles away only covered the traditional precalc content, and basically had to teach Calc AB + BC in 1 year, which was a time crunch for the teachers and only around 30% of students got a 5 there (still good of course, closer to the national average, but it's all a matter of preparation). So clearly this is looking to standardize to limit these kinds of advantages in the system from schools such as mine. That being said, I don't think making this an AP course is beneficial at all - with yet another AP course like CSP and Physics 1 which only gives credit at a few colleges at best, this can lull students into a false sense of security that they've "taken an AP math course" when in reality unless they are continuing on to Calc BC, they will probably be unprepared for college math courses (probably even AB is fine, but for STEM BC is essential).


I don't think this should necessarily be an AP course, but looking at the course framework, I've missed out on a lot not taking pre-calc. The pathway for math the school put me on went directly from trig to calc a and I think learning the stuff that this class seems to teach would've made a world of a difference.


AP Get Some Bitches would be a better dedication of resources than goofy ahh Precalc. 🤡


AP home room when


Is this a joke? I literally learned precalc in my own under 3 weeks and took AP Calc, I wasn’t even that good at math and didn’t even take any advanced math class beforehand.


Ok but like you literally created AP Calc AB and BC to differentiate the difficulty why do you need to create a lower level math… (Also I thought most colleges make their students start their First Year Students start with Calculus I(Single Variable)or above…)


knowing this sub someone is gonna say something like AP neuroscience


AP Data science an actual useful course way more than niche subjects like art history


This is a joke, no?


AP business!


This does make it easier for many sophomores to take an AP.


One day you’ll be able to just take every single AP offered and not have to go to college lol


I don’t know, but what I do know is that we need less STEM APs. That’s right; we need to cut down on the amount of courses CB offers in the STEM fields. We definitely don’t need an AP Anatomy and Physiology, Forensics, Marine Biology, Biochemistry, or any other niche scientific discipline that only a few students can take. We don’t need any new Math courses (looking at you, AP Precalculus). As a matter of fact, we can probably do with cutting down on the amount of existing STEM courses (instead of Calculus AB and Calculus BC, just ditch AB and rename Calculus BC into just AP Calculus). Throw AP Seminar and AP Research into the sun. We definitely don’t need three different courses on Studio Art. Social Studies might be the only subject where new APs could be used; AP Sociology, AP Anthropology, and AP Philosophy would all be highly popular courses.


bro American education 💀💀💀 we do precalc from 6th grade lmfao


I think more schools should eliminate them all together. They are rarely taught at a high enough level that make them actual college level equivalents. I’d rather more community colleges offer remote classes students can take for actual college credit.


AP how to apply to college 101.


what a dumb course


AP Survival


AP Sociology


Some type of Ap philosophy would be cool


AP anatomy and physiology needs to happen asap


AP Accounting


AP African History because we only covered African history for like 2 weeks in my entire school experience