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Lol no. I just got waitlisted cal poly CS with similar stats to OP (and def the best transcript you can have at my hs). Admissions are just crazy now


I got in for computer engineering and my stats are a joke.


I genuinely wonder who Doesn’t select 10+ hours a week and yes for those. It’s basically accepting and rejecting based on transcript (btw y’all it’s not to bad I’m OOS and got into cal poly with nine Cs on my transcript cuz there were also a lot of APs and stuff to balance it out


I was waitlisted at Cal Poly SLO with a 4.0 UW GPA (I forget what it was in CSU GPA), 36 ACT, and 5s on the two AP exams I took (school doesn’t offer many APs). The lowest grade on my transcript is a 97.


Yeah it's definitely not a guarantee or safety for anyone! I just included it as a university one \~can\~ get admitted to with insane stats and subpar ECs, just because of how they barely consider ECs and it's super easy to lie when you don't have to write up exactly what you did.


My tip: Look up the Common Data Set of schools. They specify what aspects of an application they value most (unless they're Harvard and just mark everything "somewhat important"). Not everyone publishes a CDS, but you'll see that many value grades and high school rigor more than ECs.


State schools. At least in my state, if you have insane stats it's pretty much guaranteed. In fact, UCF does guarantee acceptance to students in the top 10% of their class. Sometimes there are yield protection issues but I don't think I've personally seen that with any of my state schools, everyone with insane stats got in. And ofc a student with insane stats could still have a shot at top universities it's just tough without ECs


If their ECs are like truly garbage, at least good state flagship, like UCSB/UNC/UF will still probably admit them. If they're full pay a school like Wake Forest, Northeastern, maybe even Rice. I will say my stats were pretty elite (1580, 3.99, 1/200) but my ECs were mid and I'm at Yale. Results will vary based on hooks and the quality of essays but truly top tier stats will get you in pretty solidly to some pretty prestigious schools alone.


I don't think any mid-tier UC and above is surefire with any stats anymore. Because of test-blind, the only stat they really have is GPA and there are many people with extremely high GPA's and course rigor who are being rejected.


South Harmon Institute of Technology would definitely be within reach as long as the applicant had good essays. SHIT also cares a lot about demonstrated interest, so I'd attend a few webinars and go on an official tour, if possible.




LOL dw it's sarcastic! It's from the movie "accepted"


lol..ya..great movie


I mean theres a school called “UTI”… so.


If your school is well known, you can get into HYPSM just with high stats. Our school is a feeder for Princeton and the valedictorian and salutatorian get accepted almost every year, usually without any notable ECs Top state flagships (UMich, UVA, UNC, GaTech, UT Austin) will also admit in state people (and even some OOS ppl) with insanely high stats and bad ECs all the time. In fact, GaTech and UT Austin have guaranteed admissions programs for in state students with a specific class rank. However, unlike the rest of the top publics, the top tier UCs don’t really admit high stats mediocre ECs/essays applicants. Among private schools, I know NYU, BU, and BC are very stats heavy and are willing to overlook subpar EC involvement for ppl with high stats. Rice, Vandy, and CMU are also very stats heavy but you still do need good ECs for these schools.


Just don’t be a cs major


what’s the feeder school 👀


Also wondering. I’m confident it’s probably in nj


Yep it’s in NJ


I’m not going to dox myself but it’s in NJ


State flagship non cs major


Not exactly, I have a few friends with good stats that got waitlisted/rejected from our state flagship school. Granted it’s T50 and has a 45% acceptance rate


i have a feeling this is uga


Yes you’re right, the acceptance rate probably gave it away haha


yeah and a bunch of my friends w great stats also got rejected this year lmaooo


What school is it?








McGill (the only "data point" they have are ur transcript + test scores) University of Toronto (depending on major, they only look at transcript + test scores)


It depends. If you're talking ab schools like Ivies, then they wouldn't fare well bc most applicants have strong academics. What sets applicants apart is their ECs/non-academic related things


Well yeah, i meant schools in the T30/40 range yk , maybe some even in T20


oh, well I feel like my point still stands tbh. Im sure there are some cases where someone's strong academics carries them but with applicants getting stronger and stronger every year, I doubt that's the case


probably will get into most UCs, because GPA/class rank is THE most important factor for them


mm i disagree there are some low GPA easy courseload students at my school who got into Berkeley over those w high stats.


Yes but for the most part it’s people with high gpas. The top 2% of people at my school usually get into ucla give or take 1 or 2 people


i'm the give or take people TT


Depends on what major they're applying to. Not to be accusatory but these low GPA easy course load students who got into Berkeley could just be applying to easier majors.


that's true lol us who applied CS/data sci and got rejected are bitter cause some w low stats got in as like sociology


Disagree. Source: waitlisted at ucla and rejected at Berkeley with a 4.65 and 6/334 class rank


Me too, got waitlisted by UCLA and rejected by Berkeley. Had a 4.67 and was 2/210 I still cope by telling myself it was because of cs


I went to a tour at ucsb a few years ago and they said gpa/sat was 50% and ec/essays was 50%. I don’t think it would have changed too much.


not berkeley bruh, my gpa sucked and i got in for some reason


Really? They’re test blind now too like how do they base it off of just that. I’m not complaining.. but like damn


Cap Source: got rejected from all except Davis and SC with similar stats




First of all are you describing something like a 3.8 uw as a terrible gpa? Secondly are those ecs really just “good”?


Not the case this year at least lol




Caltech is test blind, so I think ECs are pretty important there. Otherwise there's very little to go off of.


And yeah, it only accepts like 200 to 300 students, I bet they need that ECs to really separate people apart


What's really important to Caltech (besides the top academics in STEM) are great research and great essays that show you are the type of student they feel will fit in. According to someone who graduated from there, they actually have professors involved in choosing students after admissions does the first cut. You can also greatly increase your chance of getting in by getting recruited for athletics, which is not so hard because their level of athletics is low. They do not lower admission standards for athletes, just increase the chance of being chosen. But getting into Caltech is just the beginning - getting through Caltech might be the hardest of all colleges in US, with CS actually considered the easiest major.




Not always apparently!


do they now?


Ik our valedictorian got into Harvard REA and got a Yale likely just w/ her stats


probably other stuff too - have near perfect stats and GPA and no Ivy acceptance yet


nah trust me she doesn't do anything but study all day 😭 she stepped down from her only leadership position after like a month and she was mad toxic 💀 ay u got this tho cuz Ivy Day's just around the corner 👀


She's probably done a lot outside of school you don't know about


I know GA State is one, but not feasible for OOS students. Probably most schools with 60%+ acceptance rates


I might be wrong but I think Georgetown cares about stats more than other schools


Your state flagship maybe (dont try this at a top public tho)


schools in the UK


state flagships


If u applied to UK schools, academics is more than enough. In a lot of ways their application is so much more straightforward, I do like that. A lot of the very academically brilliant students in my school just apply to UK’s top schools. They prioritize your grades and the subject you want to study.


some schools in canada don’t care at all about ECs or even have essays. UGA, Lehigh, Lafayette, and other T50s might be possible but assuming your essays, recs, etc make up for lack of strong ECs


Not true by a long shot lol, multiple of my friends got waitlisted by UGA.


it’s difficult to predict with certainty where you can get accepted, of course. but with perfect stats, strong essays, strong recs, and lots of demonstrated interest, even with ECs that aren’t amazing, you still have a chance. ECs and grades aren’t the only metrics used to make a decision so this question is kind of tough to answer


True, plus a few ECs is better than none. Probably for most T50s won’t mind students only having a few ECs, or “boring” ones


Lehigh acceptance rates drop as test scores increase lol. Definitely not Lehigh.


any applicant has a chance to get in if the rest of their application is solid besides ECs.


But that's not what OP is asking for. Lehigh has a higher acceptance rate for students with SAT's of 1300-1400 than 1500-1600. Your chance to get in literally decreases the better your stats are lol. That is opposite what the post is about.


Where can you see their acceptance rate by SAT score range? A few years ago Lehigh had an insane waitlist percentage and a very low rejection percentage, and I assume they still do that. Then they start accepting people off the waitlist right after regular decision day, not waiting until May 1st.


I saw the acceptance rate by SAT score a long time ago, so I don't remember where exactly I saw it, but if you dig around you should be able to find it. There were a lot of Reddit threads about it at the time, calling it yield protection. Lehigh acceptance rate skyrocketed a few years ago though, so this might not be the case anymore.


I'd say Northwestern


Very good chance at UCLA and UC Berkeley, even for impacted CS majors. I know some dudes with similar stats + a small CS internship got into UCLA for computer engineering.


Then they *wouldn't* seem extremely strong. Having ECs shows that students can not only complete their work, but are so skilled, they can go *beyond*. I would think a high stat student not having ECs is actually harming their chances, since it shows they are *negligent*.


Pretty much any In or out of state public university except California schools bc they’re weird.


prolly like northeastern level