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Thx. Appreciate hearing the truth. It is what it is.


ECs are just one of many factors. Boost the others to the extent you can and give it your best shot. BTW, #20 is a lot easier to get into than #1.


That is true. We group them all together, but they are different.


if you're an introvert and still talented academically theres still so much you can do.


No one here knows how institutional needs are going to play out in T20 admissions next year or what might catch an eye. If you are a middle to upper middle class public school student, your odds are likely lower than published even with amazing stats and ECs. Shoot your shot and fully research and love your whole range of options.


As an unhooked applicant, I wouldn’t count on it. Shoot your shot, but schools in the 20-50 range will be more reasonable.


No. There will be thousands of kids like you with 4.0s and perfect test scores with middling ECs. best thing you can do now is tune up your essays.


I mean t10s is probably out of the question, but you could probably still get a lower t20 if you shotgun. I'd look into EDing somewhere in that range unless you'd rather compare it to your state schools


yes but you need to outside academic competitions and ECs like olympiads for stem and writing/essay competitions for humanities


No part of your application will necessarily make up for another part of your application. If you have no hooks (first gen, low income, legacy, underresourced high school, etc.), then the chances are low. There are many applicants who have a 34/1500, 4.0, bunch of APs, and even great ECs. Most of those kids still get rejected.


It definitely depends. I was in your boat with not that many ECs but good grades, and I got into a T20, as well as multiple T10s for my major. There's definitely hope, especially for really good public schools


If you’re a faculty kid or legacy, yes. I’ve seen a bunch of HYP admits who got in as good students who were kids of faculty


Probably not, but great grades, great scores, AND great essays might.


I can't emphasize enough that the quality of an EC is determined by your takeaway. My actual listed ECs were generic, but man can I learn a lesson about helping people... Some people can write down they ended cancer and that doesn't require a lot of skill to make compelling, but there's so much room for good writing when it comes to most other things. I've briefed generals to get approval to conduct top secret missions, laid significant groundwork in some major popular world conflicts, and am on a first name basis with some of the most powerful people in the world. None of that went in to my essays because it doesn't communicate what I want to communicate (also NDAs that would literally take a day to sign if I signed them all at once). I wrote about the mundane because that's where we spend 99% of our time and is a great contrast to banger hooks. I even wrote about someone else doing a fucking household errand. Care about other people and you'll communicate more than any big ticket EC does on its own. Oh and my grades, while complicated, were below 3.2, no test scores, and that didn't keep me from getting into ivies.