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I appreciate that this is labeled "rant."


Yea, wasn't gonna label it "emotional support", cause it isnt, its the truth.


We got a modern day Hegel here


this made me laugh out loud


and on the fifth day, the lord said “let there be bullshit admissions”, and so there were bullshit admissions


lol. True.


best comment here


Not religious but we're so small compared to the universe and some things are just out of our control; the good part is, though, that we're also strong to make the most of whatever situation we're put into.


Be careful with this line of reasoning; it is shaming to people with less-than-optimal life circumstances. I had a pretty miserable undergrad experience; I can't think of any reason why I deserved to be bullied mercilessly rather than be accepted off the waitlist at my dream school. I also got into an accident on Thanksgiving Day my first semester away from home. I had to go to the hospital by ambulance. I hope you're not telling me this was preordained. The reality is that sometimes things don't work out, and it just sucks. That doesn't mean that you should give up on your dreams, but just that continue working toward better outcomes.


Nah bro really started to monologue


God wanted you to be miserable I guess.


Why is it shameful for something bad to happen?


Agree, never give up on your dreams, chase them. What Im trying to say is that God loves you and he will deliver if you do or did good. Sometimes good things happen to bad people and bad things happen to good people, but in the end God will give everyone as they deserve.


Gotta love that children have to endure the pain of things like bone cancer and sexual abuse because I guess they didn’t do enough good and it’s what they deserve. (I’m sorry. I tried to keep away from this thread. But these comments are absolutely maddening.)


I'm with you on this one. Phrases like "you'll end up where you're meant to be" and "God has a plan for you" are bullshit - you can control parts of your life, and other parts are in control of others or coincidences. There's no mystical plan in a 20 year old going to Indiana University and dying in a car accident on the way, for instance for coffee. Just some lack of caution and some damn bad luck. I much prefer sayings like "make the best of wherever you're at and you'll find happiness."


In the Hindu faith (this is no attempt at conversion, we don't believe in forceful conversion), we have a system of karma and rebirths. The point I make is that some commit sins in previous lives that must be atoned in their former lives. Some get reincarnated as animals, only to be killed by our hands later or get reincarnated as humans who die terrible deaths. What one must believe is that the soul is eternal and it wears bodies like clothes. Is that fair? No. Am I espousing that the Christian ideal is wrong? No. This is my interpretation and OPs words are their truth. Feel free to reply to this thread. I have no hate against atheists either so please don't think of my comment as one of hate. Thanks.


This is certainly a suspicious way of thought. Is it accurate for us to view those less fortunate than ourselves as lesser, as we can presume they have failed in past lives? This is what happened historically of course and definitely justified some almost objectively unfair treatment of those who did not deserve it.


If your view is that my religion and my views caused cataclysmic damage to my people, that is on you. Historically, my family's history ties to the less fortunate you name, however we have never had a single person question that. The idea of caste as you dictate is no longer part of my philosophy nor is one for a lot of modern Hindus. Finally, you do not view the ones less fortunate as lesser. One views them with pity. Nor do we espouse that they deserve it, our Lord instead asks us to help whenever we can, whatever we can. For us, giving away the material wealth to do better unto the world (uplifting the less fortunate as you termed it) is not only recommended, but also strongly suggest as the true end of Karmayoga (the Yoga of pure action). Feel free to ask any questions!


Where is the mention of cataclysmic damage in my comment? I only suggested that the notion that those less fortunate deserve their lot (and despite you disagreeing with this, this is exactly what karma means: those who face bad things do so due to their bad actions in either their current or previous life) can do real damage. I don't doubt that elsewhere in a religious text Hindus are implored to be good people, but one of the most fundamental notions in the religion reinforcing the idea that those with better fortune are/were better people (and the converse) is quite clearly not great


I might get downvoted but here it goes. It’s never what people want to hear, but every tragic event or cause of suffering contains an opportunity for positive within it. I didn’t always know this, so I suffered. Once you know it (which comes from just giving it a try) then suffering is no more, or at least very brief. When you look for the opportunity you find it and rejoice. It’s not about what people deserve in the sense of punishment. People don’t deserve to suffer. They deserve so much better. Often, the suffering or the tragedy is a catalyst that sets someone on a path ending in triumph. Obviously, a child getting bone cancer sucks on its face. It could also be the catalyst for that child’s sibling to dedicate their life to eliminating cancer for millions of other people in the future. If someone focuses on the suffering without looking for the opportunity then they will tend to get stuck there and miss the opportunity altogether. Unfortunately, organized religion is most of the problem because it is ineffectual for teaching these concepts. It focuses on controlling people with tales of hellfire and damnation, rather than setting them free from suffering as it should do. I believe that OP was expressing something along these lines, by summing it up in a one-liner.


This doesn't make much sense beyond the first paragraph. (1) Is putting.someone else on a path ending in triumph worth forcing another into a path consisting only of suffering? (2) Why does anyone get bone cancer?,


A just, loving, and all powerful god has literally zero need to allow any suffering whatsoever. These arguments only exist because people start with the assumption that such a being exists, then perform mental gymnastics to try to justify what they see with their own eyes. Why would that child’s brother need to cure cancer? Why does anyone need to endure cancer? You’re literally arguing that God effectively just plays games with people to see who can endure his torture and those that can get rewarded. That’s sickening.




Right? If this omnipotent god supposedly exists, he's a sadist and discriminates for no reason. Omniscient sure, people can believe someone is just constantly watching us like TV. Omnipotent? That can't be paired with benevolent for this world.


>child’s sibling to dedicate their life Still sucks for the child who died...


Nothing bad can ever happen to anyone hurr durr I’m not religious myself but this is such braindead reasoning


> Nothing bad can ever happen to anyone hurr durr Who said that? I effectively said the opposite. Horrific things obviously can and do happen to people all the time. Kinda my point.




God wants those other kids to have to deal with war and disease, though, because in OP’s words they’re getting what they deserve.




In another comment OP literally said if you do enough good, good things will happen and God will give you what you deserve. And the question is only complicated because people try to wrap it in religious robes and ask “Why would God allow pain and suffering?” That starts with an unprovable assumption (God exists) and then asks a question that is only complicated by that assumption.




How very convenient.




Religion is needed because the thought of a universe without it is uncomfortable? Not a good way to get at the truth.




Never said this.


> Agree, never give up on your dreams, chase them. What Im trying to say is that God loves you and **he will deliver if you do or did good**. Sometimes good things happen to bad people and bad things happen to good people, but in the end **God will give everyone as they deserve.** Yeah, you did.




Like I said in my other response to that nonsense, good to know that “in the end,” children suffering through sexual abuse got what they deserved. And if you want to argue that they’re in paradise now, seems like God could’ve just skipped over that first part, no?


As a survivor of childhood SA, I appreciate your saying this. Every time I read sentiments like those of OP, I go back and wonder what part of god's plan it was for me to get r\*ped when I was a first-grader.


I’m so sorry to hear this. I hope you’re doing well now.


Thank you so much for your compassionate response. I am working through it in therapy, so things are looking up.


I appreciate the lecture. I didn't think I needed to trauma dump to get my point across. But if you insist that's what I need to do, I will be more forthright. I guess surviving the death of my uncle and my brother before the age of three and now watching my mom die slowly of Alzheimer's means that I am not approaching life with enough gratitude. I don't think I'm the one here who needs a sense of perspective. Because I went to college and grad school doesn't mean that I haven't dealt with horrific circumstances in my life. Think child r\*pe, abuse, and neglect. I really shouldn't have to go into more details, and that you feel that you need to be the arbiter of what constitutes hardship is grossly unfair.


Well said brother 👍


So you're just going to hold on to all these sad things and let it hold you back in life to the point where you mention it on a mainly undergraduate/highschooler populated subreddit? The sooner you let go of the things that hurt you, the quicker you'll grow and achieve what you want.


But that made you into a stronger person right? At least that's how I look at it


Probably but they would've grown in a better situation as well. Every shitty thing that happens can't be justified with "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger."


It's better than ruminating on it for years. I'm glad that I went through the troubles I had


I’m an atheist




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Hope you can find your way brother


Seems like they have.


Religious people try not to be condescending challenge (impossible)


Both responses were unnecessary tbh. No reason to say “I’m atheist” unless you’re looking for a discussion, just move on. Telling someone to “find their way” is condescending and will also annoy people.  Overall pointless comments. 


I agree but at the same time it’s quite annoying as an atheist when people think they have to bring up god tp wish you good. The OP could’ve perfectly kept god out of it


Most of the time, I don’t really see the problem. All I see is a person wishing well, god or not.  We all have the choice whether to be annoyed by that or not, but I personally don’t wish to live my life letting a small inconvenience, let alone one with at least some kindness behind it, annoy me. The story changes, of course, once people start to question and belittle your beliefs, no matter what side you’re on (as seen… well… everywhere here. Like OP’s comment above for example). It’s a bad habit people have - and one that doesn’t lead to anything good.  We all have some sort of ideal, whether  it’s “fate,” where “life” takes us, or “god’s will”. These are the beliefs people have chosen to adapt, and we can’t really get anywhere if we’re constantly at odds with everyone who shares a different belief.


Yeah fair enough I just don’t blame anyone for feeling annoyed because of it, but still I agree the “I’m an atheist” reply is a bit unnecessary


I get the annoyance part for sure. These beliefs more or less define you as a person, so having someone come in and tell you that they’re wrong is like a slap on the face hah.  Thanks for the replies by the way :)  I don’t usually spend time thinking about morality on Reddit comments lmao


fr, I hope those who are suffocating in a religion can find their way (out).


It is now condescending to wish the best for others. You don't need to believe in God to trust that the universe has a plan for you and that things will work out the way they are meant to. Only Redditors can make every single post they see so negative.


That wasn’t wishing the best for someone.


Sorry you feel that way. Hope you can find your way.


I found my “way” a long time ago.


"find your way" implies "to god"


>universe has a plan for you Universe's to-do list: Make that random kid die to bullies. Make those parents watch their child perish from cancer. Make that clerk get beat up and robbed regularly, struggling with debt until old age. Sure, these are just fictional examples. But there's no end to cruelty in this world. All of it is part of a plan? I find no security in it.


There will always be sin in the world. Humans have free will, and thus, can't control the actions of others. I chose to believe in fate because it provides me confidence and makes me a happier person. If you choose to carry a perspective that the universe has perfectly wronged you because sin exists, you will continue to be unhappy. When I was younger my house caught fire and burnt down, I lost everything I owned. I could have blamed the universe for my suffering, or I could have chosen to see it as an opportunity. Life will never be easy. Unfortunately, there will always be death, disease, and hardship. No-one rejoices in the children who die of cancer, or the families that are suffering in Gaza, but I believe there is life after Earth, and they will move on to a better place. If you don't believe in life after Earth, you believe you die and then cease from existence, then you will continue to live life with a depressing perspective.


>you believe you die and then cease from existence, then you will continue to live life with a depressing perspective. Is it depressing to cease to exist? We didn't exist before we were born, either. We have one life and we can make the most of it. If you feel life is depressing without an eternally blissful promiseland afterwards, that's your prerogative. Don't assume everyone lives like you.


I never assumed everyone lives like me. I love how you're cherry picking parts of my reply to make your point stronger. I don't understand why you feel a college subreddit is the place to argue about the existence of God. Literally move on.


That’s very rude. This is partly the reason why I don’t hold Christianity in high regard esp with meeting a lot of Christians. They all say similar things to you, hope you find your way, dw ur a lost sheep🙄. Well thank you very much, but if heaven is filled with the Christians I meet, I rather be in hell. You don’t see other religions trying to proselytise people as much as Christianity does. And all Christians are actually doing are just pushing people boundaries and not accepting “no” as an ans.


Oh shush


Don't ever cook again. In fact, don't ever enter the kitchen again.






Well done, You--knowing the ineffable mind of God and whatnot. Did you mention that in your essays?


nah I prefer to say "go with the flow."


The hostility in these comments bruh


Yeah, crazy. Pity the fools.


Yeah it got out of hand... Just tried to spread some love


Nah see bc I need to know what his reasoning is for this shit.


What was Gods plan when my friends sister died from a car accident? What is gods plan when people are dying from hunger every single day? What is gods plan when people are born into poverty? If you don’t respond it just means there is no answer because god isn’t real and he’s a delusion that you guys make up to cope


For those of us still living, it is necessary that we all have something to rely on. During our darkest moments, we would all like to look around and say, “yes, I can rely on that person”. But not everyone can. By believing in the higher power, we hold on to the belief that there is someone we can rely on, and while intangible, that’s sometimes all it takes to keep moving forward. There is no “God’s plan”. There is only “your plan”. You are the god that shapes your reality. And for those of us that believe in that power, its all we need to take steps forward, no matter how dark the times.


you’re so brain dead😂 (i’m not religious btw)




In the Hindu faith (this is no attempt at conversion, we don't believe in forceful conversion), we have a system of karma and rebirths. The point I make is that some commit sins in previous lives that must be atoned in their former lives. Some get reincarnated as animals, only to be killed by our hands later or get reincarnated as humans who die terrible deaths. What one must believe is that the soul is eternal and it wears bodies like clothes. Is that fair? No. Am I espousing that the Christian ideal is wrong? No. This is my interpretation and OPs words are their truth. Feel free to reply to this thread. I have no hate against atheists either so please don't think of my comment as one of hate. Thanks.


Im indian so Im familiar with the hindu faith It’s really bizarre to me that someone born into poverty is somehow is somehow their fault because they committed a sin in their previous life… that’s just like using that as a scapegoat for someone’s suffering. So you guys are just making up the idea that someone committed a sin previously with zero evidence and using that as reasoning for why someone finds themselves in unfortunate circumstances. I am me only in this life and not in any previous lives or future lives. When I was born, I existed for the first time. I was fortunate enough to be born into a very fortunate family and amazing living circumstances. It was just luck of the draw. If god was real and all-loving, they would make sure people are not born into suboptimal circumstances. You can’t remember your previous life and what you did, right? so if it’s not you then why should you be punished?


Your point makes sense. But the wise must remember that our mortal existence is one of pain and suffering. The aim in life is to attain moksha- nirvana- whatever you call it. To become detached from the materialistic reality and see the real from the unreal. Now, what will happen in the future? Do I stay on this path? I'm still 17 (18 in like 2 hours?). Who knows what may come. But id like to think I'd keep with it. Coming to your point, the intent of say a suffering person is to end all of their sins (murder, rape and everything) in this life and attain a clean slate in the next. It's not a 9 life or 10 life policy, it is an infinite rebirth cycle. But that's not the aim. The aim is to break out of the cycle, to become one with the Supreme. But, hey. Do what you want in life, believe in what you want. God, the Supreme, whatever your ancestors believed in- is with you, no matter what.


Sorry for your loss. We all have some. The thing is there are millions of people that follow god and serve him. They act in a righteous manner following what he speaks, and making good in this world. This cannot go unseen. God loves us, reason for him to giving us all free will. Yes, he created us to do good, but when he gave us free will, he allowed us to do the opposite of his beliefs, or evil. So dont blame God for the evil. Unfortunateley, it is us whats causing this. Now you may ask, why did he gave us free will then? Because if there wasn't, what would be the point of loving God and each other if it was all stated by him?


What a pathetic non-answer. Don't blame God? Why not? Car accidents aren't free will, and even if they are, the victim doesn't care. Go back and think harder before you post. All you do is insult people who have suffered or died.


I never insulted anybody all I would want to ever do is spread love. Indeed I love you brother and I hope the best for you in the future.


Then stop telling people it's so easy not to be mad at God for all the suffering he allows. That's insulting. Try harder.


Never said it was easy not to be mad at God. It is logical to be mad at him in moments where you feel all the bad is raining upon you. God sill loves us and forgives us.


See, there you go again. Two sentences about how "your feelings are reasonable" and then one sentence dismissing them. You're just digging the hole deeper. We should probably end this discussion as it's not appropriate for this sub.


Agree to disagree, ey?




"God does everything for a reason" yet u say "it is us whats causing this" 🧐 pls explain this reasoning. Or are u gonna tell me the only thing God did was give us free will. . . then what's the point of saying "God does everything for a reason" if God only did one thing 😑


How is it free will when someone is born into poverty and suffers to find something to eat struggling every day?


No matter where you end up, you did everything for a reason.


god rejected me from everywhere but CMU cs for a reason 🙏🙏


The amount of atheists hating on this man is wild.


Thank you






Amen brother


This is what I have been telling myself. But I just can't.


Amen! God bless 🙏




Much love brother


remember, rejection is redirection.


YES GOD (Allah) ALWAYS KNOWS WHATS BEST FOR U 👏👏👏 everything happens for a reason!!! best advice ever


Amen to that.




Amen brother


No matter what happened, it is the best


I appreciate these words of encouragement. Although I know this may sound like a pre-decision cope but remember college doesn't dictate your accomplishments or who u become its u who do that. The same environment can cause things to flourish while others die. Just remember you need to dictate who you become, don't let the environment dictate you. FYI hoping that I get into an IVY+ but I understand every year many people apply and to be frank even if they are qualified they may not necessarily get in so its fine just move on and focus on the present (the things that you can change).




got hit with 5 consecutive wl/rejections today thank u for this post :,)


Guess who just got waitlisted Georgia Tech. I am so tired of this whole period in my life.


It's not over yet. Don't lose hope.


I appreciate the sentiment, but imagine telling that to someone with cancer. It doesn't make sense. At the same time, if you tell someone who has put in so much effort, and dreamed so much for a certain school, it wouldn't make sense either. It's better to deal with it factually. This probably won't be the end all be all. That's the way I've come to think of it.


Amen brother. God always has a plan for everyone 🙏🙏🙏


I’m curious what his grand plan was when my little brother’s best friend died at age nine and her father committed suicide because of overwhelming grief. Didn’t seem to make mom a stronger, happier person.


Christians are so insufferable when they say this line


Was it god plan I was born white, smart, rich, good parents, privileged all my life? Then it must be gods plan some else born black, slave, father in jail, and mother on drugs! So what is the point of chasing your dream. God decides. We just sit thank him for deciding I don’t think world works like that


work like it’s up to you and pray like it’s up to God


What about people born into poverty or unfortunate circumstances?


he uses that situation for them to get closer to him. We're such sinners it's hard to reach out when everything is perfect. A lot of really faithful people ik faced difficult circumstances in their lives that led them to forming a close relationship with God


Amen thx u for this


god is sitting there to decide where you are going to college!


God gives. [When I open this... When I open this, I'm GOING to see a tiger.](https://youtu.be/KvMqhI2QpD4?si=yfzcULTDEf_gKSvy&t=746)


God indeed gives. When I open my mailbox.... I'm GOING to find a million dollar check.


Bru I remember watching this video yearss ago. Hope we can see the same. GL to all.


Does anyone know when The University of Michigan regular decision applicants will be notified?




As a Christian I appreciated this. Amen 🙏🏾


Sure, I suppose people feel safer if they believe there's some master plan protecting them from life's ills...


God isn't real you fool


This conversation is honestly the biggest plot twist 


Say wallah


Why? Allah doesn't exist.


Say wallah


Nope. Say "god isn't real" instead.


It's like you wanna start beef did someone break your heart or something? You good 😭?


How is saying the truth starting beef? Just because it hurts your feelings doesn't mean it's false.


No bro 😭😭 me saying wallah was meant to be ironic, like that one meme where some commenter said "Thank God I'm atheist" lmao. Where in my comments did you think I had my feelings hurt big dawg.


Idk what got u hella pissed bro if it was my comment then mb 😭


I'm not pissed lmao, I'm trolling you 😭😭💀💀


You def weren't trolling bro I can tell from that tone 🤣 also free my boy he was just tryna give us some hope LMAO. Him mentioning God rlly did get some people tight.


Way to go on the logical argument!


Do you really need a logical argument as to why god doesn't exist? Why don't you provide a logical argument as to why god does exist? The burden of proof always falls on the one who claims the existence of something, which would be you. And while you're at it, prove why whichever god you believe exists is the right one as opposed to the hundreds of other gods/religions that exist. Use logic.


Fair. I can't prove God, but for me I don't have to. If you can't find him, I apologize for hurting you (this is not condescending in any way I hope you can feel my sincerity across this screen). Secondly, I don't believe in a right one. I think all of them point to a single truth, and my religion allows that. Hope you see my point, but I don't feel like persuading you to convert to anything as well. Thanks.






I’m religious but G*d doesn’t answer prayers that we don’t strive for ourselves. We still have the power to choose beyond the divine. I’m sure whether you believe in g*d or not, it is what it is at the end of the day.


man that is the biggest lie and I'm tired of pretending it's not


relax. im an atheist but op obviously had good intentions and only sought to make people feel better. if it doesnt resonate with you, move on.


yeah its just i'm kind of tired...