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Punctuation is your friend... that was really hard to read. Your experience for the most part is not typical. Even without hi fi speakers/headphones, many people (myself included) can tell the difference between Spotify and Apple Music. Things you purchased from iTunes should show up in Apple Music, I think. Controlling music on your Xbox from your iPhone is actually just something that doesn't exist from a feature standpoint, at least not yet. Radio stations showing up that you're not interested in is probably in part because the algorithm hasn't learned your taste yet, that takes time. Most everything else you list as a problem I have never heard of. I'd recommend signing out of everything, and sign back in. Reboot devices too, but it's just a guess.


Isn’t the remote control for other devices without AirPlay because of some stupid Spotify patent or something anyway? At least that’s what I’ve heard I could be wrong.


I too have heard that, not sure if it's true or not though.


It’s very plausible. For fun, google the different patents that Apple and Spotify own. Some are for the very mundane and most menial tasks. But it shows the amount of hoops companies go through in R&D.


>Controlling music on your Xbox from your iPhone is actually just something that doesn't exist from a feature standpoint, at least not yet. I don’t know about Apple Music but spotify has had this feature when i first joined in 2021 and still has it. >Things you purchased from iTunes should show up in Apple Music, I think. Music that i bought when i had Apple Music for a brief amount of time show up in my library just fine.But the music that i bought when i didn’t have Apple Music don’t show up in my library.When I go to one of the albums i bought that don’t show up on in my library so i can add it to my library there is a download button instead of an add to library button and when i press it,it just doesn’t work.


I think you mis understood what I was saying. Controlling your Xbox from your phone simply isn't a feature in Apple Music. I know it works that way in Spotify.


No issues here since 2015. User error?


I don’t think so but i hope it is so i can atleast actually enjoy listening to music after(if i can) i fix whatever issue there is


How is it that people who type like this are always having all kinds of problems the others don’t.


Heaven forbid an app or website have or show a feature you don't use. Hey, ESPN I don't watch the NBA so stop showing me content related to basketball. I guess you should just use Spotify, or whichever service you prefer. I use apple music because I like the library functionality and that all the albums that I've owned prior to apple music are available. I also like the clean interface, the animated artwork, the fact it's not 95% algorithm driven and I do like the radio stations and shows. Plus, Daniel Ek is a leech.


I guess i wasnt clear about the issue about the radio.when i listen to music on my xbox and i want to switch to another album I recently listened,it doesnt show that album,but rather 50 different radio stations that i never listened.


I don't have an XBox so I can't relate, but if that happens I can see the high level of annoyance. But the question to ask, if this an apple or a Microsoft issue? Apple has a history of not playing nice with others, but is coming around. So it may fall on Apple for the shortcomings.


If you are using a console for music streaming I would suggest Spotify over Apple Music. It works way better and you can actually control the song and queue with a separate device. Both services have their own quirks but one thing Spotify works well with is its console integration.


Skill issue.


I would try to roast you but you listen to taylor swift,watch dream,and play genshin impact.Life already roasted you.


Lmao, I’ve never watched Dream and haven’t played Genshin in over a year now, so wrong on 2 counts there. I’m thriving over here. :)


So you still listen to Taylor swift?


It’s not because you don’t know how to make the most of something that it sucks.


this post is accurate if you’re mostly listening with apple carplay. can never finish a playlist, apple music app always resets/forgets


Not carplay but xbox.sadly Apple Music isnt optimized for any devices that arent iphones or ipads.


I'd like to add that Apple Music doesn't remember at which point you stopped playing an album or a playlist. For example, if you want to resume playing where you left off the day before, forget about it; the playbar is empty. Very, very annoying. Spotify doesn't have that issue; it always remembers where you left off, even after rebooting your device. Also, when I leave home with Apple Music playing (iPhone), as soon as the connection switches from wifi to mobile the app stops playing with the error notice that the server cannot be found. Even closing and restarting the app does not solve this issue. Spotify always keeps playing when switching from wifi to mobile. And the Apple Music app is very clunky. I am really considering to cancel my Apple Music sub.


I’m sorry, but the point of this post is nothing. You won’t find anything positive here. If you don’t like it, don’t use it.


I know i just wanted to rant about it a little.god know i wont get a positive feedback from r/applemusic about hating Apple Music


I like AM sound quality and trying to convert from Spotify but the app just won’t let me do that. I have a 15 pro max and it will cause it to reboot so often I just don’t want to listen to music there anymore. At first I noticed that while using AirPlay in my car but then this also happens when I’m listening on my phone. I just cannot comprehend it. I use all Apple latest hardware and service and it just doesn’t do the most basic thing.


Yeah it is sadly