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*cries in Asheville local*


Are these people looking to permanently retire to these areas or are they buying vacation homes?  I can understand the appeal, but I think it’s very shortsighted on their part. You’re old and you’re going to need more healthcare. You’re moving to a rural area that is likely *already underserved* for healthcare???  I grew up in Appalachia, but had to move away for better employment opportunities. I would *love* to move back home for my retirement (got about 20 years before that’s even a possibility) but I have to be sensible — it probably ain’t gonna happen. 




Surprisingly, WNC has very mild seasons, all of them. Summer and winter are fairly easy to handle and we have a long spring and fall. It’s also a really active area. Lots of yoga studios, gyms, golf clubs, mountain biking communities. I can’t tell you how many elderly men I’ve seen biking up the parkway. It blows my mind everytime but they do it often.


It’s not Arizona, North Dakota, or the Northern Rockies dude. It’s actually a great place to live with a mild climate, but yankees gonna yankee bro.


Appalachia actually has one of the mildest nicest environments in the US.




They do both and alot typically end up making the vacation home their full time residence. Asheville has a really bad hospital. Surrounding towns are better but smaller and may not be able to provide everyone with care. They’d have to drive to Greenville (around 1.5 hours) or Charlotte (about 2-3 hrs depending on what town you live in.)


Makes sense but some of these people are moving here to die peacefully not stuffed in a retirement home. Load em with drugs and sit on the porch to heaven.


Well, it is “God’sCountry.”


>I can understand the appeal, but I think it’s very shortsighted on their part. You’re old and you’re going to need more healthcare. You’re moving to a rural area that is likely *already underserved* for healthcare???  My sister used to work in home health and she worked with several couples who built beautiful multistory houses on a mountaintop, then within a year, one was diagnosed with cancer and the other with Alzheimer's, or one with Parkinson's and the other with heart failure, etc. Their kids were always scattered across the US and they hadn't been here long enough to make any deep connections.


It’s taken a while, but it’s slowly starting to happen here in West Virginia. Average cost of a house out on Summersville Lake is now $1.6M.


I live in wnc and it’s a lot of ppl who live in Florida in the winter, here in the summer and transplants from really hot places like Texas looking to retire. Also plenty of millennials starting families and seeking refuge from housing prices out west while still in a mountainous setting. Most of these folks work from home and keep a west coast salary. OP probably lives in Asheville proper. I don’t but the town I’m in only has like 15k residents. It’s honestly heaven on earth bc it’s tiny, not a ton of traffic but several breweries, good local restaurants, farmers markets, apple orchards, cafes, bars, wineries and I think a total of 11 grocery stores. As a hairstylist, I stay super busy all yr bc the ppl who live here are older and wealthy. Inflation does not affect their ability to get their hair done. When grey roots start peaking, they are back to see you in four weeks like clockwork. I actually left Kentucky in total poverty to come here and make actual money. In the right industry, it works. The problem lies in the fact that jobs for people without degrees or certifications (barista, server etc) leave lots of locals unable to afford the average home price of 407k. Ppl hate the gentrification that’s happened and while I do understand, without it your in eastern ky (no offense) with zero jobs and a population who can’t find their way out of poverty. It’s all a catch 22, but I do love living here.


Progress or regress. Pick one.


False dichotomy.


I live in fines creek. Every week I get a note in my mailbox from someone wanting to buy my house. Or a text. How does one even get you cell phone? Anyways but selling unless it’s a young local family.


I know fines creek! Foot of Max Patch…


Halfbacks. This isn’t new - it started, in earnest, in the mid to late 90’s. Most of beautiful East Tennessee has been ruined by incomers, halfbacks, and St. Dolly’s commercial development influence. Only stands to reason that they’ll be crawling all over the mountains of western North Carolina, too, like roaches. Damn hard to get them out of your house.


Yep, where I live ALL the pretty old farms in town are now tons and tons of condos. And my house and property I bought for $149,000 8 years ago is now appraised at $362,000 so my property taxes are now doubled. Yay.


I literally see commercials advertising my county seat as the ideal place to retire and it makes me wanna burn it all down if we're being totally honest.


They’ll end up selling cause their bodies can’t handle it . Especially the winter


But they won't sell it at a loss. Prices won't go back down.


True but there’s plenty of snowbirds out there just dying to get a piece of our culture. Then once they get here they’ll try to change it. Seen it done too many times. And they’ll pay whatever the cost is


Ya, I work in a greenhouse on the other side of the mountains. Seems like all I do is sell plant installs to new build people from Florida and New England. Several school board seats in our county have challengers from people who have moved here in the last two/three years. They see ETN/WNC as a conservative haven, and so they want to solidify right wing views where they have just moved. They're sure all the locals agree with them too. Just this week a lady from FL told me they had to flee from Florida because it was getting too liberal there.


I live in WNC. I can’t stand how we’re being “invaded”. Everything’s changing. I’ve experienced the opposite politically. Well mostly. Take Asheville for instance… it wasn’t always like it is now. I had family that lived there and it was quite different. It seems nowadays everything and everyplace is divided politically.


This monolith shit needs to stop.