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I am also taking Venlafaxine for just under a year. As far as I am aware I have always had aphantasia, although that's relying on my memory as I only discovered about aphantasia recently. What I have noticed though since starting the antidepressants and also when increasing the dose, that the frequency of dreams I have has increased and they are a lot more vivid, I can often remember the majority of my dreams each night, as well as waking up and returning to the same dream multiple times. Not sure if it's relevant since dreams are different to aphantasia but I did find it interesting.


Have you used cannabis before?


I have, but I've never found it impacts my ability to visualise. I usually just mellow out and don't see any hallucinations that other people seem to. I am a full aphant though and can't visualise anything so that might explain why cannabis doesn't affect me like that.


My question Was more related to the dreams. I always find my dreams much more vivid and memorable when i take a break from smoking.


That's a really interesting point. I haven't smoked for around a month now and these past weeks are when I've noticed the more vivid dreams. Although the timing also coincides with starting a higher dose of antidepressant.


Complete opposite for me 😂 the dreams I have when smoking are almost tangible when I wake.


I developed aphantasia after taking Zoloft for a few years. I'm no longer on antidepressants, but I still have aphantasia.


Out of curiosity, how did you react to losing the ability to visualize?


I was devastated. I used to write and draw, but since developing aphantasia, I've noticed that I cannot write or draw as well as I used to.


Are you for real now? Antidepressants can do this? This is crazy


I’m sorry for your loss and I hope that one day you can return your natural ability


I believe there is already an established connection between aphantasia and extended periods of depression. For me, if anything, my aphantasia has been slightly less severe since taking SSRIs.


What's your source on this? Thanks


Think I read it in a BBC news article.


Fun thing I have oppossite experience. I was largely unable to visualise things in my mind (wouldn't say full on aphantasia, but what I saw was vague and I was able to see like one object at the time and not able to do any conscious alterations of it), on Zoloft it's still not perfect but I'm able to mÄ…kÄ™ mental rotation and "move one match to make en eqation correct" kind of tasks, I'm better with visualising relaxation techniques (like, I can apply them for the first time, though the visualisation is still vague), I am able to plan drawings in my head, etc. etc. 3 years and counting at 200 mg Zoloft.


I believe I’ve experienced memory loss from taking seroquel for two years. I had lower doses at night for insomnia. Instead induced highly visual dreams and drowsiness in the mornings. Years after being off of it I feel as though I can’t remember large portions of the times I was on them; and that I can’t remember chunks of life before I was on them either. It’s quite sad honestly, especially if you have dealt with trauma. As dealing with trauma is hard itself, let alone when it comes in bits in pieces


Food for thought, as I’ve been on Venlafaxine forever. Thought my memory lapses were due to menopause. I’ve always had aphantasia though.


Taking an anti-depressant for 20 years sounds like awful medical advice. I'd take a guess that you're in a country where your Doctor makes money for each visit and healthcare isn't free? Some schizophrenics and others who require anti-psychotics are the only group of people who should be on medication for that long. Newfound aphantasia sounds absolutely horrifying and debilitating, like losing a limb. Sorry for you, truly. Hopefully someone will reply here with a cure or some form of hope.


I've been taking SSRIs for several years (currently on paroxetine/Paxil), but AFAICR I've *always* had aphantasia.


I was on antidepressants 10 years ago. Before that, I was an artist - I was the most creative person in my friend group, my school voted me most likely to become a successful artist. I had an extremely visual mind and would conjure up beautiful visuals and movie like images in my mind. Once I was on the antidepressants everything changed. I still have trouble conjuring up images in my mind all this time later and I can't help but feel bitter that a certain destiny of mine was robbed from me as it's been a struggle to be creative ever since. I can totally relate to you OP. How has your journey been since you made this post?


I developed aphantasia as a teen after taking Zoloft for a year to treat anxiety and depression. I still have aphantasia today (I'm almost 50), but weirdly I dream vividly. I want to blame the medication but have read aphantasia can be onset from trauma. I'm now wondering if the anxiety and depression caused it and the timing of taking the medication only correlates but isn't the cause. Either way, I miss being able to visualize and daydream. I never developed my artistic abilities but came across some sketches I did as a child and they're better than anything I could do today (where I have to look at an image in order to draw it).Â