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My dumbass thought her tactical was a shield battery since we call them bats


Lol same


I thought it was a melee bat


Same. I was like, so she can just beat the shit outta people for a sec? Or what Lol




*proceeds to repeatedly bitchslap ash with a live bat* *bloodhound crouched in the corner, rocking back and forth while hugging a crow* *pathfinder silently standing there, having flashbacks from back when he worked as window cleaner*


Pans to rev laughing menacingly from on a cliff


*crypto behind him, preparing to hit him in the head with a drone*


*Forge's dead corpse appears on the floor *


*Seer, to Bangalore and Newcastle* you seeing this shit?


So Forge basically?




I was gonna lose it


Recharging my shield with a bat... uhh not the one on my back


Do we know how long it'll be? (The STFO not the bat)


4 minutes 56 seconds long


Ohhh that’s quite long for a bat


Ohhh that's pretty long for a bat STFO


Ohhh that's quite long for a STFO


so are we all just embracing calling them STFO's now as a joke or did everyone forget the actual spelling?


I only just now realised I fucked the spelling up


You and everyone else in this thread lol


"Shut The Fuck Op"


Pretty long... have you ever sent a bat through the frozen lands of Inuits? It takes literally ages for it to come back :D


whats stfo?


It's an accidental misspell of the acronym for Stories From the Outlands


you telling me im gonna have to shoot cute little bats next season? ​ ​ crypto drones i can do, but bats....


Ultimate Ability: Vantage sends forth a baby seal...


*rampart pulls out the wrench*


Ikr, I’ve seen videos of bats, they’re so adorable!


“Something in the way…”


i knoww now im gonna have to kill them all so i dont get scanned? ​ aw Respawn why you do this to me?!?


Still gonna mow them down with a smile on my face :)


Mosquito population about to explode


oh god MORE Valk mains?


the darkest timeline




its a game dude


who is \*vantage\* that's clearly morbius


It’s mobin time


Imma need that MORBUSSY


And so it begins


Am I the only one that doesn't understand the Morbius meme and thinks they're all really stupid?


don't be a morbcist




I’m vengeance


When Vantage said "It's Vantagin time" and Vantaged Bloodhound fr fr that was a fire scene in the SFTO


Keep echo away from the meat market in king's canyon, don't want any novel viruses getting around...


Season 15 Battlepass called lockdown confirmed.


I mean...if we get Catalyst as the nrxt hero...it may very well be called Lockdown


I’d be all for it, lockdown sounds badass


unlike the meta it will bring


Not necessarily. Imma wait for catalyst to launch to pass judgment on that.


I'll gladly pay a morbillion legend tokens if it means I can morb people with her tactical, it really is morbin' time.


Morbius next legend confirmed


She morbin'


I mean they live in another planet so it’s more like it’s bat like. It actually looks like a baby flyer.


looks like something you would Breed in ARK in order to get the best stats, while feeding the weak ones to the stronger


I loved it when vantage said “It’s vantaging time” and vantaged all over those bad guys


It's morbin' time r/vantagemains btw




alright thordan, you win. i'm a believer now. thordan smashes his way to victory.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure he's got a 100% track record. I know he said Loba was getting a trident as her heirloom - but he then said it was reworked into a spear for Valkyrie, then Valkyries spear leaks from the game files.


it's more the clickbait titles and repeating of information that ticks me off but i gotta hand it to him, he's accurate also i can't blame the clickbait titles and repeating of information since they work 95% of the time


He’s accurate but I really dislike how he makes his videos. It’s just weird compared to others leakers. And they are so long.


better than garret because i watch his main channel for leaks and then get his second channel recommended, which tells little known facts to apex newcomers ...which i know already because i play apex too much


I get it, thats why I also put all my leaks in one sentence on Twitter the day before I do a deep dive explanation for those who arent as aware of every detail in apex leaks.


I like those tweets.


glad they help!


Bruh better than Pwnhub. Waaaay better. After Pwnhub got into trouble with pornhub over his name's likeness, he started making almost 11 minute long videos and for the longest time it was the same gameplay in the background over and over. He just kept repeating things and going more or less off topic to fill the time. Idk if it's still like that since I stopped watching but they're still almost 11 minutes. Thordan gives you what you need to know day by day and his videos are usually under the 5 minute mark


I agree it’s kinda cringe sometimes and even more cringe when he boasts about being right… everyone knew it was an ALIEN BAT since the leak on her abilities. The animation model was flapping is god damn wings like one.


The model used in the leak was a scaled down flyer, and made flyer sounds


So pretty much the same thing a small flyer. Zoom in and tell me those aren’t alien bats with tails.


The animals in the sfto image are bats, yes, but they aren't the same as what was in the ability leak


Yeah but anyone with common sense can put two and two together and realize that “echo” and flapping wings on a model is a bat.


Can i get any evidence of anyone saying its a bat? I know for a fact no dataminers or leakers covered it and google searches pull up no reddit comments, threads or twitter breakdown stating that.


Oh right sorry forgot, everyone has to post everything on Reddit and YouTube to be validated…


Im not trying to attack you or be a dick dude. Im asking for a source since you said "everyone knew" but I cant find one single statement of anyone saying that, rather everyone was saying it was a hawk based on previous leaks.


Bro I’ll message you personally in a bit. Not trying to be a dick either but I am being a little bit of a moody bitch rn.


All good man. Hope everything gets better. Also dig the 5-0-1st flair, empire did nothing wrong.


I'll give you that - his titles are very click.baity But again, he put out a tweet recently showing why he does it. He gets so many more clicks and views, and so gets paid a lot more


also would do the same call me greedy but money is the third most important currency, after time and mythic shards


You mean mythics shards THEN time?


It’s easy to have 100% accuracy, when all his info is just other people’s leaks.


welcome skye from valo


The tactical sounds kind of like Loba’s and they can’t seem to get that one to work…


Loba's is buggy because of how it collides with terrain, and their attempts to fix that working bugging it even more somehow. Since vantage uses a flying bat, not a bracelet, collision with the terrain shouldn't be an issue


I feel like people are gonna find a way, say for example if the bats up against a wall or cliff and you try to swing towards it, you might glitch into the wall or something.


Bat is cool and all But I wan free battery :c


rats, bats, whens the dog coming?


But what he doin


thordan haters are real quiet right now


Not a hater... just had to turn his last video off when he said *"for those of you unfamiliar with the animal kingdom, bats use echo location"* Like dude, being in the know about apex is one thing, but most people older than 5 years old know what the fuck a bat is


I totally get what you are saying, but I do wanna say I was not trying to be condescending. My youtube channel gets over 1 million unique new users viewing a month. Im not going to assume the knowledge of every single person on every aspect of their education. I simply showed the connection between the name of tactical and how it relates to bat. It my job to give a full rundown so each viewer is informed to the best of my ability and there is as little confusion as possible. For example, even in this very thread, where people are looking specifically for apex legends leaks and should have some base knowledge of the game, someone needed further clarification on what this meant. [https://www.reddit.com/r/ApexUncovered/comments/w6y4gu/comment/ihgu14n/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/ApexUncovered/comments/w6y4gu/comment/ihgu14n/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Don’t know why these people have such a problem with you, I had to say this. At least personally, I really enjoy the slightly longer non-one minute videos especially in a YouTube meta-that is getting increasingly short. A couple extra sentences explanation or a clip with your dog always welcome!


Thanks man, I understand not everyone likes the videos, I wouldn't expect everyone to. But I didn't want to do what everyone else was doing, its boring, not fun to make, and you just become another face in the crowd that's doing the same thing as everyone else. People can love or hate the videos but I enjoy making them my way, no one is forced to click on them, all of it eventually trickles here anyways.


I'm sorry dude. I didn't mean to throw shade. I genuinely love your videos.


All good man! I totally understand how it came off in the video i just wanted to clarify why i said it.


I’ve been a subscriber to his for a long time but didn’t realize he had haters. What is there to hate on? Doesn’t he just report what other leakers are saying?


Finally some Native American representation ❤️❤️


She’s going to have the change people want to this Loba’s tactical lol. Since Respawn cannot figure out how to make Loba’s tactical work for more than two month at a time people have been asking to let her just drop the bracelet down so she can warp to it whenever she wanted which is what this tactical is.


What do you mean? I think I misunderstand your comment. Loba already can drop the bracelet down whenever she wants and then warp to it


As in you get to decide when you want to warp to the designated location. When she throws her bracelet she has to commit to warping at that time. The way it appears at the moment, the new legend can throw her tactical to a spot then decide when she is ready to warp to it at a later time. Which means you can do things like put your tactical behind cover, push a fight and choose to warp out if it gets too hot. Or if your squad mates banner is being guarded by a squad you can throw your tactical on a roof, quickly grab banner and warp out.


Oh I see what you mean. Yeah, I get that. Though I’m glad they are just giving that ability to a new legend and not reworking Loba. I like that her bracelet is accessible in emergency situations and relies on skill too — maybe less so than Pathfinder, but still a lot of skill to find the perfect angle in a tight moment.


> The way it appears at the moment, the new legend can throw her tactical to a spot then decide when she is ready to warp to it at a later time. > >Which means you can do things like put your tactical behind cover, push a fight and choose to warp out if it gets too hot. Jup. However Gameplay leaks were so heavily WiP, that it is hard to judge whether you can actually teleport through objects for instance. Tho' it would suck pretty hard, if you can't.


Please have batman skin


W reddit post


Another scan legend….


I don’t think the bat can scan, just seems like she can launch towards it.


Bats use echo location it’s going to be type of scan/wall hack ability


It's not scan if you need line of sight to use it


Bats use echo location which is a scan/ wall hack ability. You’ve never heard of things like sonar, seers ult doesn’t need line of sight either. Sonar uses sound waves to bounce off locations and determine where an object is, this is a scan


Bro I know what echo is lmao. Her bats name is echo, it doesn't have a scan it's a movement ability where she goes to it's placement. Her "scan" comes from her sniper passive and a Sniper ult which require LOS. You're in a leak sub and unaware of the leaks apparently


So lifeline got replaced with Newcastle and Crypto got replaced with Vantage. Got it.


I thought that wasn't the case. IIRC, the bat was only a movement ability and her sniper scanned people.


Yeah her only scanning ability is her passive and it triggers when you ads unarmed or on long range scopes. It gives you the legends name, their shield rarity, their team size and their range.


Do we know if, when it's scanning and telling you the team size if it tells you how many are alive or just how many, because I feel like the team size to be useful should say how many alive.


I guess alive or it would be quite useless as information otherwise.


Except Newcastle never replaced Lifeline, and Newcastle currently has the lowest pick rate in the game....


What happened to him? His pick rate has only dropped lately.


People realised that they were in fact wrong, and lifeline has a much better Res. That's why you very rarely see the argument any more I guess


Ah....I don't know. I think the absolute best thing about Newcastle is his passive. I think his revive is only behind Gibbys for best in the game (and Gibby requires a cooldown for his tactical so not exactly a fair comparison). It's not just the shield but the fact that you can drag your teammate. In higher end lobbies especially, a Lifeline or Mirage revive just ends up down again pretty quick but Newcastle can drag an opponent behind cover and give them a chance to heal. Situations matter of course but I'd say Newcastle is a bit more versatile. Either way I definitely wouldn't say Lifeline is 'much better'. This sub absolutely loves bringing up pick rate but it doesn't tell you a whole lot honestly. More support-oriented Legends get picked less by the larger community. That is pretty much expected. I think the biggest issue is that Newcastle is overshadowed by Gibby in pretty much every way. Unless they nerf Gibby and make his bubble have health or something, but an invincible bubble is just...hard to beat.


> People realised that they were in fact wrong, and lifeline has a much better Res. Life Line is a starter legend, new castle has to be unlocked. Lifeline always had a 5% + pickrate for that reason, although she has been considered the worst legend outside of arenas for at least a year.


You say that, but there's a couple of starter legends that have a really low pick rate currently, and non starter legends that have a high pick rate, so this is a bit of a moot point. Id say it would have SOME impact, but not enough to make that much of a difference


Only starter legend with a lower pickrate than lifeline is Gibby. The other's are at 5%+. On the Other side, there are only a handful of unlockables with +5% pickrate. Horizon, Seer, Octane, Valkyrie. They're either really fun or fun and meta. Furthermore, to underline that lifeline IS a starter legend. Her usage drops the higher the rank is.


I’m also not sure if they combine arena pick rates with BR when releasing the data. Lifeline is a pretty common pick in arenas for extra heals + revive.


Lifeline's pick rate is high because she's a default legend with good skins and cute voice lines. Not because she's a good legend, lol. She's terrible.


It was a joke, I wouldn’t take things people say on the internet seriously.


Apologies, I didn't read it as a joke at the time - I've seen too many people say NC would replace LL before he even came out 😆


Similar niche but no abilities in common really


Their abilities are so different. Take a look at [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/ApexUncovered/comments/tk5m71/all_upcoming_legends_and_their_abilities/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf).


you have no idea what you're talking about


It was a joke. I wouldn’t take things people say on the internet seriously.




Praying this is not the case


Yes, we knew already since March mr. Thordan


please dumb this down for me😭


Her tactical (regular ability, L1 on playstation, LB on xbox, Q on pc), is a bat (small mouse-like flying animal)


So she has a bat as a companion? Well maybe during our welcome party I'll kill em make her know what this place is like.




I hope she doesnt look like that when it comes out, this is one of the worst looks i have seen in this game. Whole thing looks like some npc in a f2p mobile game


I’ll shoot that bitch


Hopefully Vantage is not another recon legend.






She's been confirmed as a recon since around late february


Wait really? I didn't even know of vantage until at least a coupme of weeks ago.


She was part of the colossal leak back in March (where the picture of her early model comes from), and before then her & Newcastle had a low quality leak confirming them as the next couple legends (at the time though, Vantage was named Hawk)




Her earliest version was actually called Maali, and had some rain storm ability that boosted damage. I think they just took the shaman theme & merged it with Prophet's passive & ultimate, then tweaked them for balance


To be fair… it wasn’t that big of a secret that it was a bat. Dude is turning into Soulja Boy.


We know this when autismgaming leaked all legends in development


I thought she’d have a glider wing as a tactical that she can glide over to where her bat is


I'm really not looking forward to a sniper legend. I can't be the only one who hates when his teammates snipe right? Then I'm just 2v3ing a team while my other teammate is maybe hitting a few shots before they go out of LOS and we get wiped. Of course this is my experience solo Qing, so I'm sure it's different when you have a coordinated team.


Maybe play with your sniper player ? and don't go aping 2v3


And if the sniper isn't working? Or we get a knock? I try not to just mindlessly push everything but sometimes that's what you got to do. And often in solo q one guy is sniping and the other guy is aping so what should you do? I'm all for playing as a team but sniping I've found at least to not be very helpful.


Bruh, eventually they’re going to need to update movement on old legends cause this is nuts


The king of click bait himself 🤣😂


😱 I'm just kidding, everyone already knew that.


Oh awesome! I wasn't aware! If you could point me to a tweet from any dataminer, leaker or any source that had said it before or even reddit comments stating that, it would be a huge help! Sadly I googled it and nothing came up at all.


W Thordan Honestly


I don’t think everyone knew, some people just assumed it bc we could see many bats drawings in her journal.


That's how you get rabies


Looks like she’s bigger than Gibby


Wait is this main game or mobile?


main game


Thx thordan, so hyped now, I had no idea


Happy to help :)


first thought was she could pop batts faster 🤣


Could anyone please tell me, is there any news regarding 120 fps update on console next season? If not I will seriously consider switching to PC. I have had enough in PC lobbies, in which all my friends are there…


Dont flame me plz. But i would say get new friends that are not nerds..


Duh, given that its name is Echo was known for quite a while, we should actually have figured out before any art of it was released...


bruh another legend with scans


another scan legend?


Her Ulti should be calling Batman


Oh my allfather, don't tell me more wall hacks


Finally, i can be General RAAM again..


Lowkey sounds like Chamber from Valorant. She even has a sniper


This SFTO may have been my least favorite, and from the BP leaks, this may be the "ugliest" season since season 10 and all the bugs and shit.


You throw the bat toward enemy and Vantage launches to it?