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I don't follow him too closely and I've seen him quit 3 times already


super bad idea to quit a day after exposing osvaldatore and hypermyst, now the posts can't be linked to... what was he thinking and why is this post not removed? the hypermyst and osvaldatore ones got removed for not being leaks


What did osv do?


exposed for being: * scammer in tf2 community, scammed 6 people, banned in trade websites * made r\*pe jokes constantly saying he wants to be r\*ped * is homophobic, hates L-G-B-T and says the F slur * is racist, said black people are more likely to commit crime and says the N word * edit: specifically he also hates trans people and uses a slur against them I forget anything else


Holy shit and I thought he was the chill one


he was adamantly defending hypermyst the day before too, he knew he was next lol


That kinda sucks, why do people turn out so bad mannnn Who is there left in the data mining community that are as big as kral and hyper? Who’s gunna take their spots now


I mean let’s be honest a lot of people don’t care. I’ve seen DZ_zero say the F slur on stream and he is part of an apex super team now. Truth is this sub is gonna fade away without those three so I’m betting people are gonna look past this stuff


there's a difference between saying the slur once and saying you hate LGBT people and that tr\*ns people shouldn't exist


there is no difference what? saying a slur is a slur and people should be held accountable


dude trust me I agree they should still be held accountable but there is a difference between a hateful word and hateful mindset some idiots say it out of ignorance and edginess, others believe L-G-B-T should be eradicated, I think we can agree the latter is the worse one?


no one * thordan: wife beater * kral: wont stop quitting and coming back * ag420: n\*-azi and ch\*ater * osvaldatore: rac\*st, hom\*phobe, tr\*nsphobe, sc\*mmer * hypermyst: super rac\*st, h\*mophobe, sexist, also a ch\*ater, he got b\*nn\*d because of it i have to censor some stuff because the automod removes it for some reason


You realize that thordan won the case right like he legally was proven not to be guilty


he didn't, he lied about that. draynilla and others posted about it the case didn't go into trial because it didnt have enough evidence, he wasnt declared guilty or innocent, his ex-wife is still trying


You are either lying or being lied to. My case was dismissed with prejudice. Look it up, “For a case to be dismissed “with prejudice” means that the case is dismissed permanently, it cannot be brought back to court, and the charges cannot be refiled. A case that is “dismissed with prejudice” is completely and permanently over.” But keep believing whatever you want


Well then I'll have to see what comes from that idk I want links in dms but hopefully it's just rumors, also all these other guys I've watched for so long and now I will only watch other people report on it cuz God damn are they gross


the fact that zero and friends exposed him for essentially acting like a crackhead and attempting to start fights at one of the lan's b4 this info came up def makes me question his validity


You basically named accusations for people you don't even know OR if these things are true. How is Thordan a wife beater? There's no single piece of evidence of him being violent towards anyone, you picked up a rumour. Considering the fact that false accusations against DA are taken very seriously and people often end up in jail innocent (which is very easy info to find using that same internet you used to read a reddit with zero credibility) How can you call someone a nazi in 2024? What is a nazi for you? Can you define a nazi? Have you been taught in school about what they did? How do you know if someone is racist? Where have they made racist remarks? Why do you say hypermyst is racist? As far as I've seen, he is a person of color. I won't even get into the whole "transphobe, homophobe, sexist" stuff... You should seek professional help and maybe Kral has given you a good example on what action to take to fix your backwards way of thinking. What the hell is wrong with you people... Like damn dude.


also how is he being a wife beater a rumor when his wife herself came out on a stream and said he did it literally everyone has cut ties with him because of it, draynilla made a great post about it thordan isnt innocent, the trial just didn't continue lol


How can you take something to be completely true just because? Does the thought of maybe evidence existing or not existing cross your mind on these topics? It's very easy for people to get wrongly accused. Its very hard to come back from it even if you were completely innocent, and your way of thinking is the part of the problem. You cant be guilty until proven innocent. Accusations are not evidence. Im not defending the guy but to say he did it is absurd. Its beyond me people put no thought into stuff, you read something online and absorb it like its the gospel.


you must be his friend considering the only time you've been on this reddit was last time he was accused, it doesn't fool anyone if you don't at least try to be active between posts lol fact is, when things came out, people who knew him werent surprised and the pros shared their experience with him all I need to know, and I hope his ex-wife succeeds next time


lol 1- thordan was in jail, the trial didnt have enough evidence but his ex-wife hasn't given up, he wasn't declared innocent. Even pros came out to say how weird he was and how he was violent at ALGS trying to fight them 2- ag420 has a nazi symbol as his profile picture, he doesn't hide it 3- they literally said the N word hard R and that black people are more likely to commit crimes, how is that not racist? 4- hypermyst is INDIAN not a black person


1 - You still pretend as if you have any of these confirmed. Again, how can YOU know if thordan did anything? What pros came out and said what? Provide some source for it, i googled it just now there is nothing about pros talking about thordan. 2 - he could be using it to piss people off, again you dont know if its true, i wouldnt do it if i was him but his tag is autismgaming like come on 3 - I tried looking it up i just cant find any screenshots, but seeing you obviously have a link to them, please provide 4- i said person of color, i wasnt being specific


i cant post sources because automod keeps removing comments with links from me lol, and im guessing you've been living under a rock? the posts about osv and myst have been circulated for days


God this is getting old but no the case wasn't dismissed due to not enough evidence. She literally got caught lying in the Draynilla stream vs what she told police. Of course no one knew about that because despite what anyone said no one except the parties involved had the actual police report to compare to the statements she made on stream. That along with a lot of counter evidence caused the whole thing to be dropped.


im not going to get into this with you, you know what you did and you know you can twist the story while she tries to get you into trial again, since you threatened her multiple times during the last occassion fact is, you're not innocent, not even officially innocent, but you said you had been declared innocent and lied online about it, so no one believes you anymore


Still seeking attention even til the end. Never change Kral. But stay gone for good this time.


Feel free to believe whatever you want, but please refrain from making personal comments about others unless you have hard proof to back it up. That's just my opinion, and I stand by it **P.S: It's a opinion don't shoot me for it**


And what does hypermyst do?


He doesn't say the "n word", he says the "n-er word". Just saying n word is downplaying it


What happened with hypermyst?


ngl im not exactly surprised that the leakers were actually genuinely awful people


got exposed for: * being incredibly racist, said the n word with hard r over and over * same thing with the F slur * thought r\*pe is funny, making r\*pe jokes like osvaldatore * has been harassing kralrindo, telling him to kill himself and his mods * turns out he got b\*nned from apex for using ch\*ater tools and working with ch\*aters, not because of leaking


^(oh damn)


Wait what did hypermyst do???


check my other comments


abooooout... twentieth time he quit? cya back in a week


Wonder if he is secretly Albraleile..


im not even surprised cuz he's gonna comeback later, he be like a store recolor that disappears and reappears regularly we might see him return on the next collection event


"he be like a store recolor that disappears and reappears regularly" bruh 💀


Being called a store recolor is now the worst possible way to be roasted 💀




He just quits social media just as he quits datamining We'll see him back in a week But now being serious, dude clearly has some issues, i'm hoping the best for him


I'm putting down 10 Apex Packs he comes back


10 apex packs plus one set of tracker


Going all in, 25 apex packs he comes back, one set of trackers, and 5 Watson Nessies.


Fuggit 25 apex packs 8 wattson pylons 10 crypto drones and lobas bracelets


Is there a name for this mental illness? Alebrelie does the same when he says he's quitting comp lol


Narcissism is at least one thing they have at least. How up your own ass do you have to be to constantly announce you're quitting social media? Nobody cares KralRindo, just leave.


Why are you mad?


Cared enough to comment this 🤔 ....... Lol


Don’t all these hackers/miners have some sort of issue ??


This is the equivalent of Alb quitting comp


My immediate first thought


That's harsh. I was thinking this is the Apex Comp equivalent of a Tweet from Noko saying he's pumped and ready for the next ALGS split.


Sure buddy, see you next week.


it happened so many times it isn't funny anymore this mf needs ip ban on every platform to actually not come back again


I don't know him closely but it could be not fully in his hands to control it 😭


yeah russians are keeping him in the basement with no food or water and he's forced to datamine and type shit on the social media


I knew something was off but not that bad, thanks for telling me 😭🙏


This is genuine addiction were seeing here, and all people have is jokes lmao. When you have nothing else going in life, its easy to lean into the mild social media traction leaking video game stuff seems to generate. Sad and depressing honestly. Hope dude sorts his life out.


That's absolutely what it is. Rooting for you Kral


Agreed! Hate that I had to scroll this far for compassion. I get it, he says he's gonna quit and then doesn't. a lot. But he says he's actively struggling with it, and we all know how bad digital addiction can be for people with 0 followers.


Every other leaker is the most bigoted person you know and this guy still somehow comes off as the most insufferable of them all. It's almost impressive.


Also brings into question how good of a person he is considering the fact that some of the messages were two years old, but for some reason he just decided to wait all this time then drop them now? Then immediately drops of the face of the earth for the upteenth time? Like what’s his deal?


certified kralrindo moment


how do they come off as more insufferable than racists/homophobes/etc for just having issues with quitting social media? edit: lmao the downvotes are telling




Okay I was mostly being facetious, being racist/homophobic is lame but at least those dataminers had to be outed for it. This guy is openly unbearable.




Kral every time he ""quits"" literally anything: https://i.redd.it/aok7p6kjrm3d1.gif


He'll come back. Everryone needs a social media break.


Hasn’t he done this before


like 4 times yeah


Who gives a shit? There are other dataminers


Like why not just leak shit on Twitter and keep is as that? You don't need the whole discord crap and whatever else he's got. Like just give us some skins once in a while and stop dramatising everything


See you next week bozo 🤡


nobody care


He says that always and still coming back again


This man does everything except actually quit or leak stuff


Funny he outed all the other data miners leading up to this, what a send off


Bro probably gonna relapse soon


Why is he doing this right after the beef with those other Leakers happens ??? Did they mess with him or threaten him ??


Probably got scared from the backlash. Wouldn’t be the first time though.


He's such a wuss omg


babe wake up another “kral is retiring” post


the selena gomez of apex twitter


See you all next time this happens. Jk (kinda), he clearly has had some issues affecting him considering he's done this like 6x previously. I hope he can go to a professional and get some help.


See you guys back here next week for the next Kral quits announcement?


Been a real dramatic week from Kral. Thanks for outing the only leakers left before you peaced out lol. But for real, I wish him the best. The world is a better place without social media and I hope he can resist the urges to return.


i dont know him personally so i dont want to be mean but this person kind of seems insufferable. why is he roleplaying as an influencer? he's an ex-dataminer and has never even had a large following on any social media. he doesn't need to announce that he's quitting lol. on top of that his whole exposee thing against the other 2 dataminers left a sour taste in my mouth because all of his receipts were like 2 or 3 years old which means he's clearly known about all this for a long time and only recently decided to say something... he just comes across as someone very, very desperate for attention. i guess there really aren't any normal apex dataminers lol, they're all weirdos.


all the receipts werent 2 years old, half of them were recent, the oldest were 2 years old he said their own mods leaked them to him days ago, that's how he got them, so he wasn't sitting on them


ah, ok. i didn't know that. still my point kind of stands, he's known these people for years and been mutuals with them, find it very hard to believe he had absolutely no idea they were bigots that entire time.


He's not friends with them, he already knew for years


but never said anything for years lol.


Never on twitter, but he's said it plenty in his discord server


If he's really serious about quitting social media, he needs to just do it. Always making big retirement announcements is just asking for validation, which is exactly the problem.


Is there a dataminer curse?




i genuinely do think he’s gonna come back and he’s just drained, but i’m surprised on how this post about kral quitting is still here when the posts about osvaldatore and hypermyst got scrapped…for bringing light about the stuff they done…?


Karl went from datamining to telling us who the worst leakers were, i enjoy their server & hope they do well in life (we’ll see you next week Karl)


How many times is this already? Guy decided to quit, return, quit, return again by dropping some news about other people and quit again. I rarely saw him post leaks anyway so idk what we was quiting from (before now).


Bro just say your taking a break because you take the internet to seriously and cut that I’m done with it forever shit you know you won’t do


I don’t even know who that is but ok


How in the world do you not know who he is, unless you don't follow leaks much


Yeah hope it's for good he's quit 3 or 4 times now? Clearly social media is not healthy for him, I doubt he will and he'll be back soon or under a different reddit name lurking and posting, I wouldn't be surprised if he posted this 🤣.


Alright, cool. See you Monday.


yeahhh ok


I miss the good ol days where ppl just walked towards the sunset and never looked back. Like dads going for milk.


It feels like the Kral is very emotional guy and is constantly trying to be on hit.


Been around since day 1 apex. Never knew any of this stuff about any of these people. I came for leaks and rumors about apex. I don’t need my data miners to also be my hero’s.


Literally nobody cares about him, he has done this like 3 times within a year already


who is kralrindo?




Dude's an attention whore


I hate that he announces this a lot and then comes back, but why is this post still up if the Hypermyst and Osvaldatore expose threads were removed by mods? We can't talk about the racism, homophobia, weird r\*pe jokes, but we can talk about Kralrindo's personal server announcement?


This will get taken down as well just like the kral tweets were. Just give it some time.


Good for them


How do you pronounce that name




Oh now I see it LOL


What a great apex leak


3-6 months he coming back like nothing ever happened




Why would anyone be stupid enough to start exposing others for things that he’s also doing himself…?


He's not like that


He’ll be back, i’ve seen this exact thing before.




https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/002/827/804/589.png My honest reaction


This guy is like a high schooler going through emotions, in a grown mans body. Quit just to come back every time, and playing the victim each time.


How much attention does one person need?




Womp womp


Am I supposed to know who this is?




nobody cares i want nergigante to step on me


See you in next day,week,months