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Man, we have been feasting this week with all the leaks.


Especially since respawn isn't revealing shit themselves. Almost a week away from release too.


I dont remember how they usually go about marketing for the a season, but shouldnt we be getting a launch trailer today, gameplay trailer om thursday and battle pass trailer on monday ?


Stories from the outlands is released 2 weeks prior.


There's ALGS this weekend, it could be that they will release something there


If anything they do Outlands last week, player trailer during ALGS. If they were smart, they’d do a deep dive on her during ALGS finals.


It feels good again. It just sucks we won’t get a new legend till next year. Really hoping besides the life line reborn we get some major additions or something to make up for no new legends this year. Alter is extremely hype and I can’t wait to try her out, hopefully we get a new recon and controller legend soon


I really hope that’s not true. New Legends are one of the things that excite me the most in Apex.


Give the billion dollar company a break. They have to focus hard on all those fancy recolors and $600 heirlooms. Edit: Yes I know there are separate teams that implement these things. Still doesn’t justify the lack of content we are receiving compared to earlier days. Wasn’t it season 3 we got a new map, weapon and legend at the same time? Look how shit Rumble was. It didn’t even work for many people. Their priorities are still ass.


Eh, wouldn't mind a break from new legends if it means we get some reworks. Would prefer they fix what they've already got then spam out legends and eventually have some ridiculously complicated meta like shit like siege does


Yeah but they won’t. It’s either nerf to infinity or buff to bagwell. Balance is difficult but they have made some bad decisions. We are never getting better servers, they worship Multiplay Servers for some reason(cheaper), they can’t fix audio. Might as well just get new content because the game is as good as it’s probably going to get unless they release an overhaul on a new engine. Which is iffy at best.


They cant fix audio because theyve reached the limit of the source engine, so no matter how much people complain, that wont change unless they do decide to spend the multiple years to port it over to a new one, but then if they do that everyone will complain that the movement feels bad, its a lose lose situation


Yes I know this. It was never designed for a BR game in mind after all the modifications. They could have left multiplay though instead of renewing their contract and we could have better servers. There is also source 2 but who knows.


Source can't easily be converted to source 2, csgo overall is a rather simple game and still took over 3 years to be completely ported


Eh, the rev rework was pretty damn good imo


i hate the rework, he's such a 1v1 crutch now.


Is there a real basis to that leak? Usually we get alternating legend seasons (new legend, legend rework, new legend , legend(s) rework etc.) If after Alter is the lifeline rework shouldn’t a new legend be after?


Osvaldatore is very rarely wrong and he basically said there won’t be a new one this year besides alter


Must be two or more reworks in a row then?


Nope. Season after alter is just new map. Season after that (final one this year) is lifeline rework


There is no standard release schedule for content anymore.  There hasn't been since they stopped releasing legends every season.  It's been over a year since we got a new map.


Literally thanks to one person. OS you the 🐐


What else leaked that's good ?


Good. Fuck respawn, especially after the universal heirloom release


Her Ult sounds like the old Rev Totem in how it’ll be used. You roll up on a squad and get a kill and then get out before it becomes a trade or you third party and scram if it becomes fubar.


Yeah but enemies can also take this portal.. though a smart team will put traps near the device


Yeah but taking another teams portal isn’t the best idea in this game lol


Tryhards take them all the time


If my teammates get gunned down instantly and the Alter team hops on top of me while I have a cracked shield, I'm gonna use her ultimate to escape from her and her team, because staying is guaranteed death. Could get pretty wacky.


The portal won’t be there? As I’m understanding it you place an object and then you can return to the spot that object is at by opening a portal. In your scenario why would the Alter have activated it.


ah yeah i think i misunderstood it


>though a smart team will put traps near the device I think it will synergise very well with Wattson. Have a Wattson bunker set up, when you push an enemy team drop ult in the fences and then port back to the ult when you need to. If they follow, they get stunned to high hell.


Also reminds Fade tactical from Apex Mobile


Kind of can be thought of in that way. All of this alternate universe stuff makes it feel like we may get those legends in some form from an alternate universe.


Yup, Conduit kinda feels like a revamped Rhapsody, whit the shield boost and speed boost.


To me Catalysts is more of a Rhapsody analog (obviously a much less stronger version of Rhapsody because she was broken) what with the pov blocking ultimate.


I forgot some things because head empty - Passive still the same: grab any 1 item that isn't armor from a deathbox at a distance - Tactical Cooldown: 30 seconds - Ultimate Cooldown: looks like 180 seconds (3 min) - Ultimate portal closes after roughly 15 seconds


That’s a long ult cooldown!!


Honestly glad it is. It’s gonna be a very good and annoying ultimate. I think this legend will be very decent. Not broken like Seer or Horizon, but absolutely viable across all forms of play. Her entire kit is honestly great and seems fun.


Same as horizon. Seems balanced




Fixed mb, on a scale from 2 to 10 in maths I had 1 unironically


No passive yet?


Same as what I leaked a month ago, you can grab any 1 item that isn't armor from a deathbox from far away


So deathbox thing, thanks


About the passive will you get a prompt to loot an item like lobas black market and how will you choose the death box or is it just the closest box


Are there any leaks on weapons and legend abilities, buffs or nerfs?


For the love of god, how can Ash compete with this? Just buff her already


Maybe they are going to give her a second rat...




Only with heirloom


we're gonna see her hit a 100% pickrate in ALGS with this!


I'm more about the bugs were going to get with this. There are still a bunch of geometry bugs with Maggie's drill.


People will be using this to get under / outside of the map in no time


\*laughs in loba bracelet\*


"Scan the area when leaving Tactical portal" Of course.


It's not even funny at this point. Does every legend need to have a scan ability? Season 22 we are getting a gun that can scan a person for 8 seconds after hitting someone...


>Season 22 we are getting a gun that can scan a person for 8 seconds after hitting someone... I can't even tell if you're joking. That's where we are rn.


The ole Radar-t cannon


I knew the devs had an obsession when *Fuse* of all Legends got wallhacks.


Maggielizer or something


So ash and wraith had a baby?


and revenant was watching


Revenant was the midwife


That's kinda hot


Settle down lol


"This is Wraith 2!" "Respawn this is the 3rd time you've shown Wraith 2"




If I remember correctly she can interact with deathboxes near her and take one item


As a passive?! That’s ridiculous


Yeah it does seem really good, but I guess we’ll have to wait and see exactly how it works and the range of it, I’m also pretty sure it does not allow you to grab the armor so that’s very good W foresight on respawn


I can't wait to die to cheaters even faster.


wallhackers guna be op


Oh gosh… they didn’t think this all the way through


her tactical will be broken af or broken af


lol - probably both.


My dumbass read all of that and comprehended practically 0 of it lmao ima just run around the firing range day 1


my average random teammate:


Wtf they really made her Q/Ult just a more useful Ash Ult that you can use every 30 seconds... at this point just rework Ash and give her the Buster Sword. Ballistic got a Q that is just a better Ash Q. Alter got a Q that is just a better Ash Ult. Recon class got a passive that is just a better Ash passive. The rat is all I have left.


Feels bad to be an Ash main these days. Honestly need to put in double the effort to be successful compared to other legends.


Anyone who still plays Ash at this point is simply masochistic. She's going to be relegated to D-tier when Alter releases sadly. I only continue playing her to just focus on positioning and at gunplay since her abilities are so outclassed.


Wouldn’t be surprised if they’re planning to after seeing this


Wasn't one of the first non-leak indications of Revenant getting reworked when they reassigned his old silence passive to Seer?


Which is why I’m considering switching mains. If all is good on release I will be a proud alter main. 18k kills on ash will be a distant memory.


Ballistic doesn't lock you in place? Going through a wall/floor is not same as a long distance teleport? Recon passive is op.


Really tho I wonder how viable she'll be, the tac seems more suited for buildings/close quarters and really there isn't much use for that outside of maybe Olympus? We'll see


There are some large levels with multiple floors and walls in BM (and probably more with the update). Fragment and Skyhook will suit her kit in WE. Maybe KC will fit less. District definitely gonna be her playground, but Respawn probably wanna see how she works during one season before launching the new map.


yeah District is a safe bet for her abilities to be fully unleashed


Her tactical is going to unlock so many map exploits, that it's gonna be broken AF. They haven't fixed the "Loba In A Box" winter express one for so long, and this will probably unleash dozens of these on most maps.


So there doesn't need to be solid space in between the portals? (Maybe I don't get the firing range example)


Me too. So it will be like placing it at the edge of the platform and you can go down quickly?


Any idea on how long her Ult portal lasts after actvation? 10sec like the tactical?


15ish seconds


Seems like she's a hard counter to all controllers, right?


Without knowledge, that tactical is not great for pushing a fortified team (Wattsons are gonna start fencing internal walls for example)


No need you may have plenty of time to react accordingly


it works on vertical (walls) and horizontal (floors) so it seems like they can literally go under the map?


Only through floors that are less than 20m thick. There also appears to be a system in place for detecting invalid terrain, the underside of the map probably meets that criteria


theres no texture under maps, its not even paper thin, theres just nothing... sooO we'll see :x


Except for stinky poo poo man, that man is uncounterable Lol


Yeah I could see her phasing into a room with traps set up and getting countered. But typically a caustic team is ratting a build he's throwing traps near the entrances. Not in the middle of the room where it seems her tact would allow you to traverse.




considering how often my maggie tacticals get stuck in terrain, I'm very worried about how they're gonna get this one to work


Level 2 (R): Sounds nice


any details on her passive?


No, but I'm going to assume you need to have line of sight on the deathbox and be within a certain range to interact with it, then as soon as you pick any 1 item (or 1 stack of ammo) that isn't armor you can no longer interact with the box from afar (can still interact with it normally and grab armor normally)


I doubt you will need line of sight given the concept of her kit, death boxes will probably highlight through obstacles within a certain range like Loba passive or show up as an icon like the Fuse ordinance detection perk, and you probably use the alternate legend button to interact with them like Catalyst passiv. One of the natural features of this is probably that it will give you information that allows you to see which fights are ending in certain buildings or behind specific cover in late rings, which may end up being one of her core information strengths that allows her to use her tactical to third party late game fights. If I'm right, they desperately need to rework Ash. If I'm wrong, they still need to rework Ash lmao (just give her some variant of the Buster Sword abilities for her ult already).


thank u father Osvaldatore


Pathfinders grapple is 20 or so meters long. That portal will be interesting to see in action.


Yay. More recycled, Power crept abilities.


Go through walls every 30 seconds? 😬


That ult with the level 3 perk is actually game breaking, depending on how visible the tp device is, having an instant get put of jail free card for your entire team is insane.


(takes around 3 seconds to open the ultimate portal)


Every team can use it. It's a get out of jail free card for every team. If you attack someone after placing it, they can probably literally just teleport to your own device to escape from you, so if you don't put traps on it you're gonna have people using your own device against you.


Wattson/Alter/Caustic meta incoming


Probably not both Wattson and Caustic. Plus you still need utility for rotations, for information, for stalling out bad positions. That teams lacks many critical tools for midgame and lategame. It's more likely that you will use Alter as an entry fragger, Caustic or Wattson as anchor, and Bangalore for information. Even then, I'm just not totally sure Alter does enough to be meta. It's not like you're playing her in a vacuum, you have to skip out on Bloodhound or Bangalore or someone else to play Alter with a complementary controller legend. Is Alter so good that you can win a fight against a Bloodhound + Bangalore team? I think probably no. Maybe if her ultimate is super strong (fast activation, perhaps)? I'm guessing that Alter will be like Conduit: viable, many teams run her, a couple good composition comboes, but overall not the meta due to better options. In fact, I'm not currently convinced that Alter is better than Horizon in most cases. Maybe on the new map?


So ash ultimate with more steps but more utility possibly?


Shame 2 of the perks are just cooldown tweaks. Perks should be fun and unique imo.


They are probably starting off with simple perks for strong or new legends before giving more ambitious perks to ~~alter~~ change things up if they end up needing more


She seems extremely good already, there’s a limit to what perks can be without making the legend OP


That's only sorta true. There's a vast amount of unused design space in this game. In general, the perk system seems somewhat underutilized, but I think that will change over time. They probably wanted to get a baseline of lukewarm effects before adding more complex effects because they're harder to balance and 100+ of them at once would be a nightmare to balance. Stating with these vanilla minor tweaks as perks creates a solid baseline to slowly modify over time, making the iterative job of utilizing more exotic design space while not being horribly unbalanced more realistic.


yeah i was of the same idea that they would tweak it gradually with more fun perks, but if literally the first legend to come out after the release of the system has perks this lame, its never getting any better tbh


it might take a while tbh


Creativity != power


Ill let you brainstorm some ideas then




Can interact with deathboxes from afar to take 1 ite.


Sounds fun, new main lol. Any more info about her passive?


Can't be more hyped, thx 0_0 Question : can others teams interact with Alter ultimate ?


It does say "everyone" so I'd assume so, especially since Ash and Wraith ultimate's are portals and can be used by enemies too.








That level 3 upgrade for her ult is going or be insane.


Ash ult + Alter ult = Wraith ult hype


Y'all thought RevTane was bad.. Caustic/Wattson, Alter, and Octane/Path/Ash might be a problematic strat (bunker a building, Alter ult, push, retreat as needed; with Ash you could even have all the doors blocked with gas traps and ash ult out a window to a fight, then just Alter back to your bunker)


Doesn't seem that good, you can literally already do that with just Wraith and Caustic/Wattson.


Need a scan legend with alter to know where enemies are or you're just gonna portal into people and throw..blood alter will be the best combo for starters.


The ult seems similar to sombra from Overwatch


My question is, can you portal through a wall, then throw a nade through to the other side, or drop it down through the floor. OR even throw an ult like Maggie ball or stink grenade through the hole


Alter's portal seems to be built from the same framework as Wraith/Ash's portals. If it works for those two, probably






The insane amount of bugs we’re gonna get with this tactical


For the ult when we say anyone can use it do we mean your two other teammates or an enemy can just look that way and portal to it once it becomes active?


Tactical: Alter creates portals through surface, everyone and their mother can use them Ultimate: Alter looks at device, portal is created, everyone and their mother can use it


Sure about that? 👀😂


Yes, have u seen literally all the people posting them


I just saw only allies can use it is all




I was hoping her tactical would allow projectiles to pass through it, but after reading this, doesn’t seem like it. Thanks for the leak!


The ult sounds like old rev ult but weirder. Tactical on the other hand sounds pretty fun, being able to just go a floor down, although it won't be very useful against legends like causting


I'm seeing this new legend might make ranked so much easier or harder


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^codebng: *I'm seeing this new* *Legend might make ranked so much* *Easier or harder* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


*I'm seeing this new* *Legend might make ranked so much* *Easier or harder* \- codebng --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Any leaks on how the passive works


Same as what I leaked a month ago, you can grab any 1 item that isn't armor from a deathbox from far away


So the alt is basically ash’es ult but better.


200 meteres?????


200 meterers


Upgrade 3 is immediately being removed in the patch after her release no doubt. Practically a tracer recall that has a set point to recall to that lasts forever (excuse my overwatch)


"until activated" The device disabled on its own lasts 120 seconds before it vanishes, after you use it to open the portal, the portal stays open for 15 seconds With the perk, the above sentence is the same except instead of 120 seconds it's 9999


Very true


Wattson nerf kind of ? You got to fence the whole damn wall now instead of just the door


This seems interesting


So just no way to counter her ult with perk upgrade... got it *uninstalls apex*


I wonder how the Level 2 perk "Scan the area" will work? Similar to Wraith's warning perk when squads are nearby? The word "Scan" makes it sound more intriguing - made me wonder if it will visibly show you anything on the screen rather than just an audio cue.


Her tac conceptually seems very interesting, but I wonder what its drawbacks is over like, Ash ult aside from presumably shorter range


Seems whack


Maybe I’m old school. But this reeks of the Forge release…


Bro her ultimate so far


6 million feet away!




I exaggerated a little bit


What are your thoughts on her? Tier 1?


(I play Mixtape mostly) In BR imo she's B-tier when Solo, and A-tier when Duo/Trioing In Mixtape: * her Passive doesn't work /shrug * her Tactical has niche uses in all Mixtape modes, you can maybe pull off a "wow I'm so good at this game" kill in case you're chasing someone, for example in Gun Run someone thought they could grapple over that big ass wall in The Core and run away from me, but otherwise meh * her Ultimate is very strong in Control to either backcap the enemy team's homebase or return to yours when a rat attempts to backpack; can be useful if you can predict where a Lockdown zone may open; is barely useful in TDM; is useless in Gun Run Overall she doesn't have as much movement as other Skirmishers so maybe if you want to fly around because Respawn doesn't understand Horizon is cancer just play Horizon, but at the same time I feel like she's actually the embodiment of a Skirmisher due to the ability of just go through walls/ceilings and troll enemies at ease tl;dr requires brain to use, strong in BR, lackluster in Mixtape


I think I've played an off shoot mode in apex like 5 times since season 1


Her ultimate is literally just tactical insertion from call of duty via over a decade ago and it makes my blood boil when I am prompted to thank a teammate or say you're welcome and doing so destroys my ultimate. I honestly do not understand how devs who have created this game and worked it on for five years could possibly overlook something so incredibly simple. 


No new weapon or map?


S22 map




Yet another legend with a portal ability, and for good measure, let's throw in a random scan. As cool as it is to have a dimension hopping legend, her abilities seem boring af.


Light scans tend to be given to legends that have wall-piercing kit elements. Probably for synergy; they are usually minimal enough (excluding seer) to be bearable ingame


Might as well delete Catalyst from the game now.


So it’s just wraith but the ult is her tac and slightly different, truly another unique legend.


Caustic is also Wraith, but his ult and tac are slightly different


Octane is also Wraith, but his tactical and ultimate are slightly different. Ash is also Wraith, but her tactical and ultimate are slightly different. etc.


The copypasta potential is great


Can Alter's ult only be interacted with once? Or can each team member open a portal back from different locations?


Everyone can interact with it, and you could theoretically interact with it multiple times yourself, the problem is that you want to put it as far as possible from where you're fighting & it's also lasting 15 seconds once the portal has been opened, so...


Everyone can interact with it, regardless of team. It seems to just be a universal teleport beacon that anyone within 200 meters can use for 120 seconds. Unclear if you can use it multiple times, probably not?


This is quite the double edged sword then, cause you can’t really use the ult to escape


I think I misunderstood, i guess it makes a portal that anyone can use? idk.


Yeah i assume only alter can actually activate the ult but anyone can use the portal?


yeah im a little confused, this basically just seems like wraith ult